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Search results

  1. INTPs: how do you score on the Braverman Assessment?

    No, not necessarily bad. Just things it does.
  2. INTPs: how do you score on the Braverman Assessment?

    Cool. How much gastrodin did you take? For how long? What else was a part of the stack that didn't work? Do you also take a multivitamin? Life Extension Two-per-day, Life Extension D + K, and Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium is one combo. AOR Ortho-Core is an even better multivitamin if...
  3. Why INTPs Can't Finish Things

    I don't finish things because I lose interest, didn't get clear and plan it all out before I started, or usually, because others start getting in the way. I learned at a young age that when I start on something and no one bothers me, then it gets done. If it didn't, then it was because it lost...
  4. Motivation issues

    Selegiline. Iodine Protocol. Fix any nutrient/hormone deficiencies/imbalances. SEMAX + selank + alpha-GPC, AOR Ortho-Core, and Life Extension D + K. Brainwave entrainment audio or meditation. Automation. Find others to do/sustain it.
  5. Best girl type for male INTP

    Have you ever tried taking adjectives from type descriptions, seeing which you like and don't like, then using that to rank the types?
  6. Best girl type for male INTP

    Based on a poll from an INTP Facebook group ("which xNxx type for a relationship" divided by "which xNxx type NOT for a relationship": INTJ, INTP, and INFJ. Based on a polling of experience in relationships: INFJ, INFP, and ENTP. Based on OkCupid match percentages: INTP, INFP, INTJ, ENTP...
  7. INTP always intelligent?

    INTPs are supposedly more likely to be gifted. More not always. Either way, you could look into a nutrient test like NutrEval (include hormone panel) to ensure there aren't any imbalances/deficiencies. If not taking a vitamin D or magnesium supplement, then those levels are likely...
  8. what is the difference between adult and children

    (Poor) Hormone/Nutrition balance and health. Synaptic pruning. Loss of openness/fluidity.
  9. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

    As I said, it is an amino acid (acetyl L-carnitine). https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=116651161&p=336479431&viewfull=1#post336479431 https://examine.com/supplements/l-carnitine/ https://examine.com/supplements/alpha-gpc/ https://examine.com/supplements/alpha-lipoic-acid/...
  10. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

    It is an amino acid (protein). Alpha-GPC is a choline (formerly vitamin B4) precursor. Na-R-ALA (alpha lipoic acid) is an antioxidant. Together, they raise acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine (mildly due to alpha-GPC), and eventually serotonin. Now that I think about it, even AOR...
  11. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

    Do you take caffeine with L-theanine? I'm not a fan of caffeine; even acetyl L-carnitine (+ Na-R-ALA + alpha-GPC) is better. Relentless Improvement sells all 3 (again, no affiliation).
  12. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

    You are incorrect, especially regarding the ones I mentioned. I think this was already discussed in another thread. I remember even showing how to search PubMed for studies.
  13. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

    I'm not advertising anything and I'm not affiliated with anything. I'm not sure why many seem to think I am. Is it the mention of supplements/nootropics? I mention them because they are great if you find the right ones.
  14. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

  15. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

    Ne users aren't usually happy unless they work for themselves (freelancer, contractor, founder, etc). Almost all jobs get boring within a year, except programming. On the other hand, most programming jobs are basic, draining, and pointless (ie, more boredom and dissatisfaction). Now is the time...
  16. Do other INTPs have issues with verbal fluency?

    I suppose it's your decision. Again, see PubMed if in doubt.
  17. Do other INTPs have issues with verbal fluency?

    In the case of supplements/nootropics I mentioned, you can search PubMed if in doubt. For example, "semax site:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/".
  18. Do other INTPs have issues with verbal fluency?

    Which have no scientific backing? AOR Ortho-Core, for example, is one of the most science-based multivitamin formulations I've ever seen. As for N-acetyl semax amidate and N-acetyl selank, they are newer/less-tested versions of SEMAX and selank. SEMAX, selank, noopept, and cerebrolysin have many...
  19. Do other INTPs have issues with verbal fluency?

    The suggestion I made in the following post, though expensive, will definitely work: https://www.intpforum.com/threads/do-other-intps-have-issues-with-verbal-fluency.27050/post-581986. There's also noopept ($7.99 for 100 weeks at 10 mg sublingually 5 days/week) which is cheap and somewhat...
  20. Ni in INTPs

    My theory (based on looking at the order of functions when INTPs take a function strength quiz) is that unconscious functions are in the middle. That is, Ti Ne (Ni Te Fi) Si (Se) Fe.
  21. Do other INTPs have issues with verbal fluency?

    See the nootropic suggestions I gave above. And add a good multivitamin like AOR Ortho-Core (comprehensive) or Thorne 2/day (basic). And 1g+ DHA (Doctor's Best DHA 500 or Doctor's Best Real Krill Enhanced with EPA & DHA).
  22. Do other INTPs have issues with verbal fluency?

    SEMAX also amplifies the effects of acetylcholine (ie, goes well with alpha-GPC). http://www.smarternootropics.com/semax/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semax
  23. Do other INTPs have issues with verbal fluency?

    How much did you take? Try the other supplements I mentioned (semax, selank, p21, etc). They are much stronger.
  24. Do other INTPs have issues with verbal fluency?

    How long did you take piracetam and how much did you take? I suppose it doesn't work for everyone. Also, what led you to believe piracetam didn't increase verbal fluidity? Usually, those who take it say they don't notice anything, but then start receiving comments from others. P21/cerebrolysin...
  25. Do other INTPs have issues with verbal fluency?

