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  • ohhh you and your set deadlines that we both know you will probably not meet ;)

    "so thats a no for msn overall?" uhhh no, and why a tongue stick-out?!?
    ohhh you and your set deadlines that we both know you will probably not meet ;)

    "so thats a no for msn overall?" uhhh no, and why a tongue stick-out?!?
    Opposing realities? Have you visited my mind lately? ;p

    :D That's certainly a sexy voice, but you wouldn't believe your voice is sexy even if you sounded just like that, now would you? Not that I want to deter you from sending readings :D

    I used to listen to a radio poetry show, back when I was a youngster :p Consider the doom before you! (ie. old age and cynicism >>)

    Damn... you are going to keep writing, aren't you? Don't waste your talent.
    Morgoth, aren't you supposed to have been exiled from the world into the void? How did you return? Did you return through the door of night? is it almost time for Dagor Dagorath? in 2012, perhaps :)
    Really? In my game, she was very strong...

    Anyway, you know you're an INTP when you say you'll "eventually" do something and you'll probably never do it. When I first saw Kuja, I thought he was a she... Don't judge me, I was ten or younger. I like Cait Sith too... Have you ever seen Lightning by any chance? She's like (not exactly, but quite) a female version of Cloud. Oh yes, that's how cool she is. Maybe you could watch an entire FFXIII walkthrough on YouTube, believe me, it's worth it.

    What's your favorite, only one, female and male FF character?
    Yesss, Cloud and Aerith are amazing too. Oh let's just say the Emperor Ing is so scary you'll likely crap in your pants when he appears the first time before fighting him. Anyway, don't you love Vivi too (FFIX)? He was probably one of the coolest magicians ever. Yuffie is stupidly funny at times, but if I met her myself, I'd think she was really annoying.

    I'm going to kill some Nintendo executives if they don't hurry up with the next Star Fox (a new one, not a N64 remake). Oh well, at least Metroid: Other M and TLOZ: Skyward Sword are on their way.
    Hmmph, how dare you test me like that, it's so unfair! (Fi? Fe?)

    Well, I suppose we could both use a healthy dose of oxytocin. Seriously, hugs are good for your health so ....thanks? (Te? Ti?)

    Though I have to admit, that was awkward. Score one point for T then?

    And yeah, I can somewhat relate to those categories/people you listed. Still feel different, though that may just be my outsider complex. You could put me in a room full of mirrors and I wouldn't feel I belonged. Various threads suggest others here feel similarly, so I dunno.
    Hahah, well I'm pretty much in love with Cloud, Aeris too, and many more besides that>.>

    I only have the DS version of metroid, but I loved playing Samus in the N64 Super smash bros. (These days I'm more Link/Pitt/Fox and other deadly bishies.)

    Kefka is completely amazing:D
    Oh no! He's going to stab me in the back like he did with aerith... *slowly turns around* *dies* *Cloud throws me in a river* Oh look, there's internet connection in the lifestream, great!

    Well Kafka is really crazy too... I won't own FFXIII versus either, but maybe youtube posts some walkthrough videos plot-centered, that's how I know all of FFXIII's story (which by the way has great characters (Lightning almost smiled because of what I just said)). Stupid SquareEnix, they should publish their games on the Wii, and not only those Crystal Chronicles. Who needs a PS3 if there's YouTube? (...I still want it). Do you like the Metroid Prime series? If yes, the Emperor Ing is way scarier than Sephiroth IMO.
    Indeed! Dinosaurs rule!

    I guess (had you been born in my era), that would make you the small furry proto-rodent on the forest floor that eventually evolves into intelligent, bipedal mamalian super-being? We would have gotten along splendidly!

    (But true... if you pulled my skirt I would have cried! Hate is so much like love!)


    Bedtimes. Sleepy byes now. ;)
    I'm not quite around. >> Planning on watching Spirits Within (again). :D

    Umm... jocks? Underwear?

    Hehe... it was taken in a costume shop. We had a bit of fun, but really... it would be better to have the otherwise empty shop all to ourselves. Think of the possibilities! :D

    I'm working on getting a frocked picture of our adorable demon-pixie. ;)
    Guess what? I finally saw today what you wrote in my profile one month and one week ago. Haha yessss, Final Fantasy Versus XIII... Nice profile picture, by the way. The fact that you can only see a part of Sephiroth and his shadow scares even more.
    hmmm, I do see alot of Ne in your posts. You seem comfortable with it. I could see ENTP, but it still doesn't seem as likely. For instance, you mentioned not wanting to post because you felt your intellect was off (or something to that effect?). I think that an ENTP would be less likely to have that concern and would just bounce ideas regardless. Meh, that's just my take though and it's not scientific.

    And yeah, I'm certainly calm on here, though quite less so irl. Perhaps INFJ was a rash judgment, as INTJ now seems more likely. Main thing is I don't think I'm Ti-dom, or quite as comfortable with cold logic as I once thought. Though it would be funny if we were just INTPs in denial all along. I'd feel silly, as usual.

