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  • Hahahaha that South Park episode was so gross.

    Are you still going to go ahead with the experiment?
    Well... actually.... *thinks he should just shut up* :D

    I'd think there's also a correlation with a certain lack of ethics and possibly sociopathy. Don't ignore the carnal aspect.
    So uh.... I very much like Crowley. Currently reading Book 4 and ordered more.

    tbh you're far ahead of me when it comes to synchronicity and well.... probably most things that don't involve tranquilizing bears or measuring squirrel testicles. I've been using it as a prybar to get to other things, really. I should probably stop doing so, but I know I won't.
    So.... I didn't actually start saving them until after the pedo convo that blew me out of the water, but there are LEGIT sociopaths, satanists, pedophiles, exhibitionists, addicts,

    Honestly... Just put them in your interests. You'll get them. It's ironic that I can't post most of the convos in the "occult" category because they also involve.... downright unmentionables. One though was a practitioner of magick in the U.K. who wasn't a fan of Crowley nor the "Dark Arts."
    It ultimately broke down into a discussion on methods and how good ultimately needs evil to exist. It also involved a series of unmentionable things done to poultry. :phear:

    Another involved unmentionable things with horses, sensory deprivation, and ritualistic sacrifice.... and went on for 3 hours... :ahh:
    Glad you enjoyed Necromantik, you should really check out the 2nd one as well!
    I've yet to see Schramm, please do let me know what you think!
    I'm afraid not. I'm pretty sure he left that Socionics forum at about the same time or even before I did, and like myself it seems he has been posting and even checking here less and less. It's anyone's guess as to why, but I can say that for me it is less lack of time to do so (though my free time has considerably dwindled as of late) than it is the lack of stimulating and thoughtful conversation.
    Continuing with the firefly thing...

    Assuming patterns aren't recognized universally (perhaps a pattern is only seen from one angle), can that result in a greater population effect in 3 dimensions as the initial pattern reverberates through those that did observe it?

    Have you messed around with NetLogo's firefly model? You should...

    "This model demonstrates a population of fireflies which synchronize their flashing using only the interactions between the individual fireflies. It is a good example of how a distributed system (i.e. a system with many interacting elements, but no 'leader') can coordinate itself without any central coordinator."
    At the moment I seem to be more preoccupied with other subjects that have taken my interest; physics and philosophy....throw in some psychology. I keep finding random things in my search for answers.....the deeper I delve into the bunny hole, the more furiously I dig.

    I'm not even sure what I'm looking for.

    How are you going?
    And regarding type...sigh.

    I give up.

    However, if I use the process of elimination I do eventually get to INTP. Not that it means a great deal....other than it helps me to understand stuff about myself when I read Architect's musings, for example...because it makes sense. I sort of relate to Jenny as well.....then again, it could be that we are all a bit older. Hmmm....

    Stuffworkdespair is one entity.


    I seem to be spending more time on the forum than doing any studying or anything else, for that matter. For the moment I have hit the wall.
    If I ever get my ass to Old Blighty, I know what we are going to be doing in the evenings......

    .....watch all the Bergman movies!


    It's funny, I tend to be the one "wearing the pants" in relationships. Not because I'm bossy or anything, but I tend to be more distant and serious while my partners have (in the past) tended to be feely 'airheads'; dancing around, all cuddly and loving while I've been sort of gratefully on the receiving end, albeit not quite sure what to do with myself :phear:

    I could probably describe it as emotional awkwardness.
    Coincidentally I think whatever I just spilled into text was pretty fluffy, but... somehow semi-meaningful fluff.

    What's a good example of something people do in a pattern that they don't recognize?
    The pattern is meaning. But what differentiates meaningful pattern from a completely random arrangement? It's got to be something relating to the agents themselves. A pattern is a reflection of the observer, what a given group of observers share. Emergence of the self as... greater than the self. Goddamn I love this.

    And yes, this would make a bitchin' movie. Troof. :D

    In other news, I think I've turned into a firefly. :cool:
    After a little rumination and some special time with various cheesy products, I'd call it emergence, but emergence of what? An understanding of everything that something is through synergistic triangulation? How might it be captured? Is this what "art" is?

