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Search results

  1. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

    'The Subjective-value theory.' 'Subjectivist economies'. " Economics based on the theory that the value of goods is not inherent in the goods themselves but is in the minds of acting men; that economic value is a matter of individual judgment which vary from person and for the same person from...
  2. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

    The Los Angeles Times, "There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism-by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide." " When one observes the nightmare of...
  3. gilliatt

    Are there ways to *cope* with being an INTP?

    As much thinking as we do, we probably become pretty good at it. Just this morning I was thinking that 'the devil' was a lie. It was a lie invented by the gods to excuse their murder of the Creators. The real Creators were larger than any God. Anyway as human beings, we really don't know...
  4. gilliatt

    Good Movies

    "John Carter", if you like sci-fi & "Atlas Shrugged I & II", great actors/actresses, great story that really hits home.
  5. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

    What Ayn Rand says about 'Capitalism, "the essence of capitalism's foreign policy is 'free trade'-i.e.., the abolition of trade barriers, of protective tariffs, of special privileges-the opening of the world's trade routes to free international exchange and competition among the private citizens...
  6. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

    In Ayn Rand's 'The Objectivist Ethics' she says, "The 'moral cannibalism of all hedonist and altruist doctrines lies in the premise that the happiness of one man necessitates the injury of another. Today, most people hold this premise as an absolute not to be questioned. And when one speaks...
  7. gilliatt

    Why we don’t have Philosophy of Physics ?

    The two are so things I have wondered about is, What makes the speed of light constant? Another is how are planets formed? Is there a mathematical formula for a sun to balance itself in the space that it is in? One more, can electrons think or have a psychology? Just one more, let's take all of...
  8. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

    "The comprachicos, or comprapequenos, were a strange & hideous nomadic association, famous in the seventeenth century, forgotten in the eighteen, unknown today.........................................................Comprachicos, a Spanish word that means 'child buyers." "They traded in...
  9. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

    Ayn Rand states that, "nature is the metaphysical given- i.e., the nature of nature is outside the power of any volition." We conclude the universe just 'is', capitalism just 'is', gravity just 'is'. But why? "Why" anything, for instance, tell us why fire is hot, only that it is hot. We have...
  10. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

    More on Ayn Rand. Talk a little on the subject of Metaphysics & Philosophy. The educated man has a knowledge more universals, the things that are more difficult for the average man to know. They are the things furtherest from his senses. The most accurate sciences are those that are most...
  11. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

    On the attacks on Ayn Rand's person. "Argument from Intimidation". Anyhow, there is a certain type of argument which is not an argument, but a means of forestalling debate & extorting an opponent's agreement which one's undiscussed notions. It is a method of bypassing logic by means of...
  12. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

    Laissez-faire capitalism. Ayn Rand said she was a 'radical for laissez-faire capitalism. I wonder how many people know the origin of the term Laissez-faire? Laissez-nous faire. It means "Let us the hell alone". It was true in the seventeenth century and it is true today. Anyway the story...
  13. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

    Nonsense! This is not right. I hear a lot of unintelligible verbiage that conveys nothing clearly except a moral threat on Ayn Rand's character. These are sounds, vibrations. It is not on what is said, but on how it is said, tone of voice, no evidence whatsoever. This, the United States was...
  14. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

  15. gilliatt

    Your Ideal Female 'Partner'

    Well here goes in impromptu. Looking back on my past posted my favor thing was identity, A is A, to exist is to be something as distinguished from the nothing of non-existence. So, my ideal female: I would like for her to be something as opposed to being nothing. She could be rational...
  16. gilliatt

    What books have influenced your world view?

    Books for kids: Where the free being are----Maurice Sendak Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel---Virginia Lee Burton Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder Whatever happened to penny candy---Richard Maybury The adventures of Huxtable Holmes and Sprockett Watson---Glen...
  17. gilliatt

    What books have influenced your world view?

    The books I think are important: Human Action & Socialism by Ludwig Von Mises Atlas Shrugged & The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand The Toilers of the Sea & The Man Who Laughed & Ninety-Three by Victor Hugo The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin The God of the Machine by Isabel Paterson The...
  18. gilliatt

    Magic pill found to cure INTPness

    What might be fun, let's try a hypothetical. Okay, briefly my views are free markets, private-property, limited government, laissez-faire etc. Suppose I had a magic ring, I put it on your finger to make you an exact copy of my views. Now you totally agree in every way. Would I put it on your...
  19. gilliatt

    Free Will Theorem

    The function of your lungs, stomach, heart are automatic, the function of your mind is not. You are free to think or evade that effort. To think in an act of choice. A man is a being of volitional consciousness. Reason is not automatic, thinking, not automatic. logic not by instinct. You...
  20. gilliatt

    The School System

    First thing, wrong first premise. Separation of School & The State. Do we really believe the state is interested in teaching us " to think". Could the states underlining idea be to assume power over us subjects, indoctrinate us to follow arbitrary rules that we know are for no other...
  21. gilliatt

    What is EVIL?

    "In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit." Evil is the irrational, the blind, the anti-real--and that the only weapon of its triumph was the willingness of the good to serve it...
  22. gilliatt

    School boredom

    School boredom reminds of the most popular video in human history, Rebecca Black's "Friday" on Utube. I think 85 million have watched it. The song is about a life spent in this prison-like system, and the prospect of freedom that the weekend brings. Partying is just another word for freedom...
  23. gilliatt

    The School System

    The US Constitution should include: "The state shall make no law with respect to the establishment of education". A quote from Isabel Paterson: "Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later...Once that doctrine has been accepted...
  24. gilliatt

    Fascist or Liberal? test

    You know the truth, all of you. How many corpses do you intend to pile up before you renounce it, your controls and the whole of your miserable altrustic creed. Give it up, if you want to live. Give it up, if there 's anything left in your mind that's able to want human beings to remain...
  25. gilliatt

    Favorite Books

    Short Stories - O'Henry The Discovery of Freedom - Rose Wilder Lane The Man Who Laughs - Victor Hugo Human Action - Ludwig Von Mises The Romantic Manifesto - Ayn Rand Economics in One Lesson - Henry Hazlitt The Law -...
  26. gilliatt

    Why Ayn Rand?

    First thing, let's respect everyone's 1st amendment. I would fight to the death that everyone on these threads have that right. I disagree with about everything that is said on this thread.. Glorifying collectivism, that A is not A, to defeat reason as all cost etc,etc, it is just not my...
  27. gilliatt

    A hey hey

    My name is Gilliatt, I think I am INTP, not 100% sure but will try to be my natural self.Lol "Thoughout the centuries there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision". Ayn Rand
  28. gilliatt

    Why I Hate Facebook

    I just want to say it is voluntary, free for everyone and free enterprise at it's best. Capitalism trys to give people what they want and apparently Facebook is what they want. Another point, no government, no government, no governemnt etc.
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