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  • Yeah it shows nearby emotions like a map. As for it being a wheel, I think it has alchemical significance; or you could just say one emotion leads to another, depending on what's stimulating you in your environment / mind.

    Cool, I haven't perfected it, but the general atmosphere is there.
    What did you think of the I Ching? It's not for everyone and I find that the more Analytic Types find it irritating but I just love it for all it's woo woo mystically mumbo jumbo. Philosphy Student's Disease is what I call it ;)
    Dear Puffy,

    I have been sans pc in the last couple of weeks, and writing from my phone is a little frustrating, to say the least. I'm currently hanging with Min and Latte in a beautiful fjord landscape....spent last weekend with Jah in Oslo, which was really quite wonderful after two weeks with family...
    In a few days time I shall be reunited with my beloved....laptop.
    I will tell you of my adventures in Hong Kong, think you'll find it interesting. Was thinking of you while there.
    Archetypes-- no. Although they are a primitive form of perception that can sometimes mediate between a here and a there, for a time.

    Thanks for opening up on the rest.
    The motif works without the violence, I guess. I think there's a tendency for entities and yearnings from beyond to be carnivorous/bloodthirsty (as recorded in many cultures' myths/practices) because they're just ignored/crushed-to-mundane-dust without the momentum/wake-up-call that brings. There's also an awareness of the plane on which/the entities to which violence can occur, and of where their origin/being lies in relation to them. And also an awareness of the very actual but unseen violence being committed against them and theirs by such aspects, which expect them to submit voiceless and not retaliate, just 'cos they don't recognise the violence being done.

    So it's really self-preservation, misconstrued by oppressors. As oppressors always ignore and misconstrue...

    But yeah, the motif works without violence. Almost every attempt I've tried has been without it. W/e. Humans suck.
    PS: It is interesting that you used that image from Un Chien Andalou. I have the book here with me right now, flicking through the images.

    Now, DROOL.

    You ain't getting your sticky sausages on my David Lynch collectible....no matter how much you soil my once pristine profile with your filth.

    Yeah sure.....
    Arnold never anticipated the outcome of that bicep. He wasn't going for the attention either. He just lifted saucepans up and down in his Austrian grandma's kitchen, and ka-boom.

    Meanwhile I'm going mad in Norway avec le family:
    Describes the situation rather well.



    How was your conference?

    Btw thanks for the Bechdel-link.
    Hope you don't think I'm rude, leaving it so long to reply, but I find myself in Norway suddenly....I shall get back to you soon :)
    Not saying that you are one of those who want to "fix", in fact you seem to greatly respect people's autonomy. I think that must be why I enjoy our conversations. I hope I haven't tried to do that to you....:phear: if I do, please tell me to :mad: off.

    Yeah, I think I have fallen victim to the collective consciousness that is currently in the spirit of post-modernism....I feel like stabbing myself in the eye with a corkscrew.

    I wish I could turn my emotions off. Where's the #&*!@ Off button...:slashnew:
    My concern with upsetting (perhaps that was the wrong choice of word) is related to my world-view of late. I seem to default to existentialism whenever things go pear-shaped. I hate to bring people down with my gloom and doom, so I tend to not want to write anything at all when I'm in that mode as I find it hard to pretend to be "all right". Not that I would pretend anything, but I prefer to stay silent when I'm like this, just for consideration of others. Everyone has their own crap to deal with, so I feel no inclination to indulge in mine without feeling like a self-possessed whiner.

    I may write generic stuff on the forum, but as it's directed at no one in particular it somehow feels easier. It is merely pressure-relief, and I desire no advice from anyone, in fact it irritates me greatly when people feel inclined to fix things with their subjective "logic".

    I write as a form of purging, I guess.

    I just purged. Hrm.
    Were you still interested in doing more? I'm not really up to it anymore, and I wasn't planning on another, but I realized I forgot about Cavallier.
    Haha....I knew it wasn't directed at me but I couldn't resist playing along with what you said...


    Yes, the Norway trip is kind of sudden, booking the ticket and stuff...but I had procrastinated for some time.

    But looking forward to seeing Minnie again, and a couple of other friends. I wish I had had the time to stop in England so I could maim your legs properly, but alas...not this time. Things are a little urgent.

    I will get back to our correspondence, though....I just need to procrastinate a bit more...:slashnew:
    Hey :)
    I kinda made it a hobby to meet people from this forum when I find myself somewhere in their area.
    Lostwitheal and I are going to England in a week or two, so if you're up for a cup of coffee sometime, let me know :)
    It's fine without the drums, I'm not even sure how they'd pull it off anyway.

    In that case Blood Mountain might be remembered the most, I think that was their commercial breakthrough point. Even for me, I first heard Iron Tusk and Crusher Destroyer, but Blood Mountain is what got me into them.

