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Search results

  1. peoplesuck

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    I had been looking for this song for so long. sooooo good.
  2. peoplesuck

    INTP Memes

  3. peoplesuck

    INTP Memes

  4. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I googled diy pants, for ideas...second ad is Death by lethal injection. Free shipping taxidermy rat horror first off, wtf. second, why is this being recommended to me? 0_O
  5. peoplesuck

    Feeling very depressed about life.

    are you on any medications? do you meditate? Have you made any progress with any of this, or seen a therapist?
  6. peoplesuck

    Feeling very depressed about life.

    online forums are actually a great place to socialize and make friends. The people you meet on apps are sketchy, typically normal healthy individuals dont use apps to make friends, they do it naturally, impressive, I know. ( I was probably doing just as badly, if not worse, than you are. letting...
  7. peoplesuck

    IQ and life outcomes

    obviously talent has value, and can be respectable. I dont mean to say anyone with talent deserves to be ignored, its just less impressive than sheer effort. in my opinion
  8. peoplesuck

    IQ and life outcomes

    There are people who can pick up a fighting game, and beat people who have been playing for years. This is not skill, it is talent. I said that calling a skill, a talent, is very offensive. It downplays all of their work, its the equivalent of saying its god given. I am somewhat talented with...
  9. peoplesuck

    Do you have an internal monologue?

    When im doing a physical task, my mind sort of runs three programs at once. One program is dedicated to the physical aspect, and the other is talking me through it. :cat: (completely subconscious) The last program is predicting and troubleshooting. I think in a mixture of words and pictures...
  10. peoplesuck

    IQ and life outcomes

  11. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    stop whatever you are doing and subscribe to the one true god:
  12. peoplesuck

    decrepit wangst

    I greet you with open arms full of cats, and inappropriate jokes
  13. peoplesuck

    Psychoanalyse the Avatar above you

    Clearly you are a man of culture.
  14. peoplesuck

    Psychoanalyse the Avatar above you

    I would have to say: isolated, no desire to open up or share, secretive, sarcastic Rebs avatar will never not make me think of darksouls, I preferred greatsword builds, over spammy dex bullshitery. dont worry rebs, women will never understand our desire for large sharp objects. (even if they...
  15. peoplesuck

    Feeling very depressed about life.

    I know a guy, here is his info: https://www.intpforum.com/threads/women-freak-me-out.28040/ guy is a total chadcel, you would relate to the more recent posts.
  16. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    How incredibly insightful and sad.
  17. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    what explains the explosion in reaction channels? I would guess 50% of all youtube videos have become reaction channels.
  18. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    The best game of all time:
  19. peoplesuck

    What would you die for?

    depends entirely on my mood. Sometimes I would die just for fun, sometimes for justice, sometimes out of anger. preferably for good
  20. peoplesuck

    Feeling very depressed about life.

    pls come back, I was a bit too aggressive. am sorry I have emotional regulation skills of a dildo
  21. peoplesuck

    Feeling very depressed about life.

    people do bond over flaws, but expecting everyone you meet to love you for your flaws, thats just silly. also my previous comment had nothing to do with you, if you are upset about that.
  22. peoplesuck

    Feeling very depressed about life.

    I dont understand why you socialize, dont you know you are alone? are you incapable of developing a personality? People who are smothered with social interactions can become asocial, meanwhile some people are deprived, and they crave it. Some people have never felt that they belonged, or were...
  23. peoplesuck

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  24. peoplesuck

    Feeling very depressed about life.

    people bond over flaws, perhaps you are hiding too many of your flaws.
  25. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    The type of person god fears:
  26. peoplesuck

    INTP Memes

    we've met before oof
  27. peoplesuck

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  28. peoplesuck

    INTP Memes

    @Elen, good memes. however I have you beat
  29. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28826416 I had some other source saying transcranial magnetic induction can turn off empathy, and my link states it can modulate it... this product probably isnt strong enough for any of that. Other than that, blasting your brain with random magnetic pulse...
  30. peoplesuck

    I feel like I don't fit in anywhere

    A lot of bitter people who call themselves loners are like that. A loner is actually just a person who is more happy by themselves, not a person who is alone. I would agree everyone can teach you something. If you want to feel proud of yourself first you must do things you would be proud of...I...
  31. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    God refuses to talk to me, and it also refuses to smite me. Can one of our religious members ask god what I did to deserve the silent treatment?
  32. peoplesuck

