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  1. Matt3737

    Why INTP-types cannot really discuss anything with eachother

    How have you not been discussing ideals? You just seem to throw around words like "reality," "objective," "subjective," seemingly without any concern as to what they mean. No. I mean to say that I am having difficulty understanding what your stance is and if you are being consistent or not...
  2. Matt3737

    Why INTP-types cannot really discuss anything with eachother

    Here's some fun distinctions: Another fun identity paradox is Theseus' ship:
  3. Matt3737

    Why INTP-types cannot really discuss anything with eachother

    @Teax You're masquerading a metaphysical proposition on the problem of universals as an argument. There's nothing wrong with subscribing to any particular philosophical school of thought, but it doesn't really make for a compelling argument. You acknowledge historical context and...
  4. Matt3737

    How important is truth?

    True, which is why I think deflationary and redundancy theories go a bit too far. They do make an interesting point in demonstrating how 'truth' is a meta-statement about other statements or sometimes self-referentially which can make it redundant: It is true that this sentence is a true...
  5. Matt3737

    Choice is an illusion.

    I am a compatibilist. I believe in both a deterministic universe and the concept of a free will. I would, however, redefine free will as the ability to imagine alternatives rather than the typical definition that is more akin or even synonymous with autonomy: One cannot be both informed and...
  6. Matt3737

    Do you feel the urge to eat meat?

    I love steak. Medium rare. :D
  7. Matt3737

    Rant: About cognitive bias?

    Every human has to make assumptions to even begin to reason including Einstein. We all make assumptions in order to reason. The best we can do is adapt, reassess, modify, reformulate, and continue to take in new information. [/INDENT] [/INDENT]
  8. Matt3737

    Why INTP-types cannot really discuss anything with eachother

    You acknowledge there is no single set of axioms that makes Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory complete, yet you seem intent on believing that there is one singular set of axioms applicable to all people under the broad category of 'mathematics' or possibly that mathematics is the solely accurate...
  9. Matt3737

    How important is truth?

    It seems there's a few different theories of truth being floated around in this thread. I think the OP is using either a deflationary theory of truth or a redundancy theory of truth. Both are used to demonstrate that the 'truth' of any statement is merely the assertion of the statement and...
  10. Matt3737

    Cuntfase McFucknugget

    The psychological insecurities of a young, white, middle-class male with issues regarding the feelings of impotency.
  11. Matt3737

    Voice of one crying in the wilderness

    I'd like to see them protest at professional wrestling events.
  12. Matt3737

    Who is @Fghw

    They are just waiting for this thread to die.....and it shall rise again!!
  13. Matt3737

    Voice of one crying in the wilderness

    "They make a reasonable argument." /said nobody ever.
  14. Matt3737

    Teaching myself maths

    higs There are many very educational videos on youtube that can give introductory lessons on basically any topic you want. Here's one with Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Topology, and Infinite Series introductions: http://www.youtube.com/user/MyWhyU?feature=pvchclk
  15. Matt3737

    Top five favorite movies

    In no particular order (More than 5, but I try to keep to the most influential): You'll notice I highly enjoy self-reference (the mathematics of recursion, infinity, and fractals) mythological reference and Campbellian monomyth (I'll stick to listing the most novel uses though, i.e. no Matrix or...
  16. Matt3737

    SpaceYeti's patience for seriousness abruptly ends (goofy)

    Completely agree. I still enjoy MIB 2 though, just not as much.
  17. Matt3737

    Philosopher or B.S. Artist?

    True, but it has historically been subject to the same problem of self-reference. You can doubt your very existence, but then you'd still be asserting something about yourself. Have you heard of the Ship of Theseus paradox before? Or the paradox of one stepping into the same river? Does...
  18. Matt3737

    Philosopher or B.S. Artist?

    wonkavision Yes, you are at least half-correct. A B.S. artist, a con-artist, or a philosopher are all enganged in the arts. The differences are merely subjective valuations of their aesthetics, i.e. the only difference between a B.S. artist and a philosopher is the connotation implicit in...
  19. Matt3737

    Philosopher or B.S. Artist?

    snafupants Yes and no. Doubting doubt is self-referential. Like the liar sentence it becomes paradoxical, "This sentence is false." So yes, you can call him out on stopping there, but then you delve into absurdity and meaninglessness which makes your refutation meaningless on it's own...
  20. Matt3737

    Philosopher or B.S. Artist?

