This reminds me of talking with a girl in my math class, I asked why she had mace on her keychain, she said it was because she was afraid of being raped, walking to her car.
Yup. >_>
I mean. I don’t carry mace. I generally carry a dog. But my grandma has given me mace twice I think - once for Christmas and a pretty pink one once for my birthday that was a keychain (they expire you know) and begged me to use it. CARRY IT! Not use it. lol. Sorry.
She’s like “Please, oh please Inex! Won’t you go out and mace some people for me? I’d do it myself but at this age...”
Anyways. She’s particularly paranoid. I’m not a very paranoid person. I’m a pretty brazen person. Was like that ever since I was a kid. So I don’t generally carry mace or if I do it gets lost at the bottom of my bag among stuff like lose dimes and bobby pins.
My dog is much more accurate than mace anyways. I don’t necessarily trust myself to use mace properly but I trust myself fully when it comes to using my dog. And the great part is, she’s not going to turn around and bite me in the face. Lol.
There’s been a couple of hairy situations that my dog has helped me out with. Once, my car was almost dead empty on a long car trip and I ran into the only gas station I thought was around for miles. It was closed and abandoned. But it had a nice grassy field so I thought it might be a good place for Kia to stretch her legs. I got out of the car and looked around a bit, and I was just about to let Kia out when a truck pulled up to the broken down gas pump and these two guys got out and started walking towards me.
So I opened the door and Kia jumped out and when prancing around with her little happy dog dance.
They might have just been asking for directions and...I suppose they could have been afraid of dogs? (Although they were driving a redneck truck and looked like hillbillies)
But they made an immediate about face, got back in their truck, and drove off. I’ll never know what they wanted. But being caught at an abandoned gas station where there’s nothing but countryside for miles around is not a safe place for a lone woman. Some people will wait for you, knowing there’s a sign on the highway saying there’s gas here - knowing there’s no one around.
My dog is the best protection I have. Dad tried to give me a hard time about spending my savings on a dog when I got into college, because she’s a purebred dog of a certain breed so she cost $1,400. But mom was happy about it, because she knew that Kia was going to be the thing to guard my body while I went out into the world and did my adventure thing. XD
And she was totally right. There was a bad neighborhood I used to park in. I’d take Kia. She’s lay down in the back, and if people approached the car, she would stand up and do the “bark your face off” thing. She’s a 65 lbs dog that looks like a beagle on steroids.
People are way more afraid of my sweet, dainty, feminine little Kia-dog then they are of me armed with mace that may or may not work. (I think when they go dead they just squirt...because I tested mine on the pavement once and that’s what it did. Real helpful I’fe i’m going to be murdered.)
That blew my mind, it was the exact moment I realized we live in completely different worlds. I go anywhere I want, whenever I want, meanwhile there are people afraid to walk across a parking lot.
It blows a lot of guys minds. A lot of guys also will try to tell you that you’re overreacting, which is really unhelpful, because women these days are very sensitive to being made fun of for being overly emotional, and a lot of young girls can be tough to convince when it comes to the potential dangers out there. I was one of them. If you grow up in a nice place, you learn in school and from your family and friends not to be afraid of men, that criminals are rare, and that it’s very unlikely that someone would hurt you or rape you, or even intentionally make you feel unsafe.
But that small town girl mindset is extremely naive and dangerous, and it can be the very reason a woman is raped. For one thing, they find that confidence and trust in a woman to be arrogance in certain ghettos. I think, especially in particularly bad east coast black ghettos where the panthers are strong.
A coddled white woman believes it’s racist to act timid or afraid around black people, but if you go to a place where black people have been screwed over six different ways to Sunday by the white man, and live in some of the worst poverty-stricken regions of America, and you, an over-priviledged white bitch, walk in there like you own the place - well it’s a burn to a man’s ego. And a lot of those men grew up learning that rape and brutality are just ways of life, and that the strong succeed.
I almost ran into trouble like that once when I was 15. I had no clue. Totally oblivious. I went to an anime convention with friends and like the idiot I am, I got a little antsy at 9 o’clock at night and I needed to go for a walk and explore. I like exploring new places. I’m a danger to myself (and Kia is subjectively a danger to others!)
Anyways. I got lost in the city in search of tea. No joke. Took a wrong turn and ended up in a neighborhood where the pussycat club was next to a lingerie shop.
