Ne users aren't usually happy unless they work for themselves (freelancer, contractor, founder, etc). Almost all jobs get boring within a year, except programming. On the other hand, most programming jobs are basic, draining, and pointless (ie, more boredom and dissatisfaction).
Now is the time to start looking into supplements that allow pushing through boredom (modafinil/adrafinil, selegiline, etc) while at work and getting on a track that allows regular hours and a path to more money.
Software Engineering is one of the best paying career paths and is mostly immune to any AI/automation. On the other hand, it's harder to find employment when over 35, so many either enter management in anticipation, or try to get rich/independent founding their own thing. As you may be able to guess, entering management is painful for many INTPs.
I also strongly recommend not working at a company with more than 201-500 people (259 is ideal) unless it's the first job out of college, as smaller companies are like a small town and more vulnerable/unstable and larger companies are usually ridden with politics/BS and meaningless/irrelevant work.
Again, stimulation comes mostly from activities done outside work. I've never grown tired of programming, but I've never enjoyed a programming job (even one at Google-- what a waste of time). Things may be different now, but all I did while at work was have idiot managers constantly get in my way and stomp out anything I tried to do. No freedom, nothing worth working on, no point to anything being worked on, everything around was clearly going nowhere, long hours, underwheming pay relative to what's advertised (not on an absolute scale) and to others, and any attempt to do anything was met with violent reactions.
If you find a good software shop (usually one that produces software for medium-sized companies, but now there are review/match sites like Good&Co, Glassdoor, and Comparably), then it may be enough, especially with reasonable hours, until you get home and work on what you want to work on.
Selegiline is a good thing to know about, as it increases motivation. Also, SEMAX + selank + alpha-GPC alternated/cycled (5 days on, 2 days off, 4 weeks) with p21/cerebrolysin. And a good multivitamin like AOR Ortho-Core. And Doctor's Best Real Krill Enhanced with EPA & DHA.