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  1. Bhagavat

    gandalf-the gray. INTP???

    Re: Gandalf the Wizard: INTP? Oh wow... I've been off the forum too long. This issue, it seems has been covered, but I'm still looking for a stronger argument against Gandalf being an INTP.
  2. Bhagavat

    gandalf-the gray. INTP???

    Re: Gandalf the Wizard: INTP? Even INTP's have "feels" (our tertiary function is Fe, after all, and an INTP can have a well developed tertiary). However, I see no evidence whatsoever that he is "guided" by his feels. Gandalf often deliberates extensively before action.
  3. Bhagavat

    gandalf-the gray. INTP???

    Re: Gandalf the Wizard: INTP? And your argument?
  4. Bhagavat

    gandalf-the gray. INTP???

    Re: Gandalf the Wizard: INTP? As for your first point, I agree there is a general consensus that Gandalf is an INTx. Gandalf, however, does seem to lose it sometimes, and he certainly does not seem to value his self-image/exterior as does his contemporary, Sauromon, who, on the other hand, is...
  5. Bhagavat

    gandalf-the gray. INTP???

    Gandalf the Wizard: INTP? Who here believes that Gandalf is an INTP? Remember, "A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to." Gandalf is laid back, informal. He's always lost in thought and scarcely displays much emotion. I've heard some type him as an...
  6. Bhagavat

    Have you had experience with psychedelics?

    Just stick to shrooms. In high enough quantities, shrooms trump acid. DMT is amazing too, and I've been wanting to try Ayahuasca (active ingredient: DMT).
  7. Bhagavat

    Adventure Time anyone?

    Definitely one of the few shows on Cartoon Network still worth watching.
  8. Bhagavat

    College students, what's your major?

    I haven't decided my major yet, but I'm considering philosophy.
  9. Bhagavat

    Should I grow a beard?!

    The only real mark of a true gentleman is a beard. All the philosophical greats have them.
  10. Bhagavat

    Not Doing What You Say You Will

    I disagree. Why can't wolves have willpower? It seems entirely conceivable that one may be born with ample willpower. Genetics seem to determine a lot, man. That isn't to say your explanation is invalid, but don't discount other possibilities. I define willpower as the capacity to fulfill...
  11. Bhagavat

    Studio Ghibli is awesome!

    Anime of the week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xKacEDK85M&feature=related
  12. Bhagavat

    You're a woman? Never would have guessed.

    You're a woman? Never would have guessed.
  13. Bhagavat

    Your inferior function and spiritual experiences

    I would say it definitely has to do with the elimination of all distinctions within your perception.
  14. Bhagavat


    I like to troll...
  15. Bhagavat

    What's Your Age?

  16. Bhagavat

    What's Your Age?

    I'm 18. Yeah, I expected most people on this forum would be in their late teens. I don't see how you older folks can tolerate us. lol
  17. Bhagavat

    Figuring out by talking?

    Yeah, I think you enter a different mode of consciousness when you communicate with others. This mode seems to unclog mental blocks.
  18. Bhagavat

    I really think I have ADD. Should I get it checked out?

    Yes. A diagnosis of ADD is applied to extreme cases of inability to focus on the task at hand. While I think there are many mistakes made in this regard, I know a few people who need the medication.
  19. Bhagavat

    Type me. INTP vs ENTP with Aspergers

    The description is accurate in a broad sense. Naturally, there are usually exceptions to such principles.
  20. Bhagavat

    Type me. INTP vs ENTP with Aspergers

    I once knew an ENTP with aspie. Indeed, there were many similarities between the two of us. He preferred extroversion, but found it difficult, and so he appeared to be introverted. It was the exact opposite for me. I can appear extroverted when necessary, yet I prefer introversion.
  21. Bhagavat

    How many of you are pacifists?

    In my current state of mind, I would have to conclude my pacifism, most definitely.
  22. Bhagavat

    Do brilliant minds converge on similar ideas?

    You have already demonstrated the point that great minds do independently arrive at similar conclusions.
  23. Bhagavat

    Write for me?

    Mine sounds like yours, save for the cursive.
  24. Bhagavat

    uhm hi

    Dear me, you aren't the only one to ramble on this forum, so don't worry.
  25. Bhagavat

    uhm hi

    How would you define intelligent? Do you meet your own criterion? Do you like cheesecake?
  26. Bhagavat

    Who is Swine Flue (H1N1)?

