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Search results

  1. How did we get downgraded from "genius thinkers" to "architects?"

    This is the internet after all, too. Anyone could have put up a website with whatever nicknames they'd have wanted to. Doesn't mean the site where I saw that tagline was commonly referenced...
  2. How did we get downgraded from "genius thinkers" to "architects?"

    I'm not sure where I came across INTPs being assigned the "genius thinker" tagline... maybe I'm mistaken. It would have been a year or two ago. I agree that "architect" as a catchy nickname is more appropriate though.
  3. No, unfortunately not. I've tried to both apologize and argue my points of view, but it isn't...

    No, unfortunately not. I've tried to both apologize and argue my points of view, but it isn't the same as their perspectives. I may have to just consider those bridges burned. I'm going to talk to a counselor or two about what happened and see what I can do in the future to avoid a similar...
  4. How did we get downgraded from "genius thinkers" to "architects?"

    Don't get me wrong... "architect" is a cool name (and probably a lot better for balancing INTP hubris)... but didn't INTPs used to be commonly referred to as "the genius thinker" the way INTJs are referred to as "mastermind?" :cat:
  5. Socially Capable INTP's?

    I'm socially okay provided I have a lot of energy, I'm in a good mood, and I'm in an environment in which honesty and self-expression is encouraged. Any kind of thought-suppression, control, or encouragement to be insincere, I can't handle. Although most employers/teachers/etc. have described me...
  6. A proposal for the problem of INTP laziness

    Holy strawberries, Batman! That was an intense documentary! Not entirely sure what I think about it though... although I am waaaay interested in mirror neurons. :kodama1:
  7. A proposal for the problem of INTP laziness

    LOL The science of laziness, explained in two minutes and drawn on a dry erase board: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd7wAithl7I
  8. A proposal for the problem of INTP laziness

    I'd like to read some of his work too. If I recall correctly, he said somewhere in the NF Geeks videos that he has already published a book or two on the subject. I'm encouraged that someone is actually working on quantifying some empirical information about how MBTI may or may not be valid...
  9. How many times have you cried?

    I wanted to clarify that last sentence- I'm not trying to over-divide people, which could lead to justification for exclusion, fantasies of genetic superiority, etc.
  10. How many times have you cried?

    No, I don't think it makes someone a bad person or a monster to... either cry or not cry. Everyone grieves and experiences life in their own unique way according to all kinds of totally morally neutral factors. It wouldn't be reasonable for people to expect you to have the same exact emotional...
  11. A proposal for the problem of INTP laziness

    http://youtu.be/WKOgJbgGAfo?t=17m20s I think this video by NF Geeks and brain researcher, Dario Nardi, has a great explanation for INTP affectations of laziness. (Skip ahead to 17 minutes and 20 seconds!)
  12. Why did you pick your name?

    I picked "dark+matters" because I get flabbergasted when people get so desperate to avoid the deepest, darkest corners of the human psyche. I would think we'd want to explore every possible nook and cranny in its most minute detail so we can understand and prevent human suffering in the...
  13. How many times have you cried?

    Re: How many times have your cried? I was super stoic and completely, totally out of touch with my feelings as a kid and pre-teen, but fell into several severe depressions as I got older and had to start being more aware that I had a lot of feelings that used to just seem numb and in the...
  14. How many times have you cried?

    Re: How many times have your cried? I second that.
  15. Free StrengthsFinder online test.

    1. Information Excavator 100: People with the Information Excavator talent have a craving to know more. Also enjoying the collection and archiving of information. 2. Thinker 100: People with the Thinker or Reasoner talent are characterized by their intellectual activity: introspective with...
  16. What are lower IQ people better at than high IQ people?

    INTJs are among the highest IQs according to this (and most other) pages: http://www.celebritytypes.com/intj.php ISTJs don't seem linked to high IQ according to most pages I recall seeing though.
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