I usually forget dreams, but the ones I remember are quite exceptional in their weirdness. (When compared to dreams of people I know. Connection?) E.g; a dream when I was 9: I was swimming (a lot of my dreams feature swimming; I like it, but rarely get the chance to do so) at a theme park which was completely empty. After a while, I see a small red dictionary (my father had one in his office). I wanted to read it, but I had difficulty in doing so. Then, the surroundings turned black (not dark) and a voice told me to open my eyes to read it. Then I did open my eyes. I remember being annoyed at not being able to read the dictionary when I woke up.
Another dream I just had yesterday night was that I was in some sort of indoor club with several pools of varying sizes inside. I went from pool to pool looking for one I could swim in, but they were either too small or too crowded. So I went outside where there was some sort of rocky sandy inverse beach.
The beach was extremely steep, like a cliff wall, and was filled to the top with water. Right at the bottom of what felt like a valley, I could see tiny silhouettes of people playing something (volleyball?). I obviously couldn't swim there, so I went back inside. When I went out again, I could see that my relatives (this is where the dream gets really weird) were swimming at another beach at a tangent to the first one. This one was more horizontal, like a real beach, but was also completely submerged in water. Suddenly, a school of flying sharks and a school of swimming ones appeared and went after them. I was paralyzed for a while, but quickly threw a dolphin (wth???) at the sharks, which distracted them long enough for my relatives to escape. Then I woke up.
If nothing else, my dreams can compete with a weed smoker's visions :1