Would you like a terrible exdperience?
No. It would be terrible... But way later, it might make a funny story.
Would you dislike a funny story for cash?
1- How do you think can people differentiate ESFPs from the rest of the crowd ? What do you think are the main traits that distinguish ESFPs from the rest, in a social setting ?
2- What's your favorite time of the year ?
3- Is the cup half full or half empty ? (classic) And why do you feel/think that way ?
4- What general "life advice" could you give for younger ESFPs ? Or what kind of lessons have you learnt (from your life) that you would share with younger, relatively inexperienced ESFPs ?(e.g related social interactions, work, relationships...etc). I don't want to specify the question any further to give you the freedom to write whatever you feel is relevant. It need not be limited to the suggestions I mentioned above.
5- What is the thing that motivates you the most in life ? In other words, if there was only one thing that you could do for the rest of your time on earth, what would that thing be related to ? (e.g music, spirituality, social interaction ... or anything else)
6- What are some of the misconceptions that people have about ESFPs ? What are some of the important things that you feel the other types might not notice or might miss about you ?
7- What do you feel/think about questions (4) and (5) ? Do you find them boring and unnecessary ? Or do you find them interesting and insightful ? Maybe you have mixed feelings about them ?
8- What do you feel/think about questions like Qs (1) and (6) ? Do you find them boring and unnecessary ? Or do you find them interesting and insightful ? Maybe you have mixed feelings about them ?
9- Let's say you're awake with your eyes wide open and you're looking at the scenery in front of you. Do you think it's possible for a gorilla to walk in front of you and for you not to notice that gorilla ? What if, your attention is focused on something else in front of you ? Is it possible to miss/ not notice the gorilla then ? (just for the sake of randomness mwahaha )
This is a LOT of questions. Lol. You're worse than Teax. Lol. I will try to answer seriously (no promises) and attempt to be as brief as possible .
I don't know!!! I've been going back and forth and back in forth in my head trying to think of advice that relates to my type and I don't know. This is too broad! I'd say "Stop procrastinating!" (In a nicer much more drawn out sort of way that might be received). And I'd say "Follow your heart" (as vague as that is). Maybe "Find something and stick to it like super glue. Stop all of this bouncing around and never coming to a decision." And maybe... "You don't have to do everything", in relation to the sticking to something comment. Sometimes we can take on more than we can chew. We can be jacks of all trades and masters of none. Not always, but I think in younger years this might come into play. You don't even want to know how many clubs I did in high school. Smh. This is the best that I got. You did ask for "general", so that's it. No lie... this question was exacerbating..
...I HATE this question. Motivation. Motivation, just like advice, is situational. What motivates me to...what? These vague, unanswerable questions are irritating me. Lol. I think that I've pretty much covered question 7. Lol. That said, I think relationships motivate me a lot. The most? I don't know. There's not much I wouldn't do for someone who I hold dear.
But if I could do one thing for the rest of my life, I'd probably sing. Sing in a choir. This how I can get my music and my social. And I'd have boxes of music there for us to learn until the end of my forever. Even though, I'm sure making original music would be just as cool as learning the new pieces. .
...Questions 4 and 5 were extremely difficult to answer. Insightful? Maybe insightful, except, it would take too long to get to the insightful part and I usually give up before that part comes and just opt to stay in some state of indecision. Question 1 was straightforward. Pretty neutral. Question 6 was harder to answer, but not like the tossing around ideas of questions 4 and 5.
Self examination is difficult for me. And it takes a lot out of me. I'd rather just say and save the modifications for later...if ever. That is I don't usually think too hard about answers to questions unless it's something that stumps me. Even then, what you get is a lot of senseless rambling with no solid conclusions. We think out loud. We might not know exactly what we think about something until we say it (type it) in a conversation. So you can't take everything we say very literally. Some of it might just be us tossing our ideas around to see what might stick. Ask us a few weeks later and maybe the answer remains the same, or maybe its been slightly modified. Even now typing...if you asked me in person you might have gotten a completely different answer because I would have had as long to think about it. As it stands, I gave up and just wrote something. This sounds so bad. Lol. Sorry if some of your questions didn't get answered. :/ .
...Sorry, I went to school for psychology and music. It's a weird combination, I know. But suffice it to say, I know about selective attention and change blindness and the like. Assuming this was your angle...
If you ask less questions, it wouldn't be too long to read...just saying. Lol.
I will reduce their number and intensity this time though.
