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Search results

  1. Waterstiller


    Crowds were bothering me for the longest time (I stand out) but these days I can honestly say I don't give a fuck. The increased noise, movement, and staring is still annoying but I've been actively trying to block it out and detach myself from the moment. At a crowded DMV last week I just...
  2. Waterstiller

    Multitasking: a girl thing, or an INTP thing?

    I focus intensely on one thing. But I multitask in order to do that one thing. If that makes any sense at all. ... and I have boobs fwiw.
  3. Waterstiller

    What songs are you listening to?

    This is beautiful and inspiring. Thanks for posting. AllKnowinCow: I love Russian Circles and especially "Micah". My girlfriend and I listened to this song a lot this weekend while driving.. YouTube- lemongrass - feel good
  4. Waterstiller

    I've had it up for a few months. It's from Intimacy and Solitude and it actually said (I think)...

    I've had it up for a few months. It's from Intimacy and Solitude and it actually said (I think) Relationships are 'a creative tension between separation and union, individuation and dependence'. But I thought it was applicable to.. all things. Or something. I dunno. Anyways.. thanks for the...
  5. Waterstiller

    Advice from the future...

    I like yours, seducer.
  6. Waterstiller

    How much do you spend on clothes?

    I'm pretty cheap when it comes to clothing, but have been rethinking its importance in my life. I think I'm going to start spending money on clothing that really fits well no matter the cost. I don't know about you guys but when I have nice clothes that fit well and look good, I automatically...
  7. Waterstiller

    Intellectual Conservatives.

    She's still a she despite finding out she's intersex. Ugh. She grew up just like any other girl and just recently found all of this junk out. Many women find out at puberty that they have Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome and are genetically XY - it doesn't make them 'men' though. Stupid fuck even...
  8. Waterstiller

    Do you guys suffer from depression?

    That analogy seems about right. For prevention of depression I think having a good grasp of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and meditation might help.
  9. Waterstiller

    Yeah, overall hugs kind of suck. But massages are fantastic. I wish there was more massaging in...

    Yeah, overall hugs kind of suck. But massages are fantastic. I wish there was more massaging in the world.
  10. Waterstiller

    All Ye Who Thirst With Boredom. An Intro.

    Welcome. Is juggling one of your hobbies?
  11. Waterstiller

    Let's get the ball rolling.

    Not that I'm interested in debating, but just want to clarify some things. Legally? I think they should be able to if they're private institutions. If public, no. And what is 'real science'? This debate is probably going to be about what science actually is, which is kind of a tricky subject...
  12. Waterstiller

    The psychology of map reading

    I can't speak for everyone, but in my experience and understanding higher levels of testosterone seem to affect people's passive spacial ability to extend well past/outside of themselves. Which makes relating to the 'top down, miles up' view of a map much easier. Estrogen, on the other hand, has...
  13. Waterstiller

    The INTP Approach to Mathematics

    How ironic that math teachers were cheating us out of learning math while their main concern involved making sure we weren't cheating on tests. >.>
  14. Waterstiller

    Hard Work.

    Yeah, but when the gloves are off on the internet your opponent still can't feel a thing. And you still end up swinging madly for all to see. This guy's either a troll or hopelessly inept. My advice is to shrug it off. There were some great responses, so it's not a total loss. But I feel as...
  15. Waterstiller

    The INTP Approach to Mathematics

    I'm loving the responses to this thread; thank you everyone and keep them coming! This thread is making up for all the shitty math teachers I've had over the years. That article is incredible. I'm only a couple pages in so far but I'm loving it. And yes.. that visual is beautiful and...
  16. Waterstiller

    Hard Work.

    What does it mean for an INTP to be working hard? What are some characteristics of hard work? Was there a moment in your life when you feel you consistently began to work hard? (Prompted by this post by snowqueen)
  17. Waterstiller

    Advice from the future...

    In addition to Ermine's.. 1. Being yourself is not a sin. 2. You're worth whatever nice things people give you. 3. You eventually get to get away. 4. There is absolutely nothing that you "should" do. You are free. 5. Do it now. Nobody that matters leaves you. 6. Don't be afraid when your...
  18. Waterstiller

    The INTP Approach to Mathematics

    Oooh.. that's PERFECT. Many thanks, I'll be purchasing this asap.
  19. Waterstiller

    The INTP Approach to Mathematics

    This thread is to gather experiences and resources related to math. I'm personally much more interested in hearing about what fascinates and draws you to mathematics. Tell me why you love it and why you're passionate about it; I'd like to catch your passion if you have any. I want your...
  20. Waterstiller

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Adymus, that was enjoyable. Especially the end quote. Last night I dreamed that there was this refuge camp for vampires. But this dream looked like it was done in sketches on notebook paper. A truck was brought to the camp and the shipment (people) started running as soon as the doors opened...
  21. Waterstiller

    INTP & loneliness?

    Cuddling is heavenly.
  22. Waterstiller


    My partner got me to talk about my feelings and cry last night. Which is a first for me because if I ever cried in front of people it was usually about them or sad things not particularly related to myself. If I talk about feelings, it's the feelings of others. And she pointed this out...
  23. Waterstiller

    If you act like you really really like it I'm sure they'll stop the poking. I think it's a...

    If you act like you really really like it I'm sure they'll stop the poking. I think it's a control issue. Once you find someone that you really want to hug and hug them on your own terms I think it'll be alright.
  24. Waterstiller

    I know. Just being silly with Melkor.

