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Search results

  1. SLushhYYY

    Quiz! Test your MBTI intelligence!

    This is Ti vs Te in a nutshell.
  2. SLushhYYY

    Which types do you have the hardest time getting along with?

    Your dad isnt an INFJ.
  3. SLushhYYY

    ISFP vs INFP

    Two of my very good friends seem extremely similar to each other, with the exception of having an intuitive nature to them. Im an INFJ and get a chance to observe them. Whenever Im with the ISFP most conversation is driven by his endless talking about cars, and the mechanics behind cars. He...
  4. SLushhYYY

    Quantum theory and Spin.

    You dont understand why quantum mechanics is absurd and based on probability? Why must the laws of nature so beautifully fit into the humans intuitive understanding? You speak as if humans must be able to understand everything through their common sense, which is not true in the least bit...
  5. SLushhYYY

    INFJ vs INTJ

    He doesnt have much of an open mind to different ideas that are fun to think about, he prefers what is true rather than what "could be" be true. He has very strict morals, he has completely rationalized the bible, says he fakes his emotions when surrounded by others so they dont think he is...
  6. SLushhYYY

    Do you like Engineers?

    Money is on the mind of many students.
  7. SLushhYYY

    INFJ vs INTJ

    The most obvious difference is Ti vs Te. Its the whole subjective vs objective deal, at least thats what ive noticed in my INTJ friend and im an INFJ.
  8. SLushhYYY

    Do you like Engineers?

    INFJ electrical engineer in the making here. I can confidently say that many engineers are very full of themselves, and honestly not too bright. The only people that I can have an actually stimulating conversation with in the field are ENTPs, I honestly dont think the others are able to...
  9. SLushhYYY

    Quantum theory and Spin.

    Electrons happen to exist in our universe, this doesn't mean electrons are constant in all that is nature, it is only by chance that the electron exists that we know of The answer to your question of what an electron is, is simply the anthropic principle, it exists because it needs to exist to...
  10. SLushhYYY

    Quantum theory and Spin.

    You have no clue what you're talking about, do you?
  11. SLushhYYY

    Test to be a INTP at 14 years old, Is even normal?

    Why are you trying to figure yourself out at 14? Don't succumb to a comfort zone so early in life, its not worth it.
  12. SLushhYYY

    The Beauty of Bounded Gaps

    Perhaps lower digits exemplify structure and foundation, while larger digits begin to symbolize randomness and chaos, infinite is a pretty chaotic thing if you actually understand it.
  13. SLushhYYY

    Quantum Entanglement Demonstrated

    Ooooo Ahhhh mathematical theory proven in the 21st century
  14. SLushhYYY


    In a cosmic landscape primarily made up of fermions and bosons, where the fermion has a negative force of attraction (meaning it contracts) and the boson has a positive force of attraction (meaning it repels) perhaps this implication has a major impact on how we think of gravity. What if large...
  15. SLushhYYY

    One logical problem

    That is a good point. Its a blow to mainstream science who reject string theory and energy beyond the speed of light, but accept other unimaginables. Maybe not.
  16. SLushhYYY

    Why so interested in typology?

    Im not an NT and I care way too much
  17. SLushhYYY

    What is Religion for?

    Its an amazing sensational feeling to actually believe you know it all, and that somebody is looking out for you. Pure self delusion that comes with comfort, happiness etc leaving all the ignorant, societal destroying aspects aside.
  18. SLushhYYY

    Validity of cognitive function theory

    Like what? Similar to a program right? We can look at the 16 types being 16 different computer programs, whereby each code, written in the program is different. Im annoyed with the whole theory based on my inability to type myself its gone INTP--INTJ--INTP--ENTP--INFJ so I can see how...
  19. SLushhYYY

    Is it possible for an introverted person to become extroverted?

    For an introvert to become an extrovert, one must somehow change their dominant introverted cognitive function, into an extroverted cognitive function, you must essentially rearrange your shadow functions with your more enjoyable ones. This would take major work, if you believe in cognitive...
  20. SLushhYYY

    Sorry for all the questions that's the only way I can get my point across for something I know...

    Sorry for all the questions that's the only way I can get my point across for something I know nothing about
  21. SLushhYYY

    Lunacy doesn't sound so bad to me dude. You think love is a manifestation of the equilibrium...

    Lunacy doesn't sound so bad to me dude. You think love is a manifestation of the equilibrium between right and wrong? Do you think that one may only love another human, do you believe one can love material items? Then the question arises as to why people "love" different things, which clearly...
  22. SLushhYYY

    Validity of cognitive function theory

    Surely the model is accurate in my perspective, however, I come across several relatively intellectual people who completely discredit any form of personality theory. Surely they're not as educated on the matter to hold such an opinion, but I can't help not to correlate this type of "absolute...
  23. SLushhYYY

    Validity of cognitive function theory

    Why do I feel like the cognitive function theory is undoubtably accurate? I'm somebody who holds any sort of absolute belief, but since this theory is so easily observable, I can't help but to think it is a completely accurate interpretation of the foundation of personality. Is this the same...
  24. SLushhYYY

    Unified Field

    Why do you say "no" when the quantum world essentially dictates everything?
  25. SLushhYYY

    Quantum particles and Aether.