    Yes, Socrates, upon being declared the wisest of the Greeks by the Oracle at Delphi, is said to have stated that he knew only that he knew nothing at all. Descartes also related to doubting everything to it's foundation, "Cogito ergo sum." There is a foundation of course, it is paradoxical...
  21. Matt3737

    all INTPs are squeaky and insecure

    Definitely the alpha male. Beastly roar!
  22. Matt3737

    all INTPs are squeaky and insecure

  23. Matt3737

    What makes an argument convincing?

    As the old saying goes, "It's not what one says, but how one says it that matters." As you pointed out, epistemological justification is and has been a problem throughout history. The rhetorical method of logos is one of 'carrying weight' with other people. Isn't it ironic that those so...
  24. Matt3737

    Who believes in a Singularity?

    No, it is a form of eschatology that I do not personally support (depending on specific definition, but in most I either disagree or find semantically trivial in interpretation).
  25. Matt3737

    I have a physics question.

    As far as I'm aware, Montresor, your only concern should be having an airtight hose to maintain vacuum pressure to get the fluid to flow upwards. The spigot may or may not be airtight. I think placing the tube through the opening in the top into the water would work better, then apply some...
  26. Matt3737

    I have a physics question.

    Are you looking for the wikipage on Siphoning? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siphon I don't know if it has all the specifics to your questions though. I haven't read through it all yet.
  27. Matt3737

    Da Blob

    As a religious scholar, I enjoy an interesting discussion on mysticism. The problem with Da Blob was that he always held a condescending attitude in his social interactions. His "on the hill above the village [looking down on the peasantry]" seemed to be his modus operandi. He was passively...
  28. Matt3737

    Don't Hug me I'm Scared

    I'm not entirely sure about the intentions of the creators, but I think there is an expressed ambiguity about what 'creativity' means. In that it tends to be one of those buzzwords thrown around without much meaning. Did you know that Ed Gein used to exhume corpses to make all sorts of macabre...
  29. Matt3737

    Yeah, it looks very familiar.

    Yeah, it looks very familiar.
  30. Matt3737

    Is that the Hobgoblin?

    Is that the Hobgoblin?
  31. Matt3737

    Also Jenova Chen gave a fantastic presentation to the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences'...

    Also Jenova Chen gave a fantastic presentation to the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences' 2013 DICE Conference talking about the development and theory behind Journey: [SPOILER] Now that their 3 game contract is finished with Sony, they've secured independent financing and can develop...
  32. Matt3737

    thatgamecompany did flOw, Flower, and Journey as part of a 3 game deal with Sony. flOw was...

    thatgamecompany did flOw, Flower, and Journey as part of a 3 game deal with Sony. flOw was originally released as part of Jenova Chen's master's thesis and was reworked for their first release for Sony. This unfortunately means they are likely to remain exclusive to the Playstation3 platform for...
  33. Matt3737

    Does Anyone Here Play Go?

    Go, I believe, is of Chinese origin. You can play at Yahoo games under the board games category. I think all you need is a free Yahoo account to play. ;)
  34. Matt3737

    Have you played or heard of Shadow of the Colossus or Ico before? They were influences on the...

    Have you played or heard of Shadow of the Colossus or Ico before? They were influences on the making of Journey for the artistic focus on simplicity.
  35. Matt3737

    It seems to me to be a game about the simple things so fundamental and central to the human...