    Yes. A few simple rules... based on a formula wherein the response of a given agent (firefly) is determined by a random agent-specific numeral. With multiple subjects, say a swarm of fireflies, most of this randomness is undecipherable; but occasionally a group will light up in a recognizable pattern, say, a star. Now what would need to be done is make a rule that a given pattern has a unique property, that may or may not affect other fireflies in a manner that they produce other patterns with different rules. Sort of like an intermittent fractal through time I suppose.
    I'm slowly working my way to responding to this, but it occurs to me that you should make it into a movie.
    Hey! :beatyou:

    ...ya scruffy, flea infested.....ratbag.

    Are you saying I should don the INFJ tag?

    Hmmm......hmmmm....hm, hm, hm.......hm...hrmph. Oh well.

    -Oh, look! Liv Ullmann! :cutewhitekitten:
    Excellent, cheers. I'll send a pm after work so it'll be a few hours in the coming. INFJ you say :eek:. It is a possibility.
    Sounds like you've found your calling :cutewhitekitten:

    Haha I don't know about particular directors but it's definitely some art house shit.

    I've wanted to read Sandman for a while because I've heard good things about it but haven't come across any copies. I'll have to look into From Hell.
    alright. well remember to drop some stuff here when you feel ready. either forums or PM.

    i like drawing but it's usually not even figurative, let alone narrative... too scatterbrained and indecisive for that.
    Baudelaire? Whenever I feel a little to heavily that certain deluded sense of cheerful hopefulness about the direction of our society I make myself read Baudelaire in order to gain back a little bit of angry ennui. :D

    What are your thoughts on Rimbaud?
    Oh, no - I hadn't seen it. Choice! Thanks for sharing. And for letting me know how things are piecing together. I'd like to imagine that I might have been helpful! (In that, you know, absolutely not self-gloating kind of way. Onward Alexander Crusades! Not until the world is Changed shall we lay down our errr... swords... comics... umm... )

    Puffy, you flee ridden mangy cur!!!! How dare you get that song stuck in my head!!! You know the one. Don't even try to deny it!
    I'm alright, personal stuff going on but I'm still here.

    That's cool, I'll check if out if you like it, I've been more appreciative of electronic music lately.
    Yes, notifications...:phear:

    My phone was beeping so much while I was at work I was getting jumpy.

    Your new avatar is :D

    I'm now busy cramming down a last-minute hap-hazard summary for an assignment, I will get back to you :)
    Hmmm, I have to look into Christopher Alexander, not familiar with him.

    Oh, what am I going to ask....

    I have to make a decision about where to go next. Mentally, as well as geographically.

    Also I have other more ethereal confusions....more emotional-based stuff. I am not good with emotionally based decisions.

    Noooo....don't leave.....:phear:


    I understand rebellion....heh.

    The way science was taught at my school was certainly not why I chose to study it. In fact, it put me off at first.

    But the interest and passion have always been there, so I chose to go my own way about it; getting a degree that would allow me to work for a good income while studying science at my own pace.

    Btw, I'm still a humble undergrad. But I have to write a lot of scientific reports for assignments, so getting plenty of practice. We do a lot of fieldwork which we then go on to analyse, which is the interesting part. However, I have only one more subject and then I'm done. My mentor/lecturer/employer is prodding me to make a decision on an honours project.....argh, procrastination.
    Btw, I see you like Cocteau Twins...just listening to them now. That first album is great...interesting era in the UK music scene.

    I can't remember Vertigo, it is such a long time since I saw it.

    "I'm convinced the majority made today are shite."

    Haha...I have to agree...

    It's like film these days is all about aesthetic and audio perfection, but if the concept or plot is lame it doesn't convince much.

    And most current films seem to have have plots (or lack of thereof) that are utterly predictable...or too much emphasis is on production. But this is very much the Hollywood influence perhaps. Do they really think people are that dumb?

    I haven't watched much European stuff lately, have little time to research what is out there as these types of movies aren't promoted the same way.
    I used to love Hitchcock movies when I was younger...I actually still do. I want to get the whole collection. I just seem to have little time for watching movies. And somehow I have lost interest, I don't know why. There's just nothing that seems to hold my attention these days. Any recommendations?:p

    I lost interest in the forum for a while, but I then get drawn back. Seems cyclic, like most things in my world.

