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Search results

  1. peoplesuck

    Women freak me out

    ->This life is what you make of it ->well I want to fucking die ->well aren't you a fucking moron my entire life in 20 words. Goal: live a life that would require at least 21 words to sum up.
  2. peoplesuck

    The E-Diary of Inex

    It's impossible to be natural if you are studying yourself, rather than participating. You cant do both. You cant consciously filter and choose reactions, and be natural. You must risk being rejected or annoying. If there is any area that I have qualifications to speak, trust me, truuuuust me...
  3. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    It has come to my attention that some of the individuals on this forum are very sensitive. To combat anyone feeling attacked or being triggered, I have devised a method of posting, that will keep everyone safe, and stable. This is not a joke, please be mature about this, we are all children...
  4. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I think?
  5. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    false. our bodies respond the that type of stimulation with milk production. male or female
  6. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    breast pump works on men too, but I dont want saggy man tits, even if they can be milky, saggy man tits
  7. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  8. peoplesuck

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    *awaits offended response*
  9. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    In the future people will remove their ring fingers and re-route the nerves to a more useful, stronger prosthetic digit. the thing below functions off of electronic signals from nerves. It would actually be useful if it had its own nerve, because ring fingers arent very useful, and a second...
  10. peoplesuck

    Genetic phobias? Late night thoughts.

    How to overcome being a prey animal, in just 3 easy steps: 1. get fit 2. take mma classes for about 1 or 2 years 3. being that you live in america, carry a knife, or gun LEARN TO FIGHT BEFORE CARRYING A GUN FFS if you cannot fight, and you carry a gun, you have now given a weapon to your...
  11. peoplesuck

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    You could do this. In my experience people who use dating apps, are in this mindset of scavenging for anything that will make them feel valued. There needs to be a heartbreaking service, allowing the mere mortals to learn to be self sufficient. Modern ideas of romance are just dependency. Grown...
  12. peoplesuck

    Genetic phobias? Late night thoughts.

    Jesus christ inex. This reminds me of talking with a girl in my math class, I asked why she had mace on her keychain, she said it was because she was afraid of being raped, walking to her car. That blew my mind, it was the exact moment I realized we live in completely different worlds. I go...
  13. peoplesuck

    Women freak me out

    Yeah man no worries, I pretty much do anything I think will help. The reason I said It was unusual, is because you cant just throw an autistic kid into those situations, and expect growth. Its hard to explain, but when I stopped listening to music, and forced myself to study to the sound of my...
  14. peoplesuck

    Genetic phobias? Late night thoughts.

    Ive never been phobic of being raped or killed. Ive never had any fantasy about rape, because for me, its grossly intimate. I would regularly go 20 or 30 miles out into the country, at 3am, biking through the woods. I never really feared being killed. It sounds horrendous, but in high school...
  15. peoplesuck

    Women freak me out

    I haven't been giving myself any credit for, essentially surviving, and becoming a person. I was looking through my old threads and pm's. WOW! I was so incapable and inept. I couldn't explain myself or express myself. My social skills have come light years, since then. I had so many mental...
  16. peoplesuck

    How you overcome depression

    Do you have friends at work? Do you find your work meaningful? did you ever enjoy your work? Has anything in your life changed since?
  17. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I have so much energy and motivation at night, and as soon as the sun comes up, no matter how much sleep I have, I just want to sleep more. thanks brain, good job evolution, killing it genetics. EDIT: I think if i were a woman, I would use a breast pump so that I could make my own milk. Ive...
  18. peoplesuck

    How you overcome depression

    Maybe you should ask yourself if there is a reason not to dread going to your job. You didnt give us any information, we dont have any idea of what to suggest, because we dont know what is making you feel this way. By not explaining your situation, it makes me think that you havent put any...
  19. peoplesuck

    Cravings to kill and schizophrenia?

    these are my thoughts, I didnt give you permission to share them, feeling exposed tbh. There are some people who are so bad, I would deem a life worth living, if the life's only purpose was to destroy them. Not for the sake of killing them, but preventing their influence. justice is cool too If...
  20. peoplesuck

    Women freak me out

    I dont have social anxiety. just angst I suppose. People habituate, stop caring, stop noticing. I agree, avoiding reality makes life much easier, and less stressful. not a life I would like to live though. Indeed, I went from incapable, to adept in an extremely short time, Im learning to take...
  21. peoplesuck

    The Betrayal of Julian Assange

    *FACEPALM* w...wh.....who needs to die exactly? im boycotting america by being usless and unemployed HORRAY
  22. peoplesuck

    Women freak me out

    cant have a funeral without a body, bombs are a good method, I suppose. good talk. I dont have the link. modern life is shit, unfortunately we live in modern times. However cake and netflix are cool. hey thanks, sometimes im not sure why I bother to post.
  23. peoplesuck

    Women freak me out

    I remember in grade school we had to make a little drawing of our lives. I was the only kid to put a tomb stone on mine, insisting we all die, I got in trouble for that. The average cost of a funeral is $6500 absurd, to force someone to pay, to put another person in the ground. tbh if I kms, I...
  24. peoplesuck

    Female Dominance?

    Skype me inex, I will tell you if you are dominant :P you don't come off dominant through chatting.
  25. peoplesuck

    Excuses for bullying.

    tbh just teach your kid to fight, send them to mma classes. They will build discipline and they can beat their bullies. win win win win
  26. peoplesuck

    Excuses for bullying.

