I took the time to watch the first "What is Double Helix Water" video, and I have a few things to say;
1) An ion is not a smaller part of an atom. An ion is an atom or group of atoms which has gained or lost a number of electrons.
2) By a "simple, clean water particle... highly charged.", what the hell is he talking about? A water particle is just a particle of water. It's not like particles get dirty. Dirt is when different kinds of particles get mixed in with the water, like whatever particles make up dust and rocks. And highly charged? So... they add electrons, somehow, or what? "Charged" in what way?
3) "Stable Water Cluster"? It's a "fundamental phase of water" and water gets there not by temperature, but by pressure? Well, with increased pressure, the freezing point of water increases gradually, but you have exert a lot of pressure to make it freeze significantly earlier than under typical pressures. Either way, it's still solid water, or "ice", not some other state entirely. I mean, the state under which an element is solid is called "solid". If something's solid, it's "a solid". If there's some other pseudo-solid state that was hitherto unknown of, why is the entire physics community not putting all of their resources into figuring this mystery out? Because it's no mystery, I'm pretty sure.
4) "Ultra-pure water". What is this? Clean water? Water without anything else in it, not even a solute? How is something purer than pure such that it's "ultra-pure"?
5) Why can't he pick up a dictionary and simply tell someone the definition for "particle"?
6) That "calculating" spiel... he got that information from his ass, as it didn't explain shit. You have to know about the formation of these before you calculate their formation!
7) He doesn't have digestive and nervous system
s, he has only one of each, and what was with the "sorta" under his breath? He only "sorta" has a digestive and nervous system, as though they're not fully formed or functional?
8) He goes down the hierarchy of bodily systems, sure, but once he gets to sub-atomic particles... no, an ion is
not part of an atom, it's a
kind of atom, with extra or missing electrons... which is actually really common. Think "static charge".
9) When you calculate something, you need to come up with a number?!
Really?! I thought you calculated stuff to come up with
10) A body doesn't function as a body, but as trillions of cells? Well... it actually does
both. All the cells of a body, well, they make a body.
11) Sodium chloride does not "come apart" in water! The salt crystals may break into smaller bits, but this mixture is not a "chemical" mixture. If the sodium and chloride came aprt, it would produce sodium, an alkali metal, and chloride, which is a chlorine ion missing a single electron... so, you know,
chlorine. Now the human body uses chloride to counter acidity, but pure sodium in water is very reactive, causing heat and, if there's a large chunk, explosive force. No, sodium chloride stays the whole sodium chloride compound the entire time, having totally different properties from sodium or chloride on their own. However, if you sundered the molecule, the two chemicals
would be ions. chloride negative and sodium positive, hence their fitting together.
http://www.ami.ac.uk/courses/topics/0184_dp/index.html Water
fails at dielectric strength. It's a dielectric weakling. And if it did have dielectric, so what? We could turn it into a magnet or something. "What is this?"... It's water.
13) So he can calculate what happens when you dilute salt in water? Well, the solution becomes denser, and so things float better in it, but that's about all I'm aware of.
My adobe flash player crashed, so I'm done. It's patently obvious this is a load of shit, sold to ignorant masses because they desire a maricle cure and he claims to have it. He's an asshole, a liar, and a cheat.