    I don't think I could call it an interest, like music or typology would be, it's not really particular. I do like Halloween though. :P
    The vocals one is nice, it just as epic as the original, if not more. It makes me imagine it as a black-and-white stop animation horror from the 50s.


    Since you mention Mastodon, I did check out The Hunter. Liked a few songs, but I don't think I'll like the whole thing as much as the others.
    VM haemhorraghe......

    I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing if your ground suddenly starts to shift under your feet.

    I find it rather exhilarating......

    I think you should go for all the modules if you have the interest and the drive. Can she make an exemption for you?

    Is this part of your honours or is it masters you are doing now? Sorry, I get confused with all the different systems...
    Oh, forgot to answer that last question...was it gradual, hmmmm

    I think so...although I was fighting it furiously in the process of trying to conform. It is only in the last few years I have understood why. Previously I just did whatever I wanted to do, never paid much attention to what parents/society told me. But I had this feeling of guilt, constantly. Always beating myself up for going my own way. I hated that part of me, but the urge was stronger than the urge to conform. Luckily.

    Otherwise, who knows where I would have been now. Probably slashing my wrists over the kitchen sink while waiting for my life to begin after kids/husband had lived theirs......

    I think I must have observed my mothers unhappiness and taken a leaf from her book, unconsciously. She was a very driven and ambitious person before she met my father.

    I think I am definitely still changing constantly. There isn't a day where I have some flashing insight about something or other...I should write a diary.
    Awww...I think your Pness is rather awesome too...it's just right, not to big, not too small....:D:phear::kilroy:

    Interesting now that you have reflected on my ramblings...Our lives are completely dictated by our convictions, or lack of thereof. I am not sure if I set a great example to be honest. But then, what is wrong with that kind of life? As you said, societal contextual frameworks get restrictive for someone with such a large Pness. I can see you have great gypsy-potential, although you also have that drive I recognise. It makes for an interesting future.

    I am sure we'll meet one day, btw. I would be absolutely raving insane not to have made the effort to meet such a fascinating person. I like the UK, perhaps I will plan a trip there in the near future.
    I'm desperate to move..although the sad thing is I seem to have made some very good friends here...but I have done that many times. I think it gets harder as you get older...ripping up time and time again. Now I'm worried I've become too settled where I am, it is almost like I'm constantly finding excuses to stay put.

    I would move back to Sydney (hard, rent is ridiculously high, and for a part-time student it is tricky to get by financially, especially since I'm in a lower wage class now that I'm no longer in dentistry (health issues prevents me from going back). Other alternative is go back to Norway where I can study for free. Which means ripping up and starting all over again. I am not sure if I want to be in Norway. Family crap, etc. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place right now.

    Yes, you are right...I did say indecisive, but had a think about it and realised it was never indecision, although that was how everyone else perceived my actions...
    ah, you beat me to the VM-thing....

    Well...I have always liked geoscience. So I am thinking of combining that with my ecology background...somehow. I need to see my mentor about how I should go about this. I may have to move again.

    It's not so much indecisiveness as much as a change of perspective as you learn more about something...I find the more I learn the less I know, and frankly; knowledge can lead to depression. One can know too much, or rather, one can know a lot; it is knowing what to do with that knowledge and how to process it that helps to shape one's belief-system ( I think blob coined that term...I like it) and how one thinks...
    You should befriend Hune Margolis on facebook (see my friend list) He is the head of the Martin Buber Institute and is knowledgable about many of the Jewish philosophers and their work.
    The problem I have with many of the Jewish philosophers, is that as brilliant as they are and have been throughout history, Jesus Christ remains their chief stumbling block, while for Others He is our cornerstone. I read and comment on Hune's status quite often, but I simply hit a brick wall when I try to explain how Christ not only fits within but completes the model of Self and Other.

    Love thy Other as Self
    Love God as Self
    Whence are the boundaries of True Self?
    I haven't read anything from that book since last time I mentioned it I think 0.o I have, like you, been reading school related things (I only take philosophy classes this semester actually).
    Sylvester, hmm.. I really like his "evil" look. He must be the slowest (as in dumb) villain ever conceived:) I mean, what is there NOT to love about Sylvester? It was mainly a lack of creativity, however, on my part for choosing him as my avatar again.
    Yeah, I heard it on the ATHF movie, it was pretty funny. I didn't know it was them though at first.
    Re: pm, p.s.

    By beats, I mean to also include rhythm. It's why "kick-snare-hi hat" is so classic in hip hop, because drums are able to create such irresistible and contagious rhythms(which in some spiritualities have associations with the body, especially for tribes in Africa, and the Native Americans).
    Impact was mostly just the confirmation of my suspicions towards the situation at whole....I think I must distrust my intuition when it concerns people-stuff. Freud would have a field day in my head....

    Yes, I think you are right....our conscious and sub-consciousness + reality's reflection back on this provides a gestalt which is in effect reality.

    I recently had this thought that many subjective views are what makes up an objective whole. And it could never be otherwise as the anthropocentric perspective is all we could ever relate to. Maybe. So I guess a resource like the I Ching provides an interesting dimension to this gestalt, a new addition to the whole that results in a more diverse, and thus, perhaps more creative outlook on life as a human in a more esoteric context. There was something written about I Ching and chaos theory....I'll have to look it up.

    Not sure if I'm making much sense...:confused:
    I like the deadpan approach, and the fact that it is a familiar topic...INTPf. It works well for me with the minimalist approach as my imagination is allowed to fill in the rest. Also I like your dry and direct approach to the perhaps more sensitive aspects of living on the fringes of society (as many introverts do, and all the eccentricities that follow; somehow they become more hilarious when applied to a group). Your personal touch (one can tell the narrator has some personal input here) makes it more interesting too.

    Hmmm...the "predictions". :o

    It was more personal stuff, like relationship confusion and such. I guess I was trying to work out whether I had made a wise decision....turned out I hadn't. I guess I'm still quite incapable of understanding my own emotions concerning other people, so I'm forever trying to take the easy way out.....let the I Ching make the decision for me....
    Yes, I don't limit myself to one type of machine....I like a bit of variation.

    Yes, poor old Christian would be left behind by the Harrier Jet:


    That webcomic definitely has something, and yes; the internet is the perfect launch-pad.

    The I Ching...yes. I have "consulted" it a few times when I have been very undecided/unsure about something, just for the hell of it....it has turned out to be quite close to reality, the predictions. The conundrum is: did I already make my mind up sub-consciously so that the predictions were merely confirmation of what I already knew...or have I been subconsciously influenced by the predictions to the extent where they became reality? :storks:

    Do you have a copy yet?

    I sincerely appreciate your inputs Puffy. You have a knack for writing....stuff. What are your projects at the moment? I love your webcomic, btw.
    Hmmm, accountant? Rather a politician, one would think. The question is for those of us who are stuck on this stage as players is whether we are being recorded, have been recorded or will be recorded...

    Eternity is a difficult concept to grasp
    The comics show, but there are two images that don't show, one of them is below the first, and the other is beneath the first.

    Ah, I don't think I've heard that term before, there's 'tossing salad' here but it's not the same.
    Did you notice he's kind of 'playing with himself', if that is a ball(plus it's his libido) or was it intentional?

    Also, there are two images above and below the first panel, but they don't load.
    I was writing a pm about what you said earlier when you were recommending the pdf, but the comic was so random it changed my general attitude / mood, like it relaxed me, I don't feel like the pm is necessary anymore.
    I was typing a pm but after seeing this comic I don't feel as decisive about it, this comic was really unexpected.
    Those words remind me of a similar situation I've been in that didn't end well that I really don't wish go through again. :slashnew:
    Alright, I'll keep those in mind.

    Yeah I know, it was a new idea. I thought about it too, your example helps, but I'm not sure if I fully grasp it. I guess it would be similar to telling a nonverbal story with pictures.
    Well, the novels that he pioneered the technique with were 'Soft Machine' (yeah, the band named themselves after it), 'The Ticket that Exploded' and 'Nova Express' (all Sci-Fi), some of his interview commentary is good though.

    Kind've said 'rhyming events' on the spot, was thinking about it at work though. I was thinking of it as a metaphor for certain examples of cut-up. Like, months ago, before I climbed Kilimanjaro, I started ascending a hill in the morning. I was thinking at the time that I was tired already and not ready for Kilimanjaro. Then I could hear the sound of many ships fog-horns blurting over one another, it created a cacophony that sounded like a broken orchestra tuning. Tuning is associated with pre-performance, I was tired pre-travel to Africa, at the bottom of a hill, in the morning: all of these signs rhyme with each as they're saying similar things, the meaning becomes more pronounced by their overlap.
    I see what you mean(about mentioning him again in the pm), not a problem though. If you have any suggestions of his writing, I'm open to them.

    Rhyming events sounds pretty interesting, what would that be like?

    I read some of the pm, but I'll have to get to it at a later time.
    I like your photography...my comments were meant to be ironic...sorry if that came out the wrong way. It's like sitting on a beach watching one of those overwhelming sunsets, and then uttering: "It's really ugly, isn't it?"

    Haha...car share is cool, only being INTP, one tends to get distracted by the conversation so that one ends up in a completely different end of town than one intended.....yup, done that.

    Oh, what type of jobs? How exciting....are they interesting jobs?

    The field work is exhausting...data collection is fun only for limited time when it is icy cold and your back and fingers hurt...I prefer to be analysing the data if you know what I mean..I'm trying to find more of that sort of work at the moment.

    I had to sleep in a house full of guys last time....which is amusing up to a certain point....but the....HAIR. IS. EVERYWHERE. :eek:

    (Continuing on the reflections of your hirsute observations from the library)

    Have you ever grown a beard?:oldman:
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