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  • I have developed the theory that the only men really worth knowing have cross dressed at some point in their lives. :D
    I keep posting vm's to my own profile...:confused:

    No worries and no hurries Puffs, Enjoy the time with your family :)
    Awwww....HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUFFY :) :) :)



    *awkward silence*


    Oh, the sad cat is making me sad :(

    Are you going to celebrate? Haha...I don't think I have ever celebrated my birthdays, except when other people wanted an excuse to get rat-assed.

    I hope you do celebrate. You should. Let your hair out, and all that jazz.

    Yes, the fundamentals are.....fundamental. Note: (Funda) MENTAL.

    Yup. There's a reason they are exactly that. To drive us all insane, bonkers, loopy, etc.

    Frustration is my middle name. I'll send you a PM....not sure how much you would enjoy listening to my frustrations, though...

    I just need some superglue....then I'll be right back.

    Yes, sorry, I have been a little...preoccupied. I tend to neglect the things that are important whenever I go through periods of stress.

    Thinking that the important things are the obvious stuff, such as: money, education, blahdehblah.

    The Rooster song is rather eerie. He died, as you probably are aware of. I wanted to post the "unplugged" version, but it was a little depressing. This music haunts me for some reason. Although it is amazing, removed from the death-context.

    Haha....stoned "gentleman"....that'll likely be an Alice in Chains-gig experience...

    I haven't forgotten our correspondence....

    I'm just getting myself back together...I hope you are well, and I shall get to writing very soon.
    Oh, and I like being able to have a holiday without going 'abroad'. But recently they all but revoked our citizenship and degraded us to second class by stating that anyone British can travel anywhere in the U.K without I.D, unless they're coming from Northern Ireland. :P

    So overall I kinda enjoy the position.

    Oh, and I love the English. Which is very unbecoming of an Irishman, so don't tell anyone. :o

    It's a new game they're working on, that's been in planning since the nineties. An RTS named 'the hand of odd'.
    Well... It varies as I'm sure you're aware. Strong Unionists demand they have a strong sense of being 'British' (whatever that is) and Nationalists will be equally proud to be Irish. One can have either passport after all.

    To be honest though, I see the general psyche as quite an Irish one, slightly different to the rest of Ireland, but it's our best match in terms of identity.

    The idea that one can be 'British' alone is quite silly, because it features a huge range of identities few of which correlate to ours.
    I myself identify as Irish, and that was more of a conscious decision based on literature, reviewing history and a better perspective of our place on an international level, as I was born into a Unionist family.

    There are however various 'British' entities I couldn't live without, such as the BBC and... Well actually it's mainly just the BBC. :D
    Haha, Speiss is the 'editor' in question. She has a huge impact on the structure and presentation and her constant whining motivates me to write more.
    I suspect it just might be a joke. ;)

    Huh... Cliche hrm? In what way? I say that cause I don't think I've ever read about two stranger children meeting on a deserted beach with questions as to whether or not either existed.
    Or are you refering to the style in which I writer? : o
    At any rate, you must explain further!

    (But it is funny how varied the comments are on this. XD You say it might be cliche, Cog says it's too Indie and rare to ever be published, and someone else just said it was 'bizarre')
    Beal Feirste is just 'Belfast' before it was anglicized by nasty English invaders.

    I put it there because I prefer the name, and generally people don't know what it means or where it is, so they don't inquire. :3 But uh... Yeah, I'm in Northern Ireland.
    So yes, we're probably in the same 'country' in that sense.

    Yeah, same here. I can talk a mile a minute, and seem to do so when I'm in work, as everyone knows me as 'talkative' there. Yet in Uni I generally go a week without a conversation, some days saying nothing, other days just a 'When is x due? Okay thanks'

    He looks so fed up. I love eet. I'm looking forward to this new, free Oddworld RTS that is supposedly in development.


    ...ice cream, yumm...

    Yeah, I know, what gives right? I'm pretty good at talking, problem is I tend to get nervous and natter on and on. I was just in the student eating place (cafeteria) and at the table it occurred to me that ducks gang-rape their females (they have evil cork screw penises so they can't escape) I can't remember why this was relevant to the conversation but I got the look of shame and had to run away to the computer room where I now type. :P

    It's not just penguins, birds man... But, yeah, sex-less, friend-less ENTP in the same club.

