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  • Mr. Yeti, the asshole thread got me thinking, have you ever actually been in love?
    I don't mean loving someone, or having your sexual or other needs met, I mean, crazy, irrational - in love.
    I'm not sure if I can see you being in love :confused:
    It seems dreadfully tiresome, to tell you the truth, all this being a jerk, and being dominant,and having set demands and expectations, and always having them met - seems more like a comfy pair of slippers then a thrilling experience.
    Am I wrong?
    Lmao, I was kidding yeti (:
    it's just something the forum
    randomly does.
    Sometimes someone IMs me and tells me what
    a sociopath I am and tells me about how horrible
    I am. I don't know who they are and every time
    they use a different screen name. It's been
    happening for months.
    This is a tendency, not a rule. My son would dance with you. So would some men smaller than you or so close your height that they don't judge the difference big enough. I probably wouldn't due to the fact I dislike dancing, though. I'd get you a drink instead.
    I think I understand your criticism - why do you dislike comments that remind you of your younger self?

    In terms of typology. I think everyone takes it differently but I come from the more JCF perspective that each type has a set of dominant functions. An INTP's main function is Ti, then Ne-Si-Fe. I was asking, if you relate to Te more, whether you might be of a personality type that has Te in its top two functions?

    That would be either INTJ (Ni-Te-Fi-Se), ENTJ (Te-Ni-Se-Fi), ISTJ (Si-Te-Fi-Ne) or ESTJ (Te-Si-Ne-Fi)

    I'm not the type of person to impose a description on someone, I just thought I'd suggest it if you were ever curious to look into it.
    Have you ever considered you might have Te as opposed to Ti?

    This is not to call in to question your 'logic' capacity as I believe Te and Ti are both just as logical functions as each other. It is more that I see Te as associated with 'empirical' logic which you have displayed a lot throughout your time here. The recent one being with the 'cup' example.

    Ti is more subjective logic, an example of it being displayed being in the question of assumptions. This is something you have never liked when people do in discussions. You said you don't like people who question 'labels' for example on the 'death metal' thread.

    Te admires adherance to rules, such as the laws of logic, which might be a possible explanation for the nuisance you find in people questioning labels you see as accepted, etc.

    It just popped into my mind when I was reading that thread. Sorry if I am being intrusive. I hope your day goes well.
    Tiring. My company is preparing to deploy, so we've had long days every work day for the past month.
    besides hearing about boobs all the time is annoying. There's nothing special about them. It's just testostrone talking. Us guys need to learn to control it, like how I have.
    I'm going to avoid debate right now and make a notation of how a all nighter can cause my skill with rhetoric to decline. Trust me try me when i'm not tired, i'm alot more charming.
    Oh shit. That sucks. I'll be sure to watch out for him. Granted, I know nothing else about him, but any O3 or below who looks creepy to me, I won't trust.
    No. I know him personally. Hes an officer there. Rapist, 1st degree assault, child abuse, and through lies and having his army buddies cover for him he has kept his job and actually got a recent promotion.
    lol. you're such a smartass. I like that. Let me re-phrase the question then. How much longer will you be stationed in Ft. Carson and do want to go or don't you?
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