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  • :(
    sorry for the not-respondingness for a while
    I've been...busy

    eh, who needs presents...but no cake must've really sucked
    still - your first year at university must almost be over, right?
    Oh yeah - meditation? Try feeling/thinking whatever, accepting it for what it is, then letting it go. You might get some useful distance from what you're going through.
    And by writing I meant that you have genuine talent, and it can be a useful outlet, and also a source of healing. If it isn't, well shucks. But who cares if it's practical? It's enjoyable.
    I was trying to package my shit nicely since you don't usually appreciate my bluntness.

    Alright, for once you're not actually whining, which is surprising and commendable. Unfortunately it also probably means you're truly depressed. What the hell is wrong?

    Also, regardless of who kills you, you're still dead. The only people affected by the difference in perpetrators are the ones who're left behind. People who say suicide isn't an escape are wrong, it is. I still think it sucks though.

    The intelligent ones are the concise. Epic fail there. I do believe in most of the stuff I said, but I also believe there's a shitload of dreariness that gets around, and life is often blergh. But I still hold to the belief that this doesn't cancel out the good bits. I don't expect to convince you or anyone else though, but you might want to have a look at this particular pearl (yes, I know you've seen it before).
    That's okay. No offense taken = ). Though I am a little curious. When you say I "Sound" American, are you strictly talking accent and the way I talk, or is it also taking into account the way that I view things?

    Either answer is fine

    I've was meaning to show you what I suspect Irish Penguins may look like, I just never got around to finding the right images for all the different social classes of the Penguin culture.
    Yep, I'm a mother. I doubt that is why I would be prone to "lectures of a moral nature," though. I think I'm probably just that way. Becoming a parent changes some things, like how much sleep you get, but it doesn't change who you are. Age and experience, on the other hand, do.
    Actually, I do see you living, and it's encouraging. By transforming your experience into forms accessible by all, you elevate yourself, rising from the raw material of life to the beauty of the alive.
    Communication enlarges your tent. You are consuming the rest of us. You are increasing. You are Go- wait a second!

    All instruments are flawed, but perhaps they can approximate something beyond their natural state.

    If there's any point to what I said, and I think perhaps my subconscious was trying to say something, it's: don't give up, and keep writing. Whatever "don't give up" means to you. Keep transforming. Keep pushing beyond. Er, if you want.
    Everything originating in the self can be turned against you, yes. This includes your hate for humans, incidentally. The other side of the coin is that everything not originating in you, and seeking to hurt you, can be turned to good by generating a positive instead of a negative response. This bears some family resemblance to masochism, but at least puts the power back in your hands. Learning to wield yourself is painful, but preferable to being buffeted about by the machinations of others.

    To feel is to give yourself over to chance, and let it play with you as it will. To live is to feel, but not become the feeling; to contain, not be consumed. Why do I believe any of this? I don't, really. I just don't know what to say to all your whiny yabberings. Dear God. :P
    "We are made of selves, constructed from fragments of our past, each one seamlessly intertwined with the next to compose the person we are..."

    Another beautiful quote.
    It has less to do with your popularity, and more with my INTP binge. A couple of months ago, a friend (you might know her, it's shoeless) introduced me to the forum. I got into it for awhile, but then my attention went elsewhere and it was only a week ago, I began to get on again.

    The next time I go to the library I will have to pick up Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. I've been needing a new book.
    Oops... Actually, I was going off my experience with the Scottish play, there is a line quite similar to that in it. Brings fond memories it does. You'd think I'd have learned to look before I leap, but alas, it be untrue.

    I guess the female verses male accent thing is a matter of opinion, really.

    I have viewed and thoroughly scoured your profile, in hopes I shall not make such a foolish mistake again. I'm sure I'll make one anyway.

    I rather imagine my Brit to be a bit like Arthur Dent, from the Hitchhiker's Guide series (a must read); foolish, loyal, but still lovable.
    Have you ever heard a female with a british accent? No where near as amazingly awesome as a male Brit.

    My adversary is to be a Scotsman? How dreadfull! A gentleman of my standard should not clash with such a barbarian, but for my Queen and country, I must!
    Ah, well. It is easier to read intents in face-to-face meetings, here you can never be too sure.

    My posh Brit would like to accept the challenge you so willingly brought forth.

