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Search results

  1. Monty Hall Problem

    Perfect! *lays a freshly plucked sprig of catnip from her window sill on the arm of ProxyAmenRa's reading couch*
  2. The Ideal / Real You -Test

    I've thought about it, and I've decided that my preferred personality type is Bob Ross. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQhYpuwyGZo
  3. Hello.

    Hi, Lucho- Thanks for coming to this forum and for reaching out to us for more information. If you ever have any comments or questions please feel free to ask. This is generally a pretty well-moderated forum that gets some high-quality responses from its members, but here is an info-graphic...
  4. Can we type my IXXP Best Friend?

    I'm not sure if you've seen this article yet or not, but it correlates Enneagram 6 with ISJ, ISP, and IFP. Maybe he's an INFP? Not all the NFs I've met are dreamy, especially not men. One particular INFP I met struck me as being very stoic and quiet. He was a professional writer. There are a...
  5. Can we type my IXXP Best Friend?

    Hmmm, I had an anti-intellectual streak going on when I was a teenager/young adult, due to the cultures I grew up with (highly conservative religious groups) and had emotional attachments to (artist empowerment groups). In fact, I was consistently told to stop thinking and to stop being...
  6. LOL That's a cute comic strip! I didn't realize that people still made comic strips. I enjoyed...

    LOL That's a cute comic strip! I didn't realize that people still made comic strips. I enjoyed the golden age of inexpensive "The Far Side" collections, but after newspapers died, I thought the comic strip died with them.
  7. The Ideal / Real You -Test

    I took this one again and got extremely different results that are still wrong. It says that my "ideal" type is ENTP. Noooooooooo way does that ring true for me.
  8. Entertain me

  9. INTP Fields of Interest

    I remember the most distinctly INTP person I'd ever met. He had an extreme resistance to doing IT certification, despite how he was obviously awesome at troubleshooting technical problems. I always wondered why he didn't go for it since it would be such a big pay and opportunity boost for him...
  10. INTP Fields of Interest

    I test as a lot of different types but mainly veer into the INTP/INFP range. (Do I have to sew a gold star onto all my clothing?) I'm an enneagram 5w6. I'm definitely not good at all this stuff, but it's safe to say that these are or have been interests or aspirations. When I was a little kid...
  11. How do you beat the heat?

    Sit in the refrigerator. Or, when I didn't have AC, I'd to fill my freezer with icepacks, then take them out, put them all in my closet, and I'd line the closet with whatever styrofoam I had and I'd sit in there until I had to go back outside again. If you have a car, you can sit in there with...
  12. The Random Thoughts Thread

    Maybe a distraction will help. :D Good book? Documentary? Finding a chair and performing "Cabaret" in the living room for the INTJ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chdpiSX2ino
  13. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I don't understand how to find information about Ph.D. programs. That is not a good sign. Why are college websites so poorly designed? Do they simply not feel as though they don't have to prove themselves to anyone? It's probably true. Why do I like artificial cheese so much? How do companies...
  14. What is your favourite colour?

    I am slightly obsessed with neon colors and I like my neutral pastels too. I prefer to wear black, white and gray (but I'll wear anything available). I like shiny, flashy, glittery things.
  15. Murderous Villain Test

    I got Hitler too! I choose to interpret these test results as a sign that I am a student of art, a lover of opera and rhetoric, a charismatic, highly impassioned speaker that can move nations with my command of gesture and my focus, and a daydreamer with big ideas. *sweeps minor details under...
  16. What would happen if we merged INTJ and INTP forum?

    I don't know that large groups of INTPs and INTJs mix very well a lot of the time, although they may be fine on an individual level... an internet group trying to attract and serve the needs of both seems to be like having an aquarium and mixing fish that may seem similar but actually have...
  17. Cuteness proximity and cuteness overload! Yes- these new terms shall be appropriated into my...

    Cuteness proximity and cuteness overload! Yes- these new terms shall be appropriated into my day-to-day vocabulary.
  18. What the hell happened to TV in the US?

    Wait... Yellow is green? I have never purchased a television and never intend to. I only watch YouTube and the occasional movie or borrowed television episode. Even when I go to the gym, I watch YouTube or listen to music. I like the rawness of seeing ordinary individuals who really had...
  19. What are you all reading?

    What do you think about the series? I only read the first book. I had really mixed feelings about it. I really enjoyed the suit that recycles all bodily fluids for people living in the desert and some of the other descriptions of the little imaginary world. The descriptions about technology were...
  20. What are you all reading?

    How is "The Highly Sensitive Person" coming along? I've been seeing that book around for yeeeears and still hear of counselors who are recommending it.
  21. What are you all reading?

    I did my last final today! Woo hoo! Already, I feel a book-shaped hole forming in my heart. I'm filling it with "Lobsters: Gangsters of the Sea." Any book with that title and a picture of a scuba diver holding a giant blue lobster on it has to be awesome.
  22. x

    2x+2y(dy/dx)=2z(dz/dx) So when we say x, it looks like we're saying bored forum members are 2z times the rate of change of z with respect to bored forum members minus 2 times references to single letters times the rate of change of references to single letters with respect to bored forum...
  23. Thank you for sharing! I am excited to see some "INTP" work! :D

    Thank you for sharing! I am excited to see some "INTP" work! :D
  24. Hi! I love to read your posts, EditorOne. Where does one go in order to read your novels and...

    Hi! I love to read your posts, EditorOne. Where does one go in order to read your novels and stuff? (I would understand if that is not something you're comfortable sharing in this setting... :) )
  25. Distinguishing INTx from "Asperger Syndrome"

    I definitely do not see myself as anywhere near the autism spectrum, but I also am not so sure to what percentage I can relate to the INTP stereotype either. I also relate to INFP pretty strongly and test as a wide variety of other Meyers-Briggs types. I'm pretty cynical about psychological...
  26. Any other INTP's bad at maths ?