    I know. Just being silly with Melkor.
  25. Waterstiller

    Thanks for the kind words.. but you probably just want me to touch your penis, huh? I see how...

    Thanks for the kind words.. but you probably just want me to touch your penis, huh? I see how it is. :P
  26. Waterstiller

    *You* should smile. Because you're a robot with the cosmos in the palm of your hand. That's...

    *You* should smile. Because you're a robot with the cosmos in the palm of your hand. That's exciting.
  27. Waterstiller

    The world is flat

    That was enjoyable. *goes back to the idea of getting into logistics*
  28. Waterstiller

    Can we control our dreams?

    I dunno. Just having a bad day.
  29. Waterstiller

    Can we control our dreams?

    We all turn into vampire thingies eventually.
  30. Waterstiller

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Imagine the *Pine-Sol woman parachuting from the sky in a huge and ornate purple dress and landing gracefully on stilts in a field. Then she says "you should get one of these dresses" and when I go to the store to get mine all they have is a really ugly one with an american flag sown into it...
  31. Waterstiller

    Best PS2 Game of All Time

    The draw of Ico, for me, is the beautiful sense of isolation. The castle is extraordinary. I'll admit to stopping after a half-hour or so the first few times I tried to play it, but eventually I finally played through and it just becomes beautiful. The views, the relationship with Yorda, the...
  32. Waterstiller


    I know what you mean. I cried for about the same length of time on that one. Great film though. Made me cry just like Brokeback Mountain did. And Ermine:
  33. Waterstiller

    Into Space on $150

    And that's when you'd launch your rocket from the balloon. Or if you were me, you'd release the little plastic parachuting army man with a tiny video recording device on it with a note to send the flash card to my address for a reward. Or just find some way to track it with GPS and hunt it down.
  34. Waterstiller

    Into Space on $150

    I'm always looking for excuses to post this video. And yes, it is worth watching and listening. This video is really romantic for me in a weird way. YouTube- boards of canada - dayvan cowboy .. it's one of my life's goals to do this one day.
  35. Waterstiller


    I have short bursts of crying fairly regularly. I tear up probably once a weak. Full on crying (>5 minutes) happens every couple of months. Wasn't always this way; the last couple years have torn away most of my armor. Last time was while watching Dead Like Me. Mostly when I cry it's because of...
  36. Waterstiller

    Why I am not here (but through a chain of strange events am)

    This makes me want to start a poll on how many of us had asshole/crazy fathers.
  37. Waterstiller

    Adventure Games?

    Haha.. yeah, I loved King's Quest. And I also include Shadow of the Colossus and Ico in the adventure game category. They were more about exploring and solving puzzles than anything.
  38. Waterstiller

    Why I am not here (but through a chain of strange events am)

    Ooh.. Being and Time. I'm slightly envious that you can read it in German. I love the work but find it difficult to resolve the fact that heidegger was such a dick. I recently watched a documentary on him that made me even more disgusted with him as a person. Try to visit here when you can, eh...
  39. Waterstiller

    Favorite TV Show(s)?

    Lately: True Blood (Lafayette, Hoyt, Jessica, Eric.. <3 ) Dead Like Me Wonderfalls
  40. Waterstiller

    Nietzsche on insulting hermits

    This is something I've wanted to bring up for awhile. Does anyone else feel like you practice a high degree of restraint because if you lost control of your emotions you could seriously wreck people? I'm all about efficiency and if I'm going to say something to retaliate it's going to be short...
  41. Waterstiller

    What are best at?

    No, that's not sad. It's cool. My friend could do an awesome trumpet with just her mouth. It was incredible. She was the best at singing. Anyways.. the thing I'm best at is guitar. Nylon string guitar. In my own special way at least.
  42. Waterstiller


    I can't believe I never responded to this thread. Maybe I'll go through it a little more tomorrow. I'm extremely sensitive to stimulation. I quickly become overloaded and need to retreat. But yeah.. I've been reading the Highly Sensitive People book that is mentioned on that site where the quiz...
  43. Waterstiller

    INTPs as doctors?

    Interesting. Thanks for your posts; they've helped boost my confidence quite a bit.
  44. Waterstiller

    Best Gift Ever?

    My favorite gifts are small and sentimental. Handmade. Old. Symbolic. Intricate. Well-made. Metal, wood, glass, or stone. You deserve one hell of a great girl.
  45. Waterstiller

    What would you do/be?

    If you were a shadow, would you eat the shadows of food? ... would they be tasty or taste like shadow? Would it be cannibalism?
  46. Waterstiller

    Enders Game

    I cried like a baby over what they did to Ender. The manipulation, torture, and pressure really made me feel ill. My friend encouraged me to read it but all he could talk about were the political aspects rather than the psychological and philosophical ones.. I don't know how to word it(haven't...
  47. Waterstiller

    INTPs and Money

    Step 1: find rich iNtuitive people. Step 2: impress them by pulling out INTPness. Step 3: make them hire/refer us. All my friends work at gas stations or Walmart if they're working at all, though..
  48. Waterstiller

    everything is terrible

    Yeah, I wonder what the casting call was like for that video. I also loved how they distinguished the female stranger from a mom by giving her sunglasses. Anyways.. LOVE this site. That Scottish kid is hilarious. So's "Cat Massage".. :cat:
  49. Waterstiller

    What would you do/be?

    Yeah, shape-shifting would be great. Also: you need to watch 3-Iron.
  50. Waterstiller

    everything is terrible

    YouTube- Don't Talk to Strangers
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