Simple sugars and refined grains are generally bad for energy levels as they cause a rise in blood-sugar levels followed by a plateau, for consistent energy levels you'll want to avoid peaks and trophs. Ingesting slow release carbohydrates (Note: Wheat is the fastest grain to be digested) so you have consistent performance during the day. You can reduce blood-sugar levels if they're high by exercising to prevent this crash: If you were so inclined to consume some sugary treat you could do this after some form of post-work out treat. The purpose of avoiding refined grains is fibre in lost in the milling process which slows digestion, therefore a lower gylcemic index, better carbohydrate absorption and less blood-sugar spikes.
- ATP is important for energy , every cell has mitochondrias which are identical to your mother mitochondrias, its uses ATP to fuel your cell, the more mitochondrias you have the more energy your cell can burn, but sometime mitochondria function declines which will take your energy best supplement for that is Creatine.
- I think your General anxiety which changes your focus might be a symptom of you not being clear with your goals
- Caffeine is bad for you, try to get more serotonin in your diet, if you want to supplement it 5 - HTP is good.
- You also have hard time getting off bed, your Tyrosine levels might me low its used in our body to make dopamine, Adrenalin and Norepinephrine, your brain needs them.
- if you take any SSRI then that might be the whole problem, it makes your foggy and makes you dont want to do anything.
- Yoga and running is good for Blood circulation.
- Take a balance meal { morning should be more rich in protein and evening you can take carbs and fats }
- Any sort of drugs like alcohol will impair your performance in the long term.
- Drinking Green Tea instead of coffee will help you with General anxiety.
- Meditating Everyday for 10 to 15 mins will help to focus on the day
A few of these points aren't suitable to the context we're given. AnimeKitty said they had bipolar. Consuming 5HTP with a drug that inhibits serotonin reuptake is very likely to lead to serotonin syndrome, which with no exaggeration is fatal. The reason SSRIs are effective for bipolar people is because it doesn't add more serotonin into the system, it just restricts the reuptake to the rest of the body which avoids acute toxicity when they experience the mania component of bipolar.
Secondly, Given people with mania often have increased elevation of dopamine in the brain consuming tyrosine frequently would be flooding the brain with dopamine, which over time would close dopaminergic receptors decreasing the elevative potential of dopamine consumption. A natural release of dopamine in the system allows the body to regulate itself.
Your circadian rhythm needs to be consistent: if you ingest a lot of caffeine you need to understand the half-life of caffeine to plan when it'll wear off which will give you a timestamp of when you should stop consuming it. You should slowly move your sleep back half an hour each night if you can until it fits a natural time such as 11pm.
Fundamentally you need to learn self-control. I don't feel tired at all when I go to bed but I put myself to sleep. I use L-theanine, I work-out before sleep to reduce my heart rate, relax respiration and release anandamide. You need to try and control yourself, mind over body, particularly with bipolar disorder.
1. Strenuous exercise.
2. Consume foods that sit low in the glycemic index.
3. Additionally, Consume foods low in saturated fats since they take too long to ingest, if you've taken a meal as a result of being hungry fats will take longer to digest.
4. Ignore taking chemicals given your condition. They can be taken at your disgression after you accrue foundational habits like working out, self-control (with sugars, consistent-sleep routine and foods). Order some L-theanine off of amazon, that's the compound in green tea that relaxes you (besides antioxidants).