    Excuses for bullying.

    bullies will fight till death? thats why you teach your kid to win? duh? you're wrong but, still.. I would say you are doing god's work, but I thought about it, you havent turned anyone into salt or drowned an entire continent... You're doing great tho I think I was only bullied one time...
  33. peoplesuck


    Well put. *is freaked out* I think once you understand yourself emotionally (seems you dont) then women make more sense, also just read psychology articles on relationship problems, make sure you dont have those characteristics etc. be proactive Now that I understand women, I see them the...
  34. peoplesuck


    no need to overcomplicate shit, this is all you need to know. carve your own path fren, be a chad incel with me. Holy shit, at this point an entire forum section could be dedicated to understanding women. <.< I feel mine was a bit more justified fk u elen, fite me
  35. peoplesuck

    Join me in achieving self-discipline?

    goal weight is simply being thin enough to feel nimble again. they arent supposed to look like dog treats... :/ im a bit worried I will put a needle through my finger at some pt, but thats life
  36. peoplesuck

    Join me in achieving self-discipline?

    oof Sounds like you did a bit too much, or you didnt eat/drink enough before...or you have a hidden heart problem and you're going to die young w/ me :O highfive for effort! I wasted my day and have been up all night <.<
  37. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I think the people who are social enough to need two forums left long ago. <.<
  38. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I would gladly go back and restart, even if it meant doing everything again. There were a few times I was in positions to help people, and didnt even know. I think being able to start over, I could have skipped the trauma and damage, mentally. It is odd to think of how many problems I could have...
  39. peoplesuck

    Join me in achieving self-discipline?

    I meant it in a different way... You are how you are, and opinions change nothing about what you are...is all I meant. I weighed the other day, 166.4lbs shoe lasts for diy boots in progress: Sewing machine: im sorry PS I cant sew leather PS: do not be sorry, BE BETTER
  40. peoplesuck

    Black users, where are you?

    try not to take the other humans too seriously, its bad for your brain. My heart is black, am I qualified to post here? If it makes you feel better, hes either a racist moron, or a troll. so, he is either joking, or stupid. dont be upset
  41. peoplesuck

    Join me in achieving self-discipline?

    Yay! I wouldnt use aluminum products if you like ur brain. take before pics, for comparison in a month or so! I already did <.< will share once ive gotten to goal weight :D <3 good TBH im pretty much just failing my way through life :/ what people think of you, doesnt change anything. So why...
  42. peoplesuck

    Join me in achieving self-discipline?

    166.8lbs, and I got a job! I tried a piece of cake today, tasted like shit. sugar detox success? my tendons hurt and Im go to sleep naow, kthnx bai
  43. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Having an automatic sports car is a lot like having a super hot girlfriend, who happens to also be your mom. nobody is jealous
  44. peoplesuck

    Join me in achieving self-discipline?

    If one has a time machine, their pettyness could be so adept. Pettyness capable of going beyond the laws of nature and time. :O
  45. peoplesuck

    I feel like I don't fit in anywhere

    Sorry to hear that, have you considered therapy? It would remove a lot of the risk of rejection, and would give you guidance
  46. peoplesuck

    I feel like I don't fit in anywhere

    The first time I ever cuddled with someone I was 22, and it was a childhood friend. First kiss was at 22, still a virgin. Welcome to the club, amigo You have come to the right place.
  47. peoplesuck

    I feel like I don't fit in anywhere

    Despite (most likely) having the disorder, I cant really help because Im an oddball, even when it comes to oddballs. However, im sure this is super common among intp's and someone can help. But it sounds like you know what to do, stop second guessing and get out there and fix your issue...
  48. peoplesuck

    I feel like I don't fit in anywhere

    uhm, did you miss the cat picture? we could use her for cuddles, and experiments, dont be so god damned wasteful!
  49. peoplesuck

    I feel like I don't fit in anywhere

    which subcategory of avpd are you? I think this has a huge impact on how you tackle the issue. I think self deserting would be the worst. Im probably conflicted avoidant, idk. I have moved away from diagnosis, and more towards figuring out the issue, then fixing it. As long as you are...
  50. peoplesuck

    I feel like I don't fit in anywhere

    most of my life, I recently made massive improvements. I no longer isolate as much, and challenge all of my negative thoughts about myself. Im still doing abysmally, but im making progress. I talked about everything in my thread, titled: women freak me out You can skim it and see Im quite odd...
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