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  • Let's just face it: I have all these profile views because you think I'm a cute female.
    *shrug* I'm just happy that I don't have to ask my parents for money.

    Ni = Most likely to either bounce a bullet off three walls and take out its target or shoot itself in the foot.
    I read your comment in this thread.

    I had the feeling you did this in the nicest way possible:

    I had a Zizek phase back in the day, mostly because he was funny. I don't know how much substance there is there, but he's pretty lucid in his writing.
    Hahaha that's a pretty lame action figure.

    Did you see Zizek plagiarized a white nationalist blog? Where's my popcorn?
    ahh yes... Alexander's work :worship:

    When I'm in the right headspace and have done the reading, I'd love to discuss it. Even if it means tracking you down in some strange future :D

    It's interesting how, from purely physical and mathematical beginnings, he describes the evolution of his understanding of design to encompass the relationship of form and the human 'spirit'. He came to it as a kind of inexorable culmination to all his empirical and rational study. Which is one reason I have so much respect for this man. Just an amazing being.

    If only I could live to build the human habitat as he theorises... the world as I see it!
    I deny all accusations that I'm anything at all! I don't spread lies only love.

    An Ni duel sounds really tempting, does my Ni get to touch yours? :)
    I barefoot trod on a slug and am scraping slug slime off of it with my nails. Gross.
    Movies...there are so many and I'll bet a movie aficionado like yourself probably knows many of these titles but here are a few (some of them are really old but still a fav): My Life as a Dog, Whale Rider, About a Boy, Pride and Prejudice, The Importance of Being Earnest, American Beauty, Rashomon, The Gods Must Be Crazy, Raging Bull, Das Boot, Laurence of Arabia, The Philadelphia Story, The Red Shoes, The Last Picture Show, Zorba the Greek, Sex, Lies and Videotape, The Trip, Groundhog Day... Ok, gonna stop now ha!

    The movie you mentioned on a thread with a young Malcolm McDowell (in a similar role to Clockwork Orange) is the film I was thinking of trying out:)
    Easier said than done.

    What makes you want to join that masturbatathon? Not saying I haven't had similar career aspirations in the past, cause I have. And sometimes I still catch myself daydreaming in that direction. It's amazing how conditioned I've been to plan my life toward further education as if it were a safe port in a storm, rather than an overpriced racket.
    Because people actually see garbage like that as the apex of humanistic achievement.

    We're fucked.
    Ha! No I did not expect be grilled on literature. It was just a silly notion floating around my head. I will check out the link. Thanks.
    Thanks Puffy! What a lovely thing to say. Most gratifying:) BTW, your avatar alway makes me want to get in that scene and sit in that comfy chair with a good book and enjoy the view from the window.

    I occupy myself with interesting life experiences followed by the boredom of sedate life
    followed by my own mischief- making that begets life experiences. I can't get out of my hamster wheel:) Ni, of course weaves in and out, comes and goes...I find this forum to be good fodder and inspiration for my Ni musings. Perhaps you do too?
    I'll have to catch that movie you recommended. I'm a big fan of great (and really bad-it's-so-good!) film.
    Dibs on an autographed copy :p

    I appreciate it, but it was honestly a relief that she passed.
    So related to that topic, are you an artist, a scholar, or both?

    And it's a basketball metaphor. Guess that's not as big a sport on your side of the pond.
    Oh the destruction of mankind is most certainly still on the table.

    And I would say writing is more my core talent rather than interest. If I'm going to write I need discipline and life experience.

    What sort of conferences are you aiming for?
    SUPERMAN!!! NOoOoOoOoOOooOOO!!!!

    And here we were talking about the glory of old comics. ;) ... some of them are a little crazy in themselves. Just makes me wonder about the cultural mindset they were being marketed towards. It's interesting.
    Oh, and I saw this dreadful vintage graphic from an old Marvel comic on FB today. I still don't know whether I should bust out laughing or be entirely mortified:

    EDIT: Alas, I finally did track down the source -- Cap America 176 -- and it was doctored from "solid advice."