And I made some guy mad because he was hanging out on the corner leering at me and saying “Hey” in a very weird way that made me uncomfortable. So I did what I learned to do in cities, and just ignored him. He had some buddies around him that made weird man sounds too about my body. I don’t know how to express that in writing. Lol. They are like...moaning grunt things. Anyways.
He followed me into a CVS and was like “Hey, hey, I’m talking to you. Can’t you hear me.”
And I kept ignoring him but I was getting freaked out about it because he was starting to get really angry. He started to raise his voice saying “Don’t just ignore me”, and I turned around and left the shop and he tried to follow me out but, luckily, his friends calmed him down and told him to stop. I think they realized they were scaring me, and it probably helped that I had my little Japanese cat eat clips clipped into my hair like a 15-year-old loser XD
Anyways. Due to the cat ears, some cute guy from the convention spotted me soon after that and asked me very nicely if I was lost, and escorted me back to my hotel room like a gentlemen. <3
Women these days get offended when guys do things like that because they’re like “Why, do you think I can’t take care of myself?!”
Chivalry isn’t like that at all. It’s showing respect and consideration for the opposite sex. I was 75% of the way to breaking down into tears and the only thing keeping me together was my determination not to look weak. But I was so lost. I even saw a really naked, really fat, probably drunk man taking a shower in a fountain XD
It was not the part of town a 15 year old anime girl with kitty ears was meant to peruse at 11 at night. (That’s how long I was wandering around).
My responsible friend was pissed at me. Barely talked to me the rest of the night, because she told me not to go wandering around the city at night and I didn’t listen to her because I honestly didn’t feel like there was any danger.
Nice guy knew the area well. Had been to the convention several times. Stayed at lots of hotels. Helped me find my way back to my own. And I was so grateful. My feet aches really badly and I didn’t have my tea, but I’ll always remember that guy. <3
And sometimes, just walking with a guy can help. As a 16 year old I was stalked by a guy on a bike who was probably about 40, and would follow me every day from high school to work trying to talk to me. When I went into stores he would wait outside for as much as 10 minutes. He told me I look like a model (definitely not true, especially back then. I’ve always struggled with weight), and I should go into it as a career. I never spoke much to him and just gave him one word answers but I wasn’t rude to him either because, to be honest, I was afraid to make him mad.
He worried me so much I told my parents about him. -.- And my dad said “It’s just their culture, honey.” (Guy was Mexican. As in, from mexico. Not the “racist” application of the term whereby all Hispanics are Mexican)
Mom, meanwhile, was clearly anxious about it and told me to get a picture of the guy with my cell phone so that when I go missing they know where to start looking.
But dads reaction is classic. A lot of guys are like that. They just think women are exaggerating and they blow it off as nothing. A lot of guys are naive in a sense where, because they’re good people, they assume that most guys are like them. Sometimes, guys even get offended by it, and they seem to think that women are pushing some kind of feminist/liberal/#metoo agenda so they try to shut women down about it because they view that mindset as a threat to their freedom.
Anyways. Moms reaction made me see things differently because I’d been uneasy and uncomfortable before, but then I saw the situation as an actual potential threat that needed to be taken care of.
So I asked one of my best friends in high school, who was a really big black guy, to walk me to work. He’s a funny guy because he looks super intimidating but he’s the nicest, most hilarious, most people loving guy you could ever hope to meet. Loved guys, loved girls, loved his teachers, loved the world. Just a great person.
I was surprised at how well it worked. That bike stalker stayed away for weeks after that. He stalked me a bit at the place I worked, riding by and peeking in the window. And he caught up with me a while later and asked me out on a date and I rejected him. I think after that he got the hint.
I don’t think he would have actually hurt me. I think he was a bit of a pedophile and yeah, maybe things were different in whatever part of Mexico he grew up in. But it would be pretty brazen to attack a white girl in a nice neighborhood. And in any case, he didn’t seem like an angry or aggressive person. Just lewd and leery.
Simpson thought I was making the whole thing up :/
I didn’t ask him to walk with me again, because I know it was a bit if a sacrifice for him - he liked hanging out with his friends after school. But it meant a lot to me that he did.
I try to share these stories with girls I talk to. As an adult woman, I no longer require that kind of help because I have better senses and I’m prepared, and I take precautions. But as a young girl, there were a number of times when guys were kind enough to help me out when they thought that, maybe, I might need a bit of extra protection.
