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  • Kabbalistic philosophy:

    "The mandate of the whole of Creation is stated almost immediately. They translate it as 'Let there be light'. Instead, read, 'It should become Light'.
    Meaning that all the world --even the darkness-- should become a source of light and wisdom. All the world's problems stem from light being withheld. Our job then, is to correct this. Wherever we find light, we must rip away its casings, exposing it to all, letting it shine forth to the darkest ends of the earth. When light pushes away the darkness, eventually another darkness shall come. When the darkness itself is transformed into light, it is a light that no darkness can oppose."
    Where is the text in your signature from? Did you write it? After I read it I couldn't take my mind off of it. Those words remind me of something...
    So, we meet again, then? Not that I ever expected to be away from you for so long anyway...
    Hey there Nil.

    Sorry I never got back to you before, it is pretty poor of me. There has been a lot of bad developments in the last few months which have put me in a bit of a depression. I'm finding it difficult to motivate myself to do much.

    But on that cheery note, how are you doing?
    Though, how do you kill the Self and how would it kill the body?

    Oh and I was thinking about your type again...

    Alpha -Fe = mood of the object against the subject = aggressive
    Beta +Fe = mood of the subject against the object = depressive

    Beta -Ni = idealism of the object against the subject = projection
    Gamma +Ni = idealism of the subject against the object = introspection

    All signs point towards IEI...
    It is the silence which drowns out all music, and the darkness which drowns out all light. Yet we do not need eyes to see or ears to hear. Everything must become subject to that which is Greatest.
    I am painting flower pots.
    It would be sweet of you
    to give me a hand.
    I don't know.
    It's a song.

    My father goes through my things.
    It makes me furious. I want to cry.
    I hate not having privacy.
    There was an old lady who swallowed
    a fly. I don't know why she swallowed
    a fly, perhaps she'll die.
    Profane this temple.

    Your words have fallen on deaf ears. This will run its course.
    Time is infinite and was infinite. Perhaps a non-contradictory answer to universal origin would be infinity. I understand there is relationship between time and space, but I think time can exist in layers in that there is "objective(nonrelative) time."
    I was just thinking about personal determinism again. What would happen if one knew the determined future(regardless of the complications) and one tried to change it? I'm thinking the deterministic reality's rules would be bended and it would result into chaos(which is impossible); therefore, knowledge of the future would have been impossible in the first place.

    The idea that the universe's origins is "0=1" wherein some entity initialized the first effect represents man's assumption that the universe has to have some origin. Does logic demand causality? It does but it also expresses its disdain for the "causeless effect" hypothesis. In this case, Logic is its own contradiction.
    In conclusion, rules(logic) exist because the existence of "object" is axiomatic.

    If we stepped further, the question becomes "which objects exists?" By logic, the self exists. By further logic, external reality exists. And finally, the question becomes "which external reality exists?" Which point of view is objective? Which is the correct "answer"? the correct vision? What is the answer to these inputs known as sensations?
    Logic brings organization. It is the constitution of the cosmos.

    No constitution, no cosmos. No cosmos, chaos.

    I'm not sure how I came up with "chaos therefore, nothing." I have to think about this. Perhaps I was suggesting that chaos *brings forth* nothing. There is no development or evolution. Reality becomes permanently stuck in making the first assumption.

    If there is anything unclear or invalid, please do not hesitate to ask or correct.
    thank you for your questions.

    First, I'll try to separate "nothing" from "absolute nothing". I define "nothing" as the condition or status of anything that preludes the absence of everything within a given limitation. "Nothing" is an abstract *thing*. 0(nothing) exists within certain limitations, on the other hand, absolute 0 does not exist. It is a contradiction in itself in that the status cannot exist without its own existence---if that makes any sense. "Absolute nothing" are two words that inherently represent an impossible scenario---a something. There cannot be a something and a nothing at the same time, hence there cannot be "absolute nothing."
    How about this?

    Without logic, there is chaos.

    If there is chaos, there is nothing.

    Evidently there are some things, hence there is logic presiding.

    Is the assumption that nothing exists in the universe valid? Isn't "nothing" a "thing" as well?
    Ah. Wait.

    We should approach logic, relationship and causation first, correct?

    How do I prove the validity of logic?
    Let us approach this "no knowledge" premise.

    Let's begin with the self. Doesn't my thinking prove the knowledge of my existence?
    I don't think so. For some odd intuition, I feel that "free-will" is essentially an axiom. What do you think about personal determinism? Or, what do you feel about it?

    What I like about economic determinism is that it simplifies and links all social theory---an often perceived chunk of abstraction. (How many "laws" are there in social science?) The economy predicts the entire political system, and the "stages" of society is analogous to the cell cycle in that politics simply becomes a "biological body." To think of non-physical systems as physical systems is pretty new to me. In addition, the boundary between nature and nurture becomes blurrier.
    Where did you get the idea from then?

    Aren't there alternate explanations as to the origins of the universe?
    Why mention "uncaused cause"?

    The point is: I think If you do not believe in an objective foundation, then you should not believe in in an effect without a cause. Do you see the relationship or am I seeing nothing?
    I am not sure what that would make you but I have questions about your earlier statements. Why do you believe in the "uncaused cause." And what is the uncaused cause?
    The deterministic point of view does not sound well to me. But denying this view means denying causation. It means that you can have "effects" without "causes". 0 = 1 . Things pop out of "nothing". It sounds crazy, doesn't it? Yet why do I subscribe to it?

    What about you? How have your beliefs developed?
    Skype. Yahoo. Whatever is available.

    I don't think the amount of knowledge is relevant anyways. We can search for definitions if we reach the realm of unknowns. The important factor is interest. curiosity. I think you have enough of that.
    Hi. I would like to talk about politics. Are you interested? In addition, Would you accept a real-time chat invitation?
    Creation... destruction. You think you are creating, but instead you are only destroying. In your systematizing and planning you are producing nothing but chaos. Get out.
    Lol I like messges from people I don't know. It balances out the obligatory discourse I try to avoid like the plague.
    I am not sure what idealism or realism is. I definitely also know there is external reality. The knowledge of self-existence demands it. I believe we are already accessing it.

    Actually, I am not sure what I'm talking about.
    That depends on whether the information we 'intercept'(subjectivized) are truly "objects" or not. Since the supposed "objects"(common definition of objects which includes "cars, toys etc.") are still subjected to our perception, information we intercept are still subjective information. For example, by imagination, a dog may be perceived by a man as a cat; hence, he perceives "false object". But one object I personally consider as "pure object" is our own existence. "I think, therefore I am." Our existence may be subjected to many varieties in terms of how it is existing, but it is still there nonetheless.

    (I hate my english.)
    To exist in a completely objective world would be to not exist at all, because you are a "subject". But to live in a world where there are "objects" is possible.
    Even if it does make sense, I cannot make sense of it clearly. I wish definitions were easier on the eyes and on the brains.
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