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Search results

  1. Agent Intellect

    Sadomasochism and Evolution?

    You have your cause-effect reverses. Women are primarily in control of sexual selection. Primitive human women would have chosen males that were less violent and domineering during sex. The reason that humans are, in general, much more gentle during normal intercourse is because of this...
  2. Agent Intellect

    Your Ideal Male 'Partner'

    I'd totally hit it: All I ever need is a bottle of lotion and a mirror.
  3. Agent Intellect

    How many here see men and women as individuals?

    Re: How many here see men and women as induviduals? I treat everyone the same when I first meet them and then differentiate my treatment based on their actions and words. This tends to put people off because they expect to be treated a certain a way based on race, gender, and societal...
  4. Agent Intellect


    How does one join?
  5. Agent Intellect


    Problem with doing cardio without involving the legs is that the skeletal muscles in the legs help move the blood through the veins. By sitting in a kayak for several hours, blood will pool in the leg veins somewhat, which can also lead to clotting cascades (long enough times can cause pulmonary...
  6. Agent Intellect

    A cure for aging, and an end to natural death?

    One of two things might happen if massively life extending technology is invented: 1. Most people will see it as a bad thing and will voluntarily die at whatever arbitrary age they've decided is more "natural" anyway (in the same arbitrary way the Amish decided the early 1800's was the most...
  7. Agent Intellect

    Facial Hair

    I have my beard shaved off and my head shaved just about bald about once every 6-8 weeks by my sister. As a result, I can usually be found with a relatively thick beard. I'm too lazy and just don't care enough to shave it off myself everyday.
  8. Agent Intellect

    Types you attract romantically/sexually?

    Past girlfriends with confirmed types: INFJ and ENFP. There are two that I've been talking to lately, but I don't know what I'd type them for various reasons: One has severe synesthesia, so that ends up coloring her personality quite a bit (pun intended) and the other is on HRT which tends to...
  9. Agent Intellect


    I just ordered something called sulbutiamine from Amazon (supposed to arrive anywhere between Feb. 24 and Feb. 29). Has anyone tried this before? The reviews on Amazon have all said it's good stuff.
  10. Agent Intellect

    Knowing that I don't know

    My biggest fear is that someday I will run out of questions to ask.
  11. Agent Intellect


    Snafupants is right. The relatively new fields of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics shows that different people require different health regimens. For instance, lipid metabolism is influenced by certain genes (1). Some people don't respond to low fat diets or diets that aim to decrease fat...
  12. Agent Intellect

    Visual Representation of your Mind

    If Wikipedia were a dilapidated building inhabited by an enthusiastic child with spontaneous fits of exploration and a dour, lethargic skeptic that gets it's jollies from being a buzz kill, that would be my mind.
  13. Agent Intellect

    The Hip-hop Thread.

    Touche. At least I didn't make the statement that my opinion was "objectively". This is simply my opinion.
  14. Agent Intellect

    The Hip-hop Thread.

    Jay-Z and Kanye West are 100%+ aweful. They are a mockery of what hip-hop is. One must look at underground/indie stuff to find good hip hop music (God, I probably sound like a hipster).
  15. Agent Intellect

    Listen to Hip-Hop?

    Face Candy doing a Lil' Wayne spoof (all improv): Face Candy - Thirteen - YouTube
  16. Agent Intellect

    Listen to Hip-Hop?

    You make a compelling argument.
  17. Agent Intellect

    Listen to Hip-Hop?

