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Search results

  1. AureliaSeverina

    Why are INTP talents so unappeciated?

    I agree. INTPs are known for having many hidden talents. Sometimes they don't tell anyone about their talents because they are too modest and sometimes they do it as a way of avoiding work. If people knew about all their talents, they'd bother them for help all the time. I'm an INTJ and I don't...
  2. AureliaSeverina

    Thoughts on "Quiet - The Power of Introverts" by Susan Cain

    Yep, I was wondering the same about all those introverts who are studying Business Management or something. What is it that makes them interested in these jobs and this whole 'culture', if it's so patently anti-introverts? This is especially puzzling as many of them know enough about...
  3. AureliaSeverina

    Star Trek MBTI WebPage

    What about Captain Kirk? I think it says ENFP on that page. I'm more inclinded to think he's an ENTP, but some guys on personality cafe claim he's an ESTP because "he fucks anything with a pulse". What do you think?
  4. AureliaSeverina

    Thoughts on "Quiet - The Power of Introverts" by Susan Cain

    LOL. It's a really good book, very thought-provoking but easy to read at the same time. Hope you won't have to wait for two years.
  5. AureliaSeverina

    Thoughts on "Quiet - The Power of Introverts" by Susan Cain

    Thanks for your long reply, scorpio. There's a lot to think about in there and you really got me interested in Jung now. I might reply in more detail when I've re-read your post. LOL. I'm an INTJ and I am quiet, except when I'm talking. :D LOL, my introverted friends talk a lot all in one go...
  6. AureliaSeverina

    Thoughts on "Quiet - The Power of Introverts" by Susan Cain

    Hi nharkey, thanks for your reply. Yep, it's only a minor criticism. Actually, Cain herself says that it takes all sorts of people and that it's not about who's "better". That's just me being nitpicky :) Thanks for the link. Keirsey's book has been on my mental to-read list for a while...
  7. AureliaSeverina

    INTPs do you have "favourite" ....things?

    ROFL. Yep, you're nearly king of the hill :)
  8. AureliaSeverina

    INTPs do you have "favourite" ....things?

    My problem is that I think of e.g. all the books I haven't read yet and when someone asks me about my favourites I begin to think "How can I know which book is the one and only best book in the world when I've only read a tiny fraction of the books that exist and will never be able to read all...
  9. AureliaSeverina

    INTPs do you have "favourite" ....things?

    Hi guys, I'm an evil INTJ and I find it nearly impossible to list or talk about "favourite" things like "favourite" books, music, food etc. I've got this social skills lesson with some kids coming up tomorrow, where everyone is supposed to look at prompt cards and tell the group about their...
  10. AureliaSeverina

    If I focus on developing and maturing one of my weaker functions, will its opposite suffer?

    I've been thinking wouldn't an INTP with well-developed Fe actually be more logical (Ti) than one with underdeveloped Fe? As in: if they have virtually non-existent Fe, they are prone to go into Ti-Si loops. Their thinking would seem entirely logical to themselves for a while, but actually it...
  11. AureliaSeverina

    Thoughts on "Quiet - The Power of Introverts" by Susan Cain

    (Mods, please don't move this to the literature section, because I'd like people to discuss the ideas brought up in this book, not the quality of her writing etc) (I originally posted this on another forum, so some bits might sound weird. Sorry for rambling so much :) ) Has any of you read...
  12. AureliaSeverina

    On the cognitive functions...

    Interesting. I never thought about it this way before. However, where is your evidence that Ti-doms do Fi just as well or often as Ti and Te's do Fe just as well or often? I'm an INTJ and my Fe is rubbish. Let's say if someone comes to my house, I'll offer them a drink like a good host. But I...
  13. AureliaSeverina

    INTP principles

    I've been wondering about this for a while. They say INTPs are easy-going until you violate one of their principles. What are some of you guys' principles and how did you arrive of them in the absence of Fi? I think we can rule out religious/ political indoctrination for most of you? So, do you...
  14. AureliaSeverina

    INTP long-term memory - how does it work?

    Could it be that INTPs don't care about the present context of the information too much? When they read some 'salient' point they see it in isolation from the rest of the article/book etc and link it to a similar point from a different context/ to the (conceptual) world outside this particular...
  15. AureliaSeverina

    INTP long-term memory - how does it work?