    It seems to me to be a game about the simple things so fundamental and central to the human journey that we tend to just take them for granted; the universal human experience of living. All those first-person, competition-induced, shooting sexual metaphors that seem to dominate the gaming...
  36. Matt3737

    Absolutely. It's like trying to explain the experience of drinking a fresh glass of water...

    Absolutely. It's like trying to explain the experience of drinking a fresh glass of water after journeying through the desert to someone who hasn't. It's all in the context. From what I've seen, but I cannot confirm it, the artistic style seems to me to have a Shinto-esque inspiration to it...
  37. Matt3737

    I've been reading a bit about Journey, but I can't play because I don't own a PS3. I do think it...

    I've been reading a bit about Journey, but I can't play because I don't own a PS3. I do think it looks beautiful and from what I've heard about it it seems like a fantastic work of art. I actually feel saddened hearing others talk it down comparing it to the latest first person shooter or...
  38. Matt3737

    Your Model in life

    Models, hmm....:confused: Kate Upton, Jessica Alba, Olivia Wilde, Mila Kunis, Monica Belluci, Natalie Portman....Oh god, the list goes on and on. :D
  39. Matt3737

    Oh, it's quite alright. I'm often easily distracted myself, and not because of anything of any...

    Oh, it's quite alright. I'm often easily distracted myself, and not because of anything of any priority either. I was hoping not to derail the thread away from the broader subject and towards the more specific subject, but I was very interested in the movie after you introduced me to it...
  40. Matt3737

    Scientific Method Problem

    The scientific method is a refined method of approximating complex processes with limited or incomplete information. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCnchhausen_Trilemma
  41. Matt3737


    Being pissed off about the inherent nature of arbitrariness and blaming others for their use is childish and immature. GodOfOrder I applaud your effort at remaining civil.
  42. Matt3737

    Do you critically engage with Film/ Television?

    Her later documentary film, Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti, begins with Papa Legba and the central importance of crossroads in vodoun mythology. This reaffirms my hypothesis that Hekate had an unspoken, yet significant symbolic presence upon her earlier film Meshes of the Afternoon...
  43. Matt3737

    Do you critically engage with Film/ Television?

    Puffy Following the suicide theme, I came across some interesting information. Did you know that Hekate, the triple goddess in Greek mythology, was associated with keys and a dagger as well as with crossroads? Did you also know that Maya Deren was interested in, wrote about, and studied...
  44. Matt3737

    Do you critically engage with Film/ Television?

    Ha! :p I'll try translating to another medium... Yo dawg! That film is unrealz, yo. Noboy can figure that shit out because it be cray-cray.
  45. Matt3737

    Do you critically engage with Film/ Television?

    Puffy I read a bit about and watched the film after reading your post and have an interesting analysis that I'm still mentally sorting and organizing. I'd be very interested in reading your own analysis if you feel so inclined. As far as your feelings regarding the topic, I both agree and...
  46. Matt3737

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    After the fact depending on how 'potent' and how long it lasts. If you had a delusional episode something akin to Neo exiting the matrix and vomiting from profound shock, you'd realize it as soon as it ended given the circumstances, i.e. that red pill must've been a powerful hallucinogen. If...
  47. Matt3737

    I Know Nothing

    Technically, a system incorporating all points is absurd due to the principle of explosion because it incorporates every contradiction. Not that I'm disagreeing. I am a dialetheist. I am saying that it is incredibly deep and complex. Technically, it can be absurd and also not absurd...
  48. Matt3737

    I Know Nothing

    @Milo Love can be a very vague and ambiguous term. Sometimes I see people throw the phrase 'unconditional love' around while describing how heartbroken they are that the person they are referring to didn't meet their expectations in return. There is a very jealous sort of love that would...
  49. Matt3737

    I think our loop is pretty well set by ourselves with our shadow function of Fi which may be why...

    I think our loop is pretty well set by ourselves with our shadow function of Fi which may be why it's difficult for us to alter. Our Fe interactions with others when we share in discussing a topic of importance (under consideration by our Ni+Ti loop tinged with Fi) will determine our current...
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