    As of this very minute, I'm listening to Diabolic. Also been listening to Doomtree lately (their new album No Kings). And I have Face Candy (group with my all time favorite artist Eyedea in it) in my car (improvised music with freestyle lyrics).
  18. Agent Intellect

    Da Blob

    I also question the mods judgments. This seems like it's banning simply because they disagree with what he's saying. I've probably had more disagreements and debates with Blob than anyone on this site, but nothing he's said or done seemed worthy of getting banned because of it. Seems like back...
  19. Agent Intellect

    Money and Happiness

    $75,000 US buys happiness. Above that, you get diminished returns.
  20. Agent Intellect

    Promiscuity Hurts Both Men and Women

    I'd rather suffer the consequences of a promiscuous society than to have moral guardians deny people the freedom.
  21. Agent Intellect

    Your Ideal Female 'Partner'

    In all honesty, I don't think I have an ideal type. Some things I would find quite acceptable: tattoos, piercings, geek, punk, goth, suicide girl, nerd, bohemian, artsy, anywhere between skinny and thick, short or tall, glasses or no glasses, short hair or long hair, genetic female or M2F...
  22. Agent Intellect

    The NeuroScience of Typology

    I did watch the video a few days ago, but I've been either too lazy or too busy to make a response. I thought it was interesting, and I think that typology theories are definitely in need of having a neuroscience basis. However, I was a little disappointed by the incredibly low resolution of...
  23. Agent Intellect

    Your Ideal Female 'Partner'

    Things I look for: Fat, hairy faced, scuzzy cunt, mastectomy with one flapjack breast, balding, chain smoking, octa+ mom, child abuser, <70 IQ, deep voice, borderline personality, illiterate, trailer trash, sclerosis, halitosis, osteoporosis, polysomy, alcoholic, cutter, nymphomaniac, 30+ cats...
  24. Agent Intellect

    The NeuroScience of Typology

    I haven't watched the video yet (I plan to when I have the time, probably tomorrow) but I have some preliminary thoughts. First, for the discussion, the system Melllvar is proposing seems to lose what makes MBTI attractive to so many people: it's simplicity. Being able to say "I'm such-and-such...
  25. Agent Intellect

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Improvised music and freestyle lyrics.
  26. Agent Intellect

    Physics or chemistry...?

    I can't speak on a physics major, but as someone who has taken a lot of chemistry classes (I'm majoring in biochemistry) I can say that the main focus of chemistry is in application, not so much theory. Several of the classes I have to take are only labs, and don't have a lecture section. Wet...
  27. Agent Intellect

    Double Helix Water (biological miracle or hoax?)

    I'm knowledgeable in chemistry, and I wish I had the time to point out how ridiculous this stuff sounds. Fortunately, I found someone else who has already done that: http://www.chem1.com/CQ/clusqk.html I also found this about the authors of the book they're selling: Both of these sources are...
  28. Agent Intellect

    Breaking Bad

    Great show, but Walter's consistent irrationality is mildly aggravating at times.
  29. Agent Intellect

    Type that Member

    These seems to imply some sort of innateness with the functions, like the Id-Ego-Superego of Freudian psychology. Would this theory be useful for making any predictions about a personality type - the gold standard of any theory - or is it just attempting to fit descriptions to people? I guess...
  30. Agent Intellect

    making up information, publishing it on this peer-reviewed forum, and citing myself for an academic

    I had a chemistry professor that gave a demonstration in class where he started an energy drink on fire. He gave a very scientific sounding explanation as to why this occurred, and people sat there, surprised that they had been drinking this stuff. He told everyone that their homework was to...
  31. Agent Intellect

    Type that Member

    Interesting. Your assessment seems to be that, since I don't act like an INFJ, I must be an INFJ? I've been told I'm an INTJ before (I think Cognisant made this most heinous of accusations) but I think this is the first time I've been called a feeler. I'm not saying you're wrong - I have severe...
  32. Agent Intellect

    Do you care what others think of your intelligence level?

    I like to appear intelligent, and yet I like it to look like the intelligence is just sort of an accident. In my offline life, I often like to "correct" people or argue with people, but I do it in a way that makes it look like my knowledge was sort of incidental, as if I'd read it in a newspaper...
  33. Agent Intellect

    Yeah, I probably ought to get going too. Was good derailing with you again.

    Yeah, I probably ought to get going too. Was good derailing with you again.
  34. Agent Intellect

    Nice comeback to the forum. You managed to derail some threads and get in on some arguments...

