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Search results

  1. flow


    Oh come on! You guys have no sense of humor. :storks:
  2. flow

    Greatest Hip Hop Albums of All Time

    Nothing guilty about listening to Clipse, except that they're crack dealers. But alas, they're also insane lyricists. I'm way jacked for the new album, Til The Casket Drops.
  3. flow

    Video - The Whale Song (Modest Mouse)

    Thank you for that. I've now gone and downloaded all of their albums that I didn't already have (I only had We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank, Good News For People Who Love Bad News, and Lonesome Crowded West). And for the love of SCIENCE they have a lot of material.. it's a good thing they...
  4. flow


    http://www.vimeo.com/5936810 If this doesn't induce Lolz, I don't know what will.
  5. flow

    Haha I defeated the system!

    An SP? Cute! I hope you stick around.. I don't think I've ever witnessed an S last around here longer than a week. I just don't know why....:confused: That being said, congrats on not only knowing your type, but frequenting the forums dedicated to them. Sensories may dominate the mainstream...
  6. flow

    Tis the season...

    I've always been haunted by The Ring. I know, it's not a very plausible story.. but the idea of that girl coming out of my family's TV in the living room and doing that creepy crawl/walk down my hallway towards my bedroom has kept me up many a night. I don't really like scary movies, though...
  7. flow

    The Mountain Goats on Colbert Report

    They're kind of a big deal in the indie world.
  8. flow

    Most of my job experience is working with troubled youth. I'm currently seeking a job working...

    Most of my job experience is working with troubled youth. I'm currently seeking a job working with kids here in Duluth, I then want to save up a few thousand and try to move to Portland and find a similar job. Know of anything like that?
  9. flow

    what director/actor/character are you described as?

    Scarlet Johannson is fucking gorgeous. I hate it when I get compared, personally. I won't admit resemblance to anyone.
  10. flow

    I dont like to feel like im imposing myself on others

    I'm more scared of their giant beaks. FUCK.:storks:
  11. flow

    I dont like to feel like im imposing myself on others

    Those girls talking about their hair and makeup are sensory oriented, so of course they talk about the material world. If you find intuitive girls, they also laugh at the conversations of hair and makeup. Unless their hair/makeup sucks or is particularly bad ass on that given night.
  12. flow

    I dont like to feel like im imposing myself on others

    Lol Giant Squids!? I talk about those bastards any chance I get! I can't believe only the Japanese have been able to film them alive so far, and that footage was fucking shit.
  13. flow

    Silly Koreans

    Hyper Boy Band? They're pretty good at that slap shoe move. And doesn't every great song need an english hook? I think so.
  14. flow

    So I was at a party

    People smoke in Portland? I Thought that was more of an Iowa thing. :confused: Now if I just had thousands of dollars and a decent job outlook, I'd be there already. Doesn't it suck when you're living vicariously through your future self? In my head, I'm already there. In my body, I'm stuck in...
  15. flow

    So I was at a party

    Lol to be honest I've only drunk posted on here a handful of times, I'm usually sober as a judge. Although I will admit a lot of my thread creations are done while I'm high.. unfortunately I haven't smoked in months.. so no thread ideas as of late. : /
  16. flow

    So I was at a party

    Too true. Get a few beers in me, and suddenly I'm willing to talk to the douchiest of douches just for the lolz. Personally I love to psychoanalyze people at parties, and hold secret social experiments. I'll say and do things that I think will throw people off just to see how they respond, and...
  17. flow

    Depression & Anxiety

    there are several threads on this topic! INTPs are highly susceptible to depression, social anxiety, etc. Check out some of the other threads by searching the topics. Since this is the introit section, just tell us something about yourself.. how you're so happy to have found other likeminded...
  18. flow

    What type is most likely to type Dvorak?

    I didn't realize there were alternative keyboard arrangements out there, but I think learning one would be quite inconvenient. Every time you want to type on someone else's computer you're forced to look at the keys... I'm all about universality. And I'm a pretty quick typer with the original...
  19. flow

    Hello, My Name Is...

    Woah, I just moved to Duluth. However, I'm not really interested in meeting a complete stranger.. I'm all shy and shit. What brings you to the area?
  20. flow

    Look at Me! Here! I need the attention! :(

    *Hugs Welcome, we love you too. So do the bats. :smiley_emoticons_mr
  21. flow

    And now I become a hermit... again.

