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Above the law


Local time
Today 8:56 AM
Feb 22, 2012
Just curious how other intps feel in regards to abiding by the law. I evaluate the situation as it relates to the law and make decisions whether I will follow it or disobey it. For example, most stop signs if I am sure it is clear I will roll on through. In some settings I exercise more precaution ie school zones etc. I see stopping as an inefficiency for my vehicle because I am lowering my gas mileage as well as applying excess wear on parts etc. I can list many more examples of where I evaluate the law, but in case there are any cops here I will leave it to this example for now ;)


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
Local time
Today 11:56 AM
Mar 4, 2012
San Francisco, CA
If you are unfamiliar with Kohlberg's stages of moral development, I highly encourage you to check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Kohlberg's_stages_of_moral_development

I am a stage 6 (universal ethical principles) person, as I suspect many INTPs are. I have almost zero regard for the law, and any adherence I pay to it is little more than lip-service. My ethical code is much higher in my mind than any law (laws are just problems governments have no idea hot to solve properly, so they resort to coercion). I've been in trouble with the law several times because my ethical code did not play well with the laws of the establishment.


Local time
Today 8:56 AM
Feb 22, 2012
Amagi, thanks for the interesting link. I Would have to say I am at stage 6 or maybe off the charts. My ethics are questionable by others for sure but there is logic behind my decisions. I always weigh my decisions using all know variables :p


walking on air
Local time
Today 11:56 AM
Mar 7, 2011
Beyond stage six, I don't find myself in much trouble because I know when most risks become trouble. Definitely been lucky a few times, maybe I have 12 chances? I'm at 11.99.


Local time
Today 4:56 PM
Mar 5, 2012
Beyond 6 too.

From stage 6 descripition:
"Laws are valid only insofar as they are grounded in justice..."

For me, instead of "justice", nature.


Local time
Today 5:56 PM
Jan 15, 2008
It's a bit up and down. Sometimes I like to arrange my hair high, put on big sunglasses and walk slowly. At the red walk light, stop and inhale the spring breeze and fully enjoy modern civilization. Perhaps stick your but out more if someone walks by.

Other times, I don't care about the law. I don't feel above it. Just that it's not really relevant to what I have in mind. These are the silly laws, like most of of the decalogue.

Some are really annoying. Like death. There is just no escape. Like a tempestuous lover that is out to get you at all times.


lust for life
Local time
Today 8:56 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Laws were and are developed for a reason: to maintain order and functionality of human interaction. I keep that in mind and feel free to break laws when order and functionality are not at risk(I have the "small fish, big pond" mentality in this regard).

I also prefer to work with and within a system, and derive benefits from that, since I don't really have the energy nor interest to rebel.

I always follow natural laws(not as in science but as in worldly patterns of behavior)


Local time
Today 5:56 PM
Jan 15, 2010
Oslo, Norway.
Law ?

Oh right, that thing.

I don't even think much about it.

Laws are just common denominators of behavior in regards to morals and ethics.
Moral Behavior doesn't come from Laws,
Laws come from Moral Behavior. (kind of.) (I guess this is "Stage five" )

I guess I'd say I'm somewhere around 5-6 +


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 10:56 AM
May 31, 2010
Just curious how other intps feel in regards to abiding by the law. I evaluate the situation as it relates to the law and make decisions whether I will follow it or disobey it. For example, most stop signs if I am sure it is clear I will roll on through. In some settings I exercise more precaution ie school zones etc. I see stopping as an inefficiency for my vehicle because I am lowering my gas mileage as well as applying excess wear on parts etc. I can list many more examples of where I evaluate the law, but in case there are any cops here I will leave it to this example for now ;)

That's my rationale for rolling through stop signs too. Oddly, calmly explaining this practice to the presiding officer has not alleviated the seasonal flood of traffic violations I receive.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 5:56 AM
Dec 12, 2009
Level 2 (Conventional)
4. Authority and social-order maintaining orientation
(Law and order morality)
To be clear I live in the CBD of a city, this being an Australian city there's lots of loud rowdy drunken louts out during certain nights and being a nocturnal kind of person this is a concern of mine, a concern that the presence of police alleviates.