Now that you've mentioned it, how many clubs did you do in high school ?
Your answers have been very interesting so far. I tried to ask Ni type of questions which explains why you might have felt this way. There are no right or wrong answers. It was very nice to see how an Se dominant person perceives the world. I'll try to make my questions more Se type and less Ni type from now on. That would probably reduce the level of irritation you may feel when trying to think of answers. Still, you handled the Ni questions pretty well, I think.
That's an interesting combination, indeed. Do you know something about music therapy?
Also, do you like answering hypothetical questions where someone explains a scenario and then you would say what you would do in response to that scenario ? (e.g. you have an exam tomorrow which you need to prepare for but a friend has your books. You tell that friend that you need the books for tomorrow's exam but she says that they're lost and she doesn't know where to find them. what would you do ?). You don't need to answer that scenario btw, it was just an example.
Will you ever post outside this thread?
As detached extraverted social pariah, I find ESFPs fortcomingness bit too much pressurized. Why you ESFPs do that? For me being social is all about talking crazy stuff in relaxed atmosphere. On the other hand some Se people find me too intense. ISFPs may give me hard time because I'm too intellectual, vague and troll. ESFPs think that I need to get laid and drunk ASAP and ... Why? There is no hurry and being drunk... oh god... the after effects are too off putting. Besides let things roll on their own pace.
Um I've never tried to provoke something on purpose. Not online or in real life ... I'd probably start saying stupid stuff until you reacted. Or be funny to try to get you to laugh and lighten up.
doesn't that seem contradictory? or did you mean, you'd do the later subconsciously?
Are you good at judging new people?
How do you see these things, how you act in ur love relationships, do you feel that you can speak up how u feel easily? do you understand Fe ways of expressing itself, like in those examples i gave? Ur views are interesting for me because u have apparently a extroverted perciever function as dominant amd i'm almost sure that i don't have Fi in case i have it as dominant function.
1- You decided to go with your friends on a trip to a state/country/city that you hadn't been to earlier. After reaching the hotel, your friends are discussing the different options that your group has (e.g going to a monument/ tasting local meals ...etc). What would be your suggestions to your friends ? Would you participate in the planning or would you accept the decisions they reach, regardless ? What would you want to get out of the trip ? Would you be particularly interested in taking many photos, for instance ?
(The purpose of this question is to see how you would go about discovering a new and unfamiliar environment and what you would focus on getting out of the experience, especially when you're in a group setting)
2- One of your best friends is studying abroad (foreign country) and because you miss your friend alot you decide to visit her in June. On arriving to the country your friend is studying in you find out that your friend is still taking her finals so she can only spend little time with you. Luckily, her exams will be over in only a few days. How would you spend these days ? Would you decide on expanding your social circle at your friend's university ? Would you spend some time wandering around town and meeting people that way ? Or perhaps you would go to monuments, restaurants ...etc ? Or could it be a combination ? You can assume that most of the locals can speak english and that you have quite a good amount of money.
(This question is about how you would go about discovering an unfamiliar environment on your own, without your social group)
3- A close friend asks for your advice about a serious personal problem she's having. This problem has been causing your friend a lot of grief for a while now, but she is asking for your help now because things have started to get out of hand. After explaining her problem to you, your friend proceeds to tell you how she wants to solve the problem. The "solution" she says doesn't come across to you as a good one. In fact, you have a feeling that it would make things much worse. The more she explains the situation to you, the more you get the feeling that she only wants your validation to her solution. In other words, you feel she doesn't really want your advice, but she wants you to agree with her and tell her that her solution is good. She also says that she had discussed the issue with a mutual friend of yours and that she felt cheated when that friend told her that her "solution" would most probably turn out very badly. She felt hurt when your mutual friend dismissed her "solution" so she came to you because she knows you are her "most loyal friend" and that "you'll support her no matter what". Your friend seems in a very emotional state of mind and you have the feeling that this might have clouded her judgement. Her "solution" seems very likely to make things much worse for your friend in the long run. What would you do ? Would you respect your friend's wishes by telling her that she should do whatever feels right to her ? Or would you tell your friend how you really feel about the solution, despite of how she might react ? Or perhaps you'd do something entirely different ?
4- A friend has been pressuring you into doing something that goes against your inner values. What she's pressuring you into doing is not necessarily be illegal or unethical (though it could be, depends on your values), but what's problematic about it is that it goes completely against your inner value system. What bothers you is that she's repeatedly trying to enforce this on you. How would you react ? Would that affect your friendship with her ? What if it was two or three friends doing it ? Would your reaction change then ?