    Thanks :) That reminds me of what I learned as part of my degree and have forgotten :) LOL, just proves my point. Strangely enough, I'm better able to remember random things that I don't need or want to remember than things that I have to study. It's probably because the pressure of having to...
  16. AureliaSeverina

    INTP long-term memory - how does it work?

    I'm an INTJ and obsessed with learning stuff, but as soon as something has no practical relevance I forget it. I need to be able to use knowledge either at work or in an exam or give impromptu lectures to unsuspecting by-standers etc. So I end up being torn between learning something new and...
  17. AureliaSeverina

    Am I Too Old for this??

    Well, she could have said "And better yet female". as in "Are you female yet?". still female = pre-operative female-to-male transgendered person. female yet = pre-operative male-to-female.... dunno if that's any better? Welcome Co60.
  18. AureliaSeverina

    Hello... disenchanted INTP chick here...

    Hi and welcome. I'm an INTJ and I'd love to be an INTP. They rock!
  19. AureliaSeverina

    Am I an INTP, INTJ or something else entirely?

    Because they entertain me with their strange ways and provide a different perspective when my head is too far up my own arse.
  20. AureliaSeverina

    Am I an INTP, INTJ or something else entirely?

    I'm an INTJ. Don't know whether I'm respectable ;) But who says you can only get along with people of your own type?
  21. AureliaSeverina

    Am I an INTP, INTJ or something else entirely?

    LOL, welcome to the world of INTPs and INTJs. We're all ass-hats, don't take us too seriously. :D
  22. AureliaSeverina

    LOL, Ok, why don't you PM me and explain in what way I seem to exactly type and think like your...

    LOL, Ok, why don't you PM me and explain in what way I seem to exactly type and think like your ENTJ friend :)
  23. AureliaSeverina

    are the types more/less extreme in different countries?

    Hum, I'm in Germany now and there seem to be LOADs of xSTJs. Yesterday we went to the zoo and there was a constant background noise of people announcing their plans. E.g. some mother on the loo to her child: "Now we're gonna walk past the monkeys and then you can have an ice cream and then we...
  24. AureliaSeverina

    Hi ElvenVeil, don't know if you remember our discussion about me being an INTJ/P hybrid.... I've...

    Hi ElvenVeil, don't know if you remember our discussion about me being an INTJ/P hybrid.... I've tought about it for a bit. My high Ne/ Ti scores might be either my ENTP shadow functions becaue my boss is an ENTP or I might have learned them from my INTP friend. I've noticed that I only do Ti...
  25. AureliaSeverina

    are the types more/less extreme in different countries?

    Oh well, I pick up mannerisms from people all the time and they pick up mine. But consciously copying someone's hobbies and interests is a bit different.
  26. AureliaSeverina

    Do any of you read children's books (other than Harry Potter)?

    I just looked up that series on amazon. Sounds really good. I hadn't heard of it before and the title sounded like something to do with anorexia. LOL, anyone care to buy me a ticket to get off my own planet and visit the real world?
  27. AureliaSeverina

    are the types more/less extreme in different countries?

    Sam, that's really interesting and creepy... not because of the dead animals, but because of the copying.
  28. AureliaSeverina

    Am I an INTP, INTJ or something else entirely?

    LOL. That proves my point :D
  29. AureliaSeverina

    Am I an INTP, INTJ or something else entirely?

    Yep, but Ti-types would still sound a lot more precise than Ni-types. INTPs and ENTPs always seem to know (or need to know) the "right" word for everything. They seem to need a close match between concepts and the words for them, whereas INTJs and ENTJs paraphrase more and express themselves in...
  30. AureliaSeverina

    are the types more/less extreme in different countries?

    Hey Sam, thanks for your very interesting reply. Ss behaving like Ns? Now that sounds ... interesting. I'm going to Germany for two weeks over Easter. I'll see if I can observe anything similar there..... Can you give an example? I know some S tyypes in Germany who try very hard to be...
  31. AureliaSeverina

    The Mythical INTJs...

    LOL, I know what you mean. I don't find myself interesting at all, but other people seem to find every little thing I do fascinating. Also, I don't like it when I've got some hobby that I pursue halfheartedly and people get really excited about it and are disappointed when they find out that I...
  32. AureliaSeverina

    The Mythical INTJs...

