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Search results

  1. Stoic Beverage

    You're altogether too agreeable. I'm tempted to kick you because of how little I want to kick...

    You're altogether too agreeable. I'm tempted to kick you because of how little I want to kick you. More Guinness for me, then.
  2. Stoic Beverage

    I wouldn't call it a shower of fire, so much as a torrent. Who could possibly go without...

    I wouldn't call it a shower of fire, so much as a torrent. Who could possibly go without admiring such a complexion?
  3. Stoic Beverage

    Lor Bait.

    Lor: If you come back, you've a shiny gift waiting!
  4. Stoic Beverage

    Guinness for Melkor, then. Cheers. Also, his name is Sebastian. He doesn't like new people...

    Guinness for Melkor, then. Cheers. Also, his name is Sebastian. He doesn't like new people. However, you're not a people. You're a person (At least, I suspect as much). Given this, he shouldn't unleash hellfire provided you don't turn your back to him. Unless, of course, he's feeling peppy.
  5. Stoic Beverage


    I just scrolled to reply without reading anything other than the first post, and I apologize if I'm just saying the same thing as someone else. I, at least, define hipster as someone who does their best to be the exact opposite of what's "popular" or "in". Is the current "thing" valley girls...
  6. Stoic Beverage

    Most certainly not, I would have guessed you're male. I just wanted to make sure not to offend.

    Most certainly not, I would have guessed you're male. I just wanted to make sure not to offend.
  7. Stoic Beverage

    You flatter me, good sir or madam (I could never discern your gender, not that I really looked...

    You flatter me, good sir or madam (I could never discern your gender, not that I really looked into it). Your avatar is the middleagedmanlookingtotheright-liest of all.
  8. Stoic Beverage

    Ah, and so he calls on me to be creative. How very tricksty of you. .. I should be fine, so long...

    Ah, and so he calls on me to be creative. How very tricksty of you. .. I should be fine, so long as I am mindful of the Frumious Bandersnatch.
  9. Stoic Beverage

    What makes you feel depressed?

    Thinking about my future. As far as I've got it planned, I'll graduate high school, college, get a job, and die. Hopefully get a wife along the way. The only reasons those goals are there is because it's more or less mandatory. I can't really think of anything to add that I would find...
  10. Stoic Beverage

    Stuff you're not sure you want to know

    When the sperm whale ejaculates, he releases 100,000 oz. of sperm. He can do this daily.
  11. Stoic Beverage

    Figuring out a career that makes you happy

    I'm having trouble at step 1, Doc.
  12. Stoic Beverage

    Tranquil Banana

    I certainly haven't seen any crazed bananas recently, so I suppose they would be considered tranquil. I ate them, though. ~~ Given that my username kind of fits the pattern of adjective-edible, I'm sort of a distant relative to himherit. I'm feeling for a presence... And I find none. Bird is...
  13. Stoic Beverage

    Problems with choosing 'Role Models'

    I'm constantly made to write these. It's really just annoying. I have respect for certain people in the past, but I don't try to model myself after them. The only role model I follow is a constantly updated persona in my mind, which is exactly me, just slightly more perfect. I wrote about that...
  14. Stoic Beverage

    Tentacle Monsters

    I have seen these female tentacle monsters. Basically, picture a sponge.
  15. Stoic Beverage

    How do you know you're INTP?

    I don't "know" I'm an INTP, I just strongly suspect it. I was typed by a friend as an INTP, and that friend referred me to some tests which have without fail typed me so. I then read up on what exactly the MBTI was, and I felt the profile matched me well enough. Would I be upset if I wasn't an...
  16. Stoic Beverage


    I don't watch tv much anymore, but now I'm nostalgic over all of the cartoons I loved when I was younger. I think I'll go watch 4 seasons of Samurai Jack, now.
  17. Stoic Beverage

    Do you save your band-aids?

    Unless you're cut on your upper face and it's bleeding profusely, I don't really get when a band-aid would be necessary. Any cut small enough for a band-aid to cover is unimportant and doesn't need a cover. Any cut too big for a band-aid.. Well, it's too big for a band-aid.
  18. Stoic Beverage

    INTP Habits ...

    I've got the kind of organized mess which looks in complete disarray but in which I can find anything I need quickly. I get that "burst of energy" every couple months. One exception, however, is the kitchen. For whatever reason, I can live in as trashed a place as I want, and it doesn't bother...
  19. Stoic Beverage

    Who's the boss around here

    Well, I'm obviously the boss here. Any and all action preformed by any member of this forum, whether or not they're aware of it, is completely and totally controlled by me. Nice to meet ya.
  20. Stoic Beverage

    You put your right leg in?

    Well, I thought the Superbowl was during autumn. I really don't follow sports..
  21. Stoic Beverage


    I enjoy people-watching if I'm sitting and there is no interaction or touching required. If I'm standing in a crowd, I get paranoid because I don't like people being near me if I can't see them. It's not too severe, and I can get along in my somewhat large school's passing time during which...
  22. Stoic Beverage

    Suicide. Why not?

    I haven't the slightest clue.
  23. Stoic Beverage

    What Tarot Card Are You?

    Hanged man
  24. Stoic Beverage

    As an INTP..

    I hate homework. In my particular corner of the U.S., any and all homework is simply busywork, time spent repeating the same information that's been drilled into your brain from two years ago. I enjoy studying. That's learning. Homework, not so much.
  25. Stoic Beverage

    INTP: The dream shatterer?

