Do you have a suggestion on how to make more friends? One of the problems with having few friends is that of stability problems. I tend to be very critical of people and judge according to high standards, which makes it difficult for most people to meet my criteria. I have a few friends, deeper relationships of course but less reliable. I think that if i have more friends, then relationships will be less deep and my life will become more stable since it will be less prone to people's mood swings?
As a conscious INTP, the only thing that came on my mind, probably due to laziness in thinking creatively for more solutions is that to E-S my I-N, but seems like a tiresome strategy.
How can i consciously create more friends?
The highlighted sentence has caught my attention since you first posted the thread; please elaborate on the positive correlation between "deep" and "less reliable."
My insinuation is that your view of friendship is slightly flawed. It is probably a common aspect of "deep" friendships that they are altogether MORE reliable than shallow friendships.
I don't know if this implies that your current few friendships are less deep (or more shallow) than you perceive they really are. You might also have to elaborate on what "prone to people's mood swings" means.
What I imagine is that you come off as such an arrogant prick to even your bestest of friends, that they can only tolerate you when they're in a super good mood.
So my most blunt advice to how you can consciously create more friends is to change the way you present yourself. Already, your definition of friendship is worrisome-- you define it as a criteria for another person to pass. This leads me to believe your view of friendship is entirely selfish and one-sided. Having a criteria at all is very much a "what can they do for me" type of mentality... rather than, "what do I have to offer them?"
I think you should first evaluate what you even want out of a friendship. Then, figure out why someone who could potentially pass your rigorous criteria would want you as a friend. Then, focus more on the second part, what you can do for the other person. Then, start projecting that attitude more. Go out, and do for others what you wish your best friend would do for you. Then, like magic, your best friend will somehow attract to you.
You could also work on your "Fe," as I think this pertains to your empathy. If you know that something you're about to say is going to irritate the other party, don't say it. If you come off as more pleasant, generous, and humble, people will like you, regardless of what you really think inside.
However, I don't know why you would even want more friends if you already have a few deep connections.
Your initial motivation was to obtain better "stability" in your life. I don't exactly know what you mean by "stability," so you could elaborate on that as well.
I highly doubt that making more superficial friends will assist with "stability" at all. I think that finding stability within yourself first will in-turn attract more friends to you.