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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    My Stance on the Supernatural

    I can think of 2 answers: 1) Quantum behaviour: When a quantum decision isn't measured, or is measured but in a way that it's interim results are unknown, then the consequences display as if all the possible solutions all happen simultaneously, causing an interference pattern. When the...
  2. scorpiomover

    Browsers keep blocking access to INTPForum

    Ever since the New Year, I've been unable to log in. Kept getting warning messages on Firefox that the HTTPS server's SSL certificate has expired. Could not bypass it either. Today, I was able to log in via Chrome. Still got the warning that the certificate has expired. But Chrome gave me the...
  3. scorpiomover

    Men of today | Male influencers

    Bizarrely, this is all to do with MBTI. Jung identified introversion/extroversion. Biologically, we have TWO nervous systems in our spinal cord: one for the Sympathetic Nervous System, the part that deals with hunger, being horny, and potential threats. This part handles most desires. It's also...
  4. scorpiomover

    What do you feel is causing the current mental health crises?

    Not quite sure exactly what type of mental health people are saying is common. I hve noticed that a lot of the sorts of things people say that young people are like today, are exactly the sorts of irrational behaviours that would normally be considered signs of irrational depression and...
  5. scorpiomover

    To the cowardly CEOs, and their enablers (the military, FBI, CIA, and NSA)

    The Normans believed in "Noblesse Oblige", that "rank hath its duties". When serfdom in the Feudal Age ended, the responsibilities of the people on their superiors ended as well. So now, no-one who has power over you, needs to fight in a war to protect you, even against themselves. Well...
  6. scorpiomover

    The Fine Tuning Argument - What Am I Missing?

    The anthropic principle/fallacy is a basic principle of relativity and quantum physics, that everything we observe and think about, is only from our perspective. In other words, we only look at things from the perspective of being in the driver's seat of our car. We often struggle to look at...
  7. scorpiomover

    Why do we care?

    If that was true, then all animals without a conscious, and certainly all those species that evolved before species had evolved consciousness, would never seek out food for themselves, and would have died out. We can observe that most of our actions and behaviours are controlled by your...
  8. scorpiomover

    Hi everyone

  9. scorpiomover

    Intuition - Confirmation bias with hindsight is 20/20 or something legit

    Intuition generates a Bayesian probability distribution, not a fixed answer. It's right more often than not, or when it is right, it's right about something really big. So it's usually worth paying attention to every time, to see if it works in each situation or not. But there's zero guarantees...
  10. scorpiomover

    Being a student ain't fun. Is it worth?

    Even the professionals who earn big bucks, still need to keep up with the latest trends and brush up on their skills for at least 10% of the year. You're probably better off doing a bit of both: Get a job, do a qualification and get a promotion, do another qualification and get another...
  11. scorpiomover

    Have we been wrong about what to emphasize in education?

    True dat. People NEED trig in their day-to-day life. E.G. parking a car is all about trig, as is putting in a shelf, designing a kitchen, lifting and moving heavy objects. If you apply trig to pool (as I did in university), you suddenly get really, really good at pool. You also start lining up...
  12. scorpiomover

    Is online Free Speech real?

    Digital Services Act All this means, is that as when the British police or British government tell Facebook that a certain post is Russian disinformation and needs to be removed, as long as they delete that post from their live system immediately (which takes a technie about 1 second), they...
  13. scorpiomover

    Is online Free Speech real?

    Both are owned and controlled by partisan owners. So there's no difference in the partisanship. However, according to the Law of Large Numbers, when you have a lot of news channels, randomly, for every moderate right-wing channel, there will be a moderate left-wing channel, and for every...
  14. scorpiomover

    Is online Free Speech real?

    It means that Free Speech is in name only. It's not enforced, except to protect corporate interests.
  15. scorpiomover

    Have we been wrong about what to emphasize in education?

