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  • Oh, I really should have told you. I assumed you knew. The cat acts as emergency rations. So...you know...lets skin the hungry little bastard and have some dinner!

    Also, yeah, I just sort of turn to stone from time to time so I don't always notice the passage of such things as time and the universe.

    Tell you what, I'll get out and shoot some local Texans (they are considered Big Game where I come from) and we can forget about the cat yeah?
    I work from observation when I'm trying to learn how to draw something like a texture or a strange shape, otherwise 99% of what I do is from imagination.
    Looking up drawing guides and how-tos never hurts, and most drawing styles share the same fundamental principles which you'll have to learn sooner or later. Just don't think you can pick up someone else's style exactly the way they do it, no matter how easy they make it look in a step by step guide.
    I started drawing with pencil and sometimes ink. If you are looking for a place to start- pencil is standard. It's generally easier to start off with a black and white medium like that to learn all the basics.
    You can teach yourself, it just requires great discipline and honesty with the results of each attempt. Use photos or direct observation, and use all the tools you possibly can to make it look right.
    Ah, thanks Puffs, for soiling my profile with your mindless violence....

    Quote Puffy:

    "(We take turns locking each other in basements, strapping them to wheelchairs and then pushing them down hills on fire.) It made me read the books which were just as fun. (:"


    When I said I suspected a "darker undercurrent", I didn't exactly have pyromaniacal-wheelchair-sadism in mind...:eek:

    You are full of surprises, Puffy....

    I like horror movies without too much gore. For example, the Spanish movie "The Orphanage" is the sort of "horror" that I like. But endless butchery and guts and stuff just grosses me out. And I also like the Japanese horror-genre, they are really creepy.
    My tattoo will scare him off....it is a......LIZARD, dun-dun-dun-duuuuh.

    That clip makes me want to see the movie again. Although I cannot remember much of it, except I really liked Ralph Fiennes in that role. What did you think of the movie?

    I did receive your kitteh pic......I just forgot to mention it *blush*

    She is adorable, btw.

    Perfect dragon-bait.


    And yeah, this guy: :D

    Sometimes he makes me wanna :mad:

    But then he's kind of :angel:

    So I :confused: and then I'm just like :slashnew:,

    cus after all hes just a bit of :D

    Hurrah, I'm a person. A mad one. Welcome to the club...

    Yeah, that painting is having an effect for sure...I am strangely obsessed with it.

    I need more Kittehs for the sacrificial offering to the mighty dragon.

    Otherwise I'm afraid he shall consume me...one bite for each of his seven heads...

    Bring me kittens....yikes....:phear:
    I am the most useless of useless......


    I shall now reply to your PM from....some time ago.

    *crouches in the front of the canoe*

    I like frogs. The cat likes them too. Says they are tasty. :D
    *crawls in*

    Got anything soft and is easily eaten via a plastic straw?

    I'll just be over here. *snuggles cat*
    Oh, 120 Days of Sodom is one of those movies I've been trying over the course of several years to get the courage to watch.
    Life without the internet? I lived without the internet for the first 50 years of my life - so it was a new experience for me. I find that I have been forced back into the cruel world or the dark recesses of my own mind to find entertainment. The only mark I shall leave upon the world at my passing is that which I have posted upon the internet - so I do miss that. I believe I still have things to say and messages to share...
    There's a cat taken up residence on my left arm making my typing abilities less than optimal. I'll keep it short.

    1. If that is a scene from Antichrist I want to see it even more!

    2. I hope I didn't give you unwanted spoilers with Battle Royale. It's an oddly difficult version to find. It's virtually impossible to find in the States which would normally not pose much of a problem...you know...piracy. BUT even out on the vast interwebs it's difficult to find. People are terrible about not tagging things properly and I have yet to find a digital copy.

    3. Oh I totally agree that viewing a film alone as apposed to in a group changes the experience drastically. I cry when alone and allow myself to feel more connected to characters when I'm alone. In a group I'm more lighthearted and tend to not take films as seriously. At the same time there are things I'm comfortable with viewing alone but I can't hardly sit through when in a group. It's an interesting dynamic.
    Oh, ok, the history does help with the context. You know, people do say Old/New Testament a lot, and being that the collections are historic literature, it does take away from the culture. I never looked at it that way before.

    Not sure about Logic, wasn't in the loop. Mostly school on my end, but it's not really much that I could talk about.
    The KJV of Genesis and about half of Exodus I've read. Otherwise just various excerpts I've selectively read or have come across. I use the knowledge as an occasional guideline but I'm not tied to a religion; an infidel :phear:.

    I do remember that you've experimented with religion, you probably have a stronger grip on material than me. Right?
    Found a torrent I can get "Dreams" off. Go me! :D

    It is indeed sad. I'm all for artistic freedom and stuff, but the guy who made that piece of crap and called it "A Serbian Film"... :beatyou:
    Oh well...
    So, what were you researching when you typed "Serbia" into Google? :)
    The trance-style writing you're describing is basically how I compose, it's also how I'm writing a lot of my longer messages on here (this message for example, is written as fast as I can type, it's pretty much straight channeling from my Nai into my Xyy).

