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Search results

  1. Coolydudey


    @Quick Thanks, Idk how long I'll be around though. I might have exaggerated my point. I think people on here are smarter than average, that much is beyond question. But they're less smart than they think they are or than the forum environment allows them to take credit for. I am also including...
  2. Coolydudey


    Long time no see. How's everyone? Nice to see the community still has the same core ppl and the theme hasn't changed too much. Though things seem a bit less busy, like it's slowly dying down. Also, why does everyone here think they're so intelligent? I get that it's part of the glue that...
  3. Coolydudey

    What does procratination mean?

    Gratz to those who get the reference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  4. Coolydudey

    Can you get banned for posting shit in the Oubliette?

    Like, is it physically possible?
  5. Coolydudey

    The Math Thread

    :D Well I'll give you the argument: if n is odd, every even sized subset of {1,2,...,n} leaves behind an odd-sized subset. So the number of even sized subsets=the number of odd sized subsets, and as the total number of subsets is 2^n, the number in question is 2^n-1.
  6. Coolydudey

    The Math Thread

    Cheese I'm afraid you'll find that you got the number of subsets wrong for every n. First, the empty set is a subset (mathematical formality, but natural). So: n=1 : 1 n=2 : 2 n=3 : 4 n=4 : 8 etc. The pattern is obvious, namely 2^(n-1) It is worth knowing the following standard argument: the...
  7. Coolydudey

    Team fortress 2 Fan club

    you can always join this one if you like http://steamcommunity.com/groups/INTPf
  8. Coolydudey

    The Math Thread

    How many subsets of {1,2,...,n} are there of even size?
  9. Coolydudey

    Team fortress 2 Fan club

    I went to create the "INTPforum Steam Group" and guess what: name already taken!! The group is semi-dead now but here's a link http://steamcommunity.com/search/#filter=none&text=INTPforu
  10. Coolydudey

    The Math Thread

    dude get real with the maths teasers: The sume of some (not necessarily distinct) natural numbers (i.e. positive integers) is 100. How large can their product be?
  11. Coolydudey

    Team fortress 2 Fan club

    I know there's at least two of us who love this game (Alias and I). Anyone else play regularly? What class(es) do you main? What draws you to the game? I play spy by far the most. Being deceptive and tricking people, especially landing trickstabs, I find so satisfying and exhilarating. It's...
  12. Coolydudey

    Voting is a complete fallacy

    Again, is not your vote a tiny insignificant part of the statistical sample? It doesn't make the slightest bit of difference whether you vote in front of the millions of other votes
  13. Coolydudey

    Voting is a complete fallacy

    Indeed, as many people pointed out, and I myself once said in a conversation, the only worthwhile thing is trying to influence large groups of people. Even then though I think it's marginal if you look at the stats, you'd have to be a very good convincer and reach a large audience for it to be...
  14. Coolydudey

    Voting is a complete fallacy

    If enough people thought like that, it would be worth your while to vote. There is a logical stable equilibrium somewhere, just now we're at an emotional one
  15. Coolydudey

    Voting is a complete fallacy

    To think about this one in a more interesting way. Suppose one electoral result means you die instantly, while the other means you live a prosperous 50 years. Let's assume you have a generous 0.001% chance of making a difference to the national government, based on polls showing equal...
  16. Coolydudey

    Voting is a complete fallacy

    "Oh you have to vote to express your opinion. It's the right thing to do" It completely startles me how many intelligent people think they should vote. It really, really defies my understanding. It simply won't make any difference. EDIT: skip this bit and read my later post, much more...
  17. Coolydudey

    Introversion v Introspection

    Recently I realised that Intropsective describes me better than Intoverted (in the sense that it's a more accurate description of what I do when I'm doing it, as opposed to something I do most of the time, although I would bet my ratio of introspection/thinking is higher than the average...
  18. Coolydudey

    Epiphany regarding INTP intimidation

    +1 But because I have to say something more than that to post here - this happens to me sometimes, my friends appreciate me for who I am but sometimes being myself when talking intellectually about things pisses some of them (specific ones) off. You just gotta be careful how you sound.
  19. Coolydudey

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    As far as guitar pieces go, it's pretty nice, but it failed for me to show that sort of melody or story that draws me into a piece of music and makes me get lost inside it... 7.5/10 The only dubstep piece I've ever liked or properly listened to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0qX62Patoo
  20. Coolydudey

    What colors do you see?

    OMG thank you Jenny that made me saw it blue and black too. Really creepy though when I went back to the other one and it slooowly changed back from blue and black to white and gold...
  21. Coolydudey

    Let's be honest

    Toast with honey is actually all about the butter.
  22. Coolydudey

    How to study math as an INTP

    I wasted 20 minutes of my life reading some of the stuff by this guy, because I was interested in what one earth he was on about. But in hindsight, I knew even before reading. His attack on calculus in particular is quite laughable. It seems really strange that someone so knowledgeable and...
  23. Coolydudey

    How to study math as an INTP

    With some classes I don't have an intuitive grasp on (like the Geometry course which has just got into Riemannian metrics and hyperbolic geometry) I build whatever understanding I can from the course and wait for my intuition to develop further in doing the questions. I feel this process has...
  24. Coolydudey

    true, your new avatar doesn't suit you as much but I see why you changed it, I like it :D

    true, your new avatar doesn't suit you as much but I see why you changed it, I like it :D
  25. Coolydudey

    Challenge: contact a (small, dysfunctional) website!!