  27. Bhagavat

    Not Doing What You Say You Will

    Sorry, my argumentative nature forced me to perceive that you intended to contend my reply. As for why we lack willpower, one shouldn't think in such 'either or' terms when speculating causes. Your genetics affect your personality first, and it is your genetics that determine how the seeds of...
  28. Bhagavat

    Not Doing What You Say You Will

    For example, if I sincerely and fully wish to accomplish (insert goal), and don't despite my objective freedom to do so (physically possible), then I lack the willpower to do so. Certainly you agree this happens from time to time? I don't mean to posit that one's lack of willpower is...
  29. Bhagavat

    Family history

    You forgot the part where sky daddy made us six thousand years ago. The aliens too... you forgot the aliens...
  30. Bhagavat

    Not Doing What You Say You Will

    Because apparently human willpower is generally lacking in potency. Also, what's in a promise? Even if you really mean something, you can always change your mind. Life is too short to split hairs over silly, meaningless, sentimental commitments. That said, I tend to keep promises I make to...
  31. Bhagavat

    Are you ever happy?

    These are my primary sources of happiness as well.
  32. Bhagavat

    Are you ever happy?

    Being an INTP certainly does not preclude happiness. The sensation of "happiness" is ultimately subjective and definitely ineffable. That said, you should know it when you feel it, and if you've never felt it...:smoker: I'd say I'm happy most of the time, but I tend to lapse into bouts of...
  33. Bhagavat

    INTP´s view on masturbation?

    I'd say I average about 1.5 times a day. As for porn, while imagination is usually sufficient, porn serves as an excellent supplement from time to time. Edit: Yes, I'm an INTP
  34. Bhagavat

    How often do you socialize?

    A valid definition of socialization could very well encompass spending time on this forum. Regardless, I'm sorry for your experiences of socialization if they produced such a negative mindset. Me and my friends discuss philosophy and mock society. An intellectual respect can substitute...
  35. Bhagavat

    Why did you choose your avatar?

    Well, you just explained not having to explain, and, if you respond to this, you'll be explaining some more.
  36. Bhagavat

    Does Socratus write an unintelligent garbage?

    *Sits back in chair, sips coffee, crosses legs, and mutters to self in a British accent , "by Jove, I should have thought of that."
  37. Bhagavat

    Does Socratus write an unintelligent garbage?

    What is the value of (A)'s mind (where "A"= any given human mind) if A discusses (ideas+events+people)? If great minds (GM) are valued (3) because they discuss ideas (DI) and average minds (AM) are valued at (2) because they discuss events (DE) and small minds (SM) are valued at (1) because...
  38. Bhagavat

    Occam's Razor and the Scheme of Universe.

    From the DaoDeDjing: The Way gives birth to the One; The One gives birth to Two; Two give birth to three; And three give birth to all things. All beings support the yin and embrace the yang; And through the blending of qi they create harmony.
  39. Bhagavat

    At Last, a Scientidic Study has Proved That Marijuana Stops the Spread of Cancer

    From video: "Two California Scientists CLAIM...". So, we don't really KNOW yet. However, if this is true, the debate over the legalization of medical marijuana will fundamentally change soon in favor of marijuana. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smoker:
  40. Bhagavat

    Philosophy and its limits

    I am only criticizing what you posted because you said please. Philosophy does nothing in itself. It is an abstraction. More accurately, Humans use philosophical thought to define ideologies, which in turn affect society. When you say philosophical thought is used to define ideologies, you...
  41. Bhagavat

    Why did you choose your avatar?

    The most expansive intellects are amused by things both big and small.
  42. Bhagavat

    Philosophy and its limits

    Well, it's useful objectively insofar as you can apply logic. In my life, this happens a lot.
  43. Bhagavat

    Philosophy and its limits

    Philosophy is an excellent (and unavoidable) tool for enhancing understanding in any discipline or subject (not just science). Especially in the humanities. Note: I'm not trying to define philosophy as merely a supplementary aid to other intellectual endeavors.
  44. Bhagavat

    Why did you choose your avatar?

    Yes, but have you introspected into the cause for your aesthetic attractions? We can always look deeper. I like your avatar, though.
  45. Bhagavat

    Why did you choose your avatar?

    I now love necron99/peace
  46. Bhagavat

    Why did you choose your avatar?

    A door or hallway?
  47. Bhagavat

    How often do you socialize?

    30 minutes to an hour a day, I think would be my average.
  48. Bhagavat

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When your assignment in college is to write a thesis paper and you have conceived the entire thing in your mind, but will put off writing it down untill five hours before it is due. Your thesis paper is now due in three hours, you haven't started, and you are now :smoker:
  49. Bhagavat

    Why did you choose your avatar?

    I like The Nutcracker. That said, I thought I answered your question? My avatar suits my idiom insofar as the themes therein presented suit my idiom. My clothes suit my idiom (more or less). I have found that keeping in line with my idiom makes me happy.
  50. Bhagavat

    An INTP female? Quite rare.

    An INTP female? Quite rare.
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