If that friend stops trying to enforce the thing she's trying to enforce on you, would you take a negative impression about that friend because she, at one time, tried to make you go against your inner value system ?
(This question aims to touch upon the interaction between Fi with the environment and the other cognitive functions. It also kind of checks to what degree Fi might compromise with the environment in certain contexts)
Do you think kissing someone can taste good the way food does?
...These are way different things. I'm not emotionally attached to my food. Does it taste good? Yes. Would I compare it to food? No.
Do you believe in extremely personal and important things?
girls say i'm sexist, and i'm still wondering if it's true or plain bullshit
Are you religious? Do you believe in the importance of church? What does god mean to you?
If someone was coming to pick you up to go out, how long would it take you to get ready and finally come down?
I've started using the term "lol"
Thx & apologies, lol
Hahahaha...Welcome to da club. Lol.
Do you become irritated easily?
Are you harsh on people you care about?
Do you sometimes feel like the only one willing to do something that's being ignored?
How do you relieve stress?
How comfortable do you feel about the idea of trying LSD and shrooms compared to weed and alcohol? Do you smoke?
How did you learn about Socionics?
Are you generally attracted to forums vs facebook, reddit, or instagram?
What type of music did you grow up with and what kind of music do you enjoy now?
Do you mind cursing in music?
Can you post your ideal party tune?
That's all my questions, I swear.At least for typing.
Yeah, it intrigues me how extroverts wind up here, a little bit due to type skepticism and a little bit of wonder about their life's journey. Oh and that repeating instrumental part of the bieber song is really good.Were you trying to type me? Lol.
What's your prognosis? Please don't tell me that I've lied to everyone here!
Go ahead and ask more if it'll help. I think it's hilarious that you were trying to type me.If it makes any difference... on cognitive function tests, I always score pretty high on Ne and even way higher on Se. Many times do I think "Am I ENFP?" But...I'm not. *Shrugs*
Yeah, it intrigues me how extroverts wind up here, a little bit due to type skepticism and a little bit of wonder about their life's journey. Oh and that repeating instrumental part of the bieber song is really good.
Anyway, I thought ESF/ENF most likely with my vote on ESFJ, which has nothing to do with any stereotypes of Ps vs Js mind you. More due to Jungian Fe Rationality and probable Fe-Ne accentuation. Overall you seem like a nice person.![]()
Do u like MCR
Do you know who Frank Iero is?
If so do you think he could be an ESFP? People have typed him as such but without much explanation.
Why is your social life dead right now?
It's the way you answered some of the questions that gave me an idea of how you might approach the world, I interpreted a lack of Se dom liberalness and more Fe security. Plus a focus on 'synchronized fun' like the cha cha slide and line dancing. The cheer leader response influenced my typing too, I think that's more Ne/Si than Se/Ni to value moral support over direct intervention. Lastly I thought Fe-Ne because you seem to have respect for different cultures, like there's a sense of sophistication. Even with us you still haven't posted outside your own thread.![]()
Yo thanks so much wowowI like them, but I don't know them very well.
I'm not familiar enough with him to really try to type him. But just because you asked, I watched a few of his interviews and ESFP seems highly likely.
I wish I could talk like that. I can't tell stories or have a conversation with anyone unless I have everything planned out way beforehand.The way that he talks and answers questions. He doesn't seem to pause to think before answering questions and he tells a lot of stories. He's very expressive in his story telling. Very personable. He talks about how life is a collection of moments and how he's still not sure that this is where he's supposed to be, and how important it is to have fun. The way that he tackles projects (all or nothing). I like to work like that sometimes. There was one where he gets choked up about being away from his kids. Other small things... he accidentally cuts people off, you can tell he likes talking.![]()
The hoarding thing was really interesting. I do that too, except more so with ideas or information. Although if I look around my room.. Yikes. I don't like to get rid of things because they all seem like they could be useful for something. That random glass jar? I'll keep it so I can draw it. Left over Easter candy that I'm not going to eat? What if I'm really hungry one day and that's all I have?Don't confused and think that hoarding is an Si thing. It can be, but listen to why he does it. It seems that he's remembering things via Fi. Using the object to remember the feeling more so, than remembering the actual occurrences.
Yes they have, thanks so muchWhat do you think? ESFP? Have my explanations convinced you at all? Mind you...I actually know very little of the guy.