    Dreams and dream interpretation is awesome for Nai and Xyy. Nai itself is very close to dreaming when done awake, it's why we keep spacing out, we're doing extreme daydreaming with our Nai and detaching from the Vyy (~Se) environment.
    Nai'xyy that either don't have a regular connection to their U'ther or don't get to put forth into the world and interact enough using their Nai (especially in expressing it to other people through their Xyy) tend to have a lot of anger issues (that are often dealt with using alcohol and such). The Nai'xyy's Nai&Xyy is turmoil if it's not channeled into something that compliments that realm, it's all this energy that's begging us to do something with it, to have the endurance to pursue it, even if it means leaving everything we previously thought was true, or what we feel pressured around us to do (via Christianity or whatever else).
    Puffy, you sound like a self-aware Nai'xyy, everything you said in Artsu's wall I can relate to as well, although I don't like doing the superficial calm playing style. I am honestly kinda cagey in real life though, though I do it more Peter-pan style.

    Yes, just using Zai (~Ti) to control your emotions creates a false sense of "I feel kinda sedated" but there's this weird draining energy that comes from a dissassociated-like energy. If you do art or passionately investigate history, you might notice how different the "calm" sedate state is from that kind of inspirational passion that we're famous for. The inspirational passion's flipside is deep anger, and without addressing your Nai's need to really investigate and do weird things with your Xyy, after a while it really boils over.
    I won't totally de-emphasise Ti, I just want to take it out of the foreground, i.e. away from Ni. It's perhaps a bit drastic, but I feel it's inevitably going to happen, so it's better sooner than later.
    I remember what it was now. You've achieved a state of being which is both calm and energised, which is a good place to be. I've decided to try and jump over there, but the journey may be a bit chaotic.
    I would like to see this "Identity" thread of which you speak. When I was in junior high or so I went through a small religious crisis and then fiddled around with the idea of spirituality for a while. Now I'm wholly not religious. I'd like to see what your journey was like.

    Umm...you know, if you don't mind elaborating.
    Not sure now, I barely remember writing it. But I think I know what I meant. I'm, according to myself, INFJ but I realised I am totally lacking in a feeling side. You were the first person that came to mind apparently. How did you develop the feeling side? Did it always come naturally to you, or were there gradual epiphanies, or what. so confus
    Hi Brad, I appreciate the message you left me a few months back, I'm sorry I haven't responded to it yet, I've been busy with life. I anticipate the busyness dying down here in the next little bit, so I should be able to fully devote my mind to answering your questions within the next month or so, just to let you know. Cheers,
    Ah, cool that you went to the basecamp:) even if it's quite far from the summit it must still have been quite the experience. I'll probably take a look at those pictures next time I'm on facebook.

    I haven't watched elephant man actually. I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't watch my first David Lynch film until very recently. It was blue velvet, a movie which I very much enjoyed, so I'm looking forward towards checking out elephant man:)

    Regarding Taxi Driver, I watched it around one year ago and, if I remember correctly, I didn't enjoy it too much.. strange considering how well the movie was received. My favorite film with Robert De Niro is "once up on a time in america" by far. If I would have to make a top ten all time movie list, I think that would be on top.

    Hope you are all well!:) oh, and how did the poker go?
    Hi, sorry for the late reply. My grandmother is on her death bed, so I had to visit her.

    The band plays argentine tango (piazzolla). I had to improvise on quite a lot of tunes. Why don't you like improvising? I've gotta say that I enjoy being able to express myself in the moment, not having to play the same things over and over every time. At it's best it also allows for some nice communication on a musical level with the other band mates, one that doesn't occur in the same way at all in non-improvative music. However, it can be really frustrating as well.. when things doesn't sound good and if the band doesn't play well together. Now that I'm not practicing much, but even before as well, it was a rare occurrence being able to say that I was really satisfied with a particular improvisation. Even if it only happened once every month or so though, I still would think it was worth it because of the amount of pleasure that particular instance gave me.
    Hehe...competitive you are...I can relate. Arch-nemesis..? Sounds intriguing....

    Congratulations :)

    Your posts are different. Then it's interesting how everyone have their own "character" here. If you removed your avatar (which I love), and username, I would still be able to identify you. Same with many other forumers. All these similar personalities, but yet with such distinct characters.

    Kittens, yes!

    No, thank Heavens...I don't live on campus. I share a house with a nutter ENTP....that is enough.

    I would like to do some more modules in chemistry and possibly soil science or even a random physics subject....I'm so scattered at the moment. Too many possibilities are restricting me....paradoxically. And I would have to study these by distance, which is putting me off. I love the lectures, the learning environment. The opportunity to have a dialogue.

    I think history is a wonderful subject. You are right, the "Past" is an important reference point. You are clever to incorporate so many aspects into your studies. I hear people say how "restrictive" history can be, but all you need is a little creativity and an open mind.

    What do you think you will do with your studies eventually? Where do you see yourself heading? Or are you like me; vague idea, but nothing definite? Is yours an open arts degree?
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