    I think he means bring it on, he's stayin'.
    Goody. If I ever actually get around to it, I'll try to send you a recording.
    I apologize, if it would please you should I run naked through the streets, though you will not see me? Or should I ramble endlessly on, comparing wheat and pumpernickel?

    If what you said was all in fair jest, believe the above was as well. If it was not, well, it really doesn't matter.

    Ta-ta, cheerio. (though I'm nothing of the sort, the voice in my head says this all in a rather posh British accent)
    HULLO MELKOR! Did you miss me? ^___^

    Or maybe you didn't even notice my absence.

    Like the profile pic, by the way. XD
    True, I've never thought about that.

    Yes! Precisely! VILE MEANS! I haven't paid for a game in ages, I blame it on the economy.

    Chrono will change your life.
    Musashi was the Machiavelli of combat, now it's not that he was intentionally dishonourable, instead he was acutely aware of the hypocrisy of seeking to kill someone but refraining from otherwise mutilating them in the process, an elegant person in that he was simple & direct, like a katana, comprised of nothing but form & function.

    Not a brute in the traditional western sense.
    I always liked a red dragon :D

    Yeah well, there are always exceptions (otherwise we wouldn't be commenting here, I think)...

    It does, but since I am (always) too lazy to tell it I tell people "don't ask".

    Of course, after some time I end up saying it :D
    Reading over some old threads:

    "I imagine falling in love shares similar sentient with a samurai, just finished thrusting his blade between his own ribs, experiencing a moment of releif, for there is no blade left to thrust." - you

    This is still one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. I would love to set it to music, if I could.
    I think what I was trying to say is that I ignore rules and live by my own moral compass. What I find is that most rules don't conflict with myown set of rules and so I have no need to break them.

    I would gladly break rules that go against my own though. This is what I was talking about when I said I wouldn't break them for breakings sake. I'd break them for my own benefit :)

    I'd like to think I'm a Tom Bombadil of this crazy world. I don't care for much about the way the world works. However, if something or someone starts interfering with my way of living I'd fuck them up ^^
    I'm trying to minimise brain activity as much as possible. I feel that posting on this forum is the best way to achieve that.
    *pokes melly in the eyes, and steals back kitties*
    *places anti-melly alarm system around hir profile* ]:<
    Oh. my. God. You better watch out. I go crazy for guys with red hair. I'm not joking, I have no idea why but I love guys with red hair. You know how some guys lose their minds over a blonde, well I'm that way with redheads.

    And my accent is much more refined that those silly louts you see on TV. Even I make fun of them. My backwoods redneck family has no idea where I learned to speak, but I stand out big time and I'm teased endlessly for being "eloquent."
    "travel to ... Japan in samurai gear"

    You do that and I'll meet you there, likewise attired. Deal?
    I live in the deep south of the United States and I've got a "southern" accent, so when I speak alot of people make the assumption that I'm ignorant. I have a lot of fun with that assumption. And I love the Irish, so you and your accent are fantastic with me, man. What color hair do you have?
    Dear god... so bored you're in the arcade?

    This must be a new low.

    Anyway... I have a minute before I disappear for a few days, if you don't turn up to say goodbye...

    don't claw the furniture and don't pee on the carpet.

    *fills water bowl and turns out the light*
    nice. Is it a real Ulster accent, or an accent you picked up to give yourself a little distinction?
    Every body is a book of blood, whenever they're opened they're red....

    Well, maybe we already are.
    I mean, we do consist mainly of stories that we tell ourselves.
    Maybe we just need to learn how to read. :P
    Hmm... or wait until people start having memory-implants, and make a whole library-virus that infests all memory.

    Perhaps a whole city that is a library, with shuttle traffic between genres.
    Sure go for it. I need a reason to stalk you back though. I seek equality in all my perverted relationships.
    Hmm, it depends on how you look at it. Breaking a rule simply because it exists does nothing for me. I seriously doubt it would change the world as a whole either. It would be a pointless activity with a rather dull outcome.

    I break rules that I claim to be pointless or utterly stupid. Speed limits for example... Why should one be restricted to 30mph on an open road at 4AM? The answer is you shouldn't and quite frankly I don't :) I'm not breaking simply to piss The Man off. I'm breaking it because I'm pissed off.

    Anyways, most rules are made for idiots who can't think for themselves and would probably be dead if they weren't told how to act.

    I like the term Boring INTP. It's rarer ^^
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