    I have always been slow at math, but I'm capable of doing well enough at it. I wish I hadn't been so intimidated by it when I initially graduated from high school. Now, I think that anyone can do it if they are realistic about how much information they can retain at a given speed and how much...
  27. May I "squee" every now and then? :)

    May I "squee" every now and then? :)
  28. Hey Everyone

    Rook is so cute... :) *pats Rook on the head*
  29. What is boring and repetitious and deserves "newness"?

    Math and science instruction needs revision and newness!
  30. INTP with vengeance vs INTJ with vengeance

    (I'd have to change "well-developed" to "criminally insane" in order to consider the question seriously.) As Blarrun suggested, this is definitely an exercise for writing an action movie rather than realistically simulating a situation like this with the complex emotions of a mature adult in...
  31. What are your dream living conditions?

    I would live on the penthouse of the largest tower in the largest city on the most mineral-rich planet available. And every now and then, I would look out on the city from my fortified vantage-point, carefully disguised with holograms and back-door dealings with satellite operators to look like...
  32. Epiphany regarding INTP intimidation

    I'm disappointed that this turned into sort of a hateful thread about people assuming that the OP is about people who think that they are more _____ than others (although I guess it may have started to evolve into that in the posts that followed. But I think that this may have been a...
  33. Epiphany regarding INTP intimidation

    *whispers behind Latte's back* Latte only said that he didn't have any idea what that was like and never had any problems with that because he thinks he's socially superior to us and more wise and mature and more emotionally intelligent! :D I am only kidding to make a point about how people...
  34. Epiphany regarding INTP intimidation

    Hah! This is a beautiful thread so far. I totally have to play dumb, allllll the time. It generally doesn't bother me, but it sometimes gets a bit lonely. Someone actually threatened to "take me down a notch" at college last semester. *shrug* Can't help it if the teacher asks a question and no...
  35. Extrovert thoughts about solitude?

    A quote like this one by Arthur Schopenhauer is one I relate to immediately as an introvert: "A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free." But is this a sentiment that...
  36. Can INFPs be tough guys if they hit the gym?

    Were you guys friends before?
  37. Is Software Development/Roboticization Unethical?

    Good point. I think that we need (as always) to stay on top of how we check and balance power, but that that problem of how to balance power is on a separate dimension from the creation of technology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_Eutci7ack ^(Have I posted this already? Sorry if I have.)
  38. Is Software Development/Roboticization Unethical?

    Wow. I literally woke up with this on my mind and had a huge, long discussion about it this morning and now there's a giant thread about it here. #hivemind! A lot of the discussions we have are the same types of discussions held by every other generation (another good example: Should artists...
  39. Science Fiction that has come to pass

    Demolition Man, 1993 with Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock Predicted, nay, scoffed! at Arnold Schwarzenegger's foray into politics... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPBrt-mdNmQ
  40. What does Ti Feel like?

    It either feels like nothing or like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZQ-HTOtNxg Or... I dunno. Happy, if it's one of your leading functions, I suppose! I feel good when I'm left to just sit there think about stuff or gather new information to build on what I was thinking about...
  41. When you have a problem you can't figure out

    What do you do? How does it affect you?
  42. Using psychological Jujutsu to defeat the SJ typology

    Woah! Let's slow down the anxiety train so we can take a look at what's really going on here. This sounds maybe a little more personal and specific than universal ;) because there are tons of variations on SJs. I wouldn't have gotten through algebra, trig and calc I (almost done with calc I...
  43. What are you going to do when you retire?

    Ahhh, yes. P. P for perceiver. P for procrastinator. P for promiscuous. P for phenylalanine! But P for potential... yes, I do believe we have allllll heard about this untapped potential we have. :) I do wonder about whether or not I could muster up this initiative if I had all the time in...
  44. What are you going to do when you retire?

    Drawing is awesome! Did you draw your avatar? I had one art professor who could do that. Maybe not drawing in a hyperreal way from imagination, but he could paint, draw, etc. in a way that looked exactly like a photograph. He showed us a bunch of slides from his paintings from his MFA days...
  45. Am I INTP, INTJ, ISTP or ISTJ ? (or another type)

    If we're looking at INTJ vs. ISTJ, I would definitely guess ISTJ. I don't think I have bumped into an INTJ who couldn't handle sarcasm or... any kind of provocation, really, without quite a bit of confidence. But I do see plenty of ISTJs getting annoyed or confused about sarcasm or deviation...
  46. INTx? Help

    The ISTPs in my life have been mega-ultra-trolls! LOL The xNTPs in my life have been too, but not at all with the precision, consistency, and almost... innocence of the ISTP. ISTPs are ridiculously rational, level-headed and into figuring things out as well. The INTJ in my life was...
  47. What are you going to do when you retire?

    I will write literary fiction, poetry, sci-fi, how-to's and screenplays like a mofo! I will have nothing more to lose at that point! lol
  48. INTx? Help

    I did a looooot of changing still when I was 20. If you can remember how you were as a very young child, it might help you figure out your type. I clearly remember conforming to the INTP stereotype as a child, and the IxFP one as a teenager. We have to change for our environments over time, so I...
  49. Are INFPs useless?

    Uh oh. I just questioned the question I was asked in one of my papers. *dark+matters gets in trouble again...*
  50. INTx? Help

    Hello, Nihilmatic- Would you like us to try and help you type yourself? What is your age?
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