Which is not to say I'm perfectly law abiding, I 'J' walk from time to time :D:rolleyes:

But it's not like I really need to break the law (in the case of 'J' walking it's so common the police don't give a shit anyway) and if I do come upon a situation where the law is in my way there's either some kind of work around or if it's really that much of a pain I'll conspire to have the law changed or removed.

For example I want to fly small UAVs in city airspace below a thousand feet, y'know there's nothing in that airspace except stationary buildings and soon-to-be-terrified pigeons, and so far nobody has explicitly told me I can't do it. But if they do I'll offer an anti-venom delivery service to ambulances (from hospitals) and then there's the possibility of delivering heart tablets to my mother, with that I have enough ammunition to go to the media and cry tyranny, which will be conveniently be timed right before a state election.

That is how you make the law work for you :twisteddevil:


It Thinks For Itself
Local time
Today 10:56 AM
Apr 12, 2010
Corpus Christi, Texas
Just curious how other intps feel in regards to abiding by the law. I evaluate the situation as it relates to the law and make decisions whether I will follow it or disobey it. For example, most stop signs if I am sure it is clear I will roll on through. In some settings I exercise more precaution ie school zones etc. I see stopping as an inefficiency for my vehicle because I am lowering my gas mileage as well as applying excess wear on parts etc. I can list many more examples of where I evaluate the law, but in case there are any cops here I will leave it to this example for now ;)

I would only disobey laws which I absolutely deem to be unworthy of following (for very logical reasons). But for the most part, most laws aren't so disgustingly illogical that I must deem them unworthy of following. Thus, I tend to see it this way: generally speaking, laws are meant to be followed to create social organization, such that behavior is regulated for mutual benefit, as we all clearly benefit from orderly and systemic processes in social life. So I would, following this line of thinking, believe it most prudent to obey even those laws which I don't particularly like, as I can potentially become politically active and encourage others to have them changed later on down the road. As I see it, consistency in action keeps the entire system of law afloat. If people just make their own decisions as to when the law is worth following and when it isn't (unless they have absolutely very pertinent logical reasons as to why they aren't worth following from some grand ethical perspective), most people might eventually view the law as something that isn't really in their interests, and the entire idea of regulated behavior for the purpose of mutual benefit would fly out the window. Thus, one should only disobey laws when it is absolutely imperative; simply deciding to put one's personal interests (i.e., the state of their car) above the law, by deciding a red light in a particular circumstance isn't worth stopping for, really isn't justified.

Another way of looking at this situation is by using Kant's categorical imperative:

  • Act only by that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should be become a universal law.

The maxim of not stopping at a stop sign (simply because there is no one around) would be, "It's okay to break the law when there doesn't seem to be good reason to follow it." Now, if we imagined that all people overnight were to follow this maxim, what would happen? People would find many reasons to start breaking the law, such that laws would only have conditional effect and purpose (i.e., "in particular situations"). But this doesn't make sense, because imagine what that sort of law would look like. Imagine stop signs instead meant, "Stop only when other cars are around." I'm sure many people would abuse this law to such an extent that people would not stop at stop signs by saying, "No one was there," when in fact people may have been. Thus, if most people followed the maxim, "It's okay to break the law when there doesn't seem to be good reason to follow it," stop signs would essentially have a largely lessened effect in keeping driving regulated and orderly for the mutual benefit of all drivers, such that the roads are safe and efficient. Hence, even if in a particular situation it doesn't seem to make sense to obey a stop sign, one should reason that it's most rational to stop anyway, for the reason that the following of "rules" at all times tends to have the greatest overall results for all people. Thus, people should follow laws at all times, because if people were free to decide when it's okay to follow rules, the act of breaking rules that seem pointless in a particular situation (i.e., not stopping when no one's around) would be pointless, as everyone would break laws when they thought it was pointless, such that the very point of laws would make no sense.

[Note that this is "level 6" type reasoning. And I would posit that level 6 type reasoning generally tends to support the following of most laws, even if we might wish to "reform" society Rawlsian style.]

