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Search results

  1. NeverAmI


    Yoga sounds fun, I have never tried it. I have this irrational fear that I will somehow try a position that doesn't work, then I will lose balance and hit my head. Such a head injury could lead to mental retardation. Actually, mental retardation doesn't quite sound so bad... Maybe I should try...
  2. NeverAmI

    BSG RULES!!! I haven't watched everything out there of it yet though. I am incredibly curious to...

    BSG RULES!!! I haven't watched everything out there of it yet though. I am incredibly curious to know whether intuition is truly programmable. I like programming, but I never got much into it, maybe one of these days I will get more into the AI side of things. For the moment there is just too...
  3. NeverAmI


    Exercise and nutrition has become extremely important to me in the last year. Prior to that I never heeded caution unless it was from direct causality of job/etc. I tried numerous things to get into exercise, but they are so damned boring. Exercising with people didn't do anything for me...
  4. NeverAmI

    What do INTPs look like

    Which side smiles? <--- Right side
  5. NeverAmI

    Lazy, Drunk, Drugs, Depression. INTP experiences from this forum

    I find it enjoyable to be lazy, drunk, and on drugs. I am clinically depressed and on anti-depressants. I try not to be any of those, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
  6. NeverAmI

    Dragon Age Origins

    Hmm, I was thinking about Sten again, and how he does seem to be more structured than spontaneous. Any thoughts for Allistar? His and Morrigan's discussions were intriguing, even if I can't remember the topics of any of them.
  7. NeverAmI

    Help us with a forum logo

    Here's a couple of animations done in the past, very simple, but effective. Maybe they will spur some new ideas. Avatar from when I was on TeamATi. Banner from an IT site that I played around with. Note that I am no longer associated with Arx Fidelis.
  8. NeverAmI

    Dragon Age Origins

    I thought ISTJ at first too, but I think Se would be MUCH more beneficial to a warrior, although Si would have it's place for learning from experience, Ne for understanding the enemy. Also, Se might be more inclined to appreciate a painting, although there are many different interpretations of...
  9. NeverAmI

    Help us with a forum logo

    Wait, so what is the overall "vibe" one seeks to give off with the banner? Is a background image even needed? What about some sort of play on the characters of INTP in general, much could be done inside a large block text, such as architectural schematics for one character, something else...
  10. NeverAmI

    Unfortunately there is little to no one that enjoys that in a broad sense where I live. I do...

    Unfortunately there is little to no one that enjoys that in a broad sense where I live. I do have a group of IT administrators that I meet with and we discuss things, although I don't believe any of them are intuitives, my roomie may be an INTJ but he can't seem to hold a theoretical convesation...
  11. NeverAmI

    Ack, this character limit is killing me! Our Threaded Case Study for college was to design a...

    Ack, this character limit is killing me! Our Threaded Case Study for college was to design a theoretical network/infrastructure system given a large set of conditions. It was REALLY fun, although I usually feel a bit embarassed saying that. I can see how required research in a typical...
  12. NeverAmI

    That is AWESOME about your trip! I wish I could have joined you. The video is called "Parallel...

    That is AWESOME about your trip! I wish I could have joined you. The video is called "Parallel Universes," which is on veoh, they make you install a veoh player but I haven't found any detrimental effects from installing it...
  13. NeverAmI

    Alice in Wonderland- Good or Bad

    Loved it. I didn't go into the movie expecting to be intellectually marveled. Nor do I know much of any of the old movie/books. It has been probably over 15 years since I watched it. As Latro said, a lot of the references were lost on me. The sheer power of each character's personality was...
  14. NeverAmI

    Alice in Wonderland- Good or Bad

    I am going to see it in about an hour. I will let you know what I think.
  15. NeverAmI


    Here we are:
  16. NeverAmI

    BUBBLES!!! You are awesome! I will add that my list of books to buy! I watched a film on...