    At least we have Elum: http://www.videogame-reviews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Abe_elum3-728x1024.png

    Is Beal Feirste an Irish place? I always assumed you were South American by the name of the place. XD But I keep seeing people describe you as Irish. Funny we might be closer to each other than I thought.
    Well you left me no choice. Would you like ice-cream with your brain scoop? :3

    Hrrrrm. As a friendless, virgin-everything, ENTP who has never been to a club, party or night out and frequently has minor loss of breathing, panic atacks and or just general PHEAR amongst crowds of more than three...

    I can safely say I can be of no help to you there. XD

    OddworlD is just love. :D
    Penguins are cute! How can one fear a creature with such a funny walk?

    Still, pretty cool scars to have. 'Yeah, and this one is from when I was attacked by penguins!' I bet nobody believes you.:)

    Hrm. I quite like the one with the Nun, or the one where he's accussed of being a Racist. XD

    Heh, you'd think it was specific, wouldn't you? Actually it's a cut and paste discipline, composed of Law, Sociology, Psychology, Politics and the odd bit of Forensic science.

    It's intriguing and wonderful right up until you get your reading list, and realise you're the one student who's reading materials happens to be in seven different places around the library, and that you have to compete with nine other courses to get your hands on the books.XD
    I'm fine Puffy! I like this new me! Why revert back now? It brings me joy, and hopefully some others too!:) Love you say?? :D No, only with you my love ;) Perhaps you are thinking about that "date"? :) I had a really good time, and I think she had too, but I don't think it's going to become anything:slashnew: I don't think she is the one to try this relationship thingy out with. I might give it another shot however, and call her up to see whether she is up for another get together, so I can get a better feel for this whole thing :) Thanks for posting on my wall! :)
    Oh ok. Yea, I did not like those other movies (JSA etc) all that much. Oldboy and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance are the movies that really got me liking his work. Some of the movies I listed there aren't horror, but they are all "weird" at least. Something different.
    My fave ongoing series is Bill Willingham's "Fables" (I remember Bill from way back, on Elementals, in the 80's, and his artwork for TSR.... he was my favorite artist.) However, I don't buy the separate issues -- too expensive. I buy the books when they are compiled.

    I read Sandman after it had finished its publishing run. Other favorites include V for Vendetta and Watchmen (I hate the movies, but the books are still ones I read at least once a year). Rising Stars by J. Michael Staczynski was great, as well as his attempt to reboot Squadron Supreme. I also was a big-time fan of Terry Moore's "Strangers in Paradise" and am trying to find the last book or two of his Echo series.
    aGoY is a "female" book vs a more male-styled one, and it's nice to see... especially written by a man. I liked Barbie's development as a character, from a flat person in Doll's House to this very human girl... I mean, she is who she is (beautiful, kind of ditzy, not particularly smart, trying to look artsy/cool but sometimes just coming off as weird, kind of confused about her life, but still very loyal and compassionate and true-hearted). Wanda's great -- she's even very catalyzing in the trans community, half of whom read the story as an insult and half who read it as a compliment.

    I don't read many comics today, but I originally started with Claremont/Byrne's original X-Men run, then eventually quit reading comics off the shelf 7-8 years ago. I still buy and read graphic novels/collections though.
    I have all the Sandman books (plus the extra ones that came out, Death mini-series, etc.). TBH, it's easier to say which ones I didn't like... and typically it's a qualified "didn't like as much AS..." rather than "didn't like at all." I remember not liking the art for The Kindly Ones arc (because it's a more surreal cartoony style), but it eventually really grew on me.... I mean, see my av. I mean, the series only gets better and better, typically, as you go through -- Brief Lives, The Kindly Ones, and The Wake are all very good. Some of the compilation books (World's End) aren't as good because they're just one-shot stories, but still interesting.

    Sandman just has special meaning in my life because of the life lessons I was learning at the time I read it; the books coincided with things I needed to hear and think about, and I'm living out the entire concept of creation/destruction.
    You're welcome Puffy, I liked it myself.