It’s sad to me that guys these days are given the wrong idea that chivalry like that is sexist. Yes - it’s sexually discriminatory. But no, it’s not sexually derogatory. It’s actually a show of respect. It’s like saying “Here, I’m going to stop what I’m doing and help you, because you look like you might need help and I know that life for a woman is DIFFERENT. There are more risks, challenges, and dangers, and even if I can’t relate to that, I was taught to respect, and have consideration for that.”
And let’s be real here. If all of the men in the world were bi-sexual and were just as interested in sex from men as they were from women, or better yet, if they were all gay and only interested in sex from men - then men would be the ones at risk, and it’s would be just as dangerous to be in a bad neighborhood for them as it is for women.
No matter how “tough” you think you are, three people can take you down. One person twice your size can take you down. And a gun or a knife - which most rapists are equipped with, can certainly take you down.
Luckily men tend to want women for sex partners...because I’m pretty sure that if all of the men in the world (predators included) were gay, we’d probably have half as much men as we do.
Anyways, yeah. My story isn’t unique. If you really talk to women about these things and hear their stories, you’ll realise that my stories are actually pretty common. I tend to have a few more of them because of my wanderlust. But almost all women I’ve talked to have been verbally threatened and stalked at least once (but usually several times) in their lives. It doesn’t usually happen as young as high school unless you live in a bad area. I might be misremembering but I think that there were a couple of surveys I heard of that suggested that 1 out of every six women have been raped in their lifetime. Not molested. Penetrated. One of the surveys was conducted by phone and I think it was taken during my grandma’s day. Maybe my moms. Another survey may have been more recent and I think it might have suggested that the numbers may have been higher.
Men tent to underestimate the numbers because most men believe statistics are the end all, be all proof of truth (which is nonsense, they are useful but can also be very misleading), and most women will NEVER admit to it. I don’t know if men can really empathize with the feeling of shame and worthlessness that accompany such an attack. Rape gives women PTSD. Nightmares, being paranoid about men who look a certain way or what not. Feeling unsafe in their homes. A soldier’s generalized PTSD is, I think, generally comparable, until you get into forms of it where specific traumatic events have happened, in which case it’s worse. But even military men tend to not want to talk about their PTSD, and many with the less aggressive symptoms of PTSD seem to potentially want to ignore it and pretend it isn’t affecting them.
It’s harder for military men in the fact that you’ve been trained to think weakness is death, but it’s easier in that people will believe you and have compassion for you, and you don’t need to prove that it happened.
Women will often confide in their friends though. Eventually, at least. I think it takes most women years. Probably at least 5 or more. Of the people that have confessed to me, most of them were attacked when they were pretty young, and didn’t talk about it for probably 15 years.
That’s why I can understand things like the metoo movement. I don’t agree with it. But I think I understand the sentiment behind it. People feel like if women feel free to admit to it, then maybe we can do something about it.
But as with the feminist movement, there’s a hardcore minority of females that are looking to use something like metoo to bully nice guys and call chivalry sexist.
Pretty much any positive females rights movement we have is ruined by this minority of aggressive women, who hate men and want them to pay. Or want them to be ashamed of being men. And take pride in not being logical. It sucks.
At times I’ve wondered if my efforts aren’t better spent trying to talk to women like that. I’ve spent more of my time learning about the male struggle so I can empathize with what men are going through.
There’s a lot of bitter, nasty, power tripping men and women out there’s who ruin it for the rest of us. Guys wouldn’t have to worry about being “creepy” if it weren’t for people like my college professor
-.- ......
Girls don’t know what creepy is these days. They think everything is creepy. That’s been the consequence of all of this feminist propaganda. It’s been confusing to young girls who are still trying to figure out the spectrum of behavior they need to worry about.
Anyways. That all got long-winded, but I’m hoping that maybe some of these views will be seen as helpful to people. Guys can be really bad at understanding the female experience. If they did, though, a lot of things might make more sense.
Maybe she didn’t want to come up to your apartment because she was worried. Something you did, or said, or a way that you looked at her might have correlated with male behavior she’s seen in the past that was aggressive or potentially dangerous.