    BUBBLES!!! You are awesome! I will add that my list of books to buy! I watched a film on M-theory which was fascinating. Unfortunately, my math skills are nowhere up to par to understand it all from a logical sense. That is something I hope to remedy in the future! You will have to let me...
  17. NeverAmI


    Lefty and extremely sloppy. I will post up a pic when I get a chance.
  18. NeverAmI

    Do INTPs Dismiss Emotion?

    I added Emotional Design to my list of books to buy, thank you very much!
  19. NeverAmI

    do you ever find yourself...

    Yea, or at least something to bring significance to life. I always feel a bit excited/intrigued/fascinated with significant changes on a major scale. I can empathize with people that suffer, but ultimately things like that bring perspective to life.
  20. NeverAmI

    BTW that trip sounds like a blast, I wish they had stuff like that around here! They probably do...

    BTW that trip sounds like a blast, I wish they had stuff like that around here! They probably do in Des Moines, but that is about an hour and a half away. Regardless, I should see if they do any of that kind of thing!
  21. NeverAmI

    Book is The Passion of the Western Mind. Astrophysics! Quantum Mechanics is highly intriguing to...

    Book is The Passion of the Western Mind. Astrophysics! Quantum Mechanics is highly intriguing to me but I don't know anything about it. Other than that I am fairly clueless of the topic overall! How are you enjoying your studies??? I tend to perfer doing the dishes over doing laundry, but both...
  22. NeverAmI

    o_O What kind of lecture? I am plugging away at work waiting to go home and clean my messy...

    o_O What kind of lecture? I am plugging away at work waiting to go home and clean my messy room, then read! I have an obligation to finish this book this weekend, and do laundry....
  23. NeverAmI

    Hi, how are you?

    Hi, how are you?
  24. NeverAmI

    Do INTPs Dismiss Emotion?

    I always felt a bit like a sociopath when I was younger, like I should be feeling something when someone else's feelings are hurt or when something bad happens. That in itself caused negative emotional buildup in me, I think. Over time I sought to experience emotional situations so that I...
  25. NeverAmI

    Do INTPs Dismiss Emotion?

    Are you in full control of your emotion? How do you stop emotion from consuming you or affecting you in ways you may not realize? If you fall into depression or dissonance, do you not acknowledge it, or do you acknowledge that you are depressed and seek to contain it? Regardless of it...
  26. NeverAmI


    Who is on it? I saw it mentioned in one other thread but no one bit! PLEASE join up and add me as a friend, and add your library so I can stalk your literary selections! http://www.goodreads.com/neverami ADD ME!
  27. NeverAmI

    Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

    I have this book added to my list of those to buy, I saw it on a list of life changing books. I am glad to hear it is significant!
  28. NeverAmI

    What evidence is there for the existence of atoms?

    WOAH! Cooooooooooool :D
  29. NeverAmI

    INTP's And High IQ

    I remember that test, I had taken it and I am pretty sure I completely missed the ruler all together... Thanks to some who gave some insight into Mensa. Does anyone on here actually participate in Mensa? I could care less about pissing matches, I want to surround myself in conversation with...
  30. NeverAmI

    Music as Therapy

    Thanks for posting this!
  31. NeverAmI

    Do INTPs Dismiss Emotion?

    Wow, that sounds really similar. I found out about MBTI last September and had a hard time finding my true type because I had fairly intense social anxiety and also a bunch of emotions from being in love and potentially losing my job due to a merger. I agree that it really helped me validate...
  32. NeverAmI

    Do INTPs Dismiss Emotion?

    I always used a tin foil hat, this sounds more fun! Hopefully I won't get weird looks anymore either.
  33. NeverAmI

    You know you're an Intp when...

    Don't do it! Make Melkore suffer eternally for the mistakes made! Plus:
  34. NeverAmI

    What evidence is there for the existence of atoms?

    o_O I will have to study what you presented. Thanks!
  35. NeverAmI

    Do INTPs Dismiss Emotion?

    That makes perfect sense, thanks for the input! Ooooh, upgrade! Do I get a shiny chip???
  36. NeverAmI

    Do INTPs Dismiss Emotion?

