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Search results

  1. gilliatt

    How do you arrive at you morality?

    First of all, my morality, the morality of reason, ex. existence exists. Another thing, one choice--to live. Everything else proceeds from these. Take reason-purpose-self-esteem. These three requires all of man's virtues. In dealing with morality, you are dealing with man's free will, man's...
  2. gilliatt

    can the brain/mind exist without the body

    A body without a brain(soul) is a corpse; a brain without a body is a ghost. A corpse and a ghost, let's not surrender the world to evil.
  3. gilliatt

    i'm not an engineer, i'm an artist.

    Art is a kind of language, it uses language as a tool. Language is an objective instrument, that have objective meanings. An INTP's art are whatever, maybe they are nonobjective? maybe subjective? Like the modern dictionary vs the old dictionary. INTP's have loosely defined words, need definite...
  4. gilliatt

    Why do you think that in capitalism it is so important to erode the person?

    Capitalism-Marx slang/negative word for free enterprise. The first question to answer. The rest is immaterial. The basic issue is only: Is man free? In all of history, capitalism is the only system that answers: Yes. It is all about freedom, the recognition of individual rights, a capitalist...
  5. gilliatt


    The truth about Karl Marx was, his whole concept was to deprive man of his right to life, to deny all rights to the man of ability, atone for what man has earned. Marx the mystic, the collectivist, a street corner evangelist, the man of envy. In economic classes, Marxism, Keynesianism- how you...
  6. gilliatt

    What is space really?

    Space is not an entity, like time, it is a relational concept. A relationship only existing in the universe. Everything is finite, even the universe. Nothing outside the universe, that would be a contradiction. Everything is in a position, means a certain relationship to the boundary to some...
  7. gilliatt

    what is the mathematics of the universe

    Let's say we slide a box along the floor by pulling it with a string or pushing it with a stick. We are to slide it by exerting a force on it. The point is that the motion of the box is caused not by the 'objects which push or pull on it, but by the forces which these exert. There is magnitude...
  8. gilliatt

    Why philosophy sucks

    Three questions I ask: Where am I? How do I know it? What should I do? I am in Guernsey, that is self-evident. How do I know it. It is self-evident. What should I do? Whatever everybody else does. Well, I do not see a lot of happy people in the world, not very confident, they fear, undefined...
  9. gilliatt

    What is one superpower that u would have?

    Intuition. Healing power. Psychic powers. Read minds from long distances. Remote viewing. PK.
  10. gilliatt

    The single flaw with hard determinism

    Objectivism rejects the theory that nothing could ever have happened differently from the way it did & everything in the future is pre-set & inevitable. I am an Objectivist and I reject this theory. I believe in freedom for man, reason, volition, do not accept that man must always the a slave of...
  11. gilliatt

    What is space really?

    Space is a relational concept. Well, the universe is not in space, it is not in time. Let's be logical, there is space between two objects, each occupying different positions. The universe cannot be anywhere because places etc are in the universe, not the other way around. Everything is finite.
  12. gilliatt

    what is transformation

    Change presupposes the concepts of what changes, from what and to what, that without the law of identity (A is A), no such concept as 'change' is possible. I am atoms, those atoms were here before I was born and will be here after I die. No change whatsoever.
  13. gilliatt

    What is space really?

    Let's say us humans are compelled to eat once a day. I give this no thought, I get hungry...eat. You probably do not understand me, will try to explain this perceptual illusion. See, I always take for grant the food will be there. Then, what if I was in nature, in the wilderness, that would be a...
  14. gilliatt

    Should I get a job or work for my dad?

    Well, that is a tough one. Question, what can you do? My suggestion, study the technical side of the market, then, once you know it well, began making your millions/billions. Richard DeMille Wyckoff could help with that career...good luck, my 2 cent...Do not even think of learning much in the...
  15. gilliatt

    What is space really?

    Space is a relationship, only in the universe. The universe is not in space any more than it is in time. Everything is in a position, a certain relationship to the boundary of some surface which you stand. Ex. you are in say Richmond, Virginia, there is a point of the earth's surface on which...
  16. gilliatt

    what are your biggest questions in life?

    Maybe the future of the mind? Neuroscience and physics?
  17. gilliatt

    The future of humankind

    I am fighting for something. That thing is the supremacy of reason and I view man as a rational being. I am fighting against collectivism, altruism, irrationalism. So I am fighting for the future of mankind if he is to have a future. This is an intellectual battle. I refuse to surrender this...
  18. gilliatt

    Financial Independance

    In the market almost everyone wants to know 'what' and 'when'. If I were to give you a tip on a stock and it did good, I would not be doing you a great favor. If I can show you how to trade successfully without asking for tips, I would have accomplished something worthwhile.
  19. gilliatt

    Let's talk about art!