    Flow enjoys third-person speak. Welcome to the forum, oh hermitted horse rider! I too love food. Seems almost mandatory though.. hmmm On a side note: Don't you hate it when you become aware of how self-aware you're being? I have this cyclical problem when trying to fall asleep. I'll be...
  22. flow


    Objection! I've never claimed to be a poet. My words just rhyme, from time to time.
  23. flow

    INTP Albums

    Ha yeah, Idk Advice was released right after their son died and emotionally I just don't think they could have been in a more powerful place to put together an album... I don't see how they could ever top it. That being said, LCD Soundsystem just got ahold of their facebook page and said their...
  24. flow

    INTP Albums

    Welll Advice isn't actually their debut, but it is their masterpiece. There's not a single track on it that I don't enjoy.
  25. flow

    INTP Albums

    Oh for sure, I saw Talib back in Milwaukee like a while ago... damn its been 5 years now. Anyways, he's my dude for sure (Or Devin The Dude). My musical tastes vary from hip hop, indie pop, freak-folk (new weird america, folk, whatever the hell people wanna call it), electro-pop, basically...
  26. flow

    INTP Albums

    Also, RubberDucky and I tend to musically agree A LOT, I've been noticing this... good form, Duck man! And on that note, The xx are indeed awesome. They just released their self-titled debut and its been blowing up on that internet... I myself can't stop listening to it.
  27. flow

    INTP Albums

    Yeah duude I made a Portugal. The Man thread earlier this summer, idk if it's already disappeared into obscurity... (I also saw them this summer, I freaking LOVE those guys). Umm, as for Cloud Cult, get their album 'Advice From The Happy Hippopotamus'. I just argued that it's my personal album...
  28. flow


    Are we equal? No. No one is given the same life as anyone else. We are all born into different circumstances with different skill sets at our disposal. No two snowflakes are the same, no two lives are the same. There is no such thing as equality. Can we work towards equality? Yes. We can work to...
  29. flow


    Poet AND writer? Damn, you're not also an author are you!? ;) Welcome to the forum.
  30. flow

    Thanks. Are you living in Portland? I'm so determined to move there.. I hope to be there...

    Thanks. Are you living in Portland? I'm so determined to move there.. I hope to be there sometime next year. Not an easy dream considering I'm poor and the job market there is abysmal. PS You look a lot like one of my best friends.. except he has blonde hair. Cheers.
  31. flow

    All Ye Who Thirst With Boredom. An Intro.

    Welcome. What's your favorite time-consuming activity? I like to ride around on elephants... :elephant: Of course, I only do this on the internet. Riding on other mammals seems cruel, unless of course it was a consenting orca. I'd be all about that.. but then again, I'd need some kind of...
  32. flow

    hey Decaf, out of curiousity... what is it that you do for a living?

    hey Decaf, out of curiousity... what is it that you do for a living?
  33. flow

    Let's get the ball rolling.

    @The Fury: And why? Let's hear your reasoning.
  34. flow

    INTP comedians

    He had a great show on Comedy Central last spring.. I didn't miss an episode (it was right before South Park, another one of my favorites).:D
  35. flow


    hmmmm, this has potential.
  36. flow

    INTP comedians

    Woah WOAH, are we now saying both Demetri Martin AND Mitch Hedberg are INTPs? I'm smitten!
  37. flow

    Another 'Hi all!' thread

    You won't learn FROM your mistakes, not on.;) Welcome to the forum. It's great to have a Russian in our midst! What musical artists did you fancy from the music forum?? :)
  38. flow

    I know you.

    Welcome to the INTP internet sanctuary. A place for NTs (and NFs) of all kinds to marvel at the INTP mind (or not), and how neat it is (or isn't). My parents are also INTP (Dad) and ESFJ (mom), except my sister turned out an ENTJ (pure evil) and I an INxP (slightly less evil). Question: How do...
  39. flow

    Hard Work.

    I hate work. I'd rather be poor then work as hard as some of the doctors I know who make lots of money, buy lots of things, and never have time to enjoy anything (except when they take a vacation). I guess I just need FREE TIME. And I'm talking like 4-5 hours a day, just to let my thoughts and...
  40. flow

    Allow me to introduce myself.

    I'd recommend informing me of your favorite Jazz artists immediately. And welcome the forum!
  41. flow


    mypersonality.info is a good one. I used to type out as an INFJ as well, now I'm basically a realized INxP. Welcome to the forum!
  42. flow

    Press the button?

    Hey now, I realize this is a philosophical question but the entire premise is absurd. If I was given an easy situation to acquire a million dollars (which would be nice) and the drawback was that a 'random' person dies, okay! I'm not above anyone, they should have been the one sitting at the...
  43. flow

    Advice from the future...

    Advice from me to me: Don't talk so much shit. Grow faster. Keep your ego in check, you're really not that cool. Be more agreeable (when the situation calls for it). Don't make life harder on yourself than it needs to be. :storks:
  44. flow

    Press the button?

    Ehn, death is apart of life. If some random person died because of me pressing a button... oops. Random people die randomly anyways.
  45. flow


    Mitch Hedberg an INTP? Hmmm... I've never thought about that before! He's my favorite toooo. You're standup is kind of quirky.. I didn't think the suicide thing was that funny, but your observational humor about the underpants and whatnot was pretty good. Do you look down the whole time like...
  46. flow

    Zero 7 (new album!)

    Zero 7 have a new album coming out, and it's incredible (it just leaked). It might be my second favorite of theirs, next to Simple Things.
  47. flow

    What kind of career do you want?

    I think I want to work in a hospital, I'm just not sure where.
  48. flow


    Are you on last.fm? o_O Oh and welcome to the forum
  49. flow

    Can we control our dreams?

    It's called lucid dreaming.
  50. flow

    Famous Experiments (what are the people factors?)

    N's empathize, S's sympathize.
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