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Search results

  1. y4r5xeym5

    How the hell did bad words become bad words?

    http://wallbase.net/wallpaper/68947 Unfortunately I was unable to re-find it online. Something similar to that though. Warning: Contains extra happy. Also, I love Charlie the Unicorn. Mr. Happy Face takes the cake, though.
  2. y4r5xeym5

    How the hell did bad words become bad words?

    It was actually a toss up between this one and the unicorn/rainbow/candy paradise. I'm still having regrets.
  3. y4r5xeym5

    Your ideal home?

    http://z.about.com/d/architecture/1/0/U/i/Neuschwanstein.jpg I think this will suffice.
  4. y4r5xeym5

    How the hell did bad words become bad words?

    Make all articles illegal and punishable by death. :D
  5. y4r5xeym5

    How the hell did bad words become bad words?

    Fuckin shit if I know :confused: I also agree with Alice word for word.
  6. y4r5xeym5

    Falling in Love or Not

    As a member of the latter case, all I can really say is that I haven't found someone that piqued my interests. Not so much a fear of not being loved, but more of a lack of finding someone that I would want to love in that manner.
  7. y4r5xeym5

    I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    I an almost completely unrelated note, I can't stand the taste of star fruit. My aunt told me they were like deliciously sweet apples with a bit of a tang. What lies. Never again. :mad: That's a pretty interesting story about your eyes, though. Painful, but interesting. You should have asked...
  8. y4r5xeym5

    I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    I believe the terms are "deliciously adorable" and "Hawt." :o
  9. y4r5xeym5

    I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    Fine, I believe you have made your point. *mumbles* It's because I'm not blond and I don't have bewbz. :rolleyes:
  10. y4r5xeym5

    I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    It's people like you who kill my dreams of a stegosaurus president wearing a monocle. :( Although as a member of the majority of the population and thus having the most rights, I say that blond pianists with differentiated eyes have no rights, thus giving dinosaurs greater rights. Even if...
  11. y4r5xeym5

    I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    Proposition: Dinosaurs should be given voter's rights in the United States government. They have been discriminated against for countless eons and deserve their place in our world. Discuss.
  12. y4r5xeym5

    I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    I prefer brunettes, thank you very much ;) @cheese http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdxkVQy7QLM I can never look at that song the same way anymore :(
  13. y4r5xeym5

    I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    Point taken...hmm...:rolleyes::D
  14. y4r5xeym5

    I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    Welcome! Hope you stick around. I find it amusing that so many people "love you" already. Silly INTPs and your hormones. She's just a girl, not some golden mistress from the heavens. Besides, girls have cooties anyway. Scientific FACT. ;)
  15. y4r5xeym5

    INTPs = Drunk students?

    To paraphrase: -desires money -loves art and writing -can't cope with stress -is a druggie I'm sorry, but I'm not relating whatsoever :confused:
  16. y4r5xeym5

    Do you get along with your type irl? If not, who?

    I don't know any other INTPs in person. My circle of friends composes of mostly INTJs and ENTPs, with some INFP and INFJ thrown in. I have never understood the INTP hatred of INTJs either. We get along just fine :confused:
  17. y4r5xeym5

    College students, what's your major?

    Mathematics and Computer Science. It is the perfect culmination of everything nerdy and socially isolating. What more could a person want? Oh wait... :( Ultimately though, I'd like to work in the area of computer animation.
  18. y4r5xeym5

    Now, if I were better with titles...

    Favorite smiley? Hmm, this is a tough one...:confused: Anyhow, welcome.
  19. y4r5xeym5


    I blame my horrible penmanship on being forced to write with my right hand in my early years. I could have been a beautiful lefty, but I am instead marred with ambidextrous chicken scratch.
  20. y4r5xeym5


    I love my bed too much, although I honestly don't fit on it too well...I'd easily replace said bed with a hammock, though.
  21. y4r5xeym5

    INTP Characteristics

    Oldest child (Younger Sister) Premature birth by 3 weeks Male Right handed (Forced from lefty) Flat footed Parents divorced two years ago Height: 6ft, 4in Weight: 212lbs Eye colour: green Hair colour: dark brown / black Skin colour: light skinned Ancestry: English / Irish / Scottish /...
  22. y4r5xeym5

    The 16 Desires of INTPians (or not)

    Most: Curiosity Independence Idealism Tranquility Least: Vengeance Power Status Order In no particular order.
  23. y4r5xeym5


    Wow. Completely opposite advise as to what I would have expected. Honestly, I went through my high-school years not giving a damn about it. Sure, I kept my GPA up and challenge myself with tougher courses, but as to expanding my social circle and getting 'involved' in various organizations? I...
  24. y4r5xeym5

    Typing Speed

    your typing rate is : 65 wpm words typed : 75 mistakes made : 1 which is 0.8 mistakes per minute I would be the average typist *sigh*
  25. y4r5xeym5

    The Infamous Marriage Thread

    I feel so left out, being new and all. Come here pillow, I'll love you. :(
  26. y4r5xeym5

    Martial Arts

    Started taking Jiu-Jitsu this semester through my college (Pittman's Academy of Martial Arts & Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, actually). So. Much. Fun. Everyone should try a martial arts at least once, I think.
  27. y4r5xeym5

    How Do You Sleep At Night?

    I'm the same way. A fan or the gentle sound of rain does wonders. Now to figure out why I can't sleep past 8am...
  28. y4r5xeym5

    Show me a man who stands firmly on his own two feet and I'll show you a man who can't put on his...

    Show me a man who stands firmly on his own two feet and I'll show you a man who can't put on his pants.
  29. y4r5xeym5

    Why did you pick your name?

    I used to be in the habit of hitting the keyboard with a fist to generate a username and password. Out of the five or so accounts I have made this way on various sites, this one is my favorite. I'm weird. Don't judge me. :evil:
  30. y4r5xeym5

    IPIP-NEO Test Results

    Extraversion...............7 Friendliness.............41 Gregariousness...........6 Assertiveness............0 Activity Level...........12 Excitement-Seeking.......8 Cheerfulness.............37 Agreeableness..............79 Trust....................86...
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