    +1 to the first paragraph. Then, +1 to the rest.
  26. Stoic Beverage

    What Is Your Preferred Gaming System?

    I'm torn between PC and ps2. PC has been explained extensively above. As for the ps2, I've had mine for 8 years and it still works well. It just seemed good for the time, and the games are somewhat nostalgic.
  27. Stoic Beverage

    ENFP mistyping as INFJ? Looks like I'm yet ANOTHER INFJ attracted to the INTPforum.

    Good to know that my brain is thought of as "sexy".
  28. Stoic Beverage

    If the dust is thick enough to the point that you can draw in it, then you would probably do...

    If the dust is thick enough to the point that you can draw in it, then you would probably do well to vacuum. Also, what happened to your avatar?
  29. Stoic Beverage

    A Poem of Indefinite Length and Form

    Stoic Beverage is made impudent. For the poem, so long ago, died. It hath been resurrected. I like feet! (<-- I lied)
  30. Stoic Beverage

    What books have influenced your world view?

    When I read Eragon in the third (or was it fourth?) grade, I fancied the silent conversations the two main characters had. It led me to create Sebastian, who I can speak to in my brain at any given time. He's an excellent coping mechanism, and an excellent cure for boredom.
  31. Stoic Beverage


    Walk the world with naught but a backpack, enough money so I can go without worrying about food, and maybe even someone to accompany me.
  32. Stoic Beverage

    What's the strangest place, where you have masturbated?

    Art class. I was(am) a sneaky bastard.
  33. Stoic Beverage


    I don't "hide" anything, so to speak. If anyone cared to look, they would find the whole of my wonderful self. I just show by default whatever is least in conflict with the current situation.
  34. Stoic Beverage


    I have many acquaintances, but I have only five "friends". I'm not close to any of them, though.
  35. Stoic Beverage

    Where is the best site to contact earth generalists?

    Zeldon. I've a recommendation. You obviously need to contact people, and you're more likely to find people in person than on the internet. As of yet, there are technically no people actually on the internet, so you shouldn't be asking for a "site", but a place. Where would this place be? I...
  36. Stoic Beverage


    I don't know me very well, so it could be one of two options. 1.) I more or less shrug and get over it. 2.) Forcibly shove (can one gently shove?) large quantities of arsenic down his/her throat. Depends on whether or not I had breakfast that morning.
  37. Stoic Beverage

    Why do people make bad jokes all the time?

    I would prefer endless put-downs, actually. If someone puts me down, I find it a good bit of fun to try to quickly think of a clever response. If I'm put down by a friend, it's an invitation to a tongue-in-cheek battle of wits. Put-downs lead to much more fun than bad jokes. Edit: Note...
  38. Stoic Beverage

    Why is there no Relationships thread here...?

    No such thing as too much nog! +1 @ OP I'm not in a relationship, and am not actively seeking one. If an ideal person suddenly became infatuated with me, then things would move on. Otherwise, I'm perfectly fine as is. That's how I view relationships, and I imagine most people here share a...
  39. Stoic Beverage

    Writing anyone?

    I dabbled in poetry a couple years back. I was told I was good, but I didn't really enjoy writing it, so I don't write them anymore unless I'm struck about the head with inspiration. I write essays quite often, but this is for the sake of refining and preserving my thoughts. I've always wanted...
  40. Stoic Beverage


    I've played The Arena, Daggerfall, and Oblivion. Morrowind is obviously missing from that list. While I regret this and want to fix that as soon as possible, getting my mitts on Skyrim the moment it comes out is currently of higher priority.
  41. Stoic Beverage

    Positive you!

    Um... I'm good at editing for spelling and grammar, I suppose.
  42. Stoic Beverage

    Are you mad? You have access to any weaponry you can imagine, and there are no consequences for...

    Are you mad? You have access to any weaponry you can imagine, and there are no consequences for using them. Do you decline a bazooka battle?
  43. Stoic Beverage

    Looking people IN THE EYES!

    Actually, I hate it when people get close to me or touch me, but I still have no trouble keeping eye contact.
  44. Stoic Beverage

    A Poem of Indefinite Length and Form

    T'was nice while it lasted. *tear*
  45. Stoic Beverage

    A Poem of Indefinite Length and Form

  46. Stoic Beverage

    Looking people IN THE EYES!

    I usually have my eyes downcast, but if someone says something to me, then I look them straight in the eyes. I've always done this. Sometimes people can find it creepy, but if the other person is fidgety it usually makes my social awkwardness seem a little less apparent.
  47. Stoic Beverage

    Is objectivity subjective?

    The act of being objective is decided subjectively. That is, you decide via your mood and emotions whether you're going to be objective. Actually being objective, though, remains pure of subjectivity if you are not biased. The only subjectivity lies in the act of choosing to act objectively.
  48. Stoic Beverage

    Hmm... You're a tricksty one. If I'm in your dream, then I'm a figment of your imagination. In...

    Hmm... You're a tricksty one. If I'm in your dream, then I'm a figment of your imagination. In your dream, you seem to have granted me relative intelligence. Given this, I'll realize I'm in a dream and can now conjure bazookas at will.
  49. Stoic Beverage

    Too bad it's been sewn shut. It only takes hands to type, O Clever One.

    Too bad it's been sewn shut. It only takes hands to type, O Clever One.
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