So long story short, I don't always like the laws; but they must be followed anyway, unless we have absolutely imperative warrant to break them. Just thinking your car is better off when you don't stop at unnecessary stop lights is not an imperative warrant to break the law. It's an excuse from personal interest, and typical personal interests should never override the rule of law (for the reasons I just explained). Society is better off when people follow laws (even those that may need to be changed soon). Rather than break bad laws, one should fight for new laws, as breaking laws that seem irrational is itself irrational, as you'll end up in jail over something somewhat trivial, which isn't smart at all. So it really misses the bigger picture to think you can ever be above the law for "logical" reasons, when those reasons do not absolutely warrant the absolute disregard of any particular laws. In order to be "above the law," the law must so gross in nature as to compel you to feel it absolutely unconscionable and worthy of absolute objection/disobedience. But a mere stop sign is clearly no reason to boycott, light yourself on fire out of protest, or jump from some bridge as some crazy martyr. In other words, only truly unjust laws should ever be broken, and it requires level 6 reasoning to get to that point. But generally, many laws are in accordance with categorical, abstract, "justice" based reasoning. There just tends to be many exceptions (e.g., "prohibition of gay marriage).

If you are unfamiliar with Kohlberg's stages of moral development, I highly encourage you to check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Kohlberg's_stages_of_moral_development

I am a stage 6 (universal ethical principles) person, as I suspect many INTPs are. I have almost zero regard for the law, and any adherence I pay to it is little more than lip-service. My ethical code is much higher in my mind than any law (laws are just problems governments have no idea hot to solve properly, so they resort to coercion). I've been in trouble with the law several times because my ethical code did not play well with the laws of the establishment.

I don't think stage 6 moral reasoning necessarily renders one incapable of regarding the law. On the contrary, it only makes it possible to see "beyond the law" in particular situations, where laws are not exactly just. The simple reason is that not all laws are unjust, as many are indeed justified/logical from a stage 6 moral perspective. And despite the fact that one's own personal code of ethics may seem more noble than any law, it's often the case that the two tend to largely coincide. It's only in isolated incidents that laws tend to be extremely opposed to philosophical ethical considerations. Generally, the law is reasonably justified, in my judgment (even if governments do indeed use coercion to enforce laws). But then again, you have to realize that the enforcement of laws -- even the occasional unreasonable law -- is a basic element of civil society. So it seems you see the law as being out of sync with "higher ethics" and then naturally exaggerate the differences between the two. But just because they aren't exactly identical doesn't mean they are so incredibly unalike. Again, being in trouble with the law doesn't necessarily have a thing to do with one's personal code of ethics, as stage 6 moral reasoning does not justify all forms of protest/dissent/breaking of laws. Again, there must be warrant, and I highly doubt every time you broke the law, there was absolute, categorically warranted support for such illegality (or disregard for the law). But feel free to correct me where wrong.

On a personal note, though, I would say I have the capacity to reason in a stage 6 fashion, though it's very difficult to apply to every single social matter, or daily situation. Instead, it's often something I think about in my mind but never really apply. And stage 5 moral reasoning is absolutely disgusting. Just because it may help people come to agreements as to what is right/wrong doesn't mean it's actually justified. It uses the majority's opinion to say, "Such and such is right/wrong." That's clearly fallacious reasoning from population. But again, just because some laws aren't absolutely justified by the standards of stage 6 reasoning doesn't mean we should break them. They must be incredibly unjust to break. It's just a good thing to note to yourself that not all laws are actually "ethically justified." And as I said, those laws should just be repealed/changed, and we can all become politically active enough to help out in that regard. Or, write a book like John Rawls. lol

To further illustrate to what extent I am a sort of stage 6 thinker, I'd like to share something I wrote a few years back that seems to capture my style of "abstract" categorical thinking:

While I am not universally obligated to sacrifice my own self-interest for the sake of another’s, as a rule, I do not find it absolutely unnecessary, and I do not feel completely un-obliged, to actually take another person’s interests into account, as I do not feel as though my own interests are universally most significant -- that no one else matters, but I. For, in all regards, I am only an individual, just as they; I am only just another form of life subjectively experiencing that life; and, I am no more important or special than any other person. Although, that doesn’t necessarily mean that my life is not valuable or worth the proper respect. I, therefore, cannot be placed under another person’s will as a mindless, compliant servant, against my will, as a rule. I do have an individual will, which can be violated. I can, then, only freely choose to help another individual when my interests are not outweighed by their interests. And when my interests are outweighed by the exigent needs of another, I must act. I must provide aid, if indeed I can, with both proper confidence and rational caution -- in short, only feeling it necessary to overlook my own interests in the particular light of such a circumstantial ethical duty. For it is simply wrong to ignore a needy person’s interests, when you can easily overlook your own, without also condemning yourself.

