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Search results

  1. Focus!

    The ability to concentrate on something that is not inherently stimulating for the sake of a desired long-term reward is dependent upon the prefrontal cortex, which is the region of the brain that takes the longest to mature and is the most easily damaged/delayed (hence almost every concussion...
  2. Site is wrong about my machine

    Thanks for the answers, very interesting. I was just curious because I'm an IT student, that's all.
  3. Site is wrong about my machine

    Just wondering why the information next to my posts is wrong, and what's being used and how it works as I've not seen it done before. I've only ever posted using Windows 7 and Chrome. Is it wrong for a lot of people? Something to do with my browser configuration or security?
  4. Is that really Si?

    But not without any knowledge of home runs. Also, whether an imagined scenario is a prediction or not, has nothing to do with whether it proves correct. If you imagine a scenario with a sense of anticipation of it possibly happening, then it's a prediction, even if inaccurate. If you imagine a...
  5. Is that really Si?

    How did they determine which types the participants were? The hippocampus is responsible for both remembering and predicting, and you can't do the latter without the former. I found it interesting that Nardi said Si types do a lot of forecasting, usually associated with Ni, and favour T6 which...
  6. Jim Parsons

    Thanks for the examples. So you think Parsons' eyes indicate more Pe than Pi? https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=jim+parsons&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.d2k&bpcl=40096503&biw=1517&bih=741&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=F5XoUJ69AsWY1AW6-oDABA...
  7. Jim Parsons

    WOULD you see Si though? Or Ni? Assuming the cognitive functions even exist as meaningfully discrete sets of processes that actually cluster together as supposed (I'm ambivalent but curious and trying to learn more): they're introverted, and the only way you know they're there is from what...
  8. Cool, thanks very much. :)

    Cool, thanks very much. :)
  9. Jim Parsons

    People do, but overwhelmingly in the opposite direction (to be more gender-conforming). With Jim Parsons, I strongly get the sense that he neither hides nor accentuates his feminine traits, at least no more than anybody else does (most people bring out different sides of themselves in different...
  10. Jim Parsons

    I imagine that some men (usually gay ones, but not always) present as feminine for exactly the same reasons that most women present as feminine. Biological ones. There are far too many accounts of little boys getting beaten up by their peers and their own parents for being feminine, and having...
  11. Jim Parsons

    Big Jim Parsons fan here. He's quite anally retentive. Has said he likes routine, making lists, doesn't like change, understands where Sheldon is coming from when people sit in his seat etc., just not to the extreme degree as Sheldon. A lot of people say that about themselves but here his...
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