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Search results

  1. Madoness

    Teaching Methods - MBTI

    I guess the best way to start the conversation would be with having a few beers with friends and starting like: "Hey, have you heard about Myers-Briggs test. It puts us all in 16 psychological types that sound like quite accurate at some points. What do you think about it? Oh, you've never...
  2. Madoness

    Fun Humour Test

    Your result for The 3 Variable Funny Test ... the Ham (43% dark, 50% spontaneous, 26% vulgar) your humor style: CLEAN | SPONTANEOUS | LIGHT wtf? the ham????? dmn you
  3. Madoness

    Teaching Methods - MBTI

    Many people are not interested in that kind of stuff, so there are no conversations with lots of them concerning this topic .
  4. Madoness

    The Mental Illness Quiz

    Does anybody else relate to the result? I do, so seems Oblivious.
  5. Madoness

    The Mental Illness Quiz

    No.... it gives the nearest possibility what could be.
  6. Madoness

    The Mental Illness Quiz

    Okay, so I did this test that actually intrigued me, as the result is somewhat what other tests have pointed towards. The Mental Illness Quiz My result (gladly not over the top)
  7. Madoness

    Press the button?

    I don't personally make any difference. Killing another human for self defence is almost the only reasonable argument for me (there may be more). When would you draw the line until killing another being (being it it direct or indirectly responsible (by the way it is still being directly...
  8. Madoness

    Press the button?

    Trailer seems interesting.:)
  9. Madoness

    Nothing is free : Why you should not steal computer software or services.

    As with many things... If there weren't 'pirates', companies like Microsoft, Apple, Google etc. would not be where they are now. And by that I mean, they would still have a long way to go to get to where they are now. It is not about that if we use some programs, we should all pay for them to...
  10. Madoness

    Press the button?

    Okay, I did forget the exact question, my mistake. So random killing for personal gain is okay for you? What I was trying to build up if everybody would think the same, how our understanding of human behaviour would have to change. It would almost seem, if there would not be laws made, you...
  11. Madoness

    Press the button?

    So there is a different outcome for you? Okay, now that you modified the question, so do I. If this question would be asked from everyone. You surely must be alright with that?
  12. Madoness

    Press the button?

    Did you not understand my sarcasm? Killing is wrong in most cases, howcome can you leave out beings you care about...? They may also be in the random sum, being a victim of ones personal gain. How cannot they be accounted as being a random person?
  13. Madoness

    Press the button?

    Being that random person dearest to you, I don't mind.
  14. Madoness

    Press the button?

    In a heartbeat what is one more random killing of a person going to matter?
  15. Madoness

    Press the button?

    So you'd become the clown for him, leave your self respect in order to humour him?:confused: A random being dying is not itself a random act if someone knowingly had a part in it, that otherwise would not have happened, in this case, death. But again, dying itself in not really an issue...
  16. Madoness

    The INTP Approach to Mathematics

    As far as I remember, the were two possibilities I was doing... finding out my ways to get to the same answer others were getting.... or writing poetry, somehow in mathematics the surrounding was the best to write it.
  17. Madoness

    Alternative Mechanisms For Evolution?

    As far as I know of, cheetahs have the the problem of being too homozygous, being nearly identical with each other. The theory of evolution does not give any solution to avoid extinction, but how and why it happens sometimes. I am too interested in hearing people giving different ideas that...
  18. Madoness

    Press the button?

    It is not only a random person... it may be a random chain of events after that that can include a lot of people. After all.... the one deciding to kill another one has to include them in his/her thoughts. I am not above another human being, are you? Are you this random being prilemus killed?
  19. Madoness

    Press the button?

    Sorry, I would... so my answer is no. I would like to see a man or a woman knowing that he or she willingly killed another being and all that come from that, his/her kids, husband's or wife's mental health, loans etc.
  20. Madoness

    Alternative Mechanisms For Evolution?

    Well, I understand what you're saying, but if we are talking about different mechanisms, then using aspects that fit in already existing ones are pointless.
  21. Madoness

    Alternative Mechanisms For Evolution?