    The new year is just starting, I guess we'll see. Hopefully this one is better than the last, at least there's Dec 21 to look forward to.
    I shall wait and resist the urge to distract you while you...what was you called it again? Work? ;)
    Father Ted<3

    Ah, maybe it's just me then.

    Oh? Really?

    I wish I had been there. It likely would have been the single most amusing, horrifying and/or influential moment of my childhood.

    I hope you have loads of scars you can show off when you're old and Penguins are extinct.

    Uh, Criminology. At least that's what I SHOULD be studying, but hell, why revise when you can watch Youtube videos on Father Ted? :D
    [2] Granted, I have seen some less-than-spectacular behaviour from Lobstrich in some areas, but in all the threads where accusations took place I never saw anything blame-worthy or F-label-worthy.

    Fi is very hard to deal with though. I think they must be one of the most individual types out there - infuriatingly individual, because in some ways you basically can't communicate with them at all.

    Heh. Jeff Goldblum can't be INTP! That looks like the cover of a romance novel, and yet.... he's not dead.
    [1]Is your friend the close one you mentioned before? Or someone else?

    Yes, I agree with what you said about Fi. Hmm, I never found Lobstrich 'unmoving' or easily offended on his type though. I find I encounter the same problem a lot when arguing about something (not even always related to myself) that doesn't make sense to me - basically whenever I challenge someone's argument based on lack of evidence I'm seen as taking it personally. The other side instantly assumes I have an axe to grind and I'm not being objective and my emotions are getting the better of me, etc. It's really annoying because generally I have absolutely no investment one way or the other, but I do object to people putting forth weak arguments like they're gospel truth. *That* does irritate me. But regardless of whether they're humble or not, I'll challenge it if I think it's weak. I thought that's just what T does. :|
    They're not that inaccurate. They just don't have very strong leanings. Some of them guess stuff right on the first go then the aussie misleads them. Meanie.

    My geography sucks too.

    Some of this is hilarious. At least I could name all (most of?) the places.
    It does, doesn't it? I was an impulse, to be honest, since I don't know much about your personal character! Funny how you appreciate something that took so little thought.

    And my avatar is from http://anry.deviantart.com/art/Hello-7397700. And yes, I did have to dig through my history a little bit to find that for you :p
    No need to be so apologetic, I wasn't reacting angrily.:P

    Heh, a lot of the ENTP stereotypes and presumptions are impossible for me to relate to, but so many people have called me one that I can only assume that's what I am.

    Right. I'm trying to not to see any sexual connotations in that description, but I'm having a tough job doing so. o.o
    yes: yes my unintentional contribution is hard to ignore, however Polaris' intentional reply to my previous intentional visitor message, was her way of unintentionally starting this havoc-chain of causality.
    Heh. Hmm, interesting. And I agree with what you said about fraud being creepy.

    I think Bird was an ISFP. Very literal, attention to aesthetics, concrete, world-bound. I do think she had Ni as well, but don't think she led with it. ISFP would explain the initial INFJ typing - Fi can be just as cold and driven as Ni, in some ways. Of course, this is a quite uneducated guess as I barely knew her. But based on others' dealings with her, and dealings with ISFPs, and function pattern and posting, etc, it seems possible.

    Definitely, Fi can be cold. Quite scary, really. Cos it's so individual and so convinced it's right and so unconcerned with what the rest of the world thinks.
    had never thought of that it was 'hi for me' and not 'hi from me' until you so kindly, and indirectly, pointed it out by writing it in the correct way on polaris profile. Thank you for sharing this : )

    (This may have been unintentional on your behalf, but I am pleased with the correction)
    Hai :D

    Uhm, yeah....I am rather distracted (in a very good way) at the moment. I'm just sending some vms now as Min has been kidnapped by my friends while I'm working to go sightseeing for a day....she bought a rather flash camera, so she's busy aiming it at random objects.....such a tourist ;)

    In short; what I am trying to say is that I would like to reply to your pm properly, but need a little more time and focus than I currently have. Minnie and I are actually heading off tomorrow to go (shock-horror).....camping. That should be interesting....personal space and all that will have to go out the window for some time....:kilroy: :D It will be an interesting experiment.