    Closed contour means it is just connected at both ends. Think of it as a ruubber band. Are you saying strings are made of electromagnetic waves? Strings are supposed to be the unified field.
  26. SLushhYYY

    Quantum particles and Aether.

    Does it help that the theorized strings are closed contours vibrating in their own specific rhythmic pattern?
  27. SLushhYYY

    Unified Field

    What a deep, thought provoking response. Clearly you must be right, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you during your quest to respond to this thread. We're incapable of building large enough accelerators to obtain an energy high enough to expose the strings. Just as 100...
  28. SLushhYYY

    Unified Field

    I'm in philosophy bruh, let me be crazy. Obviously none of this is fact. But its a different way to look at it, I find it pretty logical, im just using the wrong words. But im curious, do you find string theory to be a delusional view?
  29. SLushhYYY

    Unified Field

    That article entitled "Twin particles" would matter if we could actually determine the position of a particle in space. Remember that a certainty in position corresponds to an infinite uncertainty in momentum, whereby particles can pop in and out of space, across the universe etc. Im claiming...
  30. SLushhYYY

    "The unexamined life is not worth living"

    You don't consider photosynthesis an examination of its surroundings? Flowers usually open to obtain maximum sunlight during the day, surely they are aware of the light feast that awaits them.
  31. SLushhYYY

    Unified Field

    The number 1 is not a fundamental aspect of nature. It exists because of our perception. Unless you want to discuss the positive +1 charge of a hydrogen atom that is aware of its ability to bond with oxygen to form water, or whatever else nature feels like doing. Try again.
  32. SLushhYYY

    Unified Field

    Consciousness isnt the right word, the phrasing is too confusing for most to understand.
  33. SLushhYYY


    Humans are microscopic bacteria...our perception of our consciousness as being ultimate is humorous. Yes, we are humans because we can perceive ourselves as such, but we are merely the construct of many different intelligences. The laws of nature are far superior to our perception, its...
  34. SLushhYYY

    Unified Field

    Okay, I'll break this up set by step, if you care to investigate on my chosen topic of discussion please refute with any discoveries of faulty logic. The universe, or nature for those who cant comprehend the universe, is the product of the interpretation of quantum mechanics, and other types...
  35. SLushhYYY


    Do any of you guys remember being influenced in one way or another by a bully, as a child?
  36. SLushhYYY


    Are my most profound (arbitrary) understandings, deluded?
  37. SLushhYYY


    Well confidence by definition is self-delusion, so unless you're easily sucked into a state of obsessive delusion for prolonged periods of time, you'd have to learn to do that. Make yourself think you're good at something, and you'll eventually start to believe it. Yep, in theory. That's about...
  38. SLushhYYY


    I completely agree to not base anything on the idea that everybody is deluded in their own mind frame. Just a question proposal to see if I'm making any sense.:confused:
  39. SLushhYYY


    Lol how can you ask that to an INTP? Surely they want to, that's obvious sensory information. Take it a step further and waste some time contemplating the pointless aspects of life.
  40. SLushhYYY


    I guess what im trying to say is that each persons interpretation of the world, leads to an inevitable deluded (probably using the wrong word) mind frame. Such as body builders, they work out only to gain muscle for self satisfaction, and to win competitions. They dedicate their lives to this...
  41. SLushhYYY


    How is cynicism not a form of delusion?
  42. SLushhYYY


    Would you agree to say that everybody on earth is in someway deluded? Opinions are self expressed delusions of your surroundings or life. The only thing not delusional, is the truth. But who's to say that those who only follow the doctrine of truth are not also deluded in their thinking...
  43. SLushhYYY

    Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.

    What differs the quantum world from the expression of the quantum world?
  44. SLushhYYY

    all INTPs are squeaky and insecure

    Confidence is pure self delusion, a man with the mind of logic need not have elevated levels of confidence, for it is deemed unnecessary.
  45. SLushhYYY

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    You dont want to get "too messed up"? An eighth of dried shrooms will get you started if you want to have mind warpage. If you just want to experience subtle effects go with 2-3 grams. I had a 2 gram trip and it was pretty fun, but it could have been better if I took more
  46. SLushhYYY

    What TiNe/INTP Really Looks Like!

    These videos definitely helped convince myself of my actual type, thanks brah
  47. SLushhYYY

    Cognitive Evolution

    I'm an INTJ to start. In 4th grade, I was voted as the "funniest kid"in my grade. This prestigious award could've been awarded to any of the other 100 or so students in my grade, but no, somehow I got it. I reflect on this time in my life and generally, the first thing that comes to mind is...
  48. SLushhYYY


    Please share, I know I'm wrong but I'm curious why. All my google searching leads to string theory which is not what I'm talking about.
  49. SLushhYYY


    Why not? How do we know that the curvature space time is not directly influenced itself by electromagnetic fields? It's one of the most profound things in science to contemplate considering nobody knows what gravity is, which I'm sure you're aware of. If you look at the universe as if it were a...
  50. SLushhYYY


    Perhaps gravity is an electromagnetic force? Directly proportional to the energy density of the electromagnetic fields within masses. All while pulling and tugging on distant objects in that direct proportionality between the masses. As well as being able to "bend" light since light can be bent...
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