    Yes and no. It's true that some kids have better natural talents at maths than others. But the kids who are worse at maths, are also usually better than the maths kids at skills like woodworking, painting, etc. Most children show several talents, but each in different areas. Mainly because...
  16. scorpiomover

    COVID 19 greatest hits

    I gather that requires specialised equipment and training. But I get the point. More like: better planning. 1) Establish strict borders with strict quarantine rules, to ensure that once a wave has passed, it cannot pass again. 2) Where possible, use the immune to treat and deal with the sick...
  17. scorpiomover

    COVID 19 greatest hits

    "Flattening the curve" doesn't seem to take the maths into account. 1) If you look at your diagram, the white area that represents your healthcare capacity is basically a triangle. If the height = h and the length = l, then the area = 1/2*h*l. In terms of what the triangle represents, h = the...
  18. scorpiomover

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    They are raising the average emotional feelings about the issues that they are ranting/venting about. It's online bullying, trying to knock people down, by accusing them of doing bad things. Then the bully has proved that he can make people do things (like feeling guilty), even if they don't...
  19. scorpiomover

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    Sorry for taking so long. Your response floored me, so much that I wondered how I could have ever thought of even writing a reply to you in the first place. It has eventually dawned on me, that almost all people who describe themselves as socialists, seem to support left-wing governments and...
  20. scorpiomover

    COVID 19 greatest hits

    This bothered me. I'm going to use reductionism to analyse it, by breaking it down into parts: Sounds like your typical selfish capitalist, who doesn't care about his employees or his customers, and is just interested in making as much money as possible, even if that would end up harming and...
  21. scorpiomover

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    OK. But does that mean he is always right about everything? People are right when their logic makes sense, not because they got lucky about a prediction that happens to occur. That's kind of the problem. Giving good advice is hard work. The more effort you put into understanding the situation...
  22. scorpiomover

    New nuclear age

    Coal fired plants aren't apt to become self-sustaining heat reactions. When the coolant system fails, the coal just burns itself out. When the coolant system fails in a nuclear reactor, the control rods keep releasing tremendous amounts of energy, which destroys everything around them, and don't...
  23. scorpiomover

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    If your claim is true, then: A) How do you define socialism? B) What objective traits do people who define themselves as socialists have in common?
  24. scorpiomover

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    To understand the complaints against capitalism, you have to understand what it was being compared against, what came before it, i.e. feudal serfdon, and what problems that occurred in capitalism, that didn't occur under feudal serfdom. Doubt so. Was pretty obvious. "Oh, let's get rid of the...
  25. scorpiomover

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    Are you sure Marx wasn't motivated to get rid of the class system, because he was a Jew in 19th Century Europe, who wanted to marry an upper-class posh German woman called Jenny Von Westphalen and wasn't allowed to, because he was the wrong class?
  26. scorpiomover

    New nuclear age

    Nuclear power is very interesting. But it's pretty simple. Some atoms have too many neutrons and are unstable. Given a kick, they split apart, releasing energy, which in turn kicks other molecules. This releases heat, that can be captured by a steam engine. Concentrate the unstable molecules in...
  27. scorpiomover

    MBTI functions are logically incorrect and hence the typology is empirically invalid

    Js use more time-based prospective memory. Ps use more event-based prospective memory. Event-based and Time-based prospective memory They seem to cause genuine differences in the brain: A lot of INTJs take that approach. They've read the right books, can cite the accepted authors, and...
  28. scorpiomover

    Men's Pride

    FYI, saying that you're dumb, brutish, incompetent, etc, when you're not, and keeping on saying it over and over until you believe it, is called gaslighting.
  29. scorpiomover

    Men's Pride

    Sounds like you want to be a provider and protector for other people, the classical male role. I'm sure that lots of feminists would love it if more men were like that, and so should value your efforts. Sounds like a deficiency schema. The important thing to understand, is that each person...
  30. scorpiomover

    Blade Runner the new version

    "Hey Siri, phone (insert number of hooker)."
  31. scorpiomover

    Fundamentals of Woke: Heroism

    Superman and Batman were from D.C., aka Detective Comics. All the DC superheroes were this way. They were the stereotypes of heroes from the 1930s, when conservative, right-wing values still held sway. The other side is represented by the characters from Marvel Comics, which started in the...
  32. scorpiomover

    What if God exists?

    If your teacher has universal/complete knowledge, and infinite awareness, understanding and insight, then he has infallible knowledge if it's a good idea to fail you or not. So he can't be wrong. You don't. So you can be wrong. So the only logical explanation is that he is right and you are wrong.
  33. scorpiomover

    What if God exists?