    Recently I noticed http://iqexam.net/exam.php was broken. I thought I'd be helpful and point it out. http://iqexam.net/ works and says to contact admin@this website for comments etc. emailing admin and variations @iqexam.net returned no such user at this domain - i.e. the email account...
  26. Coolydudey

    Are you human?

    I see my ideas didn't go down so well - what I was getting at is that although we share all our traits with animals, what distinguishes us from them is an important difference observable in our ability to think rationally. Because, although animals have intelligence as well, they cannot abstract...
  27. Coolydudey

    Are you human?

    What makes us human? So many cliché answers, but it's not love, curiosity, the will to explore. Nor is it Interstellar's answer of the idiosyncracy of human relationships, our very fundamental requirement for some social interaction. No, it's actually very different - any emotion humans...
  28. Coolydudey

    Ages of Users Here

    well, the polls do at least show he almost certainly picked completely the wrong age bins anyway, I guess there's no harm done. But I would go out on a limb to say the forum's mental age is much higher than its physical age (as in, the age of the members in it) and maybe apologise to sockrates...
  29. Coolydudey

    Ages of Users Here

    maybe use the search function next time? EDIT: decided not to be a complete knob and helpfully do the search for you :) http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=1674&highlight=age http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=14036&highlight=age
  30. Coolydudey

    Makes me wonder

    The point of it was that it was complete bogus. They gave 4 people the same "results", telling them that they were personalised from some test. They ALL identified with them 80%
  31. Coolydudey

    Makes me wonder

    no, in fact they're clearly not. Doesn't mean that it affects what I'm saying or the doubts it raises on systems like typology at all.
  32. Coolydudey

    What is the mbti type of your best friend?

    Looking back on this one it's interesting how we do gravitate towards similar types for friends. INTPs got the most votes, with one letter variations following. It must work the same for other types too.
  33. Coolydudey

    Makes me wonder

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfsE7w1zZKY compare to this http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=13242&highlight=type Makes me wonder how much of MBTI/typology is a placebo. I'm not doubting there is validity, just perhaps less than I saw before.
  34. Coolydudey

    INTP TED talk

    because they're complete tosh? Even if these things exist, no serious scientist takes them seriously, so no progress is ever going to be made in a reasonable time scale. Speaking from experience, the sort of people who beleive these things are ill-suited to make and spread scientific progress in...
  35. Coolydudey


    To be honest I was entirely expecting this. But the arbitrariness of the decimal system is so embedded into our thought process that it makes more sense to accept it than reject it, to celebrate 1000 posts and every 10th birthday etc. etc. On another note, 1000 was actually a very good...
  36. Coolydudey


    bwahaha :D:D what now? I guess i just continue my casual INTPf existence which I've been maintaining anyway recently
  37. Coolydudey


    It's always been a long-term goal of mine to reach 1000 posts... I feel like I have no purpose in life now :D
  38. Coolydudey


    I just wanted to say thanks guys. I like this place. Mostly.
  39. Coolydudey

    Website I am making

    Guys, I could use a hand with something. Why on earth is my logo displaying slightly to the right? Any tips I could look in to appreciated.
  40. Coolydudey


    Nice link! Anyway, the point of the new Siberia as I envisioned it was three-fold, and has nothing to do with poking, although in hindsight that may be inevitable. This could of course be controlled and people who are nasty to those in Siberia could themselves run into trouble (banning)...
  41. Coolydudey

    Ask QuickTwist (^_^)V (including about his mental illness)

    Tell me. Why on earth would I want to ask you something?
  42. Coolydudey


    Well if they were confined to two posts a day there wouldn't be any bandwidth issue as they should soon give up and leave anyway. Also, it will in hopefully in some cases stop the annoying creating new account business. All that said, I have no idea how possible any of this is, so I say no more
  43. Coolydudey


    Yeah this had occured to me. Basically you'd have to find a way to exclude them from the new post feed AND limit them to say two posts a day, and already the whole thing just starts to sound like too much effort. Still a cool idea though
  44. Coolydudey


    Well, you know how we have confining to siberia, temp-banning and perma-banning? How about we convert that into temp-siberia, temp-ban and perma-siberia? I know I'm hardly the forum frequenter but I want to put it out there. I feel it could lead to the creation of a rather amusing and even...
  45. Coolydudey


    yah i'm fine thks :)
  46. Coolydudey

    Oh no! Existential crisis!

    O.M.G. !! Played the video and instantly recognised the music, and I was like, really?!? Such a strange feeling, I have no idea why. Since I've now written that, might as well attempt to add something productive :D. "Because people who have no hopes are easy to control; and whoever has the...
  47. Coolydudey

    Oh no! Existential crisis!

    With this thread I'm planning to make a little go-to for all the myriads of people who suddenly realise that life is absurd and are having some crisis about it. I really don't think such time needs to be spent dealing with these crises on a case by case basis, unless someone is depressed or...
  48. Coolydudey

    how seriously do you take Christmas?

    I have this attitude towards Christmas that is captured by mildly interested participation. I'll help put up some decorations, I'll make an effort to get some nice presys, etc. The best part is of course opening all the presents :D (the only part I get excited about, I don't really like...
  49. Coolydudey

    Website I am making

    Sure, they can stick to port :D
  50. Coolydudey

    Website I am making

    I am neither, I am closest to an old-school programmer. Figured something out for the logo, it'll do. Thanks for the offer :)
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