  27. peoplesuck

    Women freak me out

  28. peoplesuck

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    I agree, role models are fucking stupid. Men and women dont need help being men and women. Having a person who has gone through the same struggle, explain how they pulled through and thrived, is fucking stupid. Its not like men and women have different problems, men are women and women are men...
  29. peoplesuck

    increasing discipline and stuff

    This thread died when I had what seemed to be a heart attack (chest pain spreading down my arm, complete fatigue) idk if you can induce a heart attack from lack of sleep and physical exertion, but if you can, I did it. Im going to start doing these things again, in a more manageable fashion, I...
  30. peoplesuck

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    The cuddling also cured my anxiety regarding eye contact. go get some cuddles! dating apps work fairly well, or you can pay a person to cuddle u or you can kidnap a person to cuddle
  31. peoplesuck

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    what helped me was cuddling, maybe try to find some random person to cuddle. I suppose if you function on some abysmally low levels of oxytocin, that huge increase does something, rewiring your brain. after that first..7 hour cuddle session, my anxiety never came back, and I wasnt nearly as...
  32. peoplesuck

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    Kinda drives me crazy women always think guys are upset about being seen as friends, because of sex. sorry but these people getting upset about not getting sex, are actually sad because they want love. yep, just love. fairly human tbh. People dont want to feel unwanted or unfuckable. Also I...
  33. peoplesuck

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    I feel im coming off like I spent too much time on 4chan, I dont mean women are purely shallow or men are. I have too little experience to say tbh, so just disregard my comments
  34. peoplesuck

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    this is a complete contradiction. If a man doesnt want to be alone, and hes weird or anxious, simply get fit and make money. it means u are ambitious and have discipline. Women care so much about these, that if you pretend to be decent, they will just fall into your arms, because you have...
  35. peoplesuck

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    The current problem is that women want a type of person our society isnt cultivating. Young men have so little guidance, tbh the best thing a man can do is make money, at least then you wont be alone. Dating is quite rough, making some progress is infinitely better than sitting home wondering...
  36. peoplesuck

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    why are the good ones always so short :( does sound a bit like dragonborn I think?
  37. peoplesuck

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    This takes me back to those good old days of despairing. specifically sitting in the hallway of the university, staring at the wall, while everyone seemed to have had everything in order, while I wasnt sure if I wanted to wake up tomorrow. Life is weird, because now I know they were just as lost.
  38. peoplesuck

    Rape is usually about sex drive

    I have a good thread, shitty threads are usually about attention and not actually figuring anything out, but just being negative and argumentative, while ignoring what people actually say,because the point of a thread isnt communication.
  39. peoplesuck

    Rape is usually about sex drive

    its a lack of compassion and empathy, only people with actually brain damage/malfunctions are so horny they rape people. Sorry but I disagreed quite openly. please dont let the keep you from ignoring it. TBH I think rape causes sex drive, think about it, how many people have raped and had a sex...
  40. peoplesuck

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    Hey I wonder if I can make someone want to use intpf today. Hey maybe this will make people want to stay on intpf Doesnt link the threads, knowing the intpf search feature is terrible and unreliable. Perhaps its was made to see if their views were wrong? you sound like a lot of fun to be...
  41. peoplesuck

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    Ive seen how two women use dating apps, they may have been doing things differently bc I was there, but it seemed incredibly sporadic and random.
  42. peoplesuck

    Personal Trouble Posting Thoughts

    Something that helped me was realizing: it doesn't matter how smart or stupid you sound, it doesn't change how intelligent you actually are. What people think of you doesn't change anything about you, unless you let it. Asking for help or input generally isn't too bad, asking specific people...
  43. peoplesuck

    Rape is usually about sex drive

    Next time I will be more wise, and I will not say anything, because you have taught me well, master one kenobi. Sincerely ya boi
  44. peoplesuck

    Rape is usually about sex drive

    stop ignoring counterpoints
  45. peoplesuck

    Rape is usually about sex drive

    I went through a brief period of having an extremely high sex drive, I think I came off of a medication too fast, I didn't rape anyone, I didnt even consider it. EDIT: to be clear I was talking about mental levels of sex drive, gym bro high on test, levels of sex drive. The difference, as our...
  46. peoplesuck

    confessing feelings

    Ive never had a friend confess their feelings for me, and I have never confessed feelings for anyone else, I think. I almost did one time, and right before I did, I found out she was my best friends girlfriend. I wasnt close to him, but we had been close in middle school.
  47. peoplesuck

    Rape is usually about sex drive

    Ive been around the internet, I believe this is whats known as an edgelord. "edgelord A poster on an Internet forum, (particularly 4chan) who expresses opinions which are either strongly nihilistic, ("life has no meaning," or Tyler Durden's special snowflake speech from the film Fight Club being...
  48. peoplesuck

    Women freak me out

    I haven't bonded with anyone since entp girl. I feel a bit empty, not in a bad way, Im just not connecting anymore. I also don't have anxiety anymore, absolutely none, i've become a bit dead inside.. I wonder how long this will last. Ive matured since my sugar glider died, the things I get...
  49. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    im not reading this and fuck that shit kill it with fire no nononono no no, no no, nu nu,nooo fuck no. absolutely no, nope not, nope, arent, nu-uh
  50. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

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