    I've actually contemplated approaching the I Ching again, for the first time in a couple of years. I'm still procrastinating.....

    I also owe you a PM....still procrastinating over that one...I have been absorbed in my studies and work, haven't written to anyone for ages...
    They dismembered your blog....:ahh: <---- here's my sympathy dismembered face.

    You sound about as busy as me...

    I kind of envy you as you probably have more creative freedom in your writing.

    Scientific writing is restrictive, for obvious reasons. Sometimes I just want to let the Ne loose....

    Often I try to give myself the challenge of writing a captivating scientific report. This can be sort of creative, but it is also a little more time-consuming. There is a certain 'art' to making scientific material captivating....but I know people who can do this and they are the ones that seem to be quite successful in the scientific community. The importance of being able to communicate one's findings is as important as the findings themselves. One of my passions is the idea of making science accessible to the greater community. But enough of that.

    She's adorable!

    How are you? I have been reading your blog, I love it.
    Part 4:

    Much like what I've heard and read about a shrooms trip and ego death, this can be channeled into areas of a spiritual nature; exploring the mechanisms of the "god machine;" perhaps "seeing" and intrinsically understanding something like infinite regress right in front of you without actually having the capacity to describe it or even know what it is.

    Yeah, this was long lol. I think I might be just a teensy bit.... :cat:
    Part 3:

    Apparently conventional psychology considers this to be the result of extreme delusions in mania, flight of ideas, etc; but I believe strongly that it's both different and a positive experience. In my case at least, there have been no wild spending sprees. There have been no incidents of dancing naked in the street claiming to be Jesus or leaping from buildings in a chicken suit while wearing my latest greatest flight invention. Decisions are logical and observations are real and make sense long after the fact (though short term memory dies, so I must actively record as I think). Emotion, however, is unpredictable. This is what gives it the feel of being rushed by the current.
    Part 2:

    It's similar to "flow" I suppose, but it feels like you're in the fucking river, moving with it. Your thoughts are no longer your own, as if you've become a conscious observer. In my case this frequently occurs along with incidents of deja vu and weird ass dreams; As in playing poker with dead relatives & satan, Yoda driving you off a cliff in the Scooby Doo van, 20 foot grizzly and cubs mauling through your house of psychedelic blood weird ass dreams. I want to stay there forever.
    Part 1:

    Um... well... you feel like god. You believe you can do anything, and often can if your focus holds. It's like Ne kicks it up a notch to the point where you "know" automatically, consistently for an extended period of time and the insight is actually right; in fact dead on, repeatedly. The vibe says person X will shortly order the veggie sub with mozzarella for lunch and as if on command, it is so; etc. It's like all the things you pick up on unconsciously are consciously active. Perhaps all 4 functions light up like a jack'o'lantern? I have no idea.
    Could you tell me more about meditation. I think the most I can do is mindfulness eyes open. Without sensory stimuli I cant invoke emotions. Do you have an internalized physiological map of your brain regions?
    Episkopos is more on the chaotic good side. Pleroma is the Episkopos core plus some more grating individuals. The only real "rule" is to keep invites tight and lofty. Korzybski's wiki article appears interesting...

    The lack of hypomania is very much related to my uh... flaccid genius. I haven't been above the cognitive level of assembly line work for some time now (though I think I'm currently working my way back up).

    I think part of being a shaman is being aware of those deterministic processes that put lightning in your fingers and allow you to think above yourself, to the point where they can be controlled (or dove into). Not just experiencing the power, but channeling it, and then successfully transmitting it to others. I'm not there yet.
    I owe that thread a response, which has been on my mind for a long time. I find I've been unable to sustain my cognition in any meaningful fashion for months now. Waiting for the spark. One might call it praying because I fear what might happen if it doesn't return. :slashnew:

    As far as shamanism, I'm painfully aware that I'm still a fledgling. The best I can do is introduce you to Episkopos via fb. As far as practice, well, you've got a lot of local ethnobotany to catch up on and manifested juju to collect. ;)
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