    LOL, I'm exaggerating a bit here :) I can cope with seemingly shallow interactions well enough and I even enjoy them if it's on a 1:1 basis or in a small group. It's just that I work with children with special needs all day and after that I need a rest. Socialising isn't exactly a rest. By...
  33. AureliaSeverina

    The Mythical INTJs...

    Evil rumours. I'm an INTJ female and my boss is an ENTP and I'm truly humbled to be in his presence. I don't think I know any other ENTPs but just judging from this one, they have all the endearing traits of INTPs without being overly 'complex' or socially awkward. Actually, I find it easier to...
  34. AureliaSeverina

    are the types more/less extreme in different countries?

    For those of you who have lived in a different country or travelled extensively, do you find that cultural differences make it more difficult to type people? I'm an INTJ from Germany originally but am living in England. I get the impression that the E/I dimension is more pronounced in Germany...
  35. AureliaSeverina

    Which type is most likely to be clingy/ a stalker?

    LOL, but then an INTP would probably feels stalkerish as soon as they said "Hi." to someone ;). "Attempting to get to notice me" = standing in a corner and looking zoned-out? :D
  36. AureliaSeverina

    Which type is most likely to be clingy/ a stalker?

    But then extraverted people spread their attention more and are less dependent on just one or few people? LOL, I'm not sure I meant this thread to be taken seriously :)
  37. AureliaSeverina

    Astrological Signs for INTPs

    19 August. You?
  38. AureliaSeverina

    Astrological Signs for INTPs

    +1 Aquarians are said to always sit and think about the future or an ideal better world but they aren't necessarily interested in doing anything themselves towards achieving these goals. Sounds pretty INTP-ish to me :) Also, they are said to be stubborn and to disappear for long periods of time...
  39. AureliaSeverina

    Ni and Ne

    Hum, seeing as both Ni and Ne are intuitive, it might not be possible to describe them in a more concrete/ less vague way. Maybe we cannot break them down into smaller bits, because that would be an Si/ Se thing and they just don't translate into anything more detailed. Just a thought. :confused:
  40. AureliaSeverina

    Do any of you read children's books (other than Harry Potter)?

    LOL, I know exactly what you mean. I've spent hours looking for these young adult science fiction book that I read as a teenager and couldn't find it for the life of me. Went through loads of lists on wikipedia etc, but to no avail. I took them out from a public library when I was a kid and they...
  41. AureliaSeverina

    Ni and Ne

    LOL. According to this, I use Ni, Te and Ti, but not Ne. (I'm an INTJ). But, how is "I want to design the fence." related to intuition/ abstraction? It sounds more like an Se thing. Anyway, I quite like the following definition from keys2cognition: The description of the developed use of Ne...
  42. AureliaSeverina

    Which type is most likely to be clingy/ a stalker?

    Good thinking :)
  43. AureliaSeverina

    Which type is most likely to be clingy/ a stalker?

    In your experience, which personality type(s) is/ are most likely to be clingy or a stalker?
  44. AureliaSeverina

    Classic DOS games anyone?

    Do you play classic DOS games? What are your favourites? I love the old platform/ run-and-shoot ones, like Duke Nukem 1&2, Captain Comic, Commander Keen, Xargon, Jill of the Jungle, Jazz Jackrabbit....
  45. AureliaSeverina

    INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    Thanks, but I can't claim all the credit. There are several threads about it on here as well as on INTJ forum. I know what you mean. I'm an INTJ and tested as INTJ on this test, but apparently my Ne is higher than my Ni :confused:, while my Ti is still less than my Te. But I seem to have hardly...
  46. AureliaSeverina

    INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    try this test: http://www.keys2cognition.com/explore.htm It figures out your MBTI type based on your cognitive function without directly testing for I/E or J/P
  47. AureliaSeverina

    INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

  48. AureliaSeverina

    INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    Interesting :) Can you come up with archetypes for INTJs?
  49. AureliaSeverina

    INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    I have an INTP friend who is all of these, except a dynamic brainstormer or visionary leader. Are you saying that there are different kinds of INTPs depending on which of these combinations they use most often? Sounds interesting. Could they then present as very similar to other types, though...
  50. AureliaSeverina

    Do any of you read children's books (other than Harry Potter)?

    Classic children's books? The Famous Five series by Enid Blyton. Pippi Longstockings series by Astrid Lindgren.
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