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Search results

  1. Creeping Death


  2. Creeping Death

    the horrible life

    >No time to do anything because work >No money left to go out on weekends >cig after cig, tons of beer If you work all the time, even if you have a shitty wagecuck job, saving up shouldn't be a huge problem. Don't complain about having no extra money on the weekends if you're drinking and...
  3. Creeping Death

    I thought it could be a message of my willingness to bromance with you. However unoriginal...

    I thought it could be a message of my willingness to bromance with you. However unoriginal, bromance dude. Wow. I think I had to drunk very much.
  4. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    if you had an apple with a straw n you poked the apple though wit it and a pebble hadnt dropped through itd stop straw inside the apple ebcause gravity cant apple
  5. Creeping Death

    INTJ + INTP work relationship

    I used to work with an INTJ friend of mine, he referred me to the job. We worked with chemistry, because of this we were often paired together at the start because important things would get done. We rarely got on each others nerves, but this is probably because we knew each other well before I...
  6. Creeping Death


  7. Creeping Death

    Body - Mind - Soul

    I get what you're saying, sorta. I just think all three can fit into the body category. Is there even a scientific definition of soul? Mind falls under the body category, there's no reason I can think of to separate the two as if they're completely different things. The mind is just chemical...
  8. Creeping Death

    Why I'm not scared of Islam and nor should you be.

    Sometimes I say things to be ironic, then after I say them I ponder it for a minute and realize that in a certain light it may not be as ironic... hmm.
  9. Creeping Death

    Why I'm not scared of Islam and nor should you be.

    If being nuts translates to economically, militarily and culturally dominating the world, then yeah, we're nuts.
  10. Creeping Death

    Hello! I am Silina, Sete's tulpa!

    So if Sete is Edward Norton, Silina is Brad Pitt?
  11. Creeping Death

    I would it.

    I would it.
  12. Creeping Death

    The Avian Dinosaur Thread

  13. Creeping Death

    The Avian Dinosaur Thread

    https://youtu.be/BGPGknpq3e0 https://youtu.be/cbSu2PXOTOc
  14. Creeping Death

    The Avian Dinosaur Thread

    I'll begin this thread with one of my personal favorites, Corvids: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corvidae https://youtu.be/0fiAoqwsc9g https://youtu.be/gUiGEDnf5e4 https://youtu.be/AfsnHVaScjg More corvidae content to come, also: Timneh parrots, cockatoos and bald eagles...
  15. Creeping Death

    Ask me anything thread

    What's your full name, date of birth, current address and ssn? Is heaven a real place? If so will I go? What's the mass of the nearest neuron star? Will Cheeseumpuffs ever admit to having fun?
  16. Creeping Death

    Talking some mad shit, eh?

    Talking some mad shit, eh?
  17. Creeping Death

    Choosing a career

    There is still high demand for the real thing, specifically cherry and maple I've noticed, but usually for people who have the money. I'm not sure which industry specifically you're referring to, but where I'm at people are more than willing to pay top dollar for the real deal, specifically...
  18. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    When making a generalization, people seem to assume you are ignorant of, or neglecting the exceptions. This results in them being unnecessarily pedantic when analyzing what you are saying. There are times when that may be necessary, but it often distracts from the point being made.
  19. Creeping Death

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    This puts me on a private Mediterranean beach. Having a small party with some affluent friends I'm just getting to know. This isn't my cup of tea though, still 5/10 for putting that imagery in my head. https://youtu.be/x1NAhlVRaZ4
  20. Creeping Death

    How do any of you sleep???

    The more productive and busy I was throughout the day, the easier it was for me to sleep when it was time for me to. I've self medicated to try to get some sleep, alcohol and opiates didn't work well because I'd want to stay up and enjoy the state of being, plus it's hard not forming a habit...
  21. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  22. Creeping Death

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    First sounded like corny old video game music, then I realized I could actually fight dragons to this. 7.62/10 https://youtu.be/CKIn3b0Lk5A
  23. Creeping Death

    Why so serious!

    At some adult stores, they sell pairs of dice with a different sex position on each side for one die, and different locations in the house for the other... in case you wanted to know. I bet that book was the inspiration for it though.
  24. Creeping Death

    Old INTP school reports

    I got mostly A's and rarely some B's up until middle school, then I started having a social life.
  25. Creeping Death

    Do you even lift?

    I imagine you'd probably start to say the same about the French when Le Pen gets elected this year.
  26. Creeping Death


  27. Creeping Death

    Do you even lift?