    Nice comeback to the forum. You managed to derail some threads and get in on some arguments about God. It's like old times.
  35. Agent Intellect

    Favourite Beverage

    I like my tossed salad with lots and lots of bacon, and either French or Italian dressing.
  36. Agent Intellect

    Favourite Beverage

    That sounds more like a tossed salad than a drink.
  37. Agent Intellect

    Equate Food to Sex

    NSFW (but still suitable for TV):
  38. Agent Intellect


    I just tried dimethylamylamine (methylhexanamine) and I'm surprised this stuff is legal. After an hour, I'm only a little ways off from having an amphetamine high on this stuff. Has anyone ever tried this stuff (or anything like phenylethylamine or hordenine)?
  39. Agent Intellect

    Coping with studies

    Here is my problem: when I'm not taking a class on something, I have a lot of interest in it. When I finally take a class on it, studying the subject suddenly feels like a chore. For instance, I signed up for organic chemistry last April. Over the summer, I pretty much taught myself the major...
  40. Agent Intellect

    Proxy's a Fraud

    I bet he's also a commie.
  41. Agent Intellect

    The Official Shit Competition

    Being offensive (or at least making people feel uncomfortable) is way too easy - all one has to do is say mean spirited, disrespectful, or hateful things about "too soon" tragedies, or simply making light of them. Just look what happened to Gilbert Gottfried when he made jokes about the Japan...
  42. Agent Intellect

    Evolution is BULLSHIT

    I am incredibly high on vicodin right now, but if you can't logically infer how small genetic changes in a genome can continuously (as opposed to binarily) result in "micro-evolution" that leads to "macro-evolution", then you must be at LEAST a little slow. Sorry if that is offensive, but...
  43. Agent Intellect

    Evolution is BULLSHIT

    A thought experiment about macroevolution is this: Myth: Micro-evolution is happening, but not Macro-evolution. This is a common and relatively understandable misconception about evolution, since "macro-evolution" is not something that can really be seen in our everyday life. The simple...
  44. Agent Intellect

    Pick something personal about

    A thread inspired by me? I should be flattered. Off topic personal info: I have a hard time sharing personal information with people I've known for most of my life. I'm not very emotional or affectionate with anyone - my sister just got married yesterday, and it was a noteworthy occasion to...
  45. Agent Intellect

    What are you studying this term?

    Out of curiosity, what do they teach for a philosophy degree? It seems to me that most of what you study could be done on your own time, since the material is all available to anyone, and no special equipment or hands-on training is required.
  46. Agent Intellect

    The "I'm Looking For a Book" Thread

    Most biology classes use the Reece & Campbell book (which I also own), but that tries to put too much information into a single book (almost 1500 pages), so I bought the Gerald Karp one for my own supplementation. I haven't really checked out any of the other books available. I haven't seen...
  47. Agent Intellect

    Math preferences

    I don't have a lot of math experience (highest I have is calculus 2) but I find that I like applied math more than abstract math. I think the fact that existence operates in a mathematical way is more interesting to me than just symbol manipulation. I like to try and discern mathematical...
  48. Agent Intellect


    Mutation is the main source of novel variation. Mutations occur to new genetic material, which originates as a result of ectopic recombination of chromosomes, retrotransposon mediated sequence transduction, gene duplication, gene fusion/fission, tandem repeats, and as others have mentioned...
  49. Agent Intellect

    The "I'm Looking For a Book" Thread

    What do you want to know about genetics? Mendelian inheritance? DNA replication? Expression/transcription? A good place to start is a book I picked up a while back called "Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments." From page 389 to page 609 it's all about genes, genetics, DNA...
  50. Agent Intellect

    Functional Development Test

    Cognitive ProcessLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use) extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************** (20.6) limited use introverted Sensing (Si) *************************** (27.4) average use extraverted Intuiting (Ne) **********************************************...
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