The thing to note here is that I am looking at the situation "impersonally," from a position of "impartiality," which is a hallmark of stage 6 reasoning. A great example of this can be seen in one of Henry Sidgwick's principles, called "The Principle or Rational Benevolence":

The good of any one individual is of no more importance, from the point of view of the Universe, than the good of any other; so that as a rational being I am bound to aim at the good generally - so far as it is attainable by my efforts -- not merely at a particular part of it.

While this is a form of utilitarianism (i.e., "maximizing the good at all times"), it does clearly express a very distinct sense of impartiality with respect to all people/beings, and many moral philosophers consider impartiality to be a very basic aspect of any good moral philosophical system.

Not that I can't actually prove it, but I think my writing there somewhat demonstrates the notion that I'm perhaps a person capable, at the very least, of stage 6 moral reasoning, even if I do not think like this in all situations, especially everyday practical life, and that I do not tend to apply these thoughts often. Again, they're just thought experiments I do for fun.

To those who claimed to be "beyond stage 6", please explain.

Yeah, "beyond stage 6" doesn't make any sense, to me.
Maybe they meant, "beyond stage 5"???

Also, it's a little funny to me that you guys try to use high-order logical/ethical reasoning to justify your rebellious decisions when it comes to the law. haha -- very typical INTP behavior. I know all about using reason to excuse my personal whims. LOL


Local time
Today 11:56 AM
Jan 3, 2012
Eastern Standard Time
Hmm... @Philosophyking87, I sense a very slippery slope.
Act only by that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should be become a universal law.
Just because a maxim is good for the majority of people does not mean that two different maxims, one for the general population and one for a more specialized portion of the population, would not be even better. Take the maxim: "I should put all my effort into researching the laws of physics." Obviously such a maxim would lead to the downfall of civilization if EVERYONE took it to heart. Nevertheless, this does not mean that no one should assume that maxim.
Now we take the maxim: "Treat the law as being relatively wise suggestions, but base your actions off of your own logic and ethics." This maxim would not work for the general public, but it very well might prove beneficial for a select group of individuals to utilize this maxim to its utmost benefit for society. As paradoxical as that might seem, civilizations need free thinkers and rebels to adapt and respond to new challenges.

None of this proves that INTPs specifically should disregard the law, but I believe it points out a large fallacy in your logic, Philosophyking87. Feel free to correct any of my (quite probable) misunderstandings.


It Thinks For Itself
Local time
Today 10:56 AM
Apr 12, 2010
Corpus Christi, Texas
Hmm... @Philosophyking87, I sense a very slippery slope.

Just because a maxim is good for the majority of people does not mean that two different maxims, one for the general population and one for a more specialized portion of the population, would not be even better. Take the maxim: "I should put all my effort into researching the laws of physics." Obviously such a maxim would lead to the downfall of civilization if EVERYONE took it to heart. Nevertheless, this does not mean that no one should assume that maxim.
Now we take the maxim: "Treat the law as being relatively wise suggestions, but base your actions off of your own logic and ethics." This maxim would not work for the general public, but it very well might prove beneficial for a select group of individuals to utilize this maxim to its utmost benefit for society. As paradoxical as that might seem, civilizations need free thinkers and rebels to adapt and respond to new challenges.

None of this proves that INTPs specifically should disregard the law, but I believe it points out a large fallacy in your logic, Philosophyking87. Feel free to correct any of my (quite probable) misunderstandings.

I don't think it would be, "I should put all my effort into researching the laws of physics." Instead, it would be more accurate to say the maxim is the following: "It's universally permissible to research the laws of physics." The reason is that the categorical imperative asks us to imagine what is or is not "universally acceptable." So a maxim shouldn't say "I ought to do X" or "I should do X." Instead, a maxim states that a given act is either "universally permissible" or "universally impermissible."

If the maxim cannot be followed by everyone without problems, then you "ought not" do whatever it is the maxim supposed were permissible.