Women aren’t very likely to go out with a perfect stranger. Especially as they get older and wiser. They’re not all that likely to be flippant about giving out their phone number or address. Sometimes they will even lie because they’re worried a man might get offended if they don’t give out their number, so they write it down wrongly. A LOT of women are intimidated about being too flirtatious or letting something sexual “slide” by not doing anything about it, or encouraging it by responding positively, because they worry that if things educate and they want to back out of it - the guy might get angry, and either scare her out of her whits by having a freak out, or he might get forceful out of a sense of entitlement.
One of the worst things you can have with women is a sense of entitlement or a feeling like the world is unjust about how much sex you get...because it shows. It shows in the way you speak, look, move. Women are very good at picking up on something like that. They’re good, also, at picking up on behaviors from men who have contempt for life.
Nor do women appreciate being objectified, because if a person is just an object, you don’t respect them, and you’re not necessarily going to treat them well.
Not to horrify the people here...but I read one account on the darker internet of a woman who talked about being raped by several men who showed up in her room when she was sleeping at her boyfriends house, while he was home, and the male response was that hey boyfriend probably “sold her”.
I’m not saying that commonly happens. I think it’s pretty sick and I doubt it’s common. BUT it’s a demonstration of one of the reasons, I think, that women instinctively turn away from objectification. People can be cruel to people they see as just a product or a means to an end.
Which goes back to my instinctual phobias.
Do I think these thoughts are necessarily running through a woman’s head all of the time? No. Absolutely not.
But they’re in the background. Women seem to be hyper aware of the fact that they have something very valuable that puts a target on their back. It’s like walking around with a briefcase full of money - as one comedian put it. (Dave Chappel?)
I think that’s an excellent way for men to empathize with the way women behave instinctually. If you were walking around with a briefcase full of money, and someone started following you, or leering at you, you might feel uncomfortable too.
I think this is also a potential reason why women like to group up. That could hark back to our genetic primate ancestry where matriarchal groupings banded together for protection by strength in numbers.
Last thing I will say is that this whole mindset generally tends to trigger feminists, who want me to tell people that there’s no difference between men and women. In a lot of ways, that’s fundamentally true. In the ways that we are different, the difference is usually so minor as to not be relevant in society (like differences in reaction time, for instance).
There’s two major differences that cannot be ignored, though, and that’s that men are far more angry and aggressive and predisposed to anger then women are, and women are far more concerned about sustaining injuries then men are.
Most women live their lives around not getting hurt. Fears of spiders, rats, snakes. Not having the courage to lift very heavy things or go rock climbing. Obviously many women, like myself, have easily conquered the more timid aspect of femininity - but even in my case, I would be terrified to get into a fight because I would be afraid I would get hurt. Yes, not all women are like that - but I think it’s a fundamental instinct to be that way.
As Cog said - men - they don’t have that fear. The little bits of it they do have, they repress. Men are also quick to anger and way more likely to get physical about it.
So that’s where the relatability between men and women kind of falls through. Men can’t understand the female instinct for self-preservation. They often accuse women of being illogical because of it. They get frustrated because it’s so hard to empathize with the female’s point of view.
And the instinct for self-preservation comes through in spades during dating - at least, that’s my opinion. A female’s secretive, avoidant kind of behaviors are often, from my way of thinking, related to some kind of drive to avoid danger.
That’s why my advice to men is always the same. Be friends with women. Empathize with women. Relate to them. Stop objectifying - and ditch your sense of entitlement. Stop measuring her up in terms of objective assets too - like breast size.
All of these habits, which are so easy for men to develop due to the fact that they find it so difficult to empathize with women, lead to a personality type that most women are going to feel instinctively adverse to. If you do not view her as a human, just like you, she WILL pick up on it, and she’s going to wonder what’s wrong with you. That’s my opinion on it.
I mean, some women just aren’t like that at all though. Some just seem to have no sense of self-preservation...but I don’t think those are the kinds of women most guys are looking to date.
I hope maybe I’ve convinced some men on this forum to put a little more effort into empathizing with women, instead of studying them like science experiments (which makes men tend to objectify and judge women instead), and I hope, if so, I’ve made it a little easier to empathize by sharing my views on things.
I like the guys here. I think it’s really sad when guys feel really disconnected from women - or even scared of women - because to be honest, I think men are naturally very romantic, and I actually think that the male-female connection is even more important to men then it is to women. I’ve known a lot of women who are happily alone in life. Not so with men.