    When it comes to your grades, your teacher is omniscient. So according to you, everyone should complain about failing a test. Everyone in the entire world should get perfect grades and then getting into university is meaningless, or all tests should be cancelled and no-one goes to university.
  34. scorpiomover

    What if God exists?

    You could equally complain that your teacher was unfair for giving you a test that you failed. But without the test, no-one is going to get the grades, no-one is going to university, and no-one is going to get a high-paying job that requires a degree. "No pain => no gain"
  35. scorpiomover

    What if God exists?

    The Paradox of Epicurus: #1, #2 and #3 are not in the character of G-d, and so do not refer to G-d. #4 is the only option left. So #4 must be true. But then #5 and #6 remain. #5 implies that evils exist, but do not come from G-d. Ergo, evils must come from beings that are not all-powerful and...
  36. scorpiomover

    What if God exists?

    It would persist for a while, but still be a sham. We wouldn't even know what we have and don't have in our civilisations, without precise and clear definitions. Such arguments would all be examples of the fallacy known as a Strawman: Imagine if someone was accused of murdering a human being...
  37. scorpiomover

    What if God exists?

    Honestly, it sounds like the way people suffering with anxiety and depression feel about their lives. The only way to cure that, is to accept that either: The danger is real, in which case it's like the KGB. Your only choice is to do what it says until some other basilisk comes and saves you...
  38. scorpiomover

    What if God exists?

    Then in the future, people will invent measuring devices that prove G-d's existence, and then everyone will say that G-d is real.
  39. scorpiomover

    What if God exists?

    Then we don't know what racism is, because we suck at definitions. Half of the people we think are not racists, are racists, and half of the people we think are racists, are not racists. Then we don't know what electricity is, because we suck at definitions. Then we don't know what atoms are...
  40. scorpiomover


    That only works for problems that have already been solved. They're short-term strategies When you do it, other people see how they can do it without much effort. So then lots of other people also seduce the people who know how to do it, because that's easier, and then the seducers now have to...
  41. scorpiomover


    I get the impression that less intelligent people seem to think that's what I and others do. But usually, I find that to get to a good answer, I have tried all sorts of crazy ideas that other people wouldn't because they seem to be crazy and would probably not yield any solutions. But I will...
  42. scorpiomover

    PTSD depression in the OFC and vmPFC

    Had weeks in the beginning when I was on Cloud Nine. Then weeks when I was struggling with it, and really wondered if it was all a dream. But re-kindled efforts, and raised a level. That's happened repeatedly over the past 6 months, and is still happening. So not been perfect sailing at all. But...
  43. scorpiomover


    The key to intelligence is hard work of the brain. The difference between someone smart and someone stupid, is that someone stupid has a problem, tries to think of a few solutions, realises they are wrong, and gives up. The smart person does exactly the same, except that he keeps trying to...
  44. scorpiomover

    PTSD depression in the OFC and vmPFC

    Required me actively thinking in every moment that G-d since G-d is omnipotent and omniscient, g-d controls everything that happens to me, even my own abilities and strengths, and that whatever G-d does, He does for the good, even if it doesn't seem so right now. Having to keep thinking that in...
  45. scorpiomover

    PTSD depression in the OFC and vmPFC

    Most people on this site seem to be non-religious. Not talking about that. Something deeper. But I only want to talk about it, if you express that you want to hear about it.
  46. scorpiomover

    PTSD depression in the OFC and vmPFC

    Change your attitude. They get paid for treating people. The quicker they treat their patients, the less they get paid. My brother told me that in countries like Malaysia, doctors are paid when the people who go to see them are well, like insurance, but are not paid when their patients are...
  47. scorpiomover

    Politicized Science

    Yes. But it still means that genetics don't really count for much when it comes to IQ.
  48. scorpiomover

    Politicized Science

    There have been some advances. But there have also been a lot of things that have changed with no improvement, and some things have got a lot worse. I work in IT. A lot of my work consists of changing code for new updates, that do little more than change the names of the functions, which breaks...
  49. scorpiomover

    Politicized Science

    What goes up, must come down. Just as some scientists will come up with ideas that will improve things, other scientists will come up wih ideas that will worsen things. I remember when lots of people were taking about twin studies. I looked some up, and in the process discovered a couple of...
  50. scorpiomover

    Politicized Science

    Both. Do you have a solid proof of that, or is that wishful thinking?
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