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Local time
Yesterday 4:08 PM
Nov 21, 2009
I could make this post very long but i decided to just leave it to grow and simply say
Lost is the best show I have ever seen
I got all the seasons on DVD (getting season 5 Dharma kit Tuesday :D) and know it like the back of my hand.
so like i said ill just leave this short and let the thread progress from here any other Losties here?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:08 AM
Aug 24, 2008

Lost gets a fuckload of shit for being slow-moving in the first couple of seasons. Most people make judgements with very little information on the whole show.

There could definitely be improvements though. Some of the scenes are irritating attempts at appealing to the truly irrational sides in people, really completely side-stepping rational argument. I don't mean this in the INTP way, I mean this in the goddamn-you're-an-idiot way. I guess that's TV though.

The overall story and plot progression is...wow.

Are you into Battlestar Galactica at all?

One thing I notice with these shows is that you have to have at least some appreciation of human emotions and interaction dynamics. Without that, much of the show's power is lost (pun shot and killed on sight).


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:08 AM
May 22, 2009
I went from LOST to Battlestar, both amazing shows. I just started watching Rome, it's amazing. They all have one big storyline like cheese mentioned.

-I like the storyline in LOST, it's very mysterious and intriguing.
-The characters and interactions in Battlestar, and the emotion conveyed in it is brilliant.
-The sheer scope of Rome (The sets,props,outfits) is incredible to behold.


Local time
Yesterday 7:08 PM
Oct 27, 2009
Lost is awesome.

I was late on the bandwagon but I got hooked. The first season was the best TV I have ever seen, great character development. Then it got progressively worse over the next few seasons, but I think it redeemed itself with the people from the freighter crew. The plot is very intriguing, but it goes a little too fast, especially in the last season. Never the less I show is still great.
Local time
Yesterday 4:08 PM
Nov 21, 2009
haha all very true, I don't watch it primarily for the emotional aspect of it though but it is still the best show for that as well haha.

i actually have not gotten into battlestar galactica, but i hear good things so ill defiantly check it out.


pat pat
Local time
Today 1:08 AM
Jan 1, 2009
I like Lost too. And I kinda like the unsolved mysteries. When we know the answer it's not a mystery, and it's not intriguing anymore =(
So, it doesn't bother me that they lengthened the show. I also like most of the characters, except Jack, he's annoying. I'm very excited as to how it ends, how they are planning on explaining everything.


Active Member
Local time
Today 4:08 AM
Aug 14, 2009
I like it, but not too much. It's too... uh, how do you say it in English... too long, sort of. Too many filler episodes. The whole 5 seasons could've been nicely fit into 2 24-episode seasons.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 1:08 AM
Jan 10, 2009
I finally came to catch up with Lost and watched 4 seasons in a week. Jack is obnoxious and I really hate Kate. My favourite characters are, of course, Locke and Ben.

The next and last season starts in February, in case you didn't know.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:08 AM
Aug 24, 2008
I finally came to catch up with Lost and watched 4 seasons in a week. Jack is obnoxious and I really hate Kate. My favourite characters are, of course, Locke and Ben.

The next and last season starts in February, in case you didn't know.

Can someone explain why Locke is such a favourite? I find him annoying. Ben I understand completely.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Yesterday 7:08 PM
Sep 25, 2008
Can someone explain why Locke is such a favourite? I find him annoying. Ben I understand completely.

I love Locke.

He's the primary visionary on the series, and I resonate with him in regards to my own spiritual journey in life, where I try to figure out (1) who I am and (2) how the world best fits together. He's pretty INFP, I think.

He's looking for higher purpose and trying to submit to it, no matter what it costs him personally. <-- THAT is what makes him endearing and worthwhile. He is willing to be ostractized and misunderstood, in his pursuit of truth... even though it kills him, because he's actually a pretty lonely character and would love to feel accepted.

I probably relate best to him and to Juliette, on the series.

I think most of the characters rock, though. I mean, I really DON'T get along with Jack much... he really grates on me ... but I think he's an awesome character.

Ben, the NTJ mastermind, I of course love as well... he's a snively little rat-bastard and plays the part so well. The first few episodes he appeared in, where we had no idea whether he was Other, were magnificent.

I am a big Lost fan from Season #1, although due to lots of life complications I missed the last 6-7 episodes of this past season. I just think all the characters are excellent, and it's an Ne/Ni playground. Many Sensors seem to hate it, and J's want closure. I love how open-ended it is.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:08 AM
Aug 24, 2008
I love Locke.

He's the primary visionary on the series, and I resonate with him in regards to my own spiritual journey in life, where I try to figure out (1) who I am and (2) how the world best fits together. He's pretty INFP, I think.

He's looking for higher purpose and trying to submit to it, no matter what it costs him personally. <-- THAT is what makes him endearing and worthwhile. He is willing to be ostractized and misunderstood, in his pursuit of truth... even though it kills him, because he's actually a pretty lonely character and would love to feel accepted.

I probably relate best to him and to Juliette, on the series.

I like how he sounds here, I just don't see that on the show. He seems to be weak and deceptive. I wish I could see him the way others do.

