Bottom line about homosexuality*:
There is a biological explanation for homosexuality, whether it be genetic or uterine development (see my other posts in this thread). The only reason someone would argue against this is because forcing the issue to be a matter of free will puts it in the realm of morality - an ancient morality (Leviticus) that is almost entirely not followed aside from a few choice passages.
Morally it is wrong, and logically it is wrong. Thats the bottom line.
uhm... HIV had nothing to do with gender (there was a conspiracy theory though taht it was man made and homosexuals in new york were the initial test subjects).
I never said it had anything to do with gender if I recall. I said that homosexuality expedited the spread. And I give the "'government made aids" conspiracy bullshit about the same amount of credit to the "the government flew the planes into the twin towers on 9-11.
that dont ask dont tell, so its cool for a guy to tell how he ravaged a hooker but its a crime to say that you kissed your male partner if you were male. ehm... maybe in the best interest of homophobic individuals. and you know something, a lot of homophobes are actually closet gays... according to some studies
Well, you have to realize that most military men are conservative (republican whatever you wanna call it) and share the whole morals and family values POV and quite frankly, if I was one of them and we had a homosexual in our squad I wouldn't really be all that inclined to act if something happened that spilled his blood. (and you can all flame me for that statement all you want, I say that becuase thats the way I see it) Sometimes that disease doesn't surface for years after contracted, and I'll be damned if i'd be willing to risk contracting it. However with don't ask don't tell no one knew, so at least the unity of the squad would have been maintained (and I have many military friends, and they are quite intolerant of this)
Is 'natural selection' relevant anymore, especially in the west? From what I have heard, there is sperm available at almost every street corner, and even a pet veterinary can inseminate. For guys(with money) there are plenty of willing surrogates. Homosexuals are surely not eliminated. Quite often lately there has even been shortage on the sperm marked for gay women, and one have had to ask the men(gay?) to step up and donate more at the clinics.
Natural selection will be relevant as long as their is life on this planet, or any other for that matter. And previously in this thread we have already covered this, saying that prior to technology intervening and man taking genetics and the "god complex" into his own hands, nature's way was the way it was supposed to be.
Here is a question. Why would anyone be anti homosexuality if it doesn't affect them directly? I'm not talking disease or promiscuity. Heterosexuals can have that too. I'm not talking family as homosexuals can have family if they want to and the population is seven billion anyway. So other than those, why would anyone be anti homosexuality?
There are many reasons. For one, being that it is a lifestyle I simply don't approve of and have absolutely no respect for, I don't appreciate it being taught in school health programs and being slathered on Nickelodeon, a childrens channel. I don't want my children taught that this is ok, because it's not. I find it unacceptable that gay marriage be allowed for multiple reasons, one of which is the tax benefits that come with marriage. Marriage and the tax breaks that come with it were designed by church, and then sanctioned by the Federal Government. So, it violates the principles on which the benefits of getting married served for normal Man and Wife couples.
So is particle physics. It's just dust, right?
OK I'll bite and play into your attempted sense of humor. The basics of evoltion are what I stated. They can be stated in just a couple sentences, and could be taught to a middle school student in a short amount of time to a degree that they could understand and carry on a conversation about. Particle physics takes months and years to get a simple grasp on. So, if you want to compare a peanut butter sandwhich dinner to a 4 course gourmet meal, yes.
At this point I'm already asking myself whether or not it's worth the effort to continue responding. No. It doesn't. Not in the least. You're in Spencerland, and I'm not sure there's any hope. It seems the walls are caving quickly.
Are you like 15 or something? You seem to be searching for something that you either don't understand or don't have the ability to comprehend.
Commence talking out of ass... NOW!
Everything I said there is true. People are so concerned about everyone being equal and recieving the same amount of appreciation and awards, that it stunts the growth of individuals who are gifted in what they do, since they do it extremely well but the moron who doesn't understand it at all get an award to. As a matter of a fact, that system has a name........communism.
I don't know how it didn't strike you that a lot of species have homosexuals within them. You just read the article "Homosexual behavior in animals". There are over 20 subtopics for homosexuality. You'd have to refute homosexuality on 20 subtopics. Including the American Bison who just has anal sex with his male friend. Denying this is like saying the world is flat, IMO.
It's being portrayed here that homosexuality in nature is as prevelant as it is in SanFransico. It's not. And the Bison actually makes a fabulous example for my point. Their split society (males only coming near females to breed and then leaving to wander solo or in small group) had nearly lead to their extinction (I realize that over harvesting did a number on them) I believe I saw at Ted's Montana Grill the other night (thats Ted Turner, the largest land owner in the US or perhaps even the world, who keeps bison herds on his ranches, and serves Bison meat at that resturaunt) that there are fewer than 15,000 left in the wild of North America, most of which are not even pure blooded Bison.
Mutations in general are good if some of them result in adaptability. Mutations are random variations in genes. Homosexuality is a mutation of a kind. Homosexuality is a variation in sexual interest. If we go with the gene mutation correspondence, we want variation in sexual interest in the same sense incest is NOT variation. Homosexuality is variation that could go too far. Most mutations fail.
I don't believe that it is genetic, mutation or not.
I think Homosexuality is merely a product of conditioning.
Finally someone I agree with. My point was that homosexuality does nothing to further the human species, and that by circumventing the way nature would have naturally eliminated certain weak bloodlines, and then giving them children to raise under those conditions is wrong not only morally, but also scientifically since it's possible that the bloodline of an adpoted child was one of benefit to the species but the conditioning from the environment led the child to believe that they should be and act like their parents could cause humanity to loose out on possible great genetics.
This isn't necessarily the case. Any trait, even one which results in the complete destruction of an organism's ability to pass on its genes, can be successful. All that has to happen is that that organism's capacity to transmit its genes through its relatives remains in tact.
Just consider the hypothetical case of human homosexuals in a population who happen to not have children of their own, but who always engage in support of their kin such that their siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc., all have offspring who receive benefits they wouldn't have otherwise received without these very beneficent homosexual relatives. If this population out-reproduces another population that lacks such homosexuals, and, if homosexuality is "genetic" (not that I'm claiming here that it is, after all, the only thing a gene does is code for proteins, so, there's really no gene that is "for" any phenotypic trait whatsoever), then this population will continue to thrive and produce homosexuals even though the homosexuals in that population do not themselves reproduce.
While I do get what you're pointing out, I don't think that the small amount of exposure we are talking about there is enough to warp the childs mind. I have friends who have gay relatives (the token gay uncle or whatever) and typically they don't spend that much time around them, and even if they do they go home to their parents every night, a
mother and a father.
In the end I can see that most of you have closed minds to your already formed opinions. An undisputable fact is simply that homosexual individuals do not contribute to the furthering of humans at the end of the day. Saying that it is someones choice, thats fine call it what you want to. I can also get on the interstate going the wrong way if I want to chance it, it doesn't make it the right thing to do. I personally take no issue with the people as long as they don't expose my children to it. Just like I agreed with the "don't ask don't tell" policy. Don't tell meaning don't verbally tell me, and don't give me visual clues.