    Art: The reason man needs art is that man's cognitive faculty is conceptual, man acquires knowledge, it guides his actions, not by single isolated percepts, but by means of abstractions. It is not material, it is man's consciousness, his soul that needs it. That is important. Art is a selective...
  20. gilliatt

    The needs of the many do not outweigh the needs of the few

    This 'Common Good' business? It is Tribalism, a tribal notion. All tyranny use this moral justification-in history. Its society's enslavement, anti-freedom. It is an undefined and undefinable concept. Think about it, the tribe, society, public, is only a number of individual men. Nothing can be...
  21. gilliatt

    What is wrong with modern life

    Happiness is not to be achieved at the command of some emotional whims. That would be an irrational wish. Happiness is a state of non-contradictory joy--joy without penalty or guilt. If a man values destruction, like a sadist or self-torture, like a masochist-or life beyond the grave, like a...
  22. gilliatt

    Chicken or the Egg

    Two alternative expressions of the same thing. It is the same circle conceived under two different "attributes." Both the identical individual. This here chicken distinguished from all other ones. Go back, find the elements out of which the egg is made up, the material of the egg, its from What...
  23. gilliatt

    What are you all reading?

    Aristotle by John Herman Randall Jr. & Studies in Tape Reading by Richard D, Wyckoff. Also The Great Explosion by Eric Frank Russell. These books, all different subjects, not just world and people, earth and sky, birth and death, of time and change, sunshine and rain etc, etc, etc.
  24. gilliatt

    What do you think substance is?

    Substance: what it is, what kind of thing, "what"? A living organism, the substance first are afterwards. Was it alive before. Well, the substance may not change, a man can move to a different place, become small to large, but substance does not change, not from being alive to not being alive. A...
  25. gilliatt

    INTPs and their amazing ideas

    I always thought 6 billion individuals of this earth, all free and thinking for themselves. Anything everything is possible under Freedom. "Reality is comprised of concrete, individual entities, each with a definite nature, each obeying the laws inherent in nature. The universe is our lab to...
  26. gilliatt

    New way of tackling teleology, ontology?

    Like how do you understand Hitler better? You do a complete analysis of his material and formal causes. But the universe is a single interlocking hierarchy of matter and form. Hitler, we go back to his childhood, his social and culture milieu in which his family lived, and there is no end to the...
  27. gilliatt

    where are we going as a society?

    There is 6 billion of us humans on this earth. I say 'Freedom' for all people on this earth. You can think so much better under Freedom. The possibilities of more progress, happiness, everyone raised up a level. Children learn much better under Freedom. Its being left alone to think that is so...
  28. gilliatt

    Cured my depression

    You are so right. The self, one's power to think, the 'you' which you cannot define or express. It's simply your intellect you have to depend on. And this help you search for, for mental/physical help, watch out for shyster, feelers, con men of all degrees. The independent mind recognizes no...
  29. gilliatt


    What a lovely subject. There is this option we have, existence or non-existence. We are a living organism and we are substance. Matter is indestructible, it changes its forms, but keeps on existing. Living organism::life or death. Living organisms had to keep moving, action, keep the process...
  30. gilliatt

    Immanuel Kant (CoPR) Modern Relevance to Science

    Kant, he is anti-reason, he is trying hard to save self-sacrifice, mysticism, altruism. His idea is to create doubt. He does not believe in human freedom, laissez faire capitalism. His whole system of epistemology is a "straw man" to create skepticism about man's ability to know anything-Kant's...
  31. gilliatt

    Where did humans go wrong?

    I believe not believing A is A. Two laws, Law of Identity & Law of Causality. Each piece is what it is like Chess: a queen is a queen, a bishop is a bishop & its actions each can perform are determined by its nature, straight or diagonal, a bishop cannot: a rook can move from one side of the...
  32. gilliatt

    How do people in the West avoid Nihlism nowadays?

