The newest strain omicron comes from Africa. We cannot get the vaccine to all the parts of the world due to refrigeration requirements. It's not because people in Africa are dumasses.
Also, vaccine boosters are required for the old strains due to antibodies being depleted over time.
Not only are there no solutions but there are no problems. You only perceive a problem. Sometimes its our perception of the problem that needs to change. Basically, adjust your expectations, and prioritize your concerns and needs.
Basically, you changed your expectations but it seems like you...
I cannot take anyone pushing bitcoin or dogecoin seriously. He is either manipulating people or an idiot. He has an ambition and is good a certain thing. Other than that, I think he can be lacking.
Space is a form of energy. Mainly a network of gravitrons. It's similar to the Ether theory except the 'ether' distorts with the presence of mass instead of being the same throughout space.
Yeah definitely more sandbox but I like leads and hooks or else we, players, randomly end up randomly going directions wondering wuts they point? Wut am I supozed to due? Definitely kill npcs though. Maybe get them loved first!
Please stop offering good advice, gopher. I heard Ignorance is bliss!
What's the priority, good at, or enjoy? Can you 'find' enjoyment in something you don't necessarily like? Can you become good at something you aren't good at but enjoy?
Perhaps it's like marriage where enjoyment starts the...
True freedom is choosing who you are to become. Be something great. Finding yourself is stupid because it assumes you are unchanging, immobile, and forever stuck a shitty person. People's belief in that concept limits them and prevents growth.
That's because masculinity isn't the issue. It's the failure of fathers and society to help boys be men. Too many people who use that term, view masculinity itself as toxic. They try to make men more 'feminine' as if masculine is bad and feminine is good. Many many boys are already dealing with...
Is this still going on from last year? Why argue? The degradation of definitions are all they have when trying to fray the categories of biology. Its all a toilet bowl experience where gravity does what it does with shitty arguments. Biology isn't a choice. Sadly, this is true, as I think it...
It was and isn't really intended to address common male issues. There is a reason why there isn't a term "toxic feminity" going around and getting track. These kind of terms are intended and is used as a pejorative to put down a group of people. They are not intended to constructively address...
I used to do something similar but I would describe it like working my muscles to strengthen them and make them more efficient. The thing is, if you work them too much, you can damage them or even cause deterioration if you tear them faster than they can heal. Your productivity only deplenishes...
I have mental levers to deal with anxiety but external factors can still overwhelm them. I have learned that prolonged anxiety has caused certain physical conditions to surface. I don't suppose you found healthy methods to deal with yours?
I recently realized that mine was caused by the...
Cluster headaches are a symptom and not a cause or source of the problem. I am assuming you eliminated any potential causes and are now just treating the symptoms.
Are you looking into diet, exercise, room lighting, time outdoors with quality sunlight, sleep habits and quality of sleep...
Sure, but I think people eventually grow out of trying to categorize individuals into confined boxes that leak all over the place and dont properly hold anything. I think we all realize, individuals are individuals and can be only regarded as such. Everyone has their own unique views, values...
Not surprising on an INTP forum that people would be suspicious of authouritive actions. IMO
"INTP’s usually come to distrust authority as hindering the uptake of novel ideas and the search for knowledge."
Read more at...
Wouldn't people normally be afraid of hurting the feelings 'others' by being forceful? I don't understand how this would result in the decimation of your own feelings...... Unless you suffer from social anxiety and that can cause unrealistic fears and guilt and continued obsessive thoughts about...
How can one order their thoughts and emotions if they don't test them against others on a regular basis? Wouldnt that testing require much speach and deliberation?
Everyone is offended all the time no matter what you do. Just do the right thing be confident and tell those pansies to stick where the sun don't shine.
If nationalism is revitalized maybe? If the king to be embraced it, maybe. Or is the lesbiananti anti-prostate culture too strong for the kings of England!
Bigotry is an annoyance. Still, because many Christians tend to view everything through the lense of God, due to everything being created by him, every subject is ripe with religious perspective. This comes off to non-Christians as trying to constantly convert them and a general lack of respect...
Maybe people will grow up to be a little more independent since they cannot rely on others to help. That would be a nice change.
The extraverted teens are probably ignoring the rules anyway. Good on them. The introverts are just using covid as an excuse to do what they would have anyways...
Yeah, democrats think the Federal government has to have all this power an run every thing instead decentralizing as much authority as they can to states and localities.
I am buying my decentralizing money, cryptocurrency, on cheap today. Also going to work on getting solar to decentralizing my...
Dude, you have a paper calendar?! Next, you're going to tell me, you eat breakfast. I thought you were a 18 to 20 year old like the rest of these forumites.
Your consciousness ends and begins every second as your brain continually changes. If consciousness exists, it's not cemented in who you are but in the experience of the change internally and externally.
If there is a true experiencer, it exists not in the mind but instead through the mind as a...
Gender identity and gender roles are not equivalent.
Anyways, when it comes to gender roles, its really about if you are a hamburger person a salad person.
All it probably is, is two particles interacting through a wormhole or vacuum in the Aether. The Aether, a soup of quantum strings and bosons, slows or intercepts the energy transfer between the Particles. Without Aether, in this vaccum, the particles can directly transfer energy back and forth...
It's not really strip mined, not in the same way other materials are. Strip mining leaves large piles on top of the surface that isn't immediately good for the environment.
When mining lithium they pull liquids out and evaporate it leaving behind the materials they need.
Obstruction! Capitalism is basically captain Planet! The only thing that needs to be corrected is that impacts to the environment need to be appropriately taxed. This will allow funds to be available to counter those impacts and also make highly impactfull commodities less attractive due to...
Definitely ask for clarification even if you really believe he is being manipulative. If he isn't then you avoided a lot of unnecessary misunderstanding getting in the way of your relationship.
If he is being manipulative then it forces him to be up front and honest about his intentions. This...
It seems like it is mostly just about categorizing and classification. It isn't very good at defining concepts of cause and effect. Most mental conditions are defined by like behaviors even if the cause of those behaviors is different. It's like defining a disease by its symptoms rather than the...
I think everyone's a douchbag so I cannot help you there. Microbiology.. Are you going to study viruses and shit? That sounds like fun. I am not sure why people are so desperate for friends. There is a lot to do in this world and friends except for the right few often get in the way of really...
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