Agent Intellect
Absurd Anti-hero.
what would you ask if you were making an MBTI test? what sort of questions would you come up with, possibly ones you have never seen on any personality type test you have ever taken? if you were going to try and type someone in a conversation, what sort of questions would you ask the person to get a feel for what personality type they are?
i'm interested in making my own MBTI type test, something i can administer to people offline. what sorts of specefic questions seem important, not only for finding the broad answers, like whether someone is "N" or "S" but whether they are "Ne" or "Ni" etc? most online tests seem very broad and generic, asking questions like "do you prefer theories or facts?". these sorts of question are why a lot of people new to MBTI think that "P" and "J" are functions. i'd be more interested in questions that focus more on the individual functions (Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi), perhaps something more like "does hearing a new theory open up new avenues of exploration, or is it more of a means to an end?" (just off the top of my head).
if people can think of some good, specefic, and possibly new questions, and then explain how they might interpret different answers, i think we could probably come up with a much better MBTI test then any of the ones on the web. questions could be story problems. for example, something like "if X situation happened, would you do A, B, C, or D?" (the more possible answers the better; one thing i hate about most of the online tests is having only two multiple choice answers for the questions and neither of them would be something i'd do).
they could also be preferences. things like "do you prefer X or Y" and can even come with follow up questions. if they chose X, then a follow up question might be "do you prefer to use X to explain the world, or to interact with it?". making the test more adaptive to the person taking it seems like a good way to go.
what i'm mainly looking for are specefic questions that have to do with the functions themselves (Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi), and not simply figuring out if someone is "P" or "J" or any of those broad things (although questions about that could lead into more precise follow up questions). i'm also looking for things that aren't frequently used in all of the online tests.
i'm interested in making my own MBTI type test, something i can administer to people offline. what sorts of specefic questions seem important, not only for finding the broad answers, like whether someone is "N" or "S" but whether they are "Ne" or "Ni" etc? most online tests seem very broad and generic, asking questions like "do you prefer theories or facts?". these sorts of question are why a lot of people new to MBTI think that "P" and "J" are functions. i'd be more interested in questions that focus more on the individual functions (Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi), perhaps something more like "does hearing a new theory open up new avenues of exploration, or is it more of a means to an end?" (just off the top of my head).
if people can think of some good, specefic, and possibly new questions, and then explain how they might interpret different answers, i think we could probably come up with a much better MBTI test then any of the ones on the web. questions could be story problems. for example, something like "if X situation happened, would you do A, B, C, or D?" (the more possible answers the better; one thing i hate about most of the online tests is having only two multiple choice answers for the questions and neither of them would be something i'd do).
they could also be preferences. things like "do you prefer X or Y" and can even come with follow up questions. if they chose X, then a follow up question might be "do you prefer to use X to explain the world, or to interact with it?". making the test more adaptive to the person taking it seems like a good way to go.
what i'm mainly looking for are specefic questions that have to do with the functions themselves (Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi), and not simply figuring out if someone is "P" or "J" or any of those broad things (although questions about that could lead into more precise follow up questions). i'm also looking for things that aren't frequently used in all of the online tests.