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Search results

  1. ruminator

    Dreams of INTPs

    I constantly get dreams of running away from something, in all shapes and forms. Sometimes it is being chased by a killer, sometimes escaping a storm or flood of water, sometimes being chased by someone and instead of running I have to sneak around hiding in the shadows trying to get away...
  2. ruminator

    Moved: Attractiveness ratting system effects on self-esteem

    Re: Attractiveness ratting system effects on self-esteem J-man & Higs Thanks for your comments, they made me laugh =) It makes sense what you are saying. But I think the one thing that allows me to let this affect me, and take it so seriously, is because I cannot find a reason to denounce it...
  3. ruminator

    Moved: Attractiveness ratting system effects on self-esteem

    Re: Attractiveness ratting system effects on self-esteem Well when I said I thought beauty is subjective, I wasn't referring to overall attractiveness (including personality, etc), I was referring strictly to physical appearance. But I think even within physical appearance, there is a...
  4. ruminator

    Writing style preferences based on functions

    I noticed that when I read books, I hate extensive physical descriptions, but I don't mind descriptions of feelings/emotional states. I realized maybe it's because I'm not an Se. Different functions probably enjoy reading about certain things/in certain styles. If we could put together a...
  5. ruminator

    Am I INTP or INFJ

    If you are sure you are introverted, sounds like IxTJ or IxFP
  6. ruminator

    typing my gf

    -doesnt like when things dont go according to plan this seems like a J trait -has a hard time talking about feelings this could either be Fi or low Fe - but def not high Fe -afraid to try new things like getting a new job this cancels out high Ne, might indicate Si -is normally pretty...
  7. ruminator

    Internet and Gaming Addiction: A Systematic Literature Review of Neuroimaging Studies

    Are there any tips on how to overcome the addiction? It wastes all my time.
  8. ruminator

    How we think

    I have the laser focus, but it is so overwhelming and intense, that I keep trying to distract myself (selective ADD) from getting in that focus.
  9. ruminator

    Moved: Attractiveness ratting system effects on self-esteem

    Re: Attractiveness ratting system effects on self-esteem Cheese You seem to be thinking along the same lines as I was - which is comforting because I thought I was going crazy :x But let me get this straight. Are you saying the scale is actually objective (but gives the appearance of...
  10. ruminator

    Moved: Attractiveness ratting system effects on self-esteem

    Re: Attractiveness ratting system effects on self-esteem Thanks for the responses - for all those saying to break up with him, I agree it is the right thing to do. However, I feel like I have to sort this out first. I don't want this self esteem issue to haunt me forever. & I feel like, I need...
  11. ruminator

    Moved: Attractiveness ratting system effects on self-esteem

    The attractiveness rating system is a system of rating people based on looks from 1-10. DISCLAIMER: do not take this as an attack on anyone who uses this system, and get defensive about it. I am just trying to understand what it did to ME. I am a female, and never knew about or used such...
  12. ruminator

    Never materializing any visions

    Thanks for the responses. I feel like a lot of it might be laziness... because I truly do want to do those things, but I never get around to actually doing it ... and just feel comfortable laying in bed and doing what I'm used to doing ... I wonder if this might be related to INTP...
  13. ruminator

    Never materializing any visions

    Can anyone relate to this and maybe explain why this happens: I don't have that many tangible goals, instead I have these fantasy-visions of what I want to experience. (It's all based on experience, and not on accomplishing anything really). For example, there was a time in my life when I...
  14. ruminator

    comment on this guy type

    What makes you think he's E, based on the interview? Also, I'm seeing Si and Ne, I think.
  15. ruminator

    sunlight and running thoughts

    I tend to get running thoughts, but noticed that whenever I sit in the sun, my thoughts automatically slow down. I stop getting running thoughts and can think about one thing at a time. In fact, I get into this mindfulness state where my brain is totally in control and focused. Any ideas on...
  16. ruminator

    Your thoughts on my type

    Fe. Lack of empathy in others seems to bother you quite a lot. It would be easier if you spoke about an interaction you had with someone else, to see how you dealt with it.
  17. ruminator

    The Possibility of Function Inversion

    A more likely scenario would be switching the order of functions rather than switching the functions themselves. We all know how to use all our four functions, so it is entirely conceivable that we can develop some and repress others at various times.
  18. ruminator

    Ayurveda Constitution Quiz

    I guess I'm different. I got Kapha-Vatta
  19. ruminator

    how to show remorse

    Absurdity: Thanks for that link. It certainly feels like that's what he's doing. But can it also be minimization if the rationalizing statements are true?? "It sucks I framed you and put you in jail, but you deserved it/being in jail isn't a big deal/it wasn't my fault" - stuff like that I...
  20. ruminator

    how to show remorse

    Wait I hope you didn't misunderstand - those examples I gave (blinding, framing for a crime, etc) are just hypothetical examples to illustrate my point of how saying "you'll be fine" to your victim feels intuitively wrong. Those things didn't really happen
  21. ruminator

    how to show remorse

    Thank you all for your responses, Jenny: I'm sorry to hear about what happened with your father. It must have been so hard to let things go without getting the apology and closure you needed. I know I might have to do the same. But I want to give it one more shot, to make him understand...
  22. ruminator

    how to show remorse

    As I read through all of your responses, just an FYI: I'm not sure where I indicated this was just about someone leaving me. But that's false. If this was about someone just hurting my feelings by leaving me or cheating, it wouldn't be an issue because those feelings are transient. Once I...
  23. ruminator

    how to show remorse

    Someone did something to me. It cannot be undone, and it has permanently affected my life in a very drastic way (to the point where I feel like my life is ruined). I've accepted it and am trying to move forward, but as I face the hardship that follows I think to myself "this is his fault". If...
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