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Search results

  1. People change

    Today I told my friend that I had changed. He never responded back. Usually people don't realise they've changed though. I know we can't connect in the same ways anymore because of the different paths we've taken. I just didn't want him thinking he was talking to the old me.
  2. I'm just going to bother you every day until you stop being a lazy bum.

    I'm just going to bother you every day until you stop being a lazy bum.
  3. Once More, With Feeling

    My first thought upon logging in. "What the hell is that?" And what a stupid motto. No shit a path leads somewhere. I'm ashamed to live under that thing :x
  4. *sneaks in*

    Ugh, not you again. Welcome back.
  5. 5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    Hmm... That needs revising. Godspeed You! Black Emperor Moonsorrow Tears for Fears Agalloch Behemoth
  6. Hehe, okay. Still wrong though :p I guess you'll probably just be wanting me to spill the beans...

    Hehe, okay. Still wrong though :p I guess you'll probably just be wanting me to spill the beans already [SPOILER]
  7. Yes, I see your reasoning. I'm just not so quite north as that ;)

    Yes, I see your reasoning. I'm just not so quite north as that ;)
  8. :D

  9. What made you guess that I live in Canada or Scandinavia?

    What made you guess that I live in Canada or Scandinavia?
  10. Bliss

    :) I thought I was making it happy.
  11. Bliss

    Just because I'm freezing to death doesn't mean it's not my bliss. I once stuck a grub in a bowl of hummus and it suffocated itself eating into it.
  12. I draw stuff

    What a well placed stone ;) (I actually like it better when the artist isn't afraid to expose a subject. That's just me though)
  13. Bliss

    Sometimes in the middle of a winter night I will go for a walk underdressed. I instantly begin to shiver, start regretting the decision, and hating every passing second with increasing passion. After about an hour or two, I stop shivering and can suddenly feel relaxed. All the humans hiding...
  14. Songs that make you cry/tear up/sniffle...

    Nearly anything by Godspeed You! Black Emperor.
  15. Draw a Forum Member!

  16. Hey, we're looking at each others' profiles at the same time! cool huh?

    Hey, we're looking at each others' profiles at the same time! cool huh?
  17. come over here for a second

  18. A Poem of Indefinite Length and Form

    Because his poem sucks!
  19. Dante's Inferno Test

    Oh dear
  20. Is anybody familiar with "True Friendship"?

    When doing this you should be very careful. The powers of intuition are great, but like most abilities it has the potential for overuse and/or misuse. To properly harness the power of intuition you must vibrate the name of the one you seek into the crystal, and inscribe the sign of the pentagram...
  21. Meshuggah

    Catch 33 is one of my favourite albums of all time OF ALL TIME!
  22. Personality Disorder Test

    I just love these things. Paranoid: Very High Schizoid: High Schizotypal: Very High Antisocial: High Borderline: Moderate Histrionic: High Narcissistic: High Avoidant: Very High Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
  23. A Poem of Indefinite Length and Form

    As he sulks through alleys dark Forgetting all he could have been In stupor only does he hark'n To his muse's song unseen.
  24. Wrapped Gifts

    I like to tear into things. No sound is a more pleasing indicator of entrance (at least of the sort you would expect to hear on christmas morning). But I do not like bags with paper stuffed on top of the gift. It says they couldn't bother with proper wrapping to me.
  25. Merry Christmas INTPf

    Close; it's Lojban :p Oh, and uh, happy whatnots and all... the well wishing seemed to escape me on the first go.
  26. Merry Christmas INTPf

    Right back atcha buddy
  27. Weak voice

    Sometimes I am like this. I think I am speaking clearly... and then they ask me to repeat myself... and then they ask again... Not always the case though... But yeah, I have no particular voice I would call "my voice." My vocal chords are constantly producing my speech in tandem to my...
  28. lol glove you so silly

    Oh don't worry, I think at this point everyone is willing to agree that it was an imposter. ...Damn hackers >:|
  29. lol glove you so silly

    I think you just need a hug from somebody. Don't envenom positivity.
  30. lol glove you so silly

    I just love tacos <3 Can we eat tacos together? Just the two of us? out on a hill? overlooking a lake? We'll stuff ourselves full gaze with passion into each others' eyes And shit our pants with the fury of 1000 sea turtles caught in a trawl net. This thread is srs bsns.
  31. lol glove you so silly

    I refuse to believe anything. Within 24 hours the truth will be revealed. Have your fun while it lasts though.
  32. Provision.

    I cannot describe in words how much I hate you for saying that. Instead, please accept this visual proxy: :|
  33. Attractiveness?

    Not even close
  34. Attractiveness?

    ...Oh the things I would do to myself... If I were someone else... except I'm not so... Oh the things I would watch myself do to other people... But I would really rather be them... I'm everything I want... In someone else...
  35. Humoural Musick

    Let's do an experiment. The point of this thread is to organise your music favourites & recommendations according to the four guiding stars of humoural theory. For those unfamiliar: Sanguine Airy, lively, easygoing, mirthful, optimistic, jolly, spirited Choleric Ambitious...
  36. Are you creepy/weird?

    I can only assume so. I leave people either nonplussed, or laughing; often at what I didn't intend to be funny... If they bother you, just think of the person they would rather have you be. Then consider your own reaction to that person. I think then you will know what to do.
  37. Are you creepy/weird?

    Nope, no weirdness here. Everyone else is weird for being too similar
  38. Favourite Game soundtrack?

    I'm going to agree with Latro. Chrono Cross, hands down (though I don't see how anyone could ever ever grow sick of it!). A few other good ones would be FFIX and Braid.
  39. Too Lazy To Do Homework?

    One of these days someone is going to stab you for your offenses against the english language. I can't say who, though...
  40. Too Lazy To Do Homework?

    I hereby Immortalise my name upon the hull of this sinking vessel
  41. INTP Sexuality Survey

    What is your sexuality? Panromantic, heterosexual-ish... I relate very much to what Jennywocky said, except minus any actual experience, and appropriate to my own biological gender. Marital status? none MBTI? nope Biological gender? male Transgender? Sometimes I wish.
  42. That time of the month...

    You are indeed saying just that: acceptance. Part of discomfort (to use a different name) is the basic desire to get rid of it. You are suggesting the denial of that. It's not an entity unto itself. You're not "distracting" yourself when you do something engaging. Doing nothing is not the...
  43. That time of the month...

    Aversion to the current state is a natural part of hitting a low-point. If you want to try and experience sadness the same way you experience happiness you will be wounding yourself.
  44. That time of the month...

    Then go die. If you find any ounce of help in this thread it's still not going to fix your problem for you
  45. That time of the month...

    get off the internet & do stuff. read a book. draw a picture. work out. write a story. exert yourself in a way you mind meaningful.
  46. Forum Language.

    for the Лулз
  47. I like your profile picture, but everyone knows listening to UFOs is soo outdated.

    I like your profile picture, but everyone knows listening to UFOs is soo outdated.
  48. Just my 2 cents, but I would think that perhaps something this serious ought not to be skimped...

    Just my 2 cents, but I would think that perhaps something this serious ought not to be skimped. Of course I'll never know the true extent of the whole situation, but consider: is the risk of regret over being too safe weightier than the risk of regretting some possible complication?
  49. Oh... Don't be sorry. I had to leave at that time regardless, it wasn't because I got tired of...

    Oh... Don't be sorry. I had to leave at that time regardless, it wasn't because I got tired of waiting. And besides, I think you probably should be the one getting condolences. I really hope things turn out for the best for you & your family.
  50. The First Few Sentences:

    no, it is indeed a maze... Welcome.
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