    First of all, Nietzsche is a mystic and an irrationalist. He is a somewhat! He is more on the emotional side, feelings side! He wants to rule others and sacrifice them to himself. There is a psychological subjectivist that is unable fully to identify his values or to prove their objective...
  33. gilliatt

    Identity is the Enemy

    Identity: To exist is to be something, the other way is to be nothing, non-existence. Existence is Identity. A is A. Red is Red, a circle is a circle. Everything is what it is, its characteristics constitute its identity. The Law of Identity remains the same, never changing. Capitalism is not a...
  34. gilliatt

    Theoretical Physicist

    Physics is the science of measurement. If you can measure something, you usually know something about it, you express it in numbers. Geometry is the 'point'. A point in one's mind. Length and time, that is mechanics. Also mass and force. Why study these things? Because it is important to the...
  35. gilliatt

    What is the greatest good?

    The Good. All that which is proper to the life of a rational being is the good; all that which destroys it is the evil. Your life belong to not the State, not to some God, not your neighbor, not to some ghosts in the sky. Your life belongs to 'You'. All this nonsense about self-sacrifice in just...
  36. gilliatt

    Looking for Good Reads on Philosophy

    I do agree totally but, "Aristotle" by John Herman Randall Jr.; "The Unity of Philosophical Experience" by Etienne Gilson; "A History of Philosophy" by Wilhelm Windelband; "How to Think Creatively" by Eliot Hutchinson; "The Philosophy of Restrain" by Indira Rothermund. But Nietzsche, he is...
  37. gilliatt

    Did i find the meaning of life?

    Here we are in the universe, a living organism, existence, a single entity, a moving entity. Our main function in the maintenance of our life, the organism's survival. That means purposeful action, I mean to keep from dying, to keep existing.
  38. gilliatt

    Need new problem solving activity, help me to understand coding.

    Imagination: I buy and sell on the world markets. The world is my study, laboratory. There is new things happening in business everyday. I observe and my charts tell me something, my intuition, my ne tell me something, and I understand reality, metaphysical given. I do not use imagination in...
  39. gilliatt

    Where did humans go wrong?

    The point is Man won, then he fell lower than his savage beginning. The question I could not answer, why did this happen? What disaster took their reason away from Man? What whip put them on their knees in shame and submission? I know what it was. 'The worship of the word "WE". Men accepted that...
  40. gilliatt

    are INTPs long-winded?

    I think INTP's are real good people.
  41. gilliatt

    The origin of common sense

    Common sense-a remnant of the Aristotelian influence. A simple and non-self -conscious use of logic. Of course there is theoretical knowledge, common sense would be lacking in that respect. Common sense is not good at complex issues, wide abstractions. America is the greatest at this common...
  42. gilliatt

    INTPs and their amazing ideas

    Changing the world? No one can change the world single-handed. Let's approach the problem in another way. Let's say you are a doctor in the midst of an epidemic. One doctor cannot treat millions back to perfect health. I sit down and think, what is the best thing I can do? I can't build a city...
  43. gilliatt

    Top five favorite movies

    Atlas Shrugged, The Man Who Laughs(Hugo), 1 Anunnaki, Gone With the Wind, Siegfried. Of course, reading the book is always better. Am pretty big on Romanticism, the independent, creative characters, characters with positive, honest values. Like characters 'as they are.' Mickey Spillane's...
  44. gilliatt

    Successful INTP's, what career has made you happy?

    I speculate in markets. I keep up with a number of companies, chart their price movements, trends etc. I have learned to interpret/analysis these charts, these insider traders(Composite Man) that control the markets. I am a graduate from Stock Market Institute & have an understanding of the...
  45. gilliatt

    Philosophy Blog

    If I could teach you the right philosophy, your own mind will do the rest. So, I do not have to change the world single-handed, I can use my head and teach a few people in the world the right philosophy & they will do the rest.
  46. gilliatt

    Did i find the meaning of life?

    It is Mass and Energy. Back and forth forever. An atom is an atom, a universe is a universe, you cannot create one nor destroy one. So the universe has just so many atoms, a built in system. Us humans are simply atoms, elements. Elements do not go nowhere, they hang around to infinity...
  47. gilliatt

    How to fix a Democracy

  48. gilliatt

    Robinhood stock trading app (iOS and Android)

    The stock market is not gambling, oh it can be, I suppose. It can also be speculation if you can interpret charts & use inductive, deductive reasoning. You can take say, 200 stocks from say 20 different groups & if you think the market is down, pick the weakest say 4 or 5 stocks, groups to play...
  49. gilliatt

    any of you read any of the Immanuel Kant

    Being an Objectivist, Kant is the exact opposite. Sure I would read his book, understanding he is the man who closed the door of philosophy to reason. Yes, his purpose was to save the morality of self-abnegation and self-sacrifice. A mystic that attempted to save us all from reason. And Kant's...
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