    Is it in any way an alternative for evolution? As far as I can understand if a species has evolved over the time with having one plant that may or may not be hard to digest, a major source of food, a species can have its digestion system only fit for it over the time. Is it not possible that...
  22. Madoness

    A wild INTP appears!

    ??? You do understand how it is said, it is impossible?;) But anyways, welcome to our home of thoughts.
  23. Madoness

    Crank: High Voltage

    Uhmmm... this one was crazy. Over the decades 'Star Trek' has held the award of the worst fight scene ever, now it's beaten;):D Worst fight scene was beaten.....:) But again, this one needs to be watched to get the idea why I said so.:p
  24. Madoness

    Greatest Hip Hop Albums of All Time

    Rappers Convention - War Rappers Convention - Sounds of the City Rappin up 9 to 5 Rarities from back in the days. One of my favorites of all times, first hip hop album ever I got.:)
  25. Madoness


    You can ead dogs in some parts of China.... I don't remember the breed of this dog though. And no, I've never eaten one. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_meat
  26. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to?

    B.D.Ö. & Vanilla Ninja "Operation B 2009"
  27. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to?

  28. Madoness


    We don't actually... these tears are to clean and lubricate our eyes. It just so happens, they start to come when we are in an emotional state;)
  29. Madoness


    Whatever else, but do not become like that when being vegetarian. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e98qPiW8fM
  30. Madoness

    The Sarcastic Club

    You're smart enough to figure that out
  31. Madoness


    People living in different locations do need different diet. Like food with fat in it in northern (colder) places to cope with cold in the winter better etc. Like eating fish to get vitamin D also more needed in northern (colder) places, it is mostly naturally generated where there is warmer and...
  32. Madoness

    Why I am not here (but through a chain of strange events am)

    This is awkward. :slashnew: Just try not to overthink situations and... yeah... read... get your mind off of the situation being for a while.
  33. Madoness

    What are best at?

  34. Madoness

    What are best at?

    edit: the word "my" in it should have not been there... slipped in..
  35. Madoness

    What are best at?

    You discovered my this forums plan of taking over the world?:eek:
  36. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9FkqPbYJsw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hlVw1wKPC8
  37. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to?

    Audiopharmacy - Mama
  38. Madoness

    INTP and sibling position

    I am the middle one. My brother, who is older than me, is ESTP I guess. My sister is also INTP like me, at least claims to be, though she must have more E in her than me. I'm having most disagreements (and agreements) with her, though, have had a lot of arguments, I still get along with her in...
  39. Madoness

    What websites do you frequent?

    http://www.intpforum.com http://www.youtube.com http://instructables.com http://librivox.org/ http://www.orkut.com http://www.theyoungturks.com/ http://www.delfi.ee http://www.hattrick.org And some that are bookmarked but right now don't remember and I'm behind another computer.
  40. Madoness

    Greatest Hip Hop Albums of All Time

    Greatest album of all the time this is not. Even not one of the best of this year. Though Eminem has overwhelming skills - this is not his best album.
  41. Madoness

    Greatest Hip Hop Albums of All Time

    04 track04.mp3 - 2.92MB
  42. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to?

    YouTube - 7L & Esoteric - Everywhere
  43. Madoness


    I love plants too, but still sometimes smo... khmm... don't mind me....;) Out of protest of cutting down rainforests, someone should become a carnivore. I would like to see it.:D
  44. Madoness

    Type Me

    Avatar and how this topic is presented, would suggest INTJ.
  45. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to?

  46. Madoness

    Guilty Pleasures...

    Damn you.. Made me like it.:(;)
  47. Madoness

    Greatest Hip Hop Albums of All Time

    I kind of have them all:P But then again, I've been a hip hop lover for most of my life, and I cannot live without music, so I have lots of it.
  48. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to?

    YouTube - Sol.iLLaquists of Sound - Mark It Place YouTube - Well (Cleen and Demune) - While the City Sleeps
  49. Madoness

    Do you find WoW boring?

    Somehow I've never gotten into it.:slashnew: Never played it.
  50. Madoness

    Greatest Hip Hop Albums of All Time

    I will not think of my top favories of all time.... too many to choose from. Anyway, this is an old email I sent to Seducer of the Homeless. I'm too lazy to rethink, recheck it.
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