    Not exactly. I can put on muscle decently, but I don't care about getting huge. Getting stronger is a more important goal imo. That's why I really don't do higher rep isolation exercises and just keep to the main lifts like bench, squat, deadlift, then some bodyweight stuff like dips and...
  28. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I have a fear of sinkholes. Looking at pictures of them is as detestable as looking at pictures of bad trench foot, but for some reason I can't look away. Or those fungal infections that make lots of those tiny holes in the skin, sinkholes give me a similar feeling. I can handle earthquakes...
  29. Creeping Death

    u fink ur funny, bruv? avin' a turkish are we? fink ur a 'ard man? ill bash u rite in the...

    u fink ur funny, bruv? avin' a turkish are we? fink ur a 'ard man? ill bash u rite in the gabber, u cheeky lil kunt! i swear on me nan
  30. Creeping Death

    Do you even lift?

    Pssh, watchu talking 'bout, son? I am the sultan of squat, a disciple of the deadlift, a beast of the bench. Also, my lats are deadly weapons, Michelangelo couldn't sculpt such perfection.
  31. Creeping Death

    Do you even lift?

    It has come to my attention that the stereotype of INTPs would have one believe we are scrawny fucks who sit at the computer all day, making zero gains and crushing zero pussy. This is an outrage, I know there's got to be some superbeasts among us. If you aren't quite sure of your brohood...
  32. Creeping Death

    How do you respond when someone smiles at you?

    I prefer this, but followed by a long dead serious stare, licking my lips a couple times and slowly clenching my fists. Then smile wide and follow them. I usually have a permanent smile, this can put some in a humorous or playfully curious mood. Others can seriously react with hostility towards...
  33. Creeping Death

    What's your opinion of ESFJ's?

    If I could find a good example of what would be considered a simple minded and basic person, it would probably be an ESFJ. It's like they have absolutely no critical thinking skills. The poster above me said it well, being very nice to the point of smothering, not understanding that you need...
  34. Creeping Death


  35. Creeping Death

    INTPs - what are the types of your 5 best friends?

    3 INTJs, an ENTP and an ESFP
  36. Creeping Death

    Now I'm a bit curious to know what you meant. pm me if you want.

    Now I'm a bit curious to know what you meant. pm me if you want.
  37. Creeping Death

    I don't think anything has really been constant, I wasn't even aware of anything going on until now.

    I don't think anything has really been constant, I wasn't even aware of anything going on until now.
  38. Creeping Death

    Do debates actually change anyone's mind?

    God you're dense, first of all for implying that I implied that I expect immediate change in opinions during a debate (however it may have happened before I'm sure), and second for failing to realize that I titled this thread with a rhetorical question.
  39. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  40. Creeping Death

    Damn, i've been here nearly 4 years.

    You've been here throughout the entirety of Obama's presidency... How does it feel? Have you become enlightened? Are you a wizard?
  41. Creeping Death

    Damn, i've been here nearly 4 years.

    At least it's better than your posts disappearing without a warning or an explanation.
  42. Creeping Death

    Mike Pence

    I don't agree with this either, I don't agree with him much on anything really, I'm just curious about his MBT.
  43. Creeping Death

    Did i find the meaning of life?

    Everything I post is acceptable. Actually, godlike and inspiring.
  44. Creeping Death

    Mike Pence

    I haven't found much on him, but I found this: http://www.celebritytypes.com/isfj.php They type him as ISFJ but idk why, they don't go into detail and just state quotes from or about him. Prior to the campaign I'd never heard of him. It seems most people outside of Indiana haven't heard...
  45. Creeping Death

    Did i find the meaning of life?

  46. Creeping Death

    Iran to the store..

    This thread is really making my Benis hard. I was about to ask you to Lima thread alone or I'd leave your Caracas on the street. Anyway I need to Finnish my shopping so I can go home to watch cartoons Andorra the Explorer. She Israel actually, I've met her. I put my Longdong into her Anus. She...
  47. Creeping Death

    Iran to the store..

    Batman.. no seriously. Batman Turkey lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman,_Turkey
  48. Creeping Death

    Ask me anything

    What does it take to excite you? (In like, a totally non-sexual way)
  49. Creeping Death

    29/12/2016 Forum Drama Resolution

    Re: 29/12/2017 Forum Drama Resolution Huh, really makes you think.
  50. Creeping Death

    29/12/2016 Forum Drama Resolution

    Re: 29/12/2017 Forum Drama Resolution I doubt he's serious about those conditions.
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