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  • Oh, and don't worry about your boat. I'll bring her back no worse for wear...in a few years. :D I really need the vacation you know?
    Awe! Fireworks are just the thing for an evening sail around this little bay. I don't want your love or your pants. Your valentine can keep you. Who says that two people can't enjoy a bottle of wine together without any romance? If that's the way of the universe then I've got a few friends that will be very worried...not to mention my husband. ;)
    *Steals Ducky's boat and sails away enjoying a nice bottle of wine and some cheese*

    You can come but only if you bring a second bottle of wine...
    The guy is basically a walking pile of health issues. No one knows why he's alive... except that maybe the booze and cigarette abuse has turned him into human beef jerkey saturated in formaldahyde....
    Fe's not your strong suit? Lol... you certainly seem to like to practice, though. :)

    I'll figure it out. But it's not much of something to pre-determine, it's more just "batten down the hatches" and go with my instincts when it finally comes to pass. Who knows, maybe the situation might change by that point? It depends on how long he lasts. He's already about 25 years past what I thought he'd achieve.
    Your role at that funeral is whatever you want it to be. Hug his coffin, spit on his grave, make a song, or whatever you choose; don't let their expectations make you feel compelled to act in a certain way. After all, it's not like he'll care.

    That's kind of naive.
    Follow that Fe a bit here.

    Yes, I can do whatever I want.
    And yes, I will have to live with the ramifications of what I choose to do.
    I'm not worried about him, I'm worried about everyone one who might take the opportunity to muck about in my life. And about my mom, who I don't want to see be stuck in such a mess either.

    You know how people are.

    So it's more a matter of what mess I want to be part of and what mess I would rather avoid.
    I am going to pay more attention but I don't see it as of now. As you said, there is content that I'm not privy to that broadens these strokes of paint.
    Hey pal I didn't see any grief or emotion in BAPs post on that thread.

    It looked like his way of trying to lobby for one more chance at redemption.
    My Sousaphona dentata only want tuba toff other things, as per their particular tastes.

    I just think it's rather dark when referring to burning faggots of wood when talking about gay marriage.
    That leaves too many inappropriate puns running through my head...

    Although, it being winter, warm toesies is always a good thing!
    ...i think i broke a nail. But that's what happens when you swing a big hammer.

    Actually, i feel like I understand him a bit better, at least. And the situation in some other countries is a little different than in the US. I've actually met 1-2 other men from the UK who are interchangeable with him, so it's giving me some insight into the situation.
    Well, I guess perfection takes either an eternity, or an instant.

    Load a page of random images, throw a dart at your screen. Buy new screen. Grace us with visuals.
    Why thank you, it's a cunning disguise. Soon though I expect I'll change it.

    I find yours... invisible!?
    I'm alive, but thanks for worrying.

    I've just felt the need to be more alone with my thoughts, lately. I get to see people at school every day, so there's no social deficit.

    How are you?
    Well, it's kind of late now - just took my midterm tonight.

    Anyway, I was just having trouble with some nomenclature, but it's no biggie anymore.

    Coincidentally, however, changes in molecular structures change how light reflects off of them, in reference to the whole light spiel. I've had many a night pondering the intricacies of the tiniest structural changes in molecules altering the angles of reflection, and thus changing our perception of them (and consequently our perception of the world around us). I'm contemplating starting to work on a thread about it, actually.
    Just out of curiosity, do you happen to know much about organic chemistry? Specifically some nomenclature; I'm having difficulty with some of it.
    I already replied to your post. Before you said that I live in Australia. It is not really a mother of all rebuttals either. Most of the time I like to keep things short. Well, unless I am putting forward a thesis for a new topic.
    No problem! Gawd, you're making me feel emberassed! ^^

    But really, come on. How can these people not understand the necessity of philosophy? How? :(
    I am sad roughly half the time. I don't think there's anything wrong, since I've been this way as long as I can remember. Thanks, man.

    I've just been busy with school, so I don't get on but to post whatever cool quote comes to mind. How are you doing?
    Sure you can! INTP's love a little contradictory behavior not to mention irony!

    Either way, I just thought it was interesting that you did not have an avatar yet.
    I do follow my own advice! I love Hugo Weaving. And I love beards. Thus, a small tantalizing aspect of my own nature is provided for all the forum to see. :)

    I still like your picture. ;) What do I think of it as your avatar you mean? It's good. More interesting than current non-picture.
    Female INTPs often masquerade as male online. First off, most people mistake us for men to begin with and it's easier to just go with it. Second, we generally don't like all the negative and positive attention being a known female online can give a person.

    There is no reason to be limited by our "gender" or biology for that matter. :D

    I like that picture.
    Doesn't have to represent all of you at once. You could give us tantalizing tidbits of you.
    -I'll add a scene where Noah walks over to Sloan after shooting her; in the original, the effect is that of him teleporting

    Clarification of what I intended, Noah didn't shoot Sloan. Sloan was on the ground winded and the Tango had his gun pointed at her. Noah keeping with the don't kill ran over and clubbed the Tango with his rifle. The Tango on being clubbed reflexively pulled the trigger though Tango's aim was off and he only shot Sloan in the leg..
    Accidentally added zip ties to their equipment load out in the story, didn't feel like editing it out.
    Clarification requested, what do you mean when you say: "but without a bipod instead of a foregrip"
    Geeze, thanks. I hardly even discussed it, though, just told Blob he's ignorant is all. Still, I like that people can learn from things I said. Thank you.
    I just realized this, but FYI, I didn't intend this as an insult. It's an odd, ENTPian form of encouragement that serves to motivate (well... us at least :D) toward improvement by bringing forth Fe. For us, it's normally an unconscious thing (for examples of the conscious aspect, look at Cog vs Da Blob and me vs Proxy): http://www.intpforum.com/showpost.php?p=340062&postcount=104

    A unique facet of calling out fallacy with skill is to never overtly refer to it as fallacy. ;)
    I'm not sure I'm as sensitive as you might think. In some ways, INTPs are the more sensitive type.

    I'm not sure how to recenter you :P

    Doorslam you?? I don't wanna doorslam you! What would I do without you?

    So, to outsiders it's brutish? How interesting. I doorslammed someone back in August... the person from my blog. I'm fine, by the way, courtesy of.
    Hah. See I just tried to get you to try the doorslam XD

    Whatever works for you, man. You know yourself better than anyone else does.
    I find it unfair that you're treated that way here. If it's not to your liking, you should leave, on principle. I'm sure your warmth, sense of humor and intelligence would be appreciated elsewhere-- such as the INFJs forums.

    I want friends, too. I'm at the movies on my phone, so I'll write more later.
    Well, we (INFJs) all differ from each other in the subtleties.

    I wouldn't say you are zany. Zany seems to carry more than just negative connotation. I would say you're all just eccentric... and sometimes zany.

    You do seem like them, but you also don't. Maybe it's just your age, but you seem a lot more vulnerable than the rest of them. You're very dedicated to knowledge and logic, as a textbook INTP should be, but you seem emotionally vulnerable in this stage of life. I'd say it's an age thing.

    I'm not nearly as dedicated to logic or knowledge. I love learning and I love applying logic, but not enough to make it my centerpiece in life. I guess my centerpiece is to do my best to achieve my vision of what the world should be, even if it's impossible. Also, to be the person I want to be. Basically, I'm about (self-)actualization and hate, above all, things to stay as they always have been or as they are now.
    Don't be so hard on yourself; you're only still in high school. :D

    You will have much time to build an even wider knowledge base (what you have now at 17 or 18 is more than most adults), to sharpen your logic skills, and all else that comes with the territory.
    Thanks for the hugs, sir. Have one yourself.


    (These INTPs can be a rough crowd, hm?)

    BTW, I am a dude.
    I never got into the manga. Its been 1.5 years since I have watched the anime. They haven't translated all of it it into English.

    I was on episode 165 Naruto shippuden. Haven't got to Nagato yet.
    I can't do it, I put too much thought into it and the emotive symbolism gets lost.

    Maybe tonight I'll dream some more.
    You just lack the spontaneous and random relations Ne types tend to connect and present. Your ideas are more of an Ni nature. [need quotes] It emphasizes on vision. [need quotes] Depression could be a factor as well. Either way, I'm not that certain of your type. Since your the most exposed to yourself, I can only hope that you'll think about the INFJ conjecture even if slightly.
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