So, if we're going with "it's universally permissible to research the laws of physics," then you can clearly see how this is a maxim which does not create logical problems, as when people follow it universally, it leads to many new physicists, people who can understand terms like, "quarks" and "protons," and the general advancement of our knowledge of physics (as if it's permissible to study physics, more people will be available to make new discoveries).

Now, if we look at the other maxim, "Treat the law as being relatively wise suggestions, but base your actions on your own logic and ethics," we find that it's better worded as "It's universally permissible to treat the law as being relatively wise suggestions, but base your own actions on your own logic and ethics." We also find, when we look at the reworded maxim, that you still end up in the same boat we started in: that is, if this maxim were universally accepted, everyone would come up with differing subjective ideas as to when it's okay to break the law and when it isn't, or they may even exploit loop holes by saying, "No one was around, so I was in the right" (when perhaps there were many cars around and the person just thought it wasn't a red light for which they felt like stopping).

This isn't silppery slope thinking; it's a logical consequence which would occur as a result of a maxim which allows people to generally disregard the law at their own discretion, because not all people are capable of making safe logical decisions at stop signs (as you clearly mentioned, as the general public isn't really responsible enough to disregard the law intelligently and responsibly as INTPs may, and moreover, who's to say most INTPs would disregard the law safely?) Therefore, given most people are generally incapable of safely determining when to disregard rules and when not to, it becomes necessary for everyone to simply follow rules at all times, without exception (even if it makes no sense at particular times). It creates a consistency of law abiding behavior that generally keeps us all safe from people who cannot safely determine their own actions.

But there is a possible circumstance where I think you guys might have a point. Suppose an INTP doesn't stop at a stop sign because no cars are around, and just so happens to get pulled over by a cop hiding in the brush, or behind a large sign. The INTP could explain to the officer why he/she did not follow the law in that particular situation. Clearly, laws are meant to be followed at all times, but in this situation, it doesn't really seem that big of a deal. So, if indeed there were no cars around, the police officer might be able to say, "Alright, kid, it looks like you didn't really do anything wrong in this situation, and I have faith in your ability to determine when it's okay to stop and when it isn't. Just don't go telling people I let you off, alright?" Surely this sounds like a good deal. Surely a person not stopping at a stop sign when there was no real reason to do so doesn't seem like a truly horrible crime.

But it would incredibly taxing on police officers to always have to investigate whether or not a person were truly disregarding a law for logical reasons, or if some criminal type person were simply appealing to the officer's leniency to get off the hook after passing a red light in which he could have caused a serious accident. And so, for matters of convenience, it also seems like people should simply follow rules without exception, as it's really difficult discerning smart from malicious drivers, and so it would be in everyone's interests if people were not given any amount of leniency in such conditions (because the next time the police officer comes across some seemingly smart guy who just didn't feel like stopping at a light he didn't have to stop at, it might actually be a malicious driver who cares not for the safety of others).

But if this officer's behavior were also turned into a maxim, it would say the following: "It is universally permissible for police officers to let drivers off the hook when they disregard laws in situations where it's not entirely necessary to do so, so long as the driver was very smart and knew was they were doing." First, as I just said, it's very hard to discern when someone is smart and when they aren't. Second, the result of such a maxim would be that smart drivers would likely go and brag about this activity to others, and eventually common people who shouldn't ever disregard the law will believe it's possible to also get off the hook, because people highly dislike the idea of double standards. "Why should they get off the hook and not me; what makes them special?" they might say. This would lead, again, to people generally thinking it's not so bad to disregard certain laws, which could lower the overall safety on the roads for everyone.

So either way we look at it, disregarding laws just isn't generally in anyone's interest, when it comes to looking out for the overall welfare of society. Double standards really don't fare well with the law, so that even if a law seems inapplicable and useless to follow in some instances, one should still follow them anyway, just to keep a state of consistency when it comes to following laws. Making exceptions to rules, when such rules keep such highly needed order and stability, really doesn't do anyone any good. I know it's sad, because most INTJs and INTPs can usually outsmart most situations, whereas most other people can't. But we must act like the average moron and just follow rules, because there's so many morons who cannot live properly without the consistent following of them at all times.