    Yes, chatting sounds like fun. I have grown fond of your wit indeed. :)
    Why, thank you :D

    Dear lord, I wish I had started a Melkor fanclub and charged some appropriate sum of your followers, just for a wiff of Melkor jocks. I so would be rich now. *glee*

    But wasn't that a rude reply itself?

    And my apologies, I forgot about that post, and I realized how I haven't been really very nice to you.

    Can I still pet you?
    Thanks... I thought people would be pissed because I didn't properly end it. :P
    That's very intriguing. We never call soccer football. I generally don't like many sports so don't listen to me.

    Ah, I see. Besides football what do you play?

    six two? You monster! I would consider putting you in the circus if I uncovered that you were also ambidextrous.

    Well thank you, from what I've gleaned old women and homeless men like gingers (And you).
    You certainly seem INTP to me, for what that's worth. As for me, I dunno, INFJ would actually explain alot. I know I'm not like the people on their forum, but forums tend to have their own culture and are not always exemplary of any type (like how INTPCentral is different from INTPf). INTJ and even ISTJ seem plausible as well. I find it hard to maintain that I'm Ti dominant, basically.

    Ah, thanks. Mine is 'jupiterstasis11@hotmail.com'
    I am....okay. A little meh, but could be worse.

    I am doubtful as well (which is supposedly typical of INTPness anyway), and feel myself barking up the INFJ tree again (their questionable forum aside), along with a couple others. Are you saying you're an ENTP now...or what?

    by msn you mean the windows chat thinggy? Yeah, I think I have an account, along with various other chat accounts I've collected. I've been avoiding it due to hotmail's suckiness, but it's around somewhere.

    Yeah, this thing is like twitter: not great for chat, but also too limited for anything lengthy.
    oh thats fine. I am actually interested most in analyzing you in your upcoming video :p

    You may have mentioned irc/msn.. i do not know of irc however... weird.

    we should do that sometime. However, I find that instant messaging ends up being like small talk without the extreme awkwardness.
    Yay L.! An L. gift? Have I mentioned I'm in love with L.?



    Tucked up warm in bed. If I had a heart I'd swap places with you....

    You're too kind you know.
    I'll tell you what, make a video any way you would like to make it, but Please don't choose terrible lighting, or only the corner of your face or something. As close enough to how I recommended it should be in the ideal circumstance as you can comfortably get.

    If that video is not enough for me to have a confident answer (that will not likely be the case), then we can webcam afterward.
    Thanks for the tip, btw I have lived in the southern US all my life so I have an abomination of an accent.

    I'd very much like to hear that story.
    Thanks for the message back! I TOTALLY understand. I may be way older than you (almost 55 I am!), but believe me, I have BEEN THERE.

    Find beauty, celebrate what's special, ignore what isn't, breathe, appreciate the stars.

    And be good to yourself.

    There is so very much out there, in there, ahead and around you, that you will endlessly enjoy exploring.

    I promise.
    all I would need is you in front of a camera, preferably centered on the upper half of your body, so I can see your face as well as you hands and arms for gesturing. The video should be about five to ten minutes long, and it would ideal if it were in the form of an interview, with someone else asking you questions. But if this is not possible, it is not a big deal, a video with you talking about anything unscripted and off the cuff should suffice too.
    You write many interesting posts. Hope you were kidding in one you posted very recently (know what I mean?)... Looking forward to reading more of what you write.
    Nope, I agree with you there. Flab is not attractive, even the sound of the word is repulsing.

    I imagine I would be shot if I referred to football as soccer in the UK.

    I'm a ginger, so I can't really hate the Irish that much. How tall? 6 feet tall here.

    Not really no.
    I'll try to include that in my next story. :) Intellectual and sophisticated... Check!
    Oh, I've been well thank you, how have you been?
    I see you've gotten sick of the puppy calling and decided to pretend you're an emo cat with one eye.
    Can I pet you? :3
    Yes, I am. I don't enjoy soccer and I'm surrounded by an overweight population.

    Very well then, if you could give me a reason to hate you I would appreciate it. Discovering a specific reason would be far too much work.

    You're implying that different flavors are spread over the pancake - which is very unlikely. I can also imagine a disease that would restrict how wide you could open your mouth, in that case pancakes would be ideal.

    I am made of rubber, I will resist all crushing!
    Everyone knows the US's time is the right time, all others are not relevant.

    You should consider yourself fortunate that the strength required to squeeze me is present in toddlers - You should have no problems.

    I consider pancakes odd, who wants flat food?
    I see you posted your comment late at night in order to surprise me. Just because I produce an arguably childish squeaky noise when surprised or held too tightly; does not mean I don't spend my nights lurking the interwebz.

    The game is bfoot. I am quite well.
    Ah yes, those were the days.

    * pokes Melkor in the eyes with his fingers three stooges style then kicks him in the crotch and takes his wallet *

    How have you been, anyway?

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