    But there's a bunch of undoctored ones here:

    I miss the days when it all newer.... when Frank Miller was doing his run on Daredevil with Elektra and Bullseye, and then moved on to do Sin City (which was pretty fresh at the time). It was fun to see Mike Mignola have a rather lackluster Marvel career... then suddenly started doing Hellboy and he was suddenly a big name. Or Alan Davis started doing stuff in the US for Marvel. Or when Jim lee and Rob Liefield took off finally, and anime started filtering into western comic art... it was kind of an exciting time. But I'm kind of bored now with comics. I mostly just read graphic novels, like Fables.
    I was in college at the time and working at a comic book store one night a week, without a lot of business coming in. So I would sit there for 3-4 hours in the evening and read back issues until it was time to lock up. :)

    they're working on a Sandman movie now, but I'm kinda on pins and needles -- the bar is set so high, and I don't know to reasonably put the events of 75 issues into a two-hour movie. I wonder what they'll focus on and what story they'll tell.

    I just don't get into comics too much today. There's too much out there and much of it looks alike to me. I loved it when the comic book movies finally started to be half-decent, and now I feel like there is a glut.
    Oh. My. God.

    I need to look for that. I think I read some of it back in the 80's, but I ran across a discussion of it the other day and wanted to see if I could find some of the issues again.

    What a great heads-up! Thanks. :)

    The bears are evolving. Soon they will have force powers and will enslave the galaxy.
    That cat has some pretty eyes! I made a squee sound when I saw them.

    Also 6th image: "ey gurrrl" :D
    It was very strange. But I sympathized with Guido, aside from his infidelity, and enjoyed the disjointed flashbacks. And the creative frustration resounded with me as well. I also just liked that picture of Mastroianni haha.
    I don't know much about Ni. All I know is that I experience these "out of the blue" answers frequently when I am doing something. For instance, I could be talking about any given thing and all of sudden I would say a word that fits into the context of the conversation that I'm having but besides that it is mystery. Usually there is no recollection of what the word means, how to spell it, or where I got it from. The dictionary is my best friend in these situations partially because it verifies that somethings not wrong with me and because it continues to stick around unlike the people I have this weird moment with.

    I also have an issue with spontaneity. I can't do anything without at least having some rough idea of what will happen or what I am to expect. Hence, the reason I think Ni has to something to do with causes and the probability of possible effects occurring.

    Auburn told me that I had high Fe (probably NiFe) and I thought that it was time to face the facts.
    Yes, I wondered if you had had an experience similar to this description. Do you have a vision as of now? And when you say vision are you also including worldview or do you think global/all-inclusive prospectives have little to do with what Ni is?

    What is your occupation? As I was snooping through your stuff, I found out that you read avidly, enjoy blogging, and talk about what some would think to be strange ideas. What are you trying to get a PhD in?
    Hello Puffy. We both knew it would happen one day.....

    Does this ring true for you as the explanation of the famous Ni-Ti loop?

    "Ni keeps on trying to switch perspectives, while the Ti keeps trying to look for consistencies and inconsistencies. This is ultimately a fruitless endeavor, because anything can be internally consistent, but just not workable in the real world. They are somewhat incompatible and generate stress through inconsistency without the Fe or Te to step in and define the Ni a little more clearly so that the Ti can make sense of it." - Misha from PerCafe
    I apologize for not getting back to you before now. I had not noticed your message. I like Stephen Mitchell's version. He's not overly floofy with his translation.

    Currently I'm working my way through everything by Robert Burns. I live in the irrational fear someone will grill me on him while I'm in Edinburgh. My husband asked me to tell him what his favorite poem or song should be if anybody asks him. Apparently my silly fear is contagious. :D

    I love Burns' lack of pretention. He can be serious and everything I've read so far has had some self awareness to it but he's never pretentious.

    Anyway, I wonder what I should chew through next?
    I have nothing against the medium itself.
    I am revolted by the crass commercialism and fetishism surrounding it.
    I let its chthonic waters wash over me.

    You can either weep as the world burns or toast marshmallows.
    Pardon my lack of response, you may have happened to notice that I tend to stay a few days and post prolifically, and then leave for at least a month.

    I have been... good enough, I suppose. I got a shitty minimum wage job toward the beginning of last semester and have since done basically no better in any of my classes then before I got it. I like to blame time, you know? But really, I am good.

    How are you?
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