I think Juliette's great. She's willing to do whatever it takes, and she does it calmly. Level-headed.

Ben is amazing because of the tiny little scraps of humanity they throw him every now and then. His character arc is pretty interesting.

All the characters are good, even the annoying ones. I just wish I could see the same greatness in Locke that everyone else does.

JENNYWOCKY! You HAVE to finish the season! Please promise me you will before someone spoils it for you, if they haven't already. I think in America you can watch it on Hulu? At least do it before the final season comes out.

*breathes heavily*


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 1:08 AM
Jan 10, 2009
I always thought Locke was clearly Ni dominant and most likely INFJ. Especially in contrast to Jack who is NT, probably ENTJ; there is even an episode with the name "Man of Science, Man of Faith". Dichotomy is the major theme in Lost. Faith vs. coincidence, nature vs culture, light vs. dark, etc.
However, while I am a Locke fan from the beginning on, my fandom has greatly suffered from Locke violating common sense and being a jerkass. While none of the pasts from the cast are really nice, Locke suffers the most. No matter what he does, he fails. His life is as miserable as it can be without breaking the willing suspension of disbelief. That's something I can identify with.
Then there is Ben. I never thought Ben would become a regular cast member. Ben is from the beginning on clearly depicted as evil. But unlike most other villains, he has no illusions about it. He doesn't look for any excuses and he doesn't really try to justify his deeds either. He only does what he has to do, no matter what it takes. Such characters will always rank higher than those who simply seek power, want to become a god, had a crappy past or other nonsense.

And Jenny, I really recommend you to watch the episodes that are left. :)


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Yesterday 7:08 PM
Sep 25, 2008
I always thought Locke was clearly Ni dominant and most likely INFJ.

I find it hard to tell what the internal function is, even if it's the primary.
So did Myers and Briggs.
That is why they always describe the visible prim/aux function with the J/P factor and not necessarily the primary for introverts.

Extroverts show their primary, introverts show their secondary.

John is not J at all on the outside.
He's pretty clearly Pe.

Hence, any IxxJ read doesn't seem to fit well.

He floats -- he wanders around and looks for signs in the external environment and then accommodates them and incorporates them into his internal framework. That's Pe, not Je.

Hence, Ne as his secondary, as he's pretty clearly introverted

Especially in contrast to Jack who is NT, probably ENTJ;
Lol. I see Jack as not N at all.
He's very xSTJ to me. :)

This is why John pisses him off.
John makes no sense to him.
Jack sees what is real.
He sees facts.
John's blathering and insinuations drive Jack crazy.
They have no substance.
John must be a nutjob, to Jack.

I agree with the Te function read you have, though.
Unlike John, Jack tries very hard to control external reality.
Te, definitely.

Then there is Ben. I never thought Ben would become a regular cast member. Ben is from the beginning on clearly depicted as evil. But unlike most other villains, he has no illusions about it. He doesn't look for any excuses and he doesn't really try to justify his deeds either. He only does what he has to do, no matter what it takes. Such characters will always rank higher than those who simply seek power, want to become a god, had a crappy past or other nonsense.
That's one reason why I like Ben.
He's sort of amoral.

He isn't "evil," he just is pragmatic, has goals, and doesn't apologize for his actions.

And Jenny, I really recommend you to watch the episodes that are left. :)
Sigh... gotta do it now! :)

I didn't mean to fall so far behind... the last stuff I've seen had Sawyer and Juliette together back in the past.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 6:08 PM
Jan 4, 2010
I have to agree with Cheese about Locke. Yes, I can respect his search for truth, but his "truth" is totally subjective. He throws himself into one thing and when it doesn't give him the result he wants (whatever that is...enlightenment?), he gets frustrated and decides, no wait, that's not the truth anymore. I was just confused.
Whether it's his father, his girlfriend, that cult he belonged to, the hatch ect, he's convinced that all he needs to do is find that one thing that will make his life complete. To me, that's a sign of weakness. He needs some external force to validate him. Combine that with the fact that he has very little follow-through with any of his "truths", and it makes for a thoroughly unlikable and easily manipulated character in my mind, especially when he hides his complete lack of conviction and self-confidence behind a facade of patronizing certainty. Every time I see that little "I know I'm right and I'm too enlightened to get into an argument about it with you, therefore I don't even have to explain myself" smile on his face, I want to poke him in they eye.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:08 AM
Aug 24, 2008


Sith Lord
Local time
Yesterday 6:08 PM
Dec 15, 2009
Obamagrad, IL
Quickly thinking this over, Faraday is way too squishy in confrontational circumstances to be an ENTJ. Jeremy Davies is probably an INFJ, and his personality comes out in a lot of the characters he portrays. But his character is an NT of some sort, and the conflict creates the odd, charming schizo quality. Which is why fiction is fun...

Widmore though is a keeper. Like Megatron, he takes orders from no one!

No one tells me what to do!


Local time
Today 12:08 AM
Dec 21, 2009


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 6:08 PM
Jan 4, 2010
Any theories on the "flash sideways"?
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