    Ooh! Robotic! Yes, that makes sense. Although with a lot of apparent INTPs, they just seem so vulnerable and lovable. I'm not sure if this is because their emotion is 'raw' or because they're actually mistyped INFPs. Perhaps INTP with a non-functional Fe is essentially as 'unaware' as a Fi user in their expressions - hence the vulnerability.

    When they start using Fe though, it does often look awkward. But then, many people do, for different reasons.... I know Jeff Goldblum in that interview I posted a while back was doing a good job pretending to be charming and charismatic, but I found it all very creepy.

    Lynch didn't seem present in this world at all though. I didn't see her emulating shit. :p
    Heh, that sounds great!

    Things are things, as always. For you? Also, I meant to tell you I relate to you feeling out people's type through 'vibes'. I guess I'm on the wrong channel though - picking up similarities other than type. Or confusing signals. Or podlair's wrong sometimes. Is Evanna Lynch brain-damaged? :O She seemed really, really scatterbrained.
    But I'm an ENTP!:o
    I think.
    I'm a little sick of being told what type I am, I mean, what am I supposed to do with that? Accept my limits and move on?

    You're makin' me want to change it. ;-;
    *slips into Wish/Puffy convo* ^_^

    Agreed. In contrast to so many action-oriented animes, Lain really resonates with the experience of an introverted persona. It has an aura of reverence for what is truly sacred about silence...

    */end nosyness* c.c
    That's an intriguing point about Kubrick's political compass being hard to discern one movie to the next - I just don't know how well that holds up under the adapted plots he churned out. The books themselves tend to be pretty biased. I'd say Full Metal Jacket is probably the most politically ambiguous (and best) of his war movies, whereas Dr. Stangelove is his most ideologically straight shooting, and Clockwork Orange is somewhere in the center. Yeah, Peter Sellers (with his dozen or so roles) probably saved Lolita. It's definitely not in my top three Kubrick movies, but considering the censorship limitations, I'd say he did pretty well. The innuendos and hints can by trying and ridiculous on repeat viewings though.
    The atmosphere in that series is wonderful. Unfortunately, the only series (that I've seen) that has had as powerful an atmosphere was Mushishi (no action), and the only series that has made me feel so strongly without being able to explain why was Neon Genesis Evangelion (yes action).

    And neither of them are similar to Lain (okay, maybe NGE a bit).

    I'm going to pretend this was the first episode of my uninformed-blathering, anime-discussing, imaginary internet show From the Well.

    (The picture was drawn by retired forumite Glove/Preilemus)
    Ah it matters little now.
    I'm fond of infrequent and vaguely detailed expressions on isolated internet forums.

    Good for the soul.
    Good call on Spartacus: I totally dismissed that one from Kubrick's canon. That movie, from what I've heard, was a power struggle with Marlon Brando and sort of an abandoned ship situation that Kubrick helped salvage. It seemed homoerotic from the snippets that I saw; I may have to watch it from abject curiosity soon though.

    You didn't care for Lolita? Maybe it will take another viewing...I read Nabokov's reaction to the movie and he was pretty thrilled. He talked about writing the script patrician poolside on index cards and contacting Kubrick by phone to rehash parts.

    With Lynch, The Straight Story was actually a Disney film that he made...it was pretty good. My favorite would be Blue Velvet though...as cliche as that sounds. That movie has a feel to it that I haven't seen recreated - leisurely, funny, detective-like, unhinged, beautiful, commercial, serene, and horrific.
    Yeah I would say The Shining is my personal favorite - that said, his most polished, thought provoking film is probably a toss-up between 2001 and A Clockwork Orange.

    Kubrick never made the same film twice. David Lynch, when pressed to pick his favorite Kubrick movie, basically said all of Kubrick's flicks qualify for his top ten - I can't really improve on that aside from stipulating almost every movie after The Killing is important to watch at least once.

    I am so jealous of the writers he was able to work with - Clarke, Nabokov, King, Burgess, etc. Nabokov was probably a snob, but that would be pretty special to work and talk with him. And I would gladly let Kubrick kick my ass in a game of chess.
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