    Haha, maybe listen to your Ni and take it as a sign. You can cry on my shoulder if you need to. Bleh, get yelled at for not searching, get yelled at for drudging up old threads. Who cares? Like you have anything better to do. :D
  37. NeverAmI

    Thematic Apperception Test

    I should mention that I know absolutely nothing about chemistry, if it were a different topic I probably would have went into MUCH more detail. The professor, Dr. Johnson, proceeds to mix the chemicals in order to prove her theory. Her pupil, Mary Sandson, watches intently as the Dr...
  38. NeverAmI

    What evidence is there for the existence of atoms?

    I think about that sometimes as well. Atomism was originally posited by Leucippus in Ancient Greece. At that time it was mere theory. However, the name atom was perhaps mistakedly given to what we now know as the atom whereas in Leucippus's views, subparticles would be the real atoms, or if we...
  39. NeverAmI

    Do INTPs Dismiss Emotion?

    Wrong choice of word for the top, rather than dismiss, think ignore. If you hadn't noticed, I sometimes have a hard time finding the right word. I am curious, since the time you came to the conclusion you are INTP, or at least it is a best fit in terms of MBTI, have you found yourself avoiding...
  40. NeverAmI

    Liberalism, atheism, male sexual exclusivity linked to IQ

    You are only smart if you believe ______. Sounds like an agenda to me.
  41. NeverAmI

    Perceiving versus Judging: Humbleness versus Pretentiousness?

    That seems like a good way to look at it. Someone, I can't remember who, mentioned that, "Judgers seek to change the world to adapt to them while perceivers seek to change themselves to adapt to the world."
  42. NeverAmI

    Why Ayn Rand?

    I haven't read her, but Atlas Shrugged is on my list to read.
  43. NeverAmI


    Agreed. Well said!
  44. NeverAmI

    Perceiving versus Judging: Humbleness versus Pretentiousness?

    Yes, that makes perfect sense, I think you are right! Even without an axis, I could still see perceivers vs judgers as having commonalities/differences but maybe that range is too wide like you are all saying or my correlation was just bad in the first place. I had this thought on the way to...
  45. NeverAmI

    Perceiving versus Judging: Humbleness versus Pretentiousness?

    Well, they are extremes, yes, but I have no alternate agenda with this argument. Perhaps humbleness versus arrogance? I actually do like subservience though, nice choice! How would you describe someone that is 100% judging?
  46. NeverAmI

    Perceiving versus Judging: Humbleness versus Pretentiousness?

    You appear to exaggerate it worse than any of the sites I have read from! Judging vs Perceiving is simply the extroversion/introversion of your judging and data collection functions, right? So, are there any similarities or commonalities between types that predominantly use ni, si, te, or...
  47. NeverAmI


    No, if I have a sense of superiority over someone else it is because I have proven that I am much more efficient in some certain area than that person, but I also recognize they have strengths that I do not. Sometimes I get frustrated that people don't realize or comprehend things that seem...
  48. NeverAmI

    Perceiving versus Judging: Humbleness versus Pretentiousness?

    Ah, I wasn't aware of that, thanks! Why would I feel bad? I have no frame of reference on the MBTI credibility of sites. I am here to learn, that is why I am asking quesitons. If no site is any better than that one at giving descriptions of J vs P then why does it matter?
  49. NeverAmI

    You are wrong.

    Yes, but if it is to strengthen social bonds, then have they not inferred that social bonds are important to life, that having good friends leads to a better life? Can you elaborate by what you mean with "objectives are crucial to bear in mind?" So they don't consider the perspectives of...
  50. NeverAmI

    Perceiving versus Judging: Humbleness versus Pretentiousness?

    I know this is tough to think about, but these labels/definitions are on the extremes of both sides. Perceivers are known to hold out on decisions, to be unassuming, not to jump to conclusions, that seems quite humble to me. I ask you not to judge based on people that claim to be a certain...
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