This is one of those situations when you say, "Some people ruin it for everyone else." But it's true that if enough bad apples spoil it for the bunch, the rest of the bunch should basically alter their behavior so that the bad apples are prevented as much as possible from harming the bunch itself. And that seems to be the reasoning behind officers giving tickets when you pass an empty stop light. It's convenient/reasonable for officers and it keeps people safe to follow them at all times.

Also, a slippery slope argument is bad only in situations where exceptions to rules can be validated. In other words, if some exception to a general rule is allowed, some might say it could lead to horrible future predicaments. But if we allow exceptions very strictly -- by having panels and committees first overlook possible exceptions with great scrutiny -- so that they must go through a rigorous process and be approved before they are allowed, it would not make much sense to say, "But everyone will eventually start doing this exceptional behavior all the time!"

But in this situation, there is little "validation," as I said. In other words, it's not reasonable to expect officers to go through a rigorous investigative process every time someone seems to break a law, to determine whether or not the exception to the rule should be allowed. So in this case, it would be very likely that if exceptions were allowed, people would greatly alter their behavior in response, as exceptions to rules would not be greatly regulated/controlled. And then you get the logical consequences that would follow that I explained.


Resident disMember
Local time
Today 6:56 AM
Mar 14, 2010
I stop at stops signs only if I need to or if there's a cop around me.

I go over medians sometimes when I need to do a U-turn and don't want to wait for the green light at an intersection. I scan everywhere to make sure there's no cops and then I go. Some people complain that I drive like a maniac, but I've never been in any accidents; haters gonna hate.

Laws are just for order, but there's no problem breaking them at times; order still stays and as long as your conscience isn't hurting you, why the hell not?

I'm so jealous of ISTPs because I know how dexterous such people can be. Whoever this guy is, I'm jealous that they can get away with what they do. I'd either get caught, end up killing myself, or killing someone else. I wonder if they have to drive without plates.


walking on air
Local time
Today 11:56 AM
Mar 7, 2011
Yesterday a cop was driving recklessly on a major highway, coincidentally he got off on my exit.
Maroon undercover crown vic.

We stopped beside each other at a red light, I was extremely mad at what he had done on the highway so I decided to play with his head a little bit. When the light turned green I passed him while turning left into his lane within the intersection (illegal) and then stopped at the next stop light with a very annoying braking distance so he had to ride me all the way to a full stop.

Light turned green.. He then tried passing me in a lane dedicated to turning, while being very close to me. No signal. So I sped up my beastly truck to close the gap and he was forced to drop behind me again. He then turned to get in the lane beside me and to lose him I ran a half yellow light. He advances through the light after making a full stop at the red and gets behind me again, this time I'm staring him down through the mirror mouthing for him to f off. We stop at another stop light. When it turned green I sat there for ~ 5 secounds and stared him down, eye to eye.

Meanwhile, lots traffic has been around us. His actions could have caused an accident on 5 separate occasions. I counted. Cars had to stop for him when they got in his way, even though they had the right of way.

I knew he had nothing on me because he wasn't paying attention to my first illegal left as much as I was, that was the start of our encounter.

Anyhow, it ended when he got impatient with my antics and he turned around. I live up a dirt road, if he would have followed me idk what I would have done. If it wasn't a cop i'd knock him out.


Local time
Today 11:56 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
In other words, it's not reasonable to expect officers to go through a rigorous investigative process every time someone seems to break a law, to determine whether or not the exception to the rule should be allowed. So in this case, it would be very likely that if exceptions were allowed, people would greatly alter their behavior in response, as exceptions to rules would not be greatly regulated/controlled. And then you get the logical consequences that would follow that I explained.
What you said makes sense. Let me add that the job of police officers is to enforce the law. Looking into exceptions makes them judges. That is for a court.

Here is a more general problem. What if a law is not a law but a rule? In Central Park in New York City there are bike lanes for bikes and there are signs not to ride in pedestrian paths. In riding my bike I find the bike lanes filled with pedestrians not supposed to be there. Should I now feel free to ride in pedestrians paths when there are signs everywhere at entrances not to?


Senior Executive Lab Monkey
Local time
Today 4:56 PM
Mar 12, 2012
i'm a prize in a cereal box near you, so buy, BUY,
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