Never. But my parents are both INxPs so I guess they understood me pretty well, and I never had anything to rebel against. Sure, we disagreed on things, and argued, but they never thought I was rebellious.
Parents, when they disagree with their children, find it extremely stressful. When their kids were younger, they didn't think for themselves as much, or need to assert their independence, or have such detailed analyses of why their parents are wrong. They label it rebelliousness, because that is considered a normal phase (and therefore nothing to worry about), and because it provides an explanation (even if it isn't correct).
Parents have so many fears for their children. They fear for their safety if they rebel, because they might to something dangerous, like hang out with the wrong crowd, or try drugs, or whatever. They fear that they are losing a connection with someone they care about. They fear that they are bad parents, or that others will judge them to be bad parents.
I don't think INTPs are particularly rebellious. If you don't feel rebellious, I am sure you aren't. It must be extremely frustrating to be accused of something that isn't true, and to feel so misunderstood. I haven't the faintest idea what you should do about it, except talk to them, and try to understand their point of view. (You don't have to agree with it.) I certainly wish you luck.