    Not really. You can look into brainwave entrainment audio (Neuro-Programmer 3 or presets on YouTube/Spotify to start) or meditation, piracetam + 1-3g DHA (+ alpha-GPC if there are signs of low choline), p21/cerebrolysin, etc. Jeffrey Thomspon (brainwave entrainment)...
  26. My dating website profile (Split)

    Re: My dating website profile But women go for the sht in the room, even with the awareness that they'll likely cheat. Then they go to great lengths to try to keep them around, knowing that they'll leave anyway. Then they end up pregnant, then the male leaves, then they try to find someone...
  27. Favorite Programming Language

    Nothing has ever topped C (with a few modifications).
  28. My dating website profile

    If you're not that good in bed, for example, then do something to make that not the case. There are many tutorials/videos online and supplements that can be taken to increase endurance. Heck, even a good multivitamin (like AOR Ortho-Core or Life Extension Mix + Once-Daily Health Booster) will...
  29. My dating website profile

    Women usually don't like bad grammar and spelling, or negativity. Men usually don't like ugly or crazy.
  30. How easy it is for you INTP's to read ?

    Piracetam and other nootropics also seem to help (due to acetylcholine enhancement?).
  31. Project Euler

    That's not what I noticed when I did some number of them years ago. The problems were Math heavy and soon began lookng the same.
  32. Project Euler

    Scan through the problems, notice the common themes (prime numbers, for example), write a library with solutions for those, then call the library to quickly solve each problem.
  33. OCD Test.

    Magnesiun L-threonate. If that doesn't work, add L-tryptophan. If those don't work, then L-glutamic acid. If not, then N-acetyl selank + memantine (increase to 5-10mg in 2.5mg increments).
  34. When is thinking excessive?

    It's excessive when it starts looping, is no longer enjoyable, is pointless, etc. I don't care if I spend a lot of time thinking. It mainly becomes a problem when it starts going nowhere, I get stuck, or I can't shut it down. It can also be annoying if there is something else I need/want to be...
  35. Not motivated

    Selegiline, uridine monophosphate, acetyl L-carnitine, beta-alanine, etc. Brainwave entrainment audio.
  36. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    What about the second graph (unique words)? I'm more interested in the density of unique words (something like unique_dictionary_words / total_dictionary_words) and the resulting graph/rank. If you end up trying the compression approach I mention, that would address everything.
  37. Incest

    Seems to not be a problem unless someone gets pregnant.
  38. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    How many words have I written this year, how many unique words, and where would I rank if included in the original post? Can you run the same program on other forums? Have you considered aggregating then LZMA-compressing posts, then sorting by compression ratio? Each post could be compressed...
  39. INTP - focus on work, or other activities

    INTPs tend to be happier as freelancers, entrepreneurs, founders, etc, though I'm not sure how they overcome poorly-timed bouts of lethargy or procrastination. That is, I can see those being much better routes (especially after working in corporate environments), but I don't know how it would...
  40. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Who are the most and least verbose members (words / post)? Also, how many posts have they written (more posts = more certainty)? Everything posted above could/should be normalized by number of posts. What are my stats and where do I rank (out of how many)?
  41. Teenage struggles and life in general. (Rant + Insight)

    Start searching for and working on what you're interested in. School is a waste of time and only matters if you fail. It then becomes obvious that working for a corporation is a waste of time (and that startups don't pay well enough), especially as most jobs quickly turn into management...
  42. increasing discipline and stuff

    The ones I mentioned are very safe and without side effects. Even 3-5 days of water fasting can be beneficial, and can be followed by intermittent fasting (eating within the same 8-hour window each day).
  43. increasing discipline and stuff

    Add a good multivitamin (like AOR Ortho-Core or Life Extension Mix) and selegiline (1.25mg/day sublingually). After a few days, you'll probably have less cravings and will wake up at a time that's natural/good. If engineering/forcing when you get up, I say it should be right after sun rise. Not...
  44. I am 30 years old now

    Selegiline (1-2mg sublingually), memantine (5 mg), and a good multivitamin (like AOR Ortho-Core or Life Extension Mix).
  45. advice for young INTPs

    Hence preparation. That is, the sooner it's clear where they'll likely want to be, the more time/buffer they have to ensure they won't fail. It could work out that they can't think of a viable idea, but at least they didn't blindly run into a 9-5.
  46. most supportive types for INTP (imo)

    I've only had luck getting support by talking to random people anonymously online. In life, there may only be INFJs and other Ne users. Fe dominants tend to get on my nerves. They are assuming/patronizing, pushy, invasive/meddlesome, certain of their convictions, etc, while having no...
  47. Help me decide on work to supplement my main job. Time is running out!

    If the job isn't miserable (aside from being unfulfilling) and doesn't require long hours, then hold on to it. Once not in management, it gets harder to find a job as you get older (age discrimination). Find something you're interested in, then start a business on the side. For example, create...
  48. Is an emotional response necessary to illicit empathy?

    I don't have to experience what happened to sympathize with someone else. The older I got, the more I'd ensure I didn't imagine it all happening to me. I noticed it was pointless. That is, it'd result in misery and depression while doing nothing to remedy whatever happened. Also, no one really...
  49. advice for young INTPs

    The best advice for young INTPs is 1-2mg selegiline sublingually, as it increases motivation: https://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=26632. Adding 5-10mg memantine should slow/prevent any tolerance. Also, the sooner they realize freelancing/entrepreneurship is likely the only way to maintain...
  50. Obsessing on the best possible option to do everything.

    Not really. Doing so is usually draining. I am more about maintaining/ensuring breadth of perspective and experiences/learnings to not get caught in the trap.
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