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Search results

  1. Escrue

    Fictional and non fictional INTP's

    Hmm ... how about Spock? =P I've always felt he was a classic example of an INTP. They're rare in fiction, though.
  2. Escrue

    Questions about INFJs

    I think an important thing to keep in mind is that INFJs are excessively sensitive to any kind of conflict or criticism, even when it's meant for a good purpose. This is one of the type's greatest character failings. They regard any kind of criticism as a personal insult against themselves...
  3. Escrue

    Questions about INFJs

    Thankyou, I hope it helps =D Come back anytime ^__^ I always love reading your posts ;D
  4. Escrue

    Questions about INFJs

    Hmmm. That definitely changes things. I'm sorry for what you've been through, it sounds like it was really tough. In this case, I would recommend simply being warm and polite. Unfortunately, INFJs can sometimes forget that rational people have feelings and emotions as well, and view them as...
  5. Escrue

    Hehe, thanks! =D

    Hehe, thanks! =D
  6. Escrue

    Happy Birthday hun! =D Hope you have a great day!

    Happy Birthday hun! =D Hope you have a great day!
  7. Escrue

    Huzzah! =D

    Huzzah! =D
  8. Escrue

    Questions about INFJs

    Don't blame yourself <3 Sometimes INFJs can be unfair on others. I know that I have, on occasion, felt insulted by a very casual, innocent comment made by someone else. As a result I start to distance myself from them. Then they end up very confused and hurt :slashnew: It's definitely not a good...
  9. Escrue

    Questions about INFJs

    Well, I think for some reason INFJs get a lot of pleasure from giving to other people xD Whether it be their time, their listening skills, gifts, etc. I'm not sure why it feels so much better to give rather than receive. From a rational point of view, it isn't really fair I guess, but from the...
  10. Escrue

    Welcome! =D I'm new here too haha, but I hope you enjoy it here! :grouphug:

    Welcome! =D I'm new here too haha, but I hope you enjoy it here! :grouphug:
  11. Escrue

    Happy Birthday hun! =D

    Happy Birthday hun! =D
  12. Escrue


  13. Escrue

    Questions about INFJs

    Hi all :) I really appreciated the advice this forum gave me about INTPs, so, I thought I would make a mini-topic for anyone curious about INFJ behaviour or a particular INFJ. Sorry if I sound somewhat presumptuous :confused: Haha. I've never done this before, but I'll do my best to answer any...
  14. Escrue

    INTP Strengths

    If they don't notice it Proxy, they're probably S's xD Lawl, no offence to sensing people. But that's okay, you true friends are all that matter -virtual hug-
  15. Escrue

    INTP Strengths

    - Very clear, analytical intellect - Very intelligent - Think very lucidly - Unrestrained imagination - Can think up endless possibilities - Always provide an alternative viewpoint - Makes other people smile through their wit - Focused on what they love to do - Dependable, unchanging and...
  16. Escrue

    Can INTP's be talkative

    Heehee! Trust me, INTPs always hold awesomely witty and interesting conversations =D
  17. Escrue

    I suck at math

    LOL! I didn't understand what you just said, Latro, but it sounds really smart ;D You know your stuff! You have a point though. At our school, they taught us applied math 80% of the time. And the teachers really sucked too, they couldn't explain things to save their life. Again, this might be...
  18. Escrue

    Okay, so who do INTPs get along with?

    As an INFJ, I think they get along pretty well with us. I read something online about the 'grand miscommunication theory' - the INTP has someone whom they can share their ideas, imagination, and thought processes, while the INFJ feels like the INTP is opening up to them. INTP: Huzzah! An...
  19. Escrue

    I suck at math

    My dearest INTP hates math. She loves logical structures, like those which can be found in language, linguistics and philosophy, but math is out of the question. I think it comes down to the fact that she has a very extensive imagination. Thus, she loves the humanities, but especially likes the...
  20. Escrue

    Biggest INTP downfall?

    When INTPs are under a lot of stress or are feeling quite negatively about something, they will attempt to detach themselves from any semblance of feeling and view everything from a completely analytical stance. This can cause them to be very critical and unaware of other people's feelings. But...
  21. Escrue

    Can INTP's be talkative

    I think INTPs are usually quite shy and quiet, tending to be part of the background. But when they're around people who respect and value their ideas, they can't stop talking! :D Ahh, it's so sweet. But if one is lucky to hear the ideas of an INTP, they don't want them to stop talking. ;)
  22. Escrue

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    Very good guide! I can actually see a little bit of myself in all of those areas .... heh heh heh. Man, INFJs can be so sneaky.
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