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Search results

  1. Linsejko

    The writing on my sole...

    Fascinating. Sole was an intentional spelling. Am not going to spoil anything yet. .L
  2. Linsejko

    objectivity, INTPs and numbers

    Re: Do you like being an INTP? By no means hate you. Just, find your arguing harmful to my eyes and ears. I didn't real mean offense. More like a playful poke in your direction. (10.... nice....) .L
  3. Linsejko


    Zakai, is that a rough attempt to cover up a mistake? I ask, Olba, because your diatribe on dancing presented some ambiguous statements that made it clear to me that I could not be sure either way- I had assumed you were male, but it was only a hunch. That clears up that mystery. .L
  4. Linsejko

    1N7P5 l337!!11

    Yes, but... what if we made... some... ultra cool club... or something... and everyone was jealous.... and wanted to be INTP.... and thought we were awesome and wanted in.... ....-_-;; *sigh* --- But seriously. I dunno, I think I see reasonable interest in various other types. Certainly the...
  5. Linsejko

    What's Your Guilty Secret?

    A 'social function'? How dreadful. .L
  6. Linsejko

    What's Your Guilty Secret?

    I love the piano. I am sad music was never introduced to me as a child. Piano is my first instrument, entirely self taught, though never owned a piano until I finally bought myself one a year ago ($85! A steal on craigslist). I can barely read sheet music (it takes too much work to finally gain...
  7. Linsejko

    objectivity, INTPs and numbers

    Re: Do you like being an INTP? gah. I can't take it. Run on sentences, no proper grammar, terrible comma usage, no caps, overused ellipsis, poor spelling, attempts at puns in already ambiguous language, broken sentence structures, poor spacing, and Olba arguing... And worst of all, I'm...
  8. Linsejko

    Foreign Languages/Linguistics

    Auuu, aren't you nice. Spread the word, Cabbo's gotten cocky since he's the second highest poster around. Thinks that means he can threadjack all he wants. ;P I think, however, that the draws to linguistics and programming languages are related; high amounts of complexity, logic, and never...
  9. Linsejko

    1N7P5 l337!!11

    Yes, it proves it to myself, but that doesn't really accomplish my goal of proofing the others. Perhaps... just saying, "explain the meaning of life. Begin by discussing your childhood. Let your answer evolve from there." You should then see them ramble for quite a long time, and leap from...
  10. Linsejko

    type preference and attraction

    Hey, I missed out on this one. Actualized type: INTP (who you are) Introverted (I) 63.64% Extroverted (E) 36.36% Intuitive...
  11. Linsejko

    Foreign Languages/Linguistics

    Currently learning Esperanto. Mother tongue is English. Keep trying to teach myself Hebrew, but keep slacking off- not because of boredom, just lack of self discipline. I love languages. :D The most interesting thing about languages is the cultural-philosophical element of languages; I refer...
  12. Linsejko

    time warp

    Methuselah. .L
  13. Linsejko


    Good response. w1mminz 0mgz0rz. Olba, what is your sex? .L
  14. Linsejko

    The writing on my sole...

    In the center, in red sharpie: LIMITED, TEMPORAL PERCEPTIONS OF REALITY All around, in blue sharpie: "GROUPS" ATOMS META-PHYSICAL GOFAI "ANALOGY" THE NEED OF A "STARTING POINT" ARCHITECT? ----- I'm curious how many/ if any/ will be able to read/ the writing on/ my sole? [Perhaps, a few...
  15. Linsejko


    I find that the pairing dichotomy I least understand is the S/N letter pair. My best explanation is that the S seems experiential, while the N seems theoretical. Anyone else got a better interpretation? .L
  16. Linsejko

    Flee for the hills fools!

    ^aye. .L
  17. Linsejko


    I dunno. I can imagine an INTP being comfortable of being in charge of something that large a scale; I imagine the "S" types would have more trouble being disconnected from so much of what they lead, while the "N" types would be much more comfortable at a distance. At least, that's what I'd...
  18. Linsejko

    How Risk averse are you?

    Eh. I'd do that. I've always wanted to surf. -_- .L
  19. Linsejko

    Dwight D. Eisenhower, (INTJ) or (INTP)?

    ^Second'd. .L
  20. Linsejko

    Debricked a router...

    I knew of the reset button the whole time... there were other complications. It was just messy. Basically, there was information on the router that no one knew anymore. Eventually I was able to reset that information, so that it was ok to reset the router. BEFW11S4, Version 4. :*( And I...
  21. Linsejko

    How computer literate are YOU?

    I haven't gotten around to messing with ndiswrapper, myself; haven't needed to yet. It sounds scary. I am, however, a bit annoyed to recently find out that my otherwise functional wifi card driver doesn't support scanning. More than once I've had to borrow a friend's laptop to find out what the...
  22. Linsejko

    What's Your Guilty Secret?

    Dungeons & Dragons. A game with no board and no video. Role-playing, irl. .L
  23. Linsejko

    Dwight D. Eisenhower, (INTJ) or (INTP)?

    I imagine Eisenhower as a "J"; I think it takes a "J" to get things accomplished in the way that he did. Military commanders have to be able to sharply take in a great deal of information and process it, and pick the best course of action. A "P" is not fond of the "select the best" idea. We...
  24. Linsejko

    How computer literate are YOU?

    With Linux, I'm getting that kind of satisfaction; thing is, all the things you learn start to relate to each other, and eventually (I'm told) one develops a deep knowledge of how the operating system functions. Already I feel so empowered on this machine! It's wonderful, to talk to your...
  25. Linsejko

    What's Your Guilty Secret?

    I've got some friends who play a game similar to it, but haven't in a while. It was called "Legends" or something. I almost got into it with them, but it wasn't organized enough. I would imagine there would be some sort of linking service for D&D players to get together? .L
  26. Linsejko


    Well, for starters, I play guitar. We all know guitarists are superior to bassists. ;) .L
  27. Linsejko

    Flee for the hills fools!

    Ah, see, I don't do well with that kind of devaluation. To make me a truly submissive minion, you're going to have to twist my mind to view you as a superior I long to be equal to. And then you have to make me feel like I can earn that equality by doing what you want. You've a tough task in...
  28. Linsejko

    Emotional latency

    I don't know how many times I've tried to memorize that word. It just eludes me. It's totally inconsistent, there is no other word that spells quite like it. I hate the word for so many reasons.... -_- .L
  29. Linsejko


    Castro actually rocked in his early years, you know. He was well loved, and overturned a terrible oppressive regime, or something like that. Been years since I read about him, so don't ask me for the details- wikipedia is your best friend. Even today, Castro is well loved by many Cubans, you...
  30. Linsejko

    What's Your Guilty Secret?

    You should be guilty for liking Weird Al. Though, I'll give it that it seems to be borderline valid creativity... I just can't stand his sense of humour, I guess. HedgeHogBe, I once played chess against myself, and was purposely offensive with one side, and defensive with the other. My...
  31. Linsejko

    Hello, Fellow INTPs!

    Yeah. I certainly will not sell myself to the government. Being a soldier here is no longer a noble thing... .L
  32. Linsejko


    Yeah, I just wrote a vague outline of a 15 minute speech for a class yesterday. In 15 minutes. And then accidentally deleted it, and so ended up improvising on memory of what I had written. xD Always a good time. I am told I have a very strong emotional force in my speaking; it helped that I...
  33. Linsejko

    do dreams have meaning?

    What a remarkable dream. My vague memories upon waking always feel meaningless lately. Perhaps that means something. xD .L
  34. Linsejko

    Emotional latency

    If only there were beurocracy (SP) required before one could be an idiot... Then I suppose, though, that no one would be idiotic enough to become one. Catch 22, preventing idiots from ever manifesting! MWUHAHAAHAHAH~! -- Interesting, Cabbo. How does that make you feel? .L
  35. Linsejko

    Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

    Nah, it's essentially human to answer as you have. .L
  36. Linsejko

    Intro to.... Me

    ... thank you? .L
  37. Linsejko


    Burn. Seriously though, what's up with the drugs? I have zero desire to get on drugs. Sounds like a fast track to screwing my life up. .L
  38. Linsejko

    Flee for the hills fools!

    A mug of mead does me no good without good conversation. I prefer wine, myself, though, honestly, comma. .L
  39. Linsejko

    Intro to.... Me

    alas, forums have too rigid a structure to support the thought processes of the INTP. C'est la vie, mon cherie. -- Zakai, you should look up Vonnegut's stance on semicolons. He agreed with you. It was his quote that I was referencing. .L
  40. Linsejko

    do dreams have meaning?

    I KNOW THAT INFOMERCIAL! And I don't even watch tv! .L
  41. Linsejko

    What's Your Guilty Secret?

    I have heard of tool and dream theatre. But I think you should be wary if you ever truly believe that most of any genre is great. hedgehogbe, if you'd ever like a teaching game, I'd be glad to give you one on KGS. .L
  42. Linsejko

    Flee for the hills fools!

    That's exciting. I'd like to apply. Do I get hazard pay? .L
  43. Linsejko

    What profession do you want/are you doing?

    I have seen advertisements for them, years ago, back when I used to read video game magazines. Best of luck. .L
  44. Linsejko

    do dreams have meaning?

    That's called sleep paralysis. Lucid dreams are when you become conscious of your dream-state, and start to control your dream from within it. I also have a friend that suffers sleep paralysis. It sounds terrible, but incredibly fascinating to me... I can't even imagine it. She says it's like...
  45. Linsejko


    What am I trying to do, Zero? -- An interesting distinction, WJW, but I feel as if true leadership cannot be completely divorced from management. I agree that some people seem to be put off from leadership because of the management aspect, and that they are looking at it the wrong way, for...
  46. Linsejko


    Re: Do you like being an INTP? So, we've got 'knowledge', 'intelligence', and 'wisdom'? Oh, and 'action'... Knowledge is strictly information. Intelligence is the processing of knowledge. Wisdom is the refining of intelligence into serving an interest, often one of morality. Action can be a...
  47. Linsejko

    Intro to.... Me

    I love semicolons (one word), despite Vonnegut. And I haven't even been to college, so I really think he wasn't being fair. .L
  48. Linsejko

    What's Your Guilty Secret?

    Ugh. I hate that book. You dirty prescriptionist. No INTP could ever appreciate that book entirely, unless they were simply immature. (And you apparently don't love spelling as much as you love grammar. xD "developed".) ESFJ, eh? And I was thinking to myself, "figured that an INTP would smash...
  49. Linsejko

    Intro to.... Me

    Errr. No comment on the above. Except, welcome. You'll have to do something pretty extreme to evoke either of those emotions from me, though. I reserve them for special occasions. ;) (Also, smilies are automatically made by typing text. I wish they weren't; for instance, I didn't put a...
  50. Linsejko

    Flee for the hills fools!

    That is an interesting thought, Cabbo. (Welcome, I suppose. I've always like ropes.) .L
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