One thing that the Christian religion teaches that I do practice is repentance. If I do something that hurts myself or another person (including animals), I repent. I recognize what I did and why it was wrong, and I promise myself and God that I'll do better. It's part of my personal growth and helps me avoid repeating mistakes.
What God has taught me is that he doesn't care about the things people believe. The way he looks at us is similar to a parent watching their children play; sometimes children play that a cardboard box is a spaceship, sometimes people believe that there is a place called hell where God throws them to burn in fire. God looks at the heart, at how much we desire to be better, to grow, to understand, and above all, how much we care about others. If you live your life loving and listening